Disclaimer: SM owns all things Twilight.

A/N: Hey Everyone,

I read a few stories like this so I decided to try and write one mself. My favourite Twilight Wife Swap is "Wife Swap: Cullen vs Clyne" by xoCullen4everxo. I recommend it to anyone that likes reading wife swap fan fictions.

Acceptance and a video

Emmett POV

"Yay" I heard Alice say from upstairs. I was lying on the couch with Rosalie lying on top of me and we were both watching a car race. I heard the postman at the mailbox.

"Emmett, we're in. It starts in a week." Alice told me.

"Yes, woo-hoo," I yelled. We did it; we would be on national television.


"Alice, you're a genius, we should so do it," I said. Everyone except Edward, were out hunting so now was the perfect time. Alice and I were signing our family up for Wife Swap.

"It's okay, I already filled out the form," Alice told me.

"This is such a stupid idea, don't even think about it." Edward said, "Esme and Carlisle will be so mad." I rolled my eyes. Party pooper, I thought dryly.

"Edward, come on, it's worth a shot. It'll be so much fun," Alice whined. I got what she was doing; we would annoy Edward into letting us do it.

"Please Eddie boy, it'll be great," I said emphasizing the 'Eddie.'

"Don't call me that," he replied and he came downstairs from his room.

"Edward, don't be a baby," I said.

"Fine, but if anything happens, you two get the blame, alright," He finally agreed.

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou," Alice squealed, "you have to promise that you won't tell anybody about this, okay?" Alice asked.

"Fine," he said.

End Flashback

"Em, what's Alice talking about? What starts in a week?" Rose asked suspiciously. "Well, Alice and I kind of signed up for Wife Swap," I said grinning. "Cool huh," I said.

"Emmett, how could you?" Rose asked. "What a stupid thing to do," Rose said angrily.

"Hey, it was Alice's idea, and besides, Edward agreed," I said hoping that some of the blame would be shifted onto someone else.

"You knew about this?" I heard Bella screeching at Edward from upstairs.

"What's going on?" Nessie asked, confused as she and Jacob walked in.

"We're going to be on Wife Swap," I said excitedly.

"Yay, that sounds like fun. I love that show," Ness squealed.

"See, she likes my ideas," I said to Rose, pouting slightly.

"Oh no, you are not using my niece against me, neither are you using that face." My Rosie said stubbornly. "You are going to be in so much trouble with Esme and Carlisle, I can't wait to see that," she added.

"Whatever, I don't care, it will be a blast,' I said and ran out to the mailbox to get the acceptance letter. There were magazines for Alice and Rose, a few bills, a letter for Carlisle and a thick envelope from Wife Swap. I ran in the door, threw the other stuff on the table and started to rip open the thick envelope. Despite their outrage at what Alice and I had done; everyone was still curious to see the envelope. They all crowded around me as I opened it and began to read.

Dear Mr Cullen,

I am pleased to inform you that here at Wife Swap we loved your application letter and video and that you have been selected to participate in the next episode. Your wife; Esme, will be swapping with the McClain family from New York City. The cameras will be at your house by eight o'clock in the morning on Monday the 17th of January to start filming. Your wife will be escorted to New York and will leave at nine o'clock.


Michael Sherman,


"Wait until Esme and Carlisle find out, you are going to be in so much trouble," Bella said.

"No we won't, it's a good idea," I said. "They are going to love it."

An hour later Esme and Carlisle were on the couch waiting for Alice and me to tell them the big news.

"Okay Alice, what did you want to talk about?" Carlisle asked.

"Emmett, you tell them," she said.

"Well mum, dad," I began, "Alice and I signed us up for Wife Swap and we got in. They sent us the acceptance letter today. It starts in one week on Monday," I said.

Carlisle and Esme froze. Exactly three minutes later Esme came around.

"What!" she exploded. I cowered away; Esme when she's angry is not fun. "Emmett, how could you do such a stupid thing, do you know how dangerous this is? Do you realise that you have now risked our exposure to humans?" she asked me.

"Hey, it was Alice's idea," I said. Esme turned from me to Alice and started on her.

"Alice, I thought you were smarter than this, why would you do something so ridiculous?" Esme asked.

"Well, we thought that we needed to get out of our comfort zone and be adventurous," she said.

"I meant it as a rhetorical question," Esme said. She was so furious she was almost snarling.

"Edward agreed to do it," Alice said shifting the blame onto someone else. Once again Esme wheeled around and faced Edward. It was clear that if someone didn't act fast, Edward would probably be going without an arm for a few days.

"Jasper," Bella said.

"Oh, right," Jasper said and I immediately felt calm and peaceful.

"Esme, sweetheart, sit down," Carlisle said. "Emmett, I want to see that letter," he said sharply. I handed him the sheets of paper and he read them quickly.

"What's this about a video?" he asked.

"Well, I sort of made a video to go with the application," I said.

"Emmett, go and get this tape, I want to see it," Carlisle said. I ran and got a copy of the video and placed it in the DVD player. I turned on the TV and pressed play.

Carlisle POV

Emmett had just told us he had signed us up for the reality TV show Wife Swap. This was the worst idea he had ever had. And that's saying something. I loved my son but this time he had gone too far. Did he realise the danger he was putting us all in? I thought, but then again, it's Emmett, he never thinks before he does something. I was mostly disappointed with Alice and Edward. Alice was smarter than that, why would she give this sort of idea to Emmett? And Edward, I was shocked. The fact that he would go along with this and not tell us about it? It was unbelievable. I sent Emmett to get a copy of the DVD he had made to see exactly how much trouble he had gotten us into.

He came back and pressed play on the DVD player.

"Hello, I am Doctor Carlisle Cullen" A voice very similar to my own said. "Together, with my wife Esme, I adopted eight children; Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Isabella, Renesmee and Jacob." The camera was circling the house and as it made its way into the house it cut to an image of Jasper in his room.

"This is my son Jasper Hale; he is 18 years old and has emotional issues. He loves reading and is currently in a serious relationship with Alice." The scene then cut to a picture of Alice walking into the house with at least 15 shopping bags of different brands.

"Alice is 17 years old and is a complete shopaholic and despite her size; she can be very volatile."

The video showed Edward sitting at his piano.

"This is Edward, he is 17 and he is in a relationship with Isabella. Edward is in a depressed teenager stage." The clip then cut to Bella sitting alone in the bedroom she shared with Edward.

"This is Isabella, but she prefers to be called Bella. She is 17 and also a depressed teenager." The "My voice" said.

On the screen was Rosalie and she was underneath her BMW in the garage.

"This is Rosalie Hale; she is 18 years old and is Jasper twin. She is currently dating Emmett, the stud in our family. In her spare time she likes to shop and work with cars."

"This is Emmett, he is 18 and he is extremely funny and enjoys spending time with Rosalie; his girlfriend." There was a short clip of Emmett, showing his bulging muscles.

"This is Renesmee she is the youngest child in our family at the age of 11 and she has an extremely close bond to Jacob who is 21." There was a picture of Renesmee and Jacob playing checkers at the coffee table in the lounge room.

"Then there is my wife Esme; she enjoys gardening and interior designing. Esme is a house wife and occasionally works for an interior designer. Esme takes care of everything around the house."

The video was now filming Esme working in our front garden. The camera then filmed in my office watching me work at my desk.

"Last of all, me, I am a Doctor at the local hospital and I am a workaholic. I love my job and I spend as much time at work as possible." The DVD ended and there was silence for about a second before the accusations and arguing started.

"I do not have emotional issues," Jasper said loudly
"I am not a shopaholic and I am not volatile" Alice screamed.

"We are not depressed teenagers," Edward and Bella said together, equally outraged.

"I was in there for like two seconds; that is so unfair," Jacob whined.

"Emmett, I am not a workaholic," I said.

"I thought it was fine," Rosalie said.

"Yeah, me too," Renesmee added.

"That's only because you weren't made to look like an idiot," Jasper said.

"Hey, I worked really hard on that DVD, it took a lot of effort and concentration to make. Instead of moping around and complaining, you could all be thanking me," Emmett said smugly.

"Why the hell would we want to thank you Emmett?" Bella asked perplexed.

"Well, I had to make our family look interesting to get on the show, It looks like my plan worked," He grinned triumphantly.

"We don't even want to go on that show." Another round of arguing began.

"Alright," I said firmly. It wasn't a yell but everyone stopped talking and turned to face me. "What's done is done, we cannot change it. It looks like we have no choice but to go on the show. Now I want all of you to go up to your rooms. Ness I want you to go to sleep, I'll be up to check in half an hour."