I do not own LWD.

"I'm sorry," came the slurred voice of none other than Derek Venturi. Casey sighed. It was always when he was drunk he was the most pleasant. If it had been any other time, and he had not been intoxicated, he wouldn't have thanked her for bailing him out. It didn't feel natural to hear his apologies either. It sounded so foreign coming from the usually against-emotions-of-any-kind Derek Venturi. Plus, she didn't know exactly what he was apologizing for. There were many things that had happened tonight that deserved a 'sorry'. She hated drunk Derek.

"You'll be even more sorry in the morning," she said, no sympathy in her voice. Casey would not, under any circumstances, feel sorry for Derek. He had got himself into this mess, and she had gotten him out. That was enough.

"Casey?" The way he said her name sparked something in her and she turned to glance at him. His eyes were glassy, and his cheeks flushed. Casey wasn't dumb, far from it actually. She knew why all those girls chased after him. He was gorgeous.


"Why did you come?" he asked, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She was all for saying something along the lines of "Mom and George would be mad if you got in an accident because you were driving drunk". She was all for making him believe that she helped him because it was her responsibility (even though they both knew it wasn't) and not because she cared. She was all for saying that. She didn't. Instead, she stayed quiet.

Casey pulled up to the house, parking the prince in the driveway and getting out to help Derek from the car. He stumbled behind her as they walked from the gravel to the door. Before she could turn the key in the doorknob, Derek fell from where he had been leaning, next to her. Casey, quite uncharacteristically, cursed and lent to give him a hand. She hated drunk Derek.

Sneaking quietly into the house soon turned out to be an impossible feat as they bumped into nearly everything they came in contact with. By the time they reached the stairs Casey was beyond frustrated and more scared their parents would come barging into the living room at any moment, demanding to know why they were causing such a ruckus at 6:00 am in the morning.

They were nearly halfway to the hallway when Derek suddenly stopped. Before she could say anything he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. Casey was suddenly enveloped in a warm hug that didn't feel so brotherly, especially as his hands trailed down her back, going dangerously low. As suddenly as Derek had grabbed her, she pulled away from his embrace, a look of admonishment on her face.

"What was that for?" she asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Just wanted to say thanks, sis." he smirked at her as she became increasingly flustered.

"Step sis. And you could have just said thank you. Besides, you hate hugs." She really had no idea why she was complaining. Maybe it was because his hands had almost...no. She was done analyzing drunk Derek's actions and/or motives. It was absolutely pointless. Besides, she hated drunk Derek.

"C'mon Derek. It's bedtime," she said, sighing as Derek smirked. He was always smirking.

As soon as they reached his room Derek stopped, again.

"What now?" Casey asked, groaning. She was tired and just wanted to go to bed. Apparently, Derek had other plans.

"C'mon Casey, live a little. I'm not tired yet. Lets go to my room and just hang out. We never do that." She frowned at him. His words were heavily slurred and she knew she could definitely not trust him, least so when he was like this.

"C'mon. Lets go to my room," he whispered, his words taking on a persuasive edge. Casey paused, trying to think of a plan. Maybe if she went in with him she would have an easier time of getting him to just go to sleep. Casey definitely knew that arguing with him would be pointless right now. Oh gosh, how she hated drunk Derek.

Derek pulled open his door and gestured for her to enter. She did, albeit reluctantly.

"Okay, I'm here. Now what?" she asked, turning in time to see Derek locking the door. As soon as she heard the click she felt her heart beat increase. Thump thump thump. She knew Derek wasn't fond of her but he wasn't going to murder her, was he? This all seemed frighteningly similar to a horror movie.

"Derek?" she asked, her voice quavering just a wee bit. He turned from the, now locked, door to face her and she honestly wasn't surprised to see the smirk adorning his face. Shit.

Before Casey could say a word, or do anything, Derek took two long strides forward and she was suddenly up against his wall, Derek's body pressing into her's. She nearly screamed. If it weren't for the gentle look that had suddenly appeared in his brown eyes she just might have.

"I wanna say thank you for rescuing me tonight Casey. You didn't have to, but you did. You came," he smirked as he bent down and nibbled at her bottom lip.

"Um," she started but he didn't give her time to finish. His soft lips weren't gentle and neither was the kiss. It was greedy, and starving, and hot. Casey gasped as she felt his hips rock into her's and pushed back, wanting to show him how she felt. The low moan that came from Derek made her insides hot. Holy shit.

"Bed," she mumbled and Derek was only too happy to agree. When they landed on the bed she ended up on top and that was fine with Casey. She continued grinding her hips into his and sucking on his tongue, wanting badly to hear another one of those low moans that made her feel so proud.

As soon as she reached for his zipper he caught her hand. Casey looked at him, eyes shining with confusion and lust.

"Virgin?" he murmured, glassy eyes taking on a questioning look. Casey felt her heart skip a beat at the question.

"Why?" she asked, not looking into his eyes.

"Don't want to hurt you," he said softly, slurring the sentence together. She felt an inexplicable warmth fill her body at his words.

"No, I'm not a virgin," she whispered to him. Max had been her first. Not bothering to dig deeper Derek brought her head down and gave her a gentle kiss. Soon enough his lips were on her neck, sucking, licking, biting. Marking her. She didn't know when her shirt had come off or when her jeans had disappeared, but she didn't care.

"Condoms over there," Derek mumbled, motioning towards his nightstand. As she reached toward the first drawer she saw his eyes close, a little smirk on his lips.

"Okay, found them," she said, fumbling with the condom. When she got no reply she turned to see Derek, snoring ever so softly. Her eyes widened for a moment and then she looked around the room with a blank expression. Now what? The fucker had just...fallen asleep. For a brief second Casey wondered how drunk Derek had really been.

Groaning, she got up off her sleeping step-brother and hurriedly grabbed her shirt and pants. She hated drunk Derek.


This will not be a smutty story. Although it will have M rated material, sex is not the focus of Drunk. Just wanted to tell everyone so no one is surprised later on and/or disappointed.

Poor Casey though, am I right? I wouldn't be too happy if that had happened either. Hee.

Leave a review if my grammar is lacking or you find any mistakes. I appreciate any constructive criticism. :)
