Disclaimer: no matter what I say or claim it is not mine!

Hi Again! Second Chapter for this work in progress! This is their meeting again. I hope it explains more of the first chapter. I have decided to name all of the chapters after a song and the song list will be on my profile for those of you who care.

anyway not much to say about this yet but thanks once again to my wonderful Beta even though you didn't correct anything! lol!

Anyway enjoy!

Chapter song- Wishing Well-The Airborne Toxic Event


"Do... Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked cautiously. The closer I got to the Moon the more breakable I realized she looked. It seemed to take everything out of her just to accept my offer. But she did accept and that made all the difference. The chains broke from that night. They have held me captive for three months now. It was time to move on but I just couldn't shake the irons. That night would never leave me.

I took the first steps to free myself and now I waited for the Moon. Nothing came at all from her. I took such a leap, such a chance. I wanted to run. I wasn't sure what to do. I ran my hand though my hair. I was falling like a coin that had just been tossed into a wishing well. I was thrown in the air and I was falling but I didn't know where. I was hoping for a wish that could turn out well but I wasn't going to get that yet.

"I'm Edward," I said to her. Oh God, I wasn't going to fall into the water, I was heading toward the rocks. She looked absolutely terrified. This was such a big leap for me and I blew it.

"I'm sorry I bothered you miss," I said as I started to rise. Before I could turn to leave though, I felt a warmth on my hand.

"No stay. I'm Bella," She said. I gave her what smile I could and slowly sat back down.

"I am sorry but I was just so taken aback," Bella said, "It's not everyday a random person sits down across from me."

"Well I'm not just any random person," I replied. Oh, God, what was I doing? Bella looked taken aback for a moment before smiling. If I didn't know any better I would have believed that the moon was outshining the sun. The smile was dazzling. It reached her soft, brown eyes and they sparkled. And now the awkward silence was back. I was still that falling coin.

"Uh... How are you today Bella?" This silence needed to end. I needed this desperately.

"Well. I guess I'm okay. I'm never really sure anymore," She paused a moment, looking deep in thought, then continued, "What about you Edward?" What was that supposed to mean. I would have to think about it later.

"I'm as good as I'm going to get," I replied. This was true. I'm not sure I would ever be myself again.

"Was there something you needed Edward?" Bella asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Um... No I guess not really," I relied dumbly. Honestly I don't think "I was intrigued by you and thought somehow you could save me" would work. That would mean I would never see this beautiful creature again.

"Well at least you didn't have some stupid pickup line to use on me. I would have left you right away," She laughed. It was like the sound of wind chimes rustling softly in the wind.

I chuckled a little bit and then went brain dead. Bella was staring at me, I could feel it. I looked up and met her eyes. The chocolate orbs sucked me in. I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. When I made eye contact with Bella the world stopped turning. She was harboring a secret. She seemed broken, hurt, betrayed. More than anything she seemed like she couldn't be fixed. I would try though. I had to try and I had to try and fix myself.

With this decision I landed. It wasn't on the rocks but in the cool blue water. I was now in Bella's world. The water there held many secrets. I was a wish and just maybe I would turn out well.


"Do... Do you mind if I sit here?" I jumped about ten feet in the air. I looked up and there was the Sun standing in front of me in all his glory. I nodded slowly. It took a lot out of me to accept. I was still afraid. I wasn't sure who I could trust anymore. Edward looked scared shitless to be talking to me. I don't know why. It's not like I was intimidating, especially not in this state.

"I'm Edward," The sun said to me. I was still scared. What a fitting name for him. He was such an unusual person and it was an unusual name.

"I'm sorry I bothered you miss," Edward said as he started to stand. I didn't actually reply before. He started to rise but I put my hand lightly on his. I'm not sure why I did this. I couldn't stand making contact with men anymore.

"No stay. I'm Bella," I said. I'm not sure why I did this. This was way out of my comfort zone. Edward sat back down slowly. He gave me a smile but it looked strained and difficult to compose.

"I am sorry I was just so taken aback," I continued, "It's not everyday a random person sits down across from me." Actually nobody ever talked to me anymore. I wouldn't let them.

"Well I'm not just any random person," Edward replied. He said this with a confident smile, then, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he looked shocked. I was shocked too but then I smiled. It's true. Edward didn't seem like just any random person. Edward seemed to relax a little bit as my smile widened at my thoughts.

"Uh... How are you today Bella?" Edward asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. He was on the edge of his seat fidgeting with his thumbs.

"Well. I guess I'm okay. I'm never really sure anymore," I paused thinking a moment, then continued, "What about you Edward?" I wasn't really sure how I was feeling. I ran from my feelings most of the time. I had to mask them before. But not now. Edward didn't seem to care about that.

"I'm as good as I'm going to get," Edward stated quietly. His brow furrowed in concentration. It looked almost painful.

"Was there something you needed Edward?" I asked to pull him out of his revere.

"Um... No I guess not really," Edward said blanching slightly. I couldn't have that.

"Well at least you didn't have some stupid pickup line to use on me. I would have left you right away," I said laughing slightly, trying to lighten the mood. Edward chuckled slightly then fell silent.

I stared at him. He was... intriguing. He was staring at his hands. He looked broken, defeated. He was still twiddling his thumbs but when he realized I was staring at him he froze. His head snapped up quickly and looked at me from under his eyelashes. I sucked in a sharp breath as our eyes locked. They were beautiful. A dark emerald peered out at me. I was sucked into his gaze, a captive for eternity. As Edward stared at me his eyes began to lighten in color as if he was making a decision and becoming happier. He still looked broken to me but now also determined.

The longer I stared at Edward the more I wanted to help him. Maybe by helping him I could help me. I desperately needed to be fixed. I made up my mind. By fixing Edward I would fix me.

I took a pen out of my purse quickly and wrote on the napkin in front of me before I handed it to Edward as I stood up.

"I need to leave now Edward. I hope I get to talk to you again. I feel like maybe you and I would get along really well. Thanks for talking to me. Goodbye," And with that I walked away from Edward with him staring at the napkin then up at me as I walked away. I left feeling more confidant that I had in a long time. Too long.

Alright everyone!
Hit or miss?

The button wants to know what you think!