Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas and any OCs...Glee belongs to Fox

Rating: T for now... maybe M later :) mostly Kurt\Finn, just a warning I will be taking maybe a more slow approach to their relationship, be patient it will be cute and fun! ^_^

A/N: Well, it's my first Glee fic... be nice! haha seriously though, I'm trying hard to write a good fic here, comments would be nice. Enjoy and if you want me to continue, REVIEW! I want to know what you all think and like most authors, I need encouragement and such to get me to keep posting :) :) Thank you muchly for reading!

Chapter One

~~~~++++ Snow and wind flailed about in a dizzy frenzy as Finn Hudson fishtailed his truck as he pulled into the Hummel's driveway. Kurt had been in and out of school the past few weeks, ignoring Finn in the hallways and not responding to txts or phone calls anyone else made to him. Although he couldn't really describe it, Finn knew there was just something wrong about today. Something in his gut had crawled up his spine and was pulling at the back of his mind, it wouldn't leave him alone. True, it wasn't like he actually paid attention in some...well, most of his classes, but this feeling made it hard just to get through the normally uneventful 40 minutes he spent in each class.

Practically leaping out of the truck, Finn tried running to the front door, praying it would be unlocked, and slipping on the icy driveway. Burt Hummel was out of town, gone with Finn's Mom Carole on some sort of trip where they could enjoy each other without the pressures of having teenagers...whatever that meant. Luckily, the front door swung open as Finn turned the doorknob, and Finn swore that if he saw Kurt down in his room performing his daily skin ritual, this would be the first and only time he wouldn't be annoyed with him for leaving the door unlocked. Finn called Kurt's name as he ran into the kitchen area, hoping to find a note on the counter stating that Kurt was just out to get a few things and not to freak out. Finn heard no response to his calls, and no note on the counter. Finn ran down the stairs to the basement, a.k.a Kurt's Mancave as Finn had to referred to it one night after too much vodka. Again, he called for Kurt, but no one was in the room, and the bathroom door was wide open, with no occupants.

Racing over to Kurt's dresser, Finn knew exactly what to look for. Opening the drawer that held Kurt's various scarves, Finn began to pick apart the neatly folded piles, still in the back of his head hoping he would hear Kurt come down stairs and scream at the atrocious mess Finn was making, threatening to kick his ass and trying to push Finn aside to fix the problem, and Finn laughing at his attempts to move him considering he was quite larger than the smaller soprano. Finn's heart stopped when he didn't find what he was looking for. Shit, Finn thought. Of all the things you could have done to me, why pick this? Finn vowed to give Kurt a serious beating for putting him through all this emotional stress.

Finn was looking for one scarf in particular, one that he had given Kurt for his birthday. It was two shades of red, darker fading into lighter with red stripes on the end. Kurt said it was the best gift, even with the horrible stripes sticking out like Celine Dion would if she had auditioned for the musical "The Color Purple". Finn had laughed about it, until Kurt showed him a picture of a small, soft looking boy in the arms of a beautiful woman. "My Mom," Kurt had explained, pointing to the woman. "She was never good at sewing, but she made me that scarf I'm wearing in the picture...It was like her way of saying, 'I'm not perfect, but here you go anyway.' " Both shared a laugh, and Finn looked at the boy with a big smile, wearing a red scarf in the picture. Kurt said he would wear the scarf whenever he went back to the old nature trail the picture was taken in, it would help him revisit his bright red past he had said.

Finn snapped out of his momentary lapse of attention and went over to the bookshelf, grabbing the photo album Kurt had shown him the picture from and opened it to the page the picture still stood, Kurt and his mother, smiling back at Finn. Behind them was a sign for the main entrance of the trails, a strong river racing just off to the side of them. Shutting the book quickly and throwing it on Kurt's bed with his scarves still laying askew, Finn rushed back upstairs, bolting out the front door (and not locking it, it didn't matter,) and jumping back into his truck and driving to the site from the picture, running two red lights on the way, Thank God the cops aren't out, Finn thought as he pulled up to the nature trail and got out of his truck, leaving the keys in the ignition and the lights on. Finn passed the main entrance sign and began running down a straight back, barely able to make out a set of tracks in the snow. Being the only tracks in this horrid weather, he assumed, more so hoped they were Kurt's, since he couldn't imagine anyone else wanting to walk the trails in this snow storm. Finn followed the tracks to a sign that read: TRAIL BLOCKED OFF! Entrance to river, authorized personnel only! Looking around briefly, Finn saw some of the low hanging branches and brush had been moved ever so slightly from their original positions, the tracks going through the newly made trail. God Dammit, Kurt! Finn cursed as he followed the new trail, running and leaping over fallen trees and random bushes. You couldn't just be your normal self and think about what all this nature would do to your complexion? Finn's pace quickened to a sprint when he heard the sounds of the river, still running strong in these freezing temperatures. He finally broke into a clearing, coming to a slippery halt in the snow as he took in the scene around him.

There was the snow, still falling and being blown around by the wind, causing Finn to squint to get clear visibility. The river had frozen over in small parts, the strong ice was being separated and carried away by the river which flowed slower than it would on a normal windy day, but still dangerously fast for anyone who was thinking about admiring it's beauty and power. And there was Kurt...standing on a rock that jutted out from the water a good distance away from shore, causing Finn to wonder how Kurt had jumped that far. Wearing a hat, a peacoat, his signature skinny jeans with black boots, and the signature scarf Finn had given him, Kurt looked up at Finn when he heard his name being called by the quarterback. Kurt's eyes were read and puffy, the trails of his tears that were still flowing freely from his beautiful eyes leading down his soft face. His scarf being whipped about by the wind, Kurt stood idly on his thrown, staring at Finn with his piercing gaze.

"Kurt!" Finn yelled, the wind causing him to inhale harshly, it was colder than he thought. "Come on, Kurt, this isn't funny anymore!" Kurt had no response except to look down at his boots, Finn using this opportunity to inch closer to the river's edge, extending his hand to Kurt, a silent tear falling from his eye as he looked at his friend. "I know you don't think I understand what you are going through, but I do! I know exactly what you're going through because I put you through it!" Tears were flowing freely now from Finn's eyes, his hand tingling from the cold and from the tenseness of the situation as he reached his arm further out to Kurt. "Just get the hell back over here so we can go home and talk about this away from all this!"

Kurt shot a look at Finn, his eyes narrowed and tears flowing like Niagara Falls. Kurt's mouth was moving, but Finn couldn't hear anything he was saying, yet he could understand his feelings as if he already knew what he was saying.

"Look-I don't know what you trying to prove here," Finn shook his head as more tears came. "But I can't do this anymore!" Kurt's eyes widened at Finn's sudden burst of emotion. "You know how I feel, you know who I really am, and you know I would throw everything away to make things right!...But I can't make anything right with you running away from me all the time! So, please... just come over here..." Finn held out his hand at it's farthest length. Kurt made to grab for his hand, but stopped momentarily, hesitating. "Please!" Finn begged, his voice echoing as he held out his hand again. Kurt slowly inched forward, reaching our his hand, fingers clumsily trying to grasp Finn's. "Careful-Shit!" Finn cursed as Kurt slipped slightly, regaining his balance. "Ok look, just slowly come towards me, jump and I'll catch you...Kurt, you have to jump," Finn saw the horror in Kurt's eyes at the mention of jumping. "I promise I'll catch you. Trust me, I won't let anything happen to you.. just take it slow, I'm right here, waiting to catch you and bring you out of this hell you're in." Kurt inched slowly forward, Finn coaxing him along the way, all the while bracing himself to catch the small boy and bring him to safety. Kurt was almost to the edge of the large rock, ready to jump, jump into Finn's arms where they could figure out this damn mess together...

Kurt made to jump, but slipped at the last minute, his arms flailing around, further throwing off his balance. "No!" Finn yelled, stepping one foot into the icy water that filled his sneaker instantly, and reaching out to Kurt, grabbing whatever he could, an arm, a hand, a shoulder... or a scarf. Finn yanked the scarf, hoping the sudden shift would be enough to send Kurt falling into his arms...

...In a flash, the scarf unwrapped, Kurt hadn't really used it properly for the first time in...ever. Kurt wheeled back, and for once, Finn heard the noise coming from Kurt's mouth. He was screaming. Screaming as he fell backward, falling hard on the rock and very quickly sliding into the river, Finn yelling at the top of his lungs, as if trying to overpower Kurt's own screams. Finn rushed into the river, screaming Kurt's name, and holding tightly to scarf that had come off in his hands. He searched frantically for the small figure, but the river was even beginning to tug at Finn's strong stance in the shallows. Finn screamed for Kurt, feeling pathetic as if that was the only thing he could do while Kurt was hurting or possibly dead. Finn screamed Kurt's name one last time louder than ever, before a feeling of icy cold enveloped his entire body... ++++~~~~

Finn shot up from the bed in the nurse's office, gasping for air. He was sweating out of control, his breath shallow and somewhat wheezy. The nurse rushed over to him at the sudden noise.

"Finn-Finn! Honey, what's wrong, can you breathe?" The nurse was panicked, but Finn just took a couple deep breaths, coughing here and there from his almost choking. "There you go, just take it easy..." the nurse patted Finn on the back, fanning herself as she calmed down, grateful a student hadn't gone into cardiac arrest on her watch.

"I'm fine... bad dream..." Finn managed to sputter out between breaths. The nurse just nodded, putting a thermometer in his mouth to take his temperature.

"You do have a bit of a fever... how do you feel?" The nurse squinted at Finn, as if she was giving him the once-over.

"Like death warmed up in a volcano," Finn stated bluntly. "I think I need to go home."

"Well, is your mother at work? I could call her to come pick you up, maybe you could call one of your Glee friends and have them drive your car home for you?" The nurse walked over to her telephone.

"What time is it? How long was I sleeping?"

"Oh honey, school let out over an hour ago... don't worry, that nice Kurt boy stopped by to give me your homework from the classes you missed."

Yeah, because that is the first thing on my mind right now... Finn though, but smiled as best he could as he got up and gathered his things.

"Mom is out of town," Finn said, dryly, trying to shake off the creepy detail from the dream he just had. "I'll be fine driving myself," he said, trying to put the nurse's nerves at rest. "I just need to go home."

The nurse nodded and smiled, telling him to drive safe and to pull over if he had to vomit. Finn tried to smile and nodded before heading out to his truck. The air outside was cool, and it felt good against Finn face and clothes that he had been sweating in. It also meant that winter was coming soon, causing Finn to shiver and fell hollow inside as he approached his truck and climbed in the driver's seat. Turning the engine over, he backed out of the parking lot and drove slowly over to the Hummel's house. Technically, since their parents were together, it was just as much Finn's house as it was Kurt's... but Finn never mentioned that out of fear of being selfish.

Pulling in the driveway, Finn saw Kurt's "baby" parked by the garage, he was home safe at least. Finn turned off his truck and sat there, staring at the steering wheel for what seemed like forever before slamming his palms into the horn, which went off with a blaring brassy sound, like when Mercedes was belting her face off is what Finn likened it most to. The tears seemed to come in buckets, falling down Finn's face as he slammed his fists into the steering wheel of his truck, the intensity of his dream was just too much to handle right now. He sat for five minutes crying alone in his truck before gathering his stuff and heading up to the front door. It was unlocked, Finn flinched a little as he opened it and stepped inside.

"Kurt?" he called to see if Kurt was nearby.

"In the living room!" Kurt's voice called back, and Finn sighed, relief washing over him. He took off his sneakers and walked over to the living room where he found Kurt lying on the couch, wrapped in a rather large blanket watching the large screen TV.

"Your horn subtly gave you away," Kurt smiled, his dry sense of humor causing Finn to give his usual crooked smile. "What took you so long to get in here, Hudson? Did you have to plow through the end field just to get to the front door?" Finn chuckled, wiping his eyes, forgetting he had been crying earlier, luckily, there were only the few beginnings of new tears he had to wipe away. Of course, Kurt noticed. "What happened? You look like you've been hit by a truck and had your body tossed into the river." Finn flinched at the mention of a river, stumbling back just slightly. Again, Kurt's talent for being astute caused him to stand immediately when Finn stumbled. Kurt was barefoot, and dressed way down from what he normally wore at school. It was Friday leading into a long weekend after all, so Kurt decided on wearing the only pair of sweatpants he owned, and an old hoody of Finn's that no longer fit him. Finn saw the worry in Kurt's eyes but he threw up a hand saying, "I'm fine, really, just a little dizzy...Oh, Kurt-" he sighed in frustration as Kurt grabbed his arm and motioned for the couch.

"Sit your ass down, Finn Hudson," Kurt had a slight bit of demand in his voice. "Why you didn't call me to pick you up from school is beyond me, but I'm grateful you at least made it home safe. Now that you are, I must say that you are not in your right mind for another mysterious reason you care not to explain. So you can keep your damn secrets, but you will do as I say and sit down or I will have to sedate you using any blunt object I can find." Finn sighed again and sat down on the couch, moving the blanket away from him, giving Kurt the "are you happy now?" look. Kurt's expression softened a little, and he sat down next to Finn, reaching over to feel his forehead.

"Already took my temperature," Finn said quickly, turning away. "102.4 ... why was the front door unlocked? You know that ticks me off-" He tried to change the subject but Kurt was insistent on finding out on his own what Finn's state was, he didn't trust anyone who wore white after Labor Day.

"You're burning up," Kurt said as he took Finn's socks off and began to drape the heavy blanket over the quarterback. "Dude," Finn tried to push the blanket away. "If I'm so hot, adding more layers is not going to help!"

"Take off your shirt." Kurt said suddenly and bluntly.

"Wha-What?" Finn stuttered. "Dude, I thought we talked about this-"

"Shut up!" Kurt said, now he was a bit agitated. "We have 'talked about this' but this is not 'this'."

"Uh..." Finn said obviously lost. Kurt sighed and held up the blanket.

"Everyone knows that when you have a fever, the best way to get it all out of your system is to sweat it out. If you are hot now, take off your sweatshirt, and get under this. A few minutes under this blanket, and you will knock this thing out of you."

"Oh...I... should have though about...sorry." Finn was pretty inarticulate when he felt that he had jumped down Kurt's throat about the whole taking off his shirt and him being in love with Finn thing. "I know you were just trying to-"

"Forget it," Kurt said looking away. "Just do what I tell you without assuming I'm trying to get in your pants. We are practically brothers now, I thought I could at least try to help you when you were feeling like crap..."

Finn took off his sweatshirt, he had a t-shirt on under that and pulled the blanket up over his shoulders as Kurt instructed, feeling worse as his body temperature rose and he started sweating again.

"Sorry for being disgusting and sweaty..." He tried to sound as sincere as he could.

"Forget about it, Hudson," Kurt rested a hand on Finn's shoulder, but quickly withdrew it. "Just trying to make sure you get the same treatment your mother would give you...at least the best I can do, with her off having a mid-life galavant with my dad." Finn gave a short laugh and shifted his weight on the couch, trying to find the impossible comfortable spot. Kurt, noticing, put a pillow on his lap. "Here big boy," Kurt said, patting the pillow. Finn looked a little reserved, but Kurt just tried to smile as best he could. "I have a nice manly movie in the player, I was waiting for you to get home to watch it. Unless you would rather nap here I can go downstairs and watch it."

Finn didn't know how he kept reverting to his old self, the guy who thought Kurt had some agenda to get in his pants. Sometimes he could think Kurt was the most amazing guy he had every been friends with, other times he just seemed to shy away and it was all very confusing for Finn. He knew now though that Kurt was just genuinely concerned, as any brother would be, and Finn was still a bit shaken from his dream he had earlier. Finn, without hesitating, laid his head on the pillow in Kurt's lap, and looked up at Kurt, smiling.

"Press the play button before I have to guess what movie it is, I want to be surprised."

Kurt smiled, and pressed play. Finn's face literally did one of those sitcom moment faces, where it turned from happiness to horror in about 5 seconds.

" 'The Sound of Music' ?" Finn almost wailed. "That's the manly movie you were talking about?"

"It's just a preview tiger, calm down." Kurt laughed, gently putting his hands in Finn's hair.

The DVD Menu for Braveheart came on to the large screen, and Finn's face instantly lit up.

"Oh yeah! I love this movie! Great choice, dude!" Finn snuggled closer to Kurt in excitement for the movie to start. "Who knew they would have a preview for 'The Sound of Music' on the Braveheart DVD?"

"Why else do you think I chose this movie?" Kurt said sarcastically. "Best 2 and a half minutes of my night just happened before this menu popped up." Finn smiled up at him. "So I'm a sucker for a sweet love story and men in full mooning...sue me." Kurt said, tugging at Finn's hair. Finn laughed, an actual laugh for the first time that day. Kurt pressed the "Play" button and as the screen grew dark as the movie began, Finn noticed that Kurt's hand was moving from Finn's hair to his be placed on his shoulder, then it wandered quickly away from that to try sit at an angle for Kurt's head to rest upon.

"Um... actually, can you put your hands back where they were...?" Finn asked, hesitantly. Kurt looked down at Finn, eyes narrowed slightly. "It's just, Quinn used to put her hands in my hair and rub my head when I was sick and it felt good..." Finn heard Kurt scoff and he couldn't help but feel warm inside when he finished his thought. "...but it feels better when you do it." Finn felt Kurt's body get a little tense after that...but eventually he relaxed and placed his hands back to running through Finn's hair. "There, happy now?" Kurt asked sarcastically.

"Yes." Finn snuggled a little closer and smiled.

"Good, now shut up the movie is actually starting now." Kurt said. Finn chuckled and reached over with his hand and gently swatted Kurt's leg, while Kurt, almost instinctively, gave Finn's hair a slight tug. "Bad Finn." Kurt said dryly.

"Hey! I didn't deserve-" Finn was cut off as Kurt removed his hands from Finn's hair and place a finger to his lips, pressing the "Pause" button on the remote.

"Here's the deal, Hudson," Kurt muttered. "I am trying to watch this movie. You talk and I will not be giving you this free head rub that I normally charge for. Got the picture?" he felt Finn nod, Kurt's finger still on his lips, he still felt a chuckle escape Finn. "What?" Kurt asked, taking his finger away.

"You charge for a head rub..." Finn chuckled again. "You slut..." Kurt gave an "ugh!" and lightly slapped the side of Finn's face as Finn laughed under his breath.

"You're impossible, Finn Hudson," Kurt said. "Maybe I will just go for a walk and let you watch this alone."

Finn instantly flashed back to his dream, Kurt walking away, Kurt walking far away, Kurt being beyond his reach. Without even knowing it, he reached out his hands and held Kurt in his place on the couch.

"No," Finn said, Kurt detecting a slight plea in his voice. "Please stay, I'll be quiet I promise. Just, please stay..." Kurt arched an eyebrow and turned Finn's face up so it faced his. There was something strange and powerful in Finn's eyes, it kind of scared Kurt.

"Jeez Finn," He began, letting Finn slide over on his side again. "I'll stay here if it means that much." Kurt put his hands gently in Finn's hair and proceeded to rub his head gingerly. "Why are you so hard to say 'no' to..." Kurt almost whispered.

"I just want to spend this long weekend with you," Finn answered. "Just you, just us having fun and chilling out...as brother's do." he added on the end, unsure of how convincing he was.

"Fine with me." Kurt said after a brief silence, and he pressed the play button and the movie started again.

The movie played on through the night, it was a pretty long movie, Kurt had forgotten how long. Kurt cried at the very end, and although he tried to not make it obvious, Finn was snuggled so close to him that not only could he hear Kurt's hiccups and sniffles, he could feel Kurt's body tense up before each short sob. Sitting up, Finn wrapped an arm behind Kurt and the other one around Kurt's front and pulled him into a lying down position in front of Finn, pulling him up close to his chest and rubbing his arm with one hand.

"Shh...It's ok, Kurt" Finn whispered, this wasn't the first time he had noticed Kurt crying during a movie, so he knew what to do. He continued to rub Kurt's arm in comfort while he snuggled his face slightly in Kurt's hair, tacking a sniff. Strawberry, Finn thought. Cute...

After a while, Kurt's sobs and sniffles and hiccups turned into slower breaths, Finn glanced over at Kurt to find him asleep. Turning off the TV very carefully so as not to wake Kurt, Finn settled back into a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep.

Kurt woke up the next morning to the sun shining bright on his face through the windows in the living room. He was stretched out on the couch in the living room, the blanket wrapped around his body. What Kurt noticed the most was the large empty space behind him...Finn must have already been up and moving about. Kurt slowly got to his feet and headed to the kitchen, the tile floor in the kitchen cold against his bare feet. Finn stood at the counter, in jeans and a different t-shirt, looking much healthier than when he had come home the other day.

"Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Finn smiled, passing Kurt a bowl of cereal. "Eat up and do whatever daily regiments you have to do, we are going to go outside today." Finn couldn't have picked a better day to go outside, Kurt thought, it was gorgeous out. Sunny, and Kurt felt a light breeze coming in threw the open window in the kitchen.

"What did have planned for us today, Finn Hudson?" Kurt asked through a mouth of cereal.

"We are going to practice some rake some leaves into a pile," Finn put up one finger, which didn't really thrill Kurt to have to be working this early in the morning. Finn held up a second finger, "And we are going to practice some football." Strike two, Kurt thought to himself. Finn picked up a red flannel shirt off the chair, putting it on and buttoning it to an appropriate amount. He picked up a dark green vest and put that on over the flannel. Kurt thought all he was missing was a pair of cowboy boots and a John Deere hat for it to be too wrong on so many levels.

"Meet me outside when you're ready, I'm going to get start on the raking." Finn patted Kurt's arm and went outside. Kurt quickly ate the rest of his breakfast and went downstairs... he could skip a few minutes in his skin regiment today... just a few though.

Finn looked up from his pile of leaves to see Kurt walking out in a large red t-shirt over the football teams signature underarmour, and shorts with the team's emblem on it, and a pair of sensible spanks on under that...Finn chuckled that the outfit was tapered off with a pair of Kurt's old designer shoes that showed many days of wear and tear.

"Alright," Finn clapped his hands together, then put them on Kurt's shoulders. "I raked all the leaves into this giant pile behind me."

"Thanks Finn," Kurt said dryly. "I definitely would not have noticed that without your brilliant observation skills."

"Right," Finn shrugged and went on. "Anyway I want you to go stand over there," Finn pointed to a good distance away. "Then run at me at full speed and try to tackle me with every bit of strength you have." Kurt looked up at him as if he were crazy. "Nah, dude you can totally do it!" Finn said as if he knew what Kurt's next words were going to be. "Just concentrate, and put all the force right here." Finn patted his abs. "I swear I won't feel a thing." Finn smiled.

"Oh yeah," Kurt's voice held a challenging tone. "You think so Hudson? Well I guess I will just have to teach you the heard way."

Kurt went over to where Finn had pointed to, and looked back at Finn who had a ridiculous smile on his face and his hands in thumbs up gestures. Taking a few deep breaths, Kurt steadied himself before charging at Finn at top speed. Closing his eyes, Kurt tried to put his body in a position that would ensure maximum tackle success rate.

Finn braced himself and, sure enough, Kurt hit him pretty hard, but ultimately just fell backwards and tumbled to the ground, Finn unmoved from his spot. Finn laughed and Kurt looked up at him, "It would be easier if you weren't such a brick wall." Kurt said, pouting.

"Oh come on now," Finn offered a hand and Kurt took it, letting Finn lift him up. "No pouting, you are better than that. Now, what you did was just think about it too much. Don't be concerned with how you are going to tackle me, just let it happen. Like singing a ballad, don't think about the feelings and thoughts you want to convey to the audience... just do it naturally and it will happen." Finn gave Kurt a quick shake to make sure he wasn't too shaken up from the hit and fall he took earlier. Kurt nodded and trudged back to his place, shaking his thoughts off, just trying to let it all happen the way Finn instructed...No luck. This time, Finn's body just stopped him as he tried to push Finn over after hitting his wall of abs again. Finn laughed and pushed Kurt off gently.

"Stay here," Finn instructed, rushing inside, leaving Kurt to ponder what he could be up to now. Finn had retrieved the iPod player from the house, plugged it in to the outlet on the side of the house and put Kurt's iPod in. He pointed out to Kurt's position, where Kurt promptly went to. Finn found the perfect song and grabbed the small remote to the appliance and headed to his spot.

"Now pay attention," Finn yelled over to Kurt, who nodded. Kurt watched as Finn pressed a button and heard Don't Rain on My Parade come clear through the speakers.

"What-?" Kurt began but was cut off as Finn started dancing idiotically to the music.

"Ooh look at me! I'm Barbra Streisand! I can sing this song and dance like this!" Finn proceeded to turn around and shake his butt right in front of Kurt, who felt his face burn. He knew Finn was joking, but still, taking shots at La Streisand was just a step too far. Not to mention Finn had proceeded to do the "Macareena" dance to the music, which was just awful. Kurt charged at Finn at full death speed, intent to take him down.

Finn had just enough time to brace himself lightly between turns in his dance when Kurt hit him full force, sending him sprawling backwards. Even in that quick instance, he made sure to wrap his arms around Kurt, he didn't want him to go flying outside the pile and hurt himself. Finn twisted his body slightly to take most of the sudden stop when they hit the pile, letting out a cough as if winded, and laughing as he pulled Kurt up from under some leaves. To Finn's happy discovery, Kurt was laughing too, laughing so hard, tears had actually started running down his face.

"Oh..God, Finn...it...Hurts!" Kurt clutched his stomach, abs pounding from all the laughter. Finn just let out a "rawr" type noise and grabbed Kurt's waist and pulled him towards him, falling back into the leaves. He finally stood up and shook some of the leaves off his body as Kurt grabbed his arm and heaved himself up. Finn brushed leaves off of Kurt's shoulder's and arms, before placing his hands on Kurt's shoulders and rubbing them to warm Kurt up.

"You did great!" Finn smiled, shaking Kurt slightly, so that Kurt giggled. "You really tackled me and you didn't think you could! I totally knew you could, though, yup, you just had to focus on it." Finn laughed and ruffled Kurt's hair. Kurt looked up at Finn and gently reached up to brush the leaves out of Finn's hair, resting his hand on Finn's chest before wrapping his arms around Finn in a tight hug. Finn felt a warmth fill him and he smiled his best smile as he returned the hug, twisting and turning Kurt in his arms before picking him off the ground entirely and slinging him over his shoulder.

"Finn-!" Kurt almost squealed. "You'll wrinkle... my underarmour!"

"Relax princess," Finn laugh as Kurt lightly hit his head. "Hey, don't use your super big muscles to knock me out, don't forget I'm carrying you and from up there it's a steep drop." Finn felt Kurt's body tense up and he laughed, giving his shoulder a shrug causing Kurt to yell at him again.

When they got inside, Finn put Kurt down, who lightly punched him in the arm, Finn pretended to rub it like it actually hurt and Kurt just sneered at him.

"I'm going to take a shower." Kurt announced, heading downstairs. Noticing that Finn was following him, he added, "Would you like to go before me?"

"Nah you go first," Finn shrugged. "I'll just hang out on my bed till you're done."

Kurt nodded slowly, a suspicious look on his face. Nevertheless, Kurt headed into the bathroom and started his shower. Finn lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, Kurt's birthday was coming up soon, and he had been talking to different people about what to get Kurt, since he was no good at choosing gifts. Everyone was agreed: a scarf would be best for Kurt, as if Finn couldn't have thought of that himself. Finn didn't want to just go out and by a scarf though... it just felt too overdone to him... he stared at the ceiling, planning out his gift. He heard the water shut off from the shower and he instantly sat up, he wanted to play with Kurt just a bit more. Grabbing a polaroid camera, he inched towards the bathroom, placing his hand on the door knob and twisting it quietly, just enough to see if... it was indeed unlocked and Finn chuckled to himself. He swung open the door without warning and held up the camera and snapped any picture he could.

"FINN!" Kurt screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors. "Get the hell out of the bathroom!" He shoved Finn out the door and slammed it behind him. Finn laughed as he heard the lock on the door click on Kurt's end. At least now maybe he will lock the front door too... Finn thought.

Taking the photo from the camera, he shook it until it developed. He laughed and smiled...there was Kurt, wrapped in a towel long enough to go past his knees, his hair wrapped in a towel-like-turban, his face bright red with embarrassment. Just then, and idea shot into Finn's head, as he rushed to the far section of the room so Kurt wouldn't hear him. Dialing a number, he waited for the couple rings, hoping she would answer her phone.

"Hello Finn." A soft voice said on the other end.

"Quinn!" Finn was delighted she answered her phone. "Listen, I know what I want to give Kurt for his birthday."

"I thought you were getting him a scarf..." Quinn said, confused.

"Yeah, but I don't want to just go buy him one, it's so overdone... You know how to crochet right?"

"Why are you interested in lessons Mr. Quarterback?" Quinn giggled.

"Yeah," Finn said abruptly. "I wanna make Kurt a scarf for his birthday. That way he knows it's special, from me."

"Ok," Quinn said without hesitation. "I can pick up supplies today and we can work on it here at my place, it should be ready by Kurt's birthday if you start today and really work hard on it."

"I'll be over in 15 minutes, thanks Quinn!"

"Finn wait, before you go, do you have a color in mind?"

"Oh I think I have the perfect color for Kurt..." Finn said as his finger trailed on Kurt's bright red face in the photo.

A/N So I hope you all enjoyed it! I am going to be using the rest of the characters in chapter 2 and on... I'm still feeling this story out, but at least chapter one is up! REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE WRITING THIS STORY, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! reviews mean so much to me so thank you in advance! Chapter 2 on it's way after a few reviews have been submitted!
