Neko: How's everyone liking it so far?

Rin: I haven't heard any complaints from readers. I guess they like an angsty, smexy Len?

Len: o_e I still don't want to be this way...

Neko: Oh hush. You'll get used to it eventually!


Rin: Neko doesn't own Vocaloid, Crypton does! And this whole chapter will be in Len's P.O.V. *pouts* Even though I voted on me..

This is too easy. Len smirked to himself as he led her into the forest. The plan he had thought out was going along well. So well, in fact, he wondered if this was a joke. It wasn't every day that prey would be stupid enough to trust someone with their lives when they don't even know their name. Maybe I played the whole 'innocence' card a bit too well. Oh well, her loss.
He had been leading her through the woods for a little over an hour now, and they were nowhere near the edge anymore. They were deep into the woods. Very deep. (A/N: *snorts* That's what she said! *cough* Er..Sorry bout that.) Even though the sun must have risen a while ago, no light penetrated through the thick haunting trees.

Len was ready to carry out the rest of his plan. Luring her in was only step one, and a very easy step at that. His whole plan was very simple, actually. If she didn't resist. Now that he had lured her in far enough so no one could hear her scream, all he had to do was make a quick slip on her, and then jump her from behind. Easy. But what if she does resist long enough to see you are no angel? The voice in his head whispered. Len's mind fell quiet for a moment as he thought of the possibilities. The look on her face when she would see he was not a lost little boy... Len shook himself. It doesn't matter what she sees. She'll be dead.

Len waited another half hour, and then decided to speak and break the silence. He stopped short, causing the girl to bump into him. He could feel her face fill with blood from embarassment as her body pushed up against his back. Len smiled as he stared at the ground. Time for part 2. He slowly swung around, giving the girl time to back up and recover. He gazed deep into her eyes, feeling pleased at the fact her face turn crimson under his relentless stare. He then faked an embarassed look.

"I...I need to go to the bathroom." He almost laughed as the girl blushed and looked down, embarassed herself by his statement. "How about if I go behind that tree, and you wait here? I'll only take a moment." He smiled assuringly to her. The girl seemed to feel better at the sight of his smile, and smiled back.

"Okay." She turned around on the spot and crossed her arms, probably from the cold chill of the lonely forest. Len smirked at her turned back. He could so easily jump her now, but he wanted her to feel fear first before he appeared again. Fear was a delicious spice in blood. Making sure to make a point of walking into the bushes behind the tree and rustling his clothes to make it sound like he was doing business, he slipped off silently into the trees, leaving the girl alone.

He decided to make a wide berth of her, because once she knew he wasn't behind the tree she would start looking for him. He walked off into the woods, observing everything around him. Summer was coming soon, because the moss on the rocks was becoming greener than ever, and despite the constant cold of the forest, he felt a warmth that wasn't there in the season before. Summer was the best time for hunting. Nights left windows open and doors unlocked for people to come and go as they pleased.

After walking for a few moments longer, Len turned and walked east, in a circle around where the girl waited for him. He took his time; the longer he took the more afraid the girl would become and start to spike fear into her blood. He listened carefully as he walked, and was pleased to hear exactly what he wanted.

*Rin's P.O.V.*

As Rin waited for the boy to finish, a thought suddenly occurred to her. I...I don't even know his name. Why didn't I realize before? Why didn't I ask? Rin frowned. She felt stupid for not asking, and it was impolite. How could she have forgotten to ask his name? Another thought flicked into her mind. There isn't a village anywhere close to the forest edges besides ours! Rin blinked, alarmed. Why had all these obvious flaws escaped her before?

The more Rin thought about it, the more she was absolutely sure. She had been tricked! The thought sent a shudder down her spine. She had followed a stranger into the forest that took her own brother's life! Swinging around, Rin dashed towards the tree where the boy said he would be. She ran around the trunk, once, twice. He wasn't there.

Rin's eyes widened at the prospect of being left in the forest alone. She was going to die if she didn't get out, and fast. Panicking, she began to run in and out of the bushes, and into the forest. Her heart beat too fast, and it felt as if her ears were closed up and clogged. She ran, faster and faster, but the trees seemed to close in on all sides. Everything looked the same..

"Help! Oh god, someone please! Help me!" She sobbed as she ran, desperate to see the end of the trees. Tears streamed down her face as she ran, and soon her sides burned and she was struggling for air. Her body screamed to slow down, but her mind was still in hyper-drive, begging her to keep running. "Please! Someone!" Her tears only seemed to blind her, clouding her eyes and burning her cheeks as she struggled to keep going. As she ran, images of her brother's torn throat and dead body flashed in her mind, over and over. Oh god, someone! I don't want to die here!

Blind in her frenzy of gasping and tears, Rin tripped on a tree root and fell, sprawling out on the boggy wet ground. The thick gash on her leg from falling didn't hurt, only felt numb. Her mind only focused on one thing: Get out. Now. She tried to get up, but failed, collapsing to the ground. More tears spilled down her cheeks as she dragged herself to a tree, and then another, and then another, her tears and blood making a path as she forced herself to keep going.

Eventually, she got so weak she could only lie down in the mud, face down. She shuddered, too tired to cry anymore. The blood she had lost from her leg was a dangerous amount now, causing her to feel dizzy. Rin felt sick, of both heart and stomach. Her mind had slowed down, almost to the point of being unable to think.

She didn't even move when a person walked up behind her and tugged on her hair, her clothes, as if looking her over. Rin was too tired to even keep her eyes open, closing them when the person got to her. She wanted to ask them to help her, to get her out, but she couldn't even speak.

Finally forcing one eye half open, Rin managed to catch a glimpse of her savior. The figure was hard to see in the fog, but she didn't need to see the body, only the eyes.

They were blood red.

"Found you," a horrible raspy voice whispered.

*Len's P.O.V.*

Len may have been focused on walking towards his prey, but not so much as to hear the voices and then the scream. It had been a weak scream, but no doubt her voice. He spat on the ground before breaking into a sprint.

Who the hell dares go after my prey? As far as he knew, no one was out today, so who could it be? There was no one with a voice like that... Unless Miku woke up and found all of her food supply was gone. Len sucked in a breath, his eyes staring blankly at nothing as he ran, remembering what happened the last time Miku had gone without food.

"Damn." He whispered, and unconsciously sped up.


"And so, you stand before the Court of Arachnid for a crime you committed on the eve of night before last. Am I correct, Miku of the Akuma Housing?" The judge stood tall and haunting in his black robe, the hood pulled up, only revealing yellow eyes and unkept black hair beneath it.

"Yes, Judge Ikuto."

"And this crime is the murdering of a human before night fell, and not proceeding to be in cover or clean up after you fed. Am I correct, Miku of the Akuma Housing?"

"Yes, Judge Ikuto."

"Very well. I sentence you to enclosure of hunting for three months this day forward. Am I clear, Miku of the Akuma Housing?"

"Yes, Judge Ikuto."

"Then this judgment call is over. Good night to all." The judge stepped off the podium, and, being joined by a few others also clad in hooded black robes, slipped through the door into the dark hall. Len watched as they left; he had not wanted to come to the judgment call but had been forced to, as a witness of the House of Akuma. He sighed, looking up towards the moon that shone through the dark clouds overhead, just visible inbetween the cracks in the brokendown roof. He then inspected Miku over; they had not let her clean up as part of the evidence of her crime two evenings before.

Her face was gaunt and thin, her eyes sunken in and shadowed. They shone a cold, blood red, the sign of hunger and food depravity. Her skin was paler than usual, the color of the waxing moon overhead. Her bright, teal hair, usually in a perfect set of curled pigtails, hung limp and thinly, giving her an almost anemic look. Her fangs were still in feeding mode; they glistened dangerously under the dim light of nighttime, desperately begging for flesh.
The dress she had cared for and loved was ruined. The black lace about the hem was muddy and torn, and her slippers were worn at the heel from running. Mud plastered her hands, but all was covered in blood. Her hands still had dried blood on them, as did most of her clothing, and some of her face. The blood had dried in a dripping motion on the side of her neck from her mouth when she had drank.

"Come, Miku. We go now." Len called softly to the gaunt woman, who nodded and began to follow. As they stepped out into the large hall themselves, the body of the prey Miku had savaged upon was rolled by on a cart. Len looked down, and almost felt sick inside, a feeling he had never known for a human.

The body was that of a 10 year old girl, her throat torn away and clawmarks all along her body.

*Flashback Over*

Len burst through the bushes just to find the girl in Miku's arms. Her fangs were poised just before the girls neck, half open and bared to pierce the skin. The girl hung limply against Miku's chest, a glowing teal butterfly alighted in between her brows like a small spirit in the dead forest. Her clothes were rumpled and dirty, sign of a struggle against what she could not prevent. A small flame of anger burned in Len's heart.

"Drop the girl, Miku. She's my prey." He spoke the words with an obvious force, willing her with his words to let her go. Miku only looked up at him, glaring accusingly with crazed eyes before spitting on the ground and speaking up.

"No. I found her, she's mine. Go away." She tilted her head down towards the girl's exposed neck.

Len, having none of it, lunged forward at a speed no human could accomplish and threw Miku with an inhuman strength and speed at a tree several yards away. She flew through the air with a raspy screech, but managed to position herself to land feet first, completely perpendicular with the tree. Then, she launched herself off the trunk at him with less than a second passing. Her hands were spread out and curved like claws, an ugly expression on her face. Len proceeded to cautiously back up slightly, tensing himself to spring headfirst at the woman. I have to be careful. She isn't right in the head in her state; she might make a dangerous move that could hurt us both. He lunged forward at Miku, one foot forward and another pulled back, ready to kick the crazed vampire in the collarbone.

He succeeded; a sharp resounding crack echoed when his foot snapped forward to her neck. A raspy scream erupted from Miku's throat and her eyes bulged as she fell backwards into the bushes. She lay there, writhing and gasping for air. Len slowly walked over to her; she might still be able to get up. But, she proved to be defeated as he stood over her. Her chest area was a bloody mess, the bone sticking out and sticky blood everywhere. She glared up at him in rage and rasped out one word.


Len smirked down at the suffering figure; he had no love for the woman who dared rule him about when she had no right. To make sure she would go down, he lifted his boot and pressed it into the wound, lightly at first but then with more and more pressure. Miku flailed, lips forming words she could not say without taking a breath. She gripped his leg, as if to pull it off of her. Her body writhed beneath his shoe for a moment longer, and then her eyes rolled up and she went limp. Len puased for a moment, and removed his foot. She wouldn't be up again for at least 6 hours, which was plenty of time for him to get away.

He returned back to the still figure of the girl. As he lent down to see if she suffered from any wounds, he realized he didn't know the girls name. He shook his head. What does it matter? She's food isn't she? He looked down at the unconscious figure, and decided he wasn't hungry after all. I'll let her go for now. After all, Kaito did say prey is better the second time around. Len knelt down and picked up the girl bridal style. That's when he noticed the blood running from her leg. A drop of it streamed down her leg and dripped onto his arm. He stared at the drop, his eyes unfocusing and his vision blurring. He could feel his instinct telling him to kill her now, to take her blood and leave her corpse for Miku to scream over, but somehow he couldn't.

Take care of her. Take her to safety, and care for her wound. Len froze, his head whipping up and his eyes darting around. There was no one there. She stared off into the forest for a moment, before obeying the voice. He was compelled to do care for her suddenly, to heal her.

He ran into the forest at a speed no human could dream to match, with a girl in his arms.

Neko: Okay, so this was a really long chapter ._. Be GREATFUL dangit, because this took me 12 days of HARD BLOODY LABOR to finish it.

Rin: Aside from the fact that sounds wrong, why is the chapter so long?

Neko: I had to cover a lot of things, as well as currently get rid of Miku because she is not wanted at the moment :)


Neko: Well, school is over. Thursday was our last day and I cried so much I didn't have any tears left to cry after 2 hours :P

Rin: *whispering to Len* She so has a crush on JD after what happened with him on that day. You should have been there, he-


Len: Review please!