Hey again I'm sorry it's been so long, bit i got really sick of attempting to write stuff and got a pretty serious case of what I'd like to call writer's block but really was laziness. So yeah sorry hope this can make up for it...

Disclaimer: I may be obsessed but I don't own it. How unfortunate. X

Car Jumping chapter three: Don't judge a vampire by it's appearance.


We landed on the wet driveway without any fault or trouble at all; even though i was able to struggle more, however Edward's grip was still stone like, and i got flung carelessly over his rock hard shoulder.


I must have whimpered out loud when my stomach made contact with his collar bone, which was, through my hoodie and top, cold.

He laughed. If at first i thought he was a hot, lost, charming guy looking for help – i couldn't have been more wrong.

I could feel him move , turning his head towards me, not being able to see him, but his cold, icy breath was too close to the small of my back for my liking, sending me shivers; not from the coolness of his breath, bringing back memories of merely seconds ago of his chilled lips nipping and kissing along my neck.

He moaned, its raw sound piercing through the air. Literally. And i didn't even do anything. Nothing at all.

I stumbled as i was abruptly set on the cold, hard ground.

I tried to get up – i really did, but you know me – i can't walk on a flat surface.

His hand came out of nowhere – again – this time gripping my arm and hauling me up, instead of grabbing at my waist, pulling me close to him.

At which point i couldn't help notice that our bodies were adjacent and my too full lips were merely inches apart from his bold almost red ones.

Noticing my eyes flicking back from his lips to his now blackish ones, Edward took another step impossibly closer to me; licking his lips drawing even more attention to them, just as i took a step back.

My heart racing in fear, almost like he could hear it.

"So this is how it's going to be...i don't like the space between us Bella"

Oh my gosh! That's...that can't be possible! Someone's eyes can't change from green to black!

Crap! No! No! Oh please no! He's coming closer...

He cornered me against the old oak tree at the end of the short drive, placing each hand against the deep brown bark, on either side of my head.

I opened my mouth to speak to tell him that i knew what he was making a big show out of this, trying to scare me. There are however two reasons why i didn't say this. One; because i still hadn't managed to be able to speak and two;... because what he was doing was working.

"Bella, Bella, Bella" he said sighing in his deep and husky voice, "You don't have to worry..."

Yeah because that easier said than done.

"...i'm not allowed to have you in that way..."

In what way? Who said you would ever have me?


Shoot! I'm going to die, he's going to kill me..

He was breathing deeply, nuzzling at my neck, while i was busy gasping in much needed oxygen. When he pulled back an inch or two, the tip of his nose touching mine, to look me in the face.

His expression turned from amused at my reaction to serious.

"I want you to listen and i want you to listen good. Understand?"

I nodded unable to do anything else.

"Very nice. I'm glad to see we have an understanding.."

An understanding? Is he serious? He THREATENED me! How is THAT and understanding?"

..."now we don't have a lot of time left before we have to leave, and thanks to Alec..."

Hold on...now there's and Alec?"

"Personally i think that taking you has been rather boring.."

Hey don't get big headed yet, we're still in my drive..

"So just for the fun of it..." he paused considering his choice of words, "I want you to run, and don't stop. It should have worn off enough for you to run without killing yourself. You have ten minutes, then", he smirked, " I'm coming to get you."

I didn't waste any time. i stumbled across the road, not having to dodge any slow moving cars, and into the beginning of the forest, where he trees where more spaced apart.

If i thought about this first, i really shouldn't have run. It would just sike Edward up-he probably enjoyed chasing after young girls, scaring them. Then again, he was sick, so it made a little bit of sense, stupidly i still couldn't deny that he was hot.

Do hot and sick even go together in a person?...does that even make sense?

But what happened to make him like that. If he was that hot, and roughly my age...then shouldn't he be some kind of popular jock person, in high school?

I can figure the rest of his story out later. Now, I have like nine minutes left of freedom, so if i ran and didn't fall, which was unlikely, I might be able to make it to La Push. I wouldn't run to Jacob but Billy had always been protective of me, if I could find the clearing...yes, Billy always liked to visit there, brought him memories of when Sara and him where married.

Edward might be super strong and fast but I had grown up in this area and knew it reasonably well. that was my only advantage over Edward.

I rushed through the trees, denser and taller now the further in i went, feeling the after effects of the unexplainable numbness. Pins and needles - making running pretty uncomfortable.

I fought my way through the tree branches and detangled them from my hair, when i realized i had no idea where i was, and as the trees blocked out any light coming from the sun hidden behind the clouds, i could barely see half a meter in front of me.

The forest floor was damp and mushy, the evidence of lack of sun reaching here, pine needles and cones scattered my restricted view.

I looked down at my watch, the only thing i had left of my mother's, only to see that my ten minutes were up.

NO! Come on! I'm almost there!

Honestly though i had no idea, how close or how far away i was from La Push, and then i still had to get to Billy's from there.

The last place that i knew my bearings was about six minutes ago, at the Jaggies; plies of mud and earth, mixed with sharp stones like flint and broken off pieces of cement, that were covered in nettles and brambles, where Jacob, Leah and i used you play as kids – when they were less bitter and depressed.

I stopped and ran back the place i came from, but had to stop again.

I was lost, or re-lost. Whatever. The point is that it all looked the same.

And Edward was coming to get me. That sounds creepy.

I should almost be there and I'm pretty sure that within five minutes i would arrive, but what direction should i run in.

"!" there was a rustling in behind the bush, and i whirled round but there wasn't anything there.

"!"Again i whirled around my hair blowing n the light breeze. Okay, what the hell is that?

"!"This time it came from behind a tree quite a long way from the last spot it was in.

"!" that's it I'm running, it was closer this time, much closer. The more i ran, the more it tormented me; running in front- so quick that it left a slip stream, coming at me from behind- brushing against me, jolting me forward.

It was when it bumped into me-again-when it didn't let go.

"I can see your not a runner, Bella" Edward's cool voice whispered huskily in my ear.

"what the hell are you?" i said, but it was broken up and croaky as it was the first time i was able to speak freely. Sadly, i was still freaked out, but screaming for help seemed like a bad idea.

Maybe i would just accept things as they came...i would be able to think straight, just go with the flow.

Okay trying the new theory slash plan out. if- as Edward can run that fast, and let's face it- i really can't run at all- there was no point in running. I would be caught within a minute if not seconds.

If only i knew more about him- about what he could do then maybe – just maybe- then i would be able to figure out his weakness. Even better a way out.

...okay, I'm sorry that's not really- well not long at all. I told myself that i would write loads over the holidays but..That didn't really work out to well.

At the minute I'm somewhere in Vendee on the coast of France, sitting in a bar- I'm underage so don't worry I'm not drinking just using the free WIFI So while you guys are all having a whale of time doing whatever you want I'm about to be forced onto a stage to sing Karaoke- yeah my family does that thing, much to my disappointment.

The holiday hasn't been going that well though...our friends we're staying with dog's just died and their five year old daughter keeps bringing it up, the campsite we're staying in is a dump, my parents won't let me play half my music claiming that it all too wail-y (the fray is NOT wail-y) , the pool attendant (we nick-named Helga) took a full on rager at our friends for wearing swim trunks instead of speedos. I mean who really wants to see that on holiday? The five year old tom-boy has burst/ lost/gone through three balls in the past three days, and we're all covered in various scrapes, cuts, bruises and sunburn.

'scuse me about to be hauled up on stage.

Loves emma
