I really could not believe that the whole household was getting ready for Asai and her husband to come. I really can't believe that I have to see her face again. I really can't believe that Tsukasa expects me to get along with her! She was part of the reason why my life in Eitoku was hell. The other part on why life in Eitoku was hard was for me was because of Tsukasa. It's kind of ironic that I'm married to him and that I'm carrying his children. It would be hilarious to tell my sixteen year old self that I was going to get married to him and have kids with him. I would have probably started crying my eyes out. I put on a loose, maternity dress that Shigeru picked out for me. When I told her that Asai was going to come to the house for dinner, she laughed on the phone. She said it was funny on how she had already had six husbands. She's only twenty-four and she had already had six marriages. That means that ever since she was eighteen, she got married and divorced every year to different men. I look over at Tsukasa and he just finished putting his shirt on. I don't get why we have to dress so formal. It's only her and her husband. Tsukasa gave me an encouraging smile that was almost apologetic. He knew that she was the last person that I would ever want to see again, but I guess the world really is a small place. I just have to be a woman and deal with it. I put on my shoes and walked with Tsukasa to the main living room. I held his arm as we began to walk.

"You owe me big time for making me go through this," I informed him.

"Hm, is that so?" he laughed.

"Yes! You know that I can't stand her! Ugh, you just don't know how annoying she was in high school. She would be her bitchy self on the normal days, but when she wants something from me, she starts to be my 'friend'. You don't even know half of the stuff she did!" I claimed.

"What did she do anything to you? Tell me!" he told me.

"Well, half of the time, you were there to stop her, but sometimes, she would bully me. Don't worry. Rui was there to save me, or when I was in the mood, I fought back," I said with confidence.

"Man, why is Rui always saving you? It's like I wasn't your boyfriend in high school. It seemed like it was him!" he complained.

"Well, it is your fault! You were the one that ditched school regularly. Even though Rui used the school hours to sleep in the fire escape, at least he went to school!" I stuck my tongue out.

If Tsukasa only knew what Asai had been doing in high school! Rumor has it that she only passed her biology and English class because she made out with a few nerds so that they could do her homework. I really do believe that it was true, though. The next day the rumor had spread, I saw purple hickies on her neck. I remember just grunting in disgust. We finally made it to the front of the door and the door rung. A servant answered it and Asai and her husband emerged onto the scene.

It turns out that Asai's husband's name is Hiroshi Tanaka. I just smiled politely at him and bowed. He was super old! I could tell that Asai's main ambition on marrying him was because of his money. Ever since her father's company failed, she had been hopping in and out of marriages with rich men. I remember reading a magazine about him one time. He's a CEO to a big shipping and delivery company. I even read that he was already fifty-eight years old. Asai was old enough to be his daughter. Even my own father was younger than him! Well, Asai and Hiroshi declined our offer for dinner and claimed that they had already eaten. Tsukasa and Hiroshi went into Tsukasa's office to make negotiations while I was stuck in the lounge room with Asai.

Asai really did look different from how she looked in high school. She was even skinnier and I could tell that she hated eating and that food was her enemy. She looked at me and tried to be polite as she took a small nibble on the cake in front of her. It was as if she didn't want to even look at the cake. She probably thought that she could gain calories from the sight of food. She was always the dumb one. Her makeup was even thicker and she had no problem showing off any skin. She was wearing a skimpy, black tube top with a pair of white short shorts. I just smiled politely back at her as I noticed that she was wearing the highest pair of stilettos that I had ever seen in my life. For some reason, her nose looked even pointier. She must have gotten a nose job. If you asked for my opinion, she looked more of a hooker or a stripper rather than a wife of a CEO.

"Tsukushi-chan! I haven't seen you in the longest time! I was so surprised to find out that you were engaged to Domyouji-kun a few months ago. Who would have ever known that you two would get back together after the long four year separation? I was surprised myself! And you're expecting a child?" she asked me as her eyes lingered onto my stomach.

"Actually, I'm expecting twins," I smiled.

"I can't believe that you're actually going through with it! I heard that being in labor was the worst experience that a woman could ever go through. If I were you, I would have not gotten pregnant or I would have just paid a surrogate mother, so that you can keep your body. I heard that after you get pregnant, you get bloody fat and it's hard to lose it! I would never want that happening to me! If I don't have a body, then I don't have anything worth flaunting!" she crackled.

Gee, that was encouraging. I'm going to be fat after the pregnancy; that's just great. I can tell that she hadn't changed a bit.

"Well, I'm actually happy that I'm going to be a mother. I'm really blessed to be able to experience the hardships and the process of being a mother. You've been married…a few times. How come you don't have any children?" I asked.

"There's a funny story! You see, my first husband's name was Lee Hyo. Well, I married him when I was eighteen. It was a few weeks after graduation as a matter of a fact! That jerk wanted to have kids after we were married, but I refused, and he got me into bed and poked holes in the condom that he was using. I got pregnant, but I got it taken care of. When he found out that I wasn't pregnant anymore, he was in tears! Can you imagine? A grown man crying because of a stupid clot of blood tissues that wasn't even fully developed! He got divorced with me after that, but it's okay. He gave me half of his money at that time as pension," she said as she sipped on a glass of water.

I just stood there stunned. I wouldn't think that Asai would stoop that low. How dare she call an undeveloped baby a stupid clot of blood tissues? She was going to regret doing what she had done the moment she has her first child—if she even is blessed with one. I feel really sorry for her first husband. I would have done the same thing if I was her first husband. Another thing that surprised me was the fact that Asai was so blunt with her life. It was as if she wasn't shy to reveal that she had several husbands and that she had experienced an abortion.

"You actually went through with the abortion?" I repeated in disbelief.

"Of course! I already had three! One of them was in high school. It was actually during junior year. The rumor was true!" she giggled.

I seriously wanted to slap her right in the face at the moment. Tsukasa would be so angry with me, but I had to fight the urge! It was difficult to see a woman that had the resources to make her life prosperous and successful just waste it to make herself be labeled as a whore. All I knew was that there was no way that Asai was going near my twins. There was no way in hell.

"That's, uhm, interesting," I lied.

I hated being polite to her. I just wished that Tsukasa would come back and save me from her stupid stories. If Tsukasa wanted to save me from her like in high school, he should just come out of his office and this whole day could be over. Well, I don't want this whole day to be over. Today, I'm supposed to go to my gynecologist and get an ultrasound so that I could find out the sexes of my babies. I've been praying for at least one of them to be a girl while Tsukasa had been showing off that both of them be boys. He said that boys could carry family names while girls can't. I would just roll my eyes whenever he would say that. It was true, but it would be nice to dress up my very own daughter. After I just finished that thought, Tsukasa came out of his office with Hiroshi! He really is a savior! I quickly stood up and took Tsukasa's side. He looked at me with surprise. He was probably wondering why I was so happy to see him. I know exactly how he's feeling. He had never seen me this happy to see him ever since we were apart from each other for the long four years.

"Well, I do hope that this negotiation goes through," Hiroshi shook Tsukasa's hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife," he added in as he kissed me hand.

"I was delighted to meet you—and to reunite with you wife," I stretched the truth.

"I'll see you again in a few days," Tsukasa told Hiroshi.

"Let's go leave now, Asai!" he ordered Asai as Asai stood up and gave Tsukasa and me a hug.

Hiroshi's phone rang the moment Asai went to go hug Tsukasa. Asai kind of ticked me off because she was extremely close to him while she hugged him. I swore I even saw her pat his butt lightly.

I just glared at him for allowing her to do that to him. I thought we have been over this already. As soon as they left, I walked straight to the bedroom and changed my dress into a pair of jeans and a loose shirt. I put on a pair of Converse sneakers and was about to make my way to the car until Tsukasa stopped me. He stood in front of the door and I could tell that he could sense my irritation towards him. He put her hand on my shoulder.

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked me.

"You know what? Whatever!" I said as I brushed his hand off my shoulder.

It was sure stupid of him to not know why I was mad at him! He knew that I saw what Asai did and he expects me to just go with the flow and let it go! He knows me better than to not get angry with that. I could feel my blood boiling under my skin. I opened the car's door roughly, went inside, and slammed it shut loudly. Within three minutes, Tsukasa emerged from the mansion's doors and joined me in the car. He put the key in the ignition and drove off. It was completely silent. I knew that it was uncomfortable, but I was just fuming! I crossed my arms as I avoided even making eye contact with him. I looked straightforward to see the busy street scenes of Tokyo. He tried easing some of the silence by turning the radio on, but then gave up as soon as I turned it off.

"Are you jealous of Asai?" he tried asking me gently.

"Why would I be jealous of her? She got married six times, she's suffering from anorexia with possible bulimia, and she had three abortions. She would be the last person on Earth that I would be jealous of," I grunted.

"Then why are you angry?" he asked.

"I'm angry because you're always letting girls do that to you! You're always letting them get touchy with you and you don't do anything! You're stronger than them; why can't you refuse?" I asked in frustration.

"Tsukushi, it's not like I can beat her up for patting my butt! She's the wife of a guy I'm trying to do business with! It would make me look like a criminal if I punched his wife! And hitting girls is not my style. My mother taught me better," he reasoned as he stopped due to the red light displayed on the traffic light.

"But you can't just let them do that to you! How come it's okay if it's with you, but when it comes to me, it's all wrong?" I snapped.

"What? When was it wrong for you?" he questioned.

"Oh, you forgot? How about the time I saw Sam? I haven't seen that man in more than ten years and then you started to throw a jealous fit! How come it's okay for Asai to pat your ass and hug you so tight that you could probably feel her fake breast implants on your chest when it's wrong for me to exchange numbers with a childhood friend?" I fired back.

"He used to like you!" he said breaking away from his calm state.

"So? Asai was in love with you during high school! Sam only liked me in kindergarten!" I argued.

I swear this was the first argument we had ever since I was pregnant. I could tell in Tsukasa's expression that he was fed up with the arguing. I don't see why he sees me as the one with the wrong doing. It was him! It was his fault that he let that stupid bimbo touch him. He could have just refused, but he let her! I felt really miserable. I didn't expect him to do that and he really disappointed me. His face was full of frustration and aggravation. We finally reached Dr. Parker's office and I stormed out of the car and entered the building. I went straight into Dr. Park's office as I nodded at the receptionist. I knew that Tsukasa had gone inside the moment I heard the receptionist's scream of excitement. Ugh, it gets annoying to have a lot of girls crushing on your husband. Dr. Park greeted me as I returned the greeting with a bow to her.

"Why do you look so distressed, Mrs. Domyouji?" she asked with concern.

"Tsukasa's being a jerk," I snitched on Tsukasa as he walked in the office.

"No, I'm not! She's just being a drama queen!" he tried to defend himself.

"Not even! You let that hoe get all touchy with you! I can't believe that you let her! I bet that you let her because you're tired of my pregnant, fat body! I know that I gained weight and that I'm fat okay? I'm not even pretty," I said as I started to sob.

I really can't believe that I'm crying. I can't believe that I'm crying over this! Normally I would just kick Tsukasa's ass, but here I am weeping like a child! Damn these mood swings. I hate them. I can't wait to pop the set of twins right out of me and get back to acting normal. I just hated crying in public.

"Tsukushi, don't cry! If it helps, I'll just say that I'm wrong. And you're not fat or ugly. You look blooming," Tsukasa tried comforting me as he put his arm around my shoulders.

I dug my whole face onto his chest as I continued to weep. Emotions were just running through me today. Earlier, I was happy. Then I was neutral; a few minutes ago, I was angry, and now, I'm just a mess!

"No! It's my fault! I'm the one that's making you lose interest in me! I've been gaining weight like crazy and I'm losing sex appeal! You don't love me anymore!" I continued to sob.

"Tsukushi, I would still love you even if you were obese!" he said.

"You think I'll ever become obese?" I asked.

All I heard was Dr. Parker laughing quietly to herself.

"Why are you laughing?" Tsukasa asked trying to keep his manners.

"This shows that she's going through a normal pregnancy. It's only normal for pregnant women to snap at their husbands due to mood swings," she smiled at the both of us as I wiped my tears away.

I still can't believe that I let my emotions get the best of me. It's so indescribable because people would usually think that controlling your emotions would be an easy thing. I thought it was an easy thing until I got pregnant. I guess hormones really do get the best of you. All I can say is that it's uncontrollable. Dr. Parker then did the same procedure she had done with me when I went to go check if I really was pregnant. She took out that funky machine, sprayed some of that cold jelly on my stomach, and rubbed part of the machine on my growing stomach. My skin on my stomach stretched so much, I'm surprised that it hadn't burst!

"Ah, I see them!" she told us as she looked up at the screen.

"Those don't look like babies," Tsukasa commented.

"It's just an ultrasound, stupid! You can't expect to see the baby's finger nails, eyes, and every single detail about the babies yet! They're only six months in the making!" I unsuccessfully tried to be calm.

"Would you like to know the sexes of the babies?" she asked us as she ignored our bickering.

"Yes, please. I know that they're going to be both boys," Tsukasa claimed.

"He's weird! He had a dream that he was running around the backyard with two little identical boys. I doubt that we're getting twin boys! I hope that I get twin girls or fraternal twins of a boy and a girl," I said excitedly.

"Well, your husband must be a psychic," she guessed.

I cannot believe that she just said that. If I heard the words from her mouth correctly, that means that it's true! We're going to have twin boys. I don't know why, but I'm not really mad or disappointed that they're both boys. All that mattered was the fact that they were my sons. I could always try for a daughter next time. And by next time, I mean six to ten years. I really don't want to go through with this again until I know that I'm fully ready. I kind of just want to be happy with Tsukasa and my twin boys. It's kind of weird that I'm not disappointed. I still can't get over the fact that I'm not. I really wanted a girl, but having two boys is double the blessing. I can say that I couldn't be happier.

"See, I told you I was right!" Tsukasa rubbed it in my face.

"I don't care! We're having boys!" I smiled brightly.

LOL, I bet a lot of you guys expected the twins to be a boy and a girl. I read a few stories with that and I decided that it was better off it was a little different. Well, see you in the next chapter and thank you for reading.