Roxas, Part 1

Marluxia couldn't believe it. He stared at the pregnancy test in his hand.

But it was right there in front of his face, staring at him.

That little pink plus sign. Just staring at him.

Oh. My. God.

He couldn't believe it. Yet there it was, the answer clear.

He was pregnant.

But HOW? He was a guy for christ's sake! He tried to think back, just three month ago. But he couldn't remember. Oh god…

The pinkette dropped the positive pregnancy test as the horror came to him.

What was he going to tell Vexen?

The two had been going out for almost two years now, and they were intimite. "Oh no…Oh no!" Marluxia murmured, slowly sliding to the floor. He clutched his stomach, where a small baby bump had formed, gently.

This child wasn't his lover's. No. Vexen never gave the pinkette any mpreg medicine. He was positive of that. So then who's child is he now baring?

He didn't move from his spot, stiffening as he heard the knock on the bathroom door.


He almost relaxed fully. It was his dorm-mate at AU, Zexion. Well one of his dormmates. He had four. Zexion, Demyx, Xigbar, and Saix.

"Marluxia are you alright?"

He curled up as he heard the door open. His long semi-spiked pink hair covered his scared face. "Marluxia what's wrong?" the smaller teen as he kneeled down.

Zexion had never seen the normally go-happy teen so distraught. He'd never even seen him cry. Then he looked around and noticed the pregnancy test, right before his pink-haired friend swiped it out of view. "Marly….are you…"

Marluxia burst into tears and curled up even more. "Yes! I'm p…pre…." He shook his head, not able to even say those words.

"Does Vexen know?"

"It's not even his…" Marluxia said, looking up at Zexion, who was partially wide-eyed. "How do you know?" the blunette asked. "V-Vexen would never give me anything to make it so I could be pregnant. I know he wouldn't." he mumbled, looking back down. "But I can't remember anything that might've-"

"The party." Zexion said blankly, looking at Marluxia back into his normal bored expression.

Then Marluxia remembered.

Marluxia walked into the FF Building where he was greeted by loud music. Well it was more like dragged in by his musician friend, Demyx. He sighed. He didn't like going to parties all that much, but someone had to watch the youngest teen, and his friends voted it was his turn. He groaned inwardly at the memory.

"C'mon Marly! Lets go already!"

'Damn brat…' Marluxia thought, then yanked Demyx back so he was no longer being dragged. "You can't just go wandering off! If you get into trouble Axel is going to murder me." He snapped at him.

"Okay Okay!" Demyx said, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm going to go get us something to drink." He told the pinkette. "I already have water. Cause I need to beable to see straight to get us back to Org 13." He said, showing his water bottle. All the plain drinks here were probably spiked, so he wasn't taking chances. Demyx rolled his eyes then ran off into the crowd.

"Demyx!" Marluxia shouted, and was about to go after the hyper brat when he was suddenly bumped into, causing him to fall down, his water bottle rolling away. He looked up and stared at the spikey-haired blonde that had knocked him over. "Sorry." He said, holding his hand out to pull him up.

Marluxia took it and, as he was pulled up, he said "Thanks."The blonde nodded then leaned down and picked up the water bottle, handing it to him. It looked almost exactly like Marluxia's but it wasn't.

"How about I make it up to you?" he asked, an almost-smile on his face. Marluxia gave him a look. "O…kay? You don't have to." The flowery teen told him. The other just shrugged then grabbed Marluxia's hand and pulled him away.

After what seemed to be an hour of running through loud crowds and climbing up stairs, they stopped at the semi-empty third floor. Marluxia took a drink of his water, not seeing the small smirk forming on his face. "Damnit now I have a headache.." he groaned, holding his head with one hand.

"Oh here I have something for that." The blonde said, putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a medicine bottle, then opened it and pulled out a small pink pill. "Take that. Your headache will be gone soon." He said, handing it to the pinkette, who took it and drank some more of the water.

Suddenly, Marluxia felt really, really hot. He stared at the smirking blonde with wide eyes, before he was yanked into the dorm.

The Next Day

Marluxia felt himself being shaken. "Grrr….Go away…." He groaned, waving his hand to make the unknown person go away.


"We're going right now. Got it memorized?"


Marluxia's eyes slowly opened to face his spikey red-headed friend. "Party is over Petal Bitch. Time to go."

He groaned once more then got up. He looked around at the very few teens that were still knocked out and still smashed. "What time is it?"

"10 am."

"How come you came to get me and not someone else?"

"Everyone else already went to their classes. Plus I had to get Dem anyways."

"Where is Demyx?"

"In my car sleeping. Now c'mon before I drag you out."

"Yeah yeah."

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.." Marluxia kept saying, laying down on his bed in his dorm. "That guy. THAT GUY! He…He…" he said, shaking his head. "He….the party….He didn't even say his name. I can't even look for him and ask him why….."

"Marly calm down. The stress isn't good for you in your conditi-"

"CONDITION! I am fucking pregnant with some random guy's child and you are telling me to calm down? Screw you Zexy. Just go away and leave me alone!"

"Fine I will." Zexion stood up to go, when he felt a strong hand grab his wrist and pull him back.

"Please don't! I don't want to be alone right now!"

"But you just said.."

"Just please…"

"Marly you need to tell Vexen."

"But what if he gets mad? He might think I was a whore for this! He might know it isn't his! If he doesn't…I don't want to hurt him by telling him it's not his! I want to get rid of it! Just get rid of it! Cant I get an abortion or something?"

"Mar I'm sure you can…But you aren't driving."

"Why not?"

"Because whenever you drive we get a ticket and I'm not going to pay for it this time."

"Then who will drive? Cause you're too short to drive."


"You are."

"I'll get Lexaeus to drive us."


"Okay…But what if you can't get an abortion?"





"I don't know."

"…Marly you'll have to tell him." Zexion stated, standing up. "I'm going to go get Lex and then we can go, okay?" he said walking to the door, and walking out.

Marluxia sighed, then sat up, staring down at his stomach.

Just a few minutes later…

Marluxia was in the back seat of Lexaeus' truck as they drove to the doctor's center, a blank expression on his face. Then, his phone rang and he looked down at it.


He stared at it, before tapping Zexion on the shoulder and handing it to him. The blunette sighed then answered it.


"Zexion? Where's Marls?"

"Me and Lexaeus are taking him to the doctor's."


Zexion glanced over at Marluxia, who just shook his head.

"Umm…He is feeling really really sick."

"Can I talk to him?"

"He doesn't want to talk right now…Maybe once he gets back."



Zexion handed the phone back to Marluxia, who put it back in his pocket. "Marly you have to tell him if you can't get an abortion." He said to the pinkette, who only nodded.

"We're here." Lexaeus announced, parking the truck. "Do you want to go in alone?" the pinkette nodded, opening the door and stepping out of the car, slowly making his way into the building.

He felt sick almost as soon as he entered the building, the smell of medicines and sick people filling the air. His hand flew to his mouth to stop himself from being sick, which was easy considering he had barely eaten anything today. 'I'm just going to get this over with…' he thought as he took a seat.

He was waiting for an hour before he got to see a doctor. As soon as that was done, he was almost back to normal. The doctor had said that it was a possiblity to get an abortion, but he had to wait until tomarrow. He stepped out of the waiting room and into the hallway.

As soon as he turned the corner, he stopped, his heart sinking.

That guy.

He was right there, like he was waiting, or had been. When the blonde turned his head to look at him, an angry look was on his face as he walked towards him.

He tried to back away, but found that he couldn't, frozen in place by the stranger. He shut his eyes as he grabbed him and put him against the wall, but it was surprisingly gentle. He opened his eyes just a tiny bit and looked up at him. "W-Who are you?"

"Name's Cloud."

"Why are you here?"

"To make sure you don't get a damn abortion."

"What would you do to stop me?"

"What would I do?"


Cloud sighed, then tighten his grip on Marluxia, just enough to make him wince. "If you get a damn abortion I am going to kill you. Okay? (nearly put Got it memorized? XD)" The pinkette stared at him, speechless. "Okay?" Cloud repeated, shaking him a bit.

Marluxia had a feeling that this guy Cloud was serious. That scared him. "O-Okay…But why me in the first place, why?" he asked, nervousness in his voice. He shut his eyes as he leaned closer to him, then whispered "Cause I wanted to." Then he let him go and walked away down the hall he had just came from.

Marluxia slowly started to register what he said in his mind. Then, he walked back to the truck and opened the door, slamming it shut. He looked to the front of the car where Zexion was almost back into his seat, face flushed. "Well? Can you get an abortion?" he asked, slightly panting. The pinkette shook his head and buckled up, wrapping his arms around his stomach lightly, then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep as Lexaeus started driving back to campus, fear spread across his face.

Marluxia slowly opened his eyes as he heard the door open. "We here already?" he mumbled, sitting up. "Yeah. Vexen said he'll be waiting in the dorm though…" Zexion told the pinkette, who sighed and unbuckled, climbing out of the car.

He wasn't going to tell him about Cloud. No, he'll have to lie and say that it's Vexen's. That'll work. He hoped it would, anyways.

The teen walked into the Org 13 building, then headed to his shared dorm, hands shaking as he pulled out the key and unlocked the door to the room, slowly opening it. "V-Vexen?" he whispered quietly walking in, then he looked around and caught sight of his boyfriend sitting on the bottom bunk bed, a worried look almost as worse as Marluxia's.

"What's wrong?" Vexen asked, seeing the anxiety and fear on his delicate boyfriend's face. As the pale teen walked over to him, he said "Promise you won't hate me. Please just promise.." He raised a slight blonde brow. What exactly was wrong? "I promise. Now tell me what's wrong." He said softly, grabbing his uke and setting him down on his lap, who looked down on the ground.

"I'm pregnant."