Mikey and his older brother Brandon were watching MTV at their house. That Cindy Lauper music video was on again. Brandon was exercising like he usually did. It had only been a week since they set out in search of One-Eyed Willie's treasure.

"Another Saturday here in the 'Goon Docks'," Mikey said. "What could be better?"

"I'll tell you what's better," Brand said. "The fact that I'm going on a date with Andy tonight."

"How?" Mouth said as he walked into the house from the front door. "You have no car or bike. Are you taking a bus to the restaurant?" Mouth realized that his prediction was correct when Brand looked away. "Sucks for you."

"Shut up, Mouth!" Brand said as he got up and swung at him. He barely missed Mouth as he ducked. "Lucky for you, I'm a nice guy today."

"That's a first," Mouth said. "We ought to call the reporters and tell them. I can see the headlines: 'SCREWUP BROTHER ACTUALLY NICE'."

"Just leave him alone, Mouth," Mikey said. While Brand didn't always show it, he could be very nice whenever his little brother was upset about something.

"Hey guys!" Data yelled from outside. He was between the Walsh house and his house. "Look! I got a gwappling hook!" He through the grappling hook into the window. It almost hit Mikey. Data pulled the rope to pull himself up. This made it move across the table in the Walsh living room. He climbed into the window.

"Shit!" Mikey cried as he looked at the big scratch on the table. "Look what you did!"

"Sowy, guys," Data said. "I came to tell you dat my gwandpa is coming to my house foe a visit. He wants to meet all of my fwends. Ah you guys coming?"

"Sure," Mikey said.

Mouth looked at the TV and saw that the music video for Asia's "Don't Cry" was on. "Hey Data, are they relatives of yours, too?" Mouth pointed at the band members in the video.

"Vewy funny," Data said. "They not even fwum Asia. They fwum Gate Bwitain."

"You mean Great Britain," Brand corrected him.

"That's what I say! Gwate Bwitain!" Data watched the band members explore a pyramid in the video. "They not real ahcheologists. Gwandpa Kennon is weal ahcheologists. He's seen booty traps like we have."

"You mean booby traps," Mikey corrected him.

"That's what I say! Booby traps! You always cowecting me! If you evah speak Chinese, I cowect you!"

"You're lucky I don't speak Chinese," Mouth said. "Because if I did, I would scare your grandpa like I scared Rosalita last week." Just then, Andy and Stef walked through the door. "Hola senoritas," Mouth said as he combed his hair back. "How are you ladies doing?"

"Shut up, Mouth," Stef said, trying not to laugh.

"Hey, Andy," Brand said.

"Hey, Brand. I was thinking that instead of going out to eat, it would be better to stay in and eat."

"Ooh," Mouth said as he made kissing faces in front of Brand.

"There's really nothing to eat in this house," Brand explained as he ignored Mouth.

"My mom's making food foe when my gwandpa comes in a little bit," Data said. "We can all eat dat."

"Sounds like a good idea," Andy said. "What do you think Brand?"

"I'm up to it," Brand said.

"Too bad you won't be able to make-out with all of us around," Mouth said. He looked at Stef. "I guess this means we're going on a date, too."

"Don't get too excited," Stef said. "You're gonna have to behave yourself."

"Whatever it takes," Mouth said.