Standing up in front of the class was a boy about our age (16), who looked to be about 6'1. But that wasn't why they all gasped. He was gorgeous. He had blonde hair that went past his ears. Crystal blue eyes and pale skin. In other words he was perfect, and I hated him. I hate pretty boys. They're arrogant and self centered.

"Pleased to meet you." God! Even his voice was gorgeous. I looked across the room towards Himeka. She was smiling and waving at him. I turned to look at Micchi. He just smirked at me. I hated it when he did that.

Kazune seeing as there was no other place to sit, sat right down next to me. We were told to open our books and get started on our lesson.

All through class I had to try to ignore his piercing stare. I actually considered stabbing his hand with a pencil. When class was finally over and it was time for lunch, I quickly ran out of the room and into the girl's toilet. Himeka dashed tin right after me and examined herself in the mirror.

"Judging by the way you ran out of the room, you hate him." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Yeah, sorry, but you know how I feel about pretty boys." I sighed.

She giggled. "Well, let's get going to lunch and you're going to have to get along with him because Micchi invited him to sit with us."

I groaned. "Do I have to?"

She looked at me sternly. "Yes."

"Fine." I pouted. I was not looking forward to this. Ever since the incident tin 5th grade, when I asked the Drop Dead Georgiou's Jin Kuga (he's moved away) to go to a dance with me he replied "Eww! Go away ugly." Now I admit I wasn't very pretty in 5th, but that didn't mean he had to be so mean about it. I've hated men since. Micchi was an exception. He's more in touch with his girly side.

When we reached the cafeteria, Micchi was waving at us like an idiot in line.

"Hurry up Karin! They're serving your favorite!" He called.

I immediately perked up. Eel bread! I skipped the rest of the way there. Sadly Kazune was there. We quickly got our food and sat down. I began shoveling food into my mouth.

"You don't have any manners, do you?" Kazune speaks at last.

I glared at him. "Sorry, I was raised by animals." I replied sarcastically. I knew it was rude but I'm hungry.

"I wouldn't be surprised, the way you dance around like an idiot."

THAT! Was the last straw!

"Girly man!"

"Annoying woman!"

"Sexist pig!"


Now that really hurt. I heard Himeka 'gasp'. She knew how much that word was a taboo word for me. I quickly threw her a glance. She simply nodded and I turned on my heel and left. I decided that I would go out to eat. I would be back later to pick up Ami, so I didn't see the harm.

I went to my favorite place. Mexican! Okay, so it wasn't really called that but the name is too hard to spell. Although it's no eel bread, it certainly is delicious. The good part about eating there is that no one will bother me and by the time I finish, school is over.

Ami was already waiting for me. Panicking, probably.

"Where were you?"


"Relax, I just got a little pissed off at the new kid today, okay?" I replied, trying to reassure her.

She immediately relaxed. "Oh, you mean the really hot one!" She also knew how I felt about pretty boys. I rolled my eyes. Everyone I knew was an idiot. 10 seconds later Himeka comes dashing up to my window.

"Karin, here's your homework." She handed me a couple of books and a piece of paper. "Did you bring me back anything?" Her eyes were pleading.

"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I forgot to feed you?" I asked mockingly. Just then Kazune thought it would be a good time to pop up and ruin our conversation, along with Micchi.

"Come along, Himeka." Kazune said to her but was glaring at me. I quickly handed her the to-go-box I had gotten her.

"Karin," Micchi moaned, "would you give me a ride home, since I hate riding the bus."

I sighed. The things I do for them.

"Don't I always?"

Micchi jumped into the car and I focused back onto the road and getting out of the school parking lot. We said our goodbyes to Himeka and Micchi to Kazune and left.