A/N: Story takes place before the episode with Nick being stalked by the deranged cable guy. Story title comes from a favorite song of mine called "Caledonia." The title is from the lyrics in one of the verses.

And no, I did not steal the Twilight guy's name for my OC's last name. I stole it from the real Bryan. =)

Chapter 1 – Just Haven't Met You Yet

"Nick, take Thomas and go talk to the suspect. He's over there. Brass and I will finish up here talking to the neighbors. Greg's inside with Catherine helping process."

"Will do, Grissom." I turned to face the officer assigned to help me with the suspect, "Ready?"

He nodded and we left Gil Grissom and Captain Brass behind. I turned around to watch them still talking amongst themselves and wondered if they even heard me or if they even knew I was gone yet.

With the suspect throwing a menacing glance at us, Officer Thomas motioned for me to stand behind him, "Sir, my name is Officer David Thomas and I'm with the LVPD. We'd like to ask you a few questions. What's your name?"

"Chuck. Chuck Walker." He continued to glare at both of us and was obviously unimpressed by the whole situation, "Who are you?"

Officer Thomas didn't answer. He just looked at me before he started to stare at the suspect, "Like Chuck Walker, Texas Ranger?"

"Like I haven't heard that before, Officer Comedy Ha Ha." He rolled his eyes and stared at Thomas, "No. Not like Chuck Walker, Texas Ranger. Chuck Walker as in you better have a damn good reason for being here or I'll call my attorney for harassment."

"Nick Stokes, C.S.I. for the LVPD. We're here responding to the call involving an assault and home invasion at your ex wife's house? Neighbor claims she saw you leaving there carrying a large bag and a few minutes later, your ex wife came out, bloodied and screaming you attacked her. Care to elaborate on that? We just want to hear your side of the story and get this all straightened out." I looked over at the eager officer as I tried to send him a mental message to calm down. "No need to call anyone's attorney for anything. We're here just to get your side of the story. That's all."

He just laughed, "Dumb bitch will say anything to get me out of her life. No, I wasn't there. Haven't been there. If you flat foots who call yourselves detectives had any brains, you'd know that dumb bitch already has a TRO against me. I can't go within a hundred feet of her. Not that I'd want to. She costs me enough money every month in alimony as it is."

"Yah, we kinda know that already, but a piece of paper usually doesn't stop anyone who has a record like yours." Officer Thomas flipped through a printout he had clipped to the clipboard he was carrying, "Assault. Battery. Terroristic threatening. Public Intox. Assault. Assault. Oh and look, here's a surprise…" He looked at me as he pointed at the paper on his clipboard. "And another assault." He flipped the top sheet back over. "Seven cases there against you after she had you arrested seven times. Wow. No wonder she has a TRO against you."

"What can I say? We were passionate people when we were married." He stared at me, "So what do you want me to do, pee in a cup? Take a lie detector?"

"Uh, no. That won't help in this case. What will help me is getting a set of your fingerprints and a run down of what your night has been like as well as anyone who can verify your whereabouts for the last eighteen hours."

I stared to reach for my kit on the ground behind me when the man yelled out and tried to shove me off of the porch. "Dumb bitch! You're at my house now not yours! Get the hell away from here!" I managed to catch myself on the porch railing and steadied myself in front of him, blocking his way from seeing her. I turned around in time to see him screaming at a woman standing behind some police cars as she was talking to Captain Brass.

The man lunged forward again, this time knocking me over. "I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you!" I tripped over a terra cotta flower pot on the sidewalk next to the porch. I landed with a hard hit to my back side with my left arm taking most of the force and my shoulder hitting the flower pot. I looked up to see Officer Thomas and someone else restraining him and Brass leading a crying young lady away from the commotion.

I got up and dusted the mud off my pants. I checked myself again for mud and went down to grab the clipboard he knocked out of my hands. As I reached out, a pain shot up my left side. "Damn." I shook my arm a bit, trying to get the pain to go away, but it didn't help any. I drew in a sharp breath when another wave of pain was sent down through my arm like a bolt of lightning.

Catherine saw me fall and dropped what she was doing to check on me, "Nicky? You okay? I saw you fall."

I shook my head, "Yeah, I think so. Guy got temperamental and shoved me off the porch. That the ex wife?" I unbuttoned the top button of my shirt to look at my injury and saw the faint outline of a bruise already forming. I rotated my shoulder a bit trying to shake the pain off, but couldn't.

"Yeah that's the ex wife or the punching bag if you want to go by that guy's record. Brass brought her over here to do an ID on him." Catherine watched me try to hide the fact I was really hurting. "Nicky, you need to let the medics take a look at you." I winced in pain as she touched the top of my shoulder. "Please. You're already bruising pretty easily and you need to be checked." She turned around to see if she could spot the ambulance that was here earlier and pointed over behind us, "There. They're getting ready to leave. The medics over there just helped out with the ex wife. She had an asthma attack earlier or something. LVPD just took the man who shoved you to jail after they cleared him. He had to be Maced to calm down enough to be handcuffed."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." Catherine walked by me and shouted to the medics not to leave. "Nick, come on. They're waiting on you and before you even try to argue with me, I will win this fight. You're getting treated, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming."

I shook my head, knowing it'd do me no good to argue and reluctantly walked over to the ambulance. I turned around to watch Catherine go back to the crime scene and almost ran into one of the medics. "Excuse me, um…" I faded off as I got a good look at the petite redhead in front of me. She was barely over five feet tall and if I had to guess, she probably didn't weigh enough to stand still in a wind storm even if she was soaking wet and holding onto a brick. "Um, hi. Hello."

"Hello to you, too." She started to smile.

I realized then she was waiting on me to tell her what I wanted, "I um...I need help."

"Don't we all?" She reached in her pocket for a pen and got a clipboard out of the back of the ambulance and started filling out a run report.

"What's wrong?" A man dressed in a uniform the same as hers approached the ambulance and took the clipboard out of her hands. "CSI Man needs help. How can I help you? Inhale too much fingerprint powder? Latex allergy?"

"I got this." She shot him a look as she snatched the clipboard back.

"But I'm supposed to be in the back for this call. You treated Asthma Lady." He took the clipboard out of her hands once again. "What's wrong?"

"Frog, I can handle this." He ignored her and started to move around my medic, but she moved over and stopped him. "I told you. I got this." She shoved him backwards and pointed him towards the officers behind him, "Go see if they need anything else before we leave here. I'm gonna get this."

"Whatever." He shook his head and handed her the clipboard before he shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

After he was gone, she motioned for me to climb in the back of the ambulance and I did as she followed me in. "Now come on in so I can see what's going on." She was sitting on a bench seat in front of a wall of clear storage bins filled with medical supplies as I sat on the stretcher just about a half a foot in front of her in the back of the ambulance. "What happened?"

"I got into an altercation with a suspect. Well, I sort of got into an altercation, but it was more of the wrong place at the wrong time type thing. He shoved me after his ex wife got to the scene. He saw her, flew into a rage and shoved me backwards trying to get out of the way to get to her. I tripped over a flower pot and landed in the grass and when I did, my left arm here caught the brunt of the fall and my shoulder caught the edge of the flower pot." I thought back to the broken pot. "The flower pot didn't survive." The medic laughed as I rotated my left shoulder. "Little sore, but Catherine who is with me on this scene said I had to come get checked out." I let out a sigh, "So here I am."

I watched as she turned around to grab some things off the bins and shelves behind her head. She was busy getting her supplies and didn't notice me watching her and trying to figure her out. The name patch on her black uniform shirt read A. Gigandet and under that in smaller stitched letters was her job title, Paramedic – LVFD. I started to think in my mind how to say her last name. She put her left hand on her thigh as she turned around to face me and I saw she wasn't wearing a wedding band and there was no evidence of a tan line to suggest she normally wore one but had taken it off. Her curly red hair was pulled back in a messy upswept style held together by a black hair clip. It reminded me of how my sisters fixed their hair when they were late for school.

She turned back around and I averted my eyes to the ceiling of the ambulance, trying to avoid her eyes. "Okay. Let's see how banged up you really are. Look at me, please." She flashed a pen light in front of me, "Any dizziness? Headaches? Nausea?" I shook my head and she continued. "Blurred vision? Loss of consciousness? Do you know what day it is?"

"No, no, no, no, not that I'm aware of and Thursday."

"Mental capabilities seem in tact. That's a good sign so far." She put her pen light down and asked me where it was hurting. I told her and I watched as her fingers began to outline the bone in my shoulder. "If I hurt you, please don't be a martyr and let me know. I'm just checking for broken or dislocated bones. Sounds like you took a pretty bad spill."

I watched as her fingers felt their way up my shoulder and to the side of my neck. She pushed on a point on my shoulder and I couldn't help but wince. "There." She stopped what she was doing and pushed harder on the spot that hurt. "Right there." I winced as she pushed again. She pulled her left hand away from me and wrote something on the form she had on the bench next to her before she put the pen down and turned her attention back to me. I watched as her fingers made their way down my arm and to my wrist. She picked up my hand in hers and interlaced her fingers in mine, supporting the weight of my forearm with her right hand. I watched as she slowly moved my hand in a circle. "Ouch. That too." She gently put my hand back across my chest and picked up her pen again and wrote something underneath what she had written earlier.

"Well. I don't know if it's broken or not, but you definitely need to have an x-ray pulled to be sure. Could be broken, could be dislocated or just a bad sprain. I'd tell you but I left my x-ray goggles at home."

I smiled at her humor, "That's alright. So what's the verdict? Not gonna make it am I?"

"Nope." She looked at me with this deadpan serious expression on her face, "Not likely." She smiled at me, joking back with me with both of us knowing I'd be fine. "I'm going to put you in a sling until you can get to the ED. Keep the arm still as much as possible." She reached beside me to get something out of one of the overhead bins but stopped herself and sat back down to where I could see her, "And no more flower pot 419s."

I smiled again, "I'll try."

She reached again to get the sling out of one of the bins and I caught a slight scent of a fragrance of the body lotion or perfume she was wearing. It smelled like vanilla with a mix of sandalwood and she wore the scent very well. It suited her. "Keep this on." She handed me a sling and I put it around my arm as she tightened it up behind my neck and helped me adjust it to where my arm was properly supported, taking the weight off my sore shoulder. "Can I trust you to go to the doctor, or will you just do what every other cop I treat does?"

"What's that?" She tugged on the strap that went behind my neck when it got caught in my shirt. I used my good hand to help her move the strap out of the way and felt my stomach flip when my fingers brushed against her hand, "And I'm not a cop by the way."

"They all ignore me and take this off as soon as I'm gone. They try to be tough boys but usually wind up causing more harm by not listening to me. I'm the one with the medical training." She sighed, "I don't want to be responsible if your arm turns brown, rots and falls off."

I was about to say something when I saw Catherine coming up. "She'll make sure I go. She's the one that forced me to come over here." I looked around the still nameless paramedic. "Glad I did though." My medic hid a smile as she looked down at the run report form she was finishing with.

"He gonna live?" Catherine looked at me to see what was going on, "How is he?"

She smiled and looked at me, remembering our private joke. She shook her head, "Doubt it. Probably won't make it." She handed me a form on the clipboard she was writing notes on and handed me a pen she got out of the side pocket on her work pants. "Fill this out, please."

I watched Catherine's face fall, "It's a joke, Cath. Calm down. I have to go get an x-ray pulled." I took the form from the medic and filled it in. It was just generic patient information and it didn't take me long to fill it out as I've filled out forms like these every day of my life on crime scenes. I realized as I was filling out the form she handed me, the form I was filling out wasn't that different than the forms I filled out for crime scene victims. The form I was filling out now didn't have a place for cause of death or body location whereas the ones I normally used did.

Catherine and my paramedic started talking as I finished up the form. I looked up in time to see my medic hand Catherine a piece of paper. She folded it and put it in her pocket as I called out to the medic that I was done. I signed the form and handed it back to her as she got back in the ambulance and took her seat on the bench in front of me. I decided then and there that I was going to get her name one way or another before I left, even if I had to fall out of the ambulance and break something. It'd be worth it.

She took the form from me and glanced at it, "Good. Thank you." She put the pen back in the side pocket of her pants, right above a pair of bright purple fabric scissors. "And go to the doctor and get an x-ray pulled."

"I will. I just have one question."

She glanced at the form briefly then turned her head to face me, "And that is what exactly, Mr. Nick Stokes of the LVPD crime scene unit?"

I motioned to the form, "It doesn't tell me your first name." I eyed the stitching on her uniform shirt again. "Or how to pronounce your last name for that matter. Gig-en-dat? Jiggy-and-at? Gig-ee-enn-deet? I've been trying to figure out how to say your name for the last half hour. I give up."

She laughed, "Anna. My first name is Anna and my last name is pronounced Gih-gawn-day." She pronounced it slowly and drawled it out to make her point. "My father is French, originally from Quebec. People butcher it all the time. I've had to endure years of people massacring my last name, especially now that I wear it stitched to my shirt for 48 hours in a row when I take calls for the LVFD. That's why everyone calls me Anna." She took the pen back out of her pocket again and signed the bottom of the form and handed me the pink copy off the back of it. "Take this with you to the hospital." Anna looked at Catherine as I stood up to leave, "And make sure he goes. His shoulder's pretty sore. I can't tell if it's broken or not, but it definitely needs to be x-rayed."

I stepped out of the ambulance and looked back at Anna, "Thanks, Anna." Catherine helped me out of the truck, "And next time, bring the x-ray goggles. Could have saved me a trip."

Anna started to say something but her radio blared out. She held up a finger as she answered, "Go for Medic 78." I listened as the dispatcher gave out another call which caused her to let out an exasperated sigh, "Check, dispatch. En route." The same man who passed by us before ran by her and got in the driver's side of the ambulance before she could get out of the back. I held out my good hand to help her down and she took it, holding on to my hand a bit longer than she needed to. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled again and got in the passenger side of the ambulance as it sped off on their next call. I turned to face Catherine who just shook her head and looked at the ground. "What?"

"She works at the station off Tropicana Boulevard, over by Desert Palms Hospital, which is where I'm taking you."

Catherine read my mind. I was wondering how I'd be able to find out where Anna worked and was working up scenarios in my head that I could use to stop by and see her. We often worked with members of the LVFD on scenes and I was thinking that the next time we had an arson call out, I could go by there and see if the arson investigator was at their station. I knew for a fact he wouldn't be as the investigation offices were downtown at the city municipal building, but it'd give me an excuse none the less. "And how exactly would you know that and why'd you think I was wondering that?"

"Hank. That guy Sara is seeing. He works there at that same station sometimes. Your gal Anna and Sara's friend have worked together a few times when he's not on one of the Angel Rescue helicopters." She motioned for me to follow her to the Tahoe. "And anyone can see what you're thinking, Nick. Not hard. She's cute. She'd be good for you."

"What about mine?" I turned to face my truck. "I can drive myself you know. I'm not that bad off."

"Get in. Now." Catherine stared at me and pointed to her truck, "I'm making sure you go to the hospital. Gil told me to take you." I sighed as she got in the driver's side as I climbed in the passenger side. "Warrick will bring yours back to the station or to the hospital later if you're not too banged up to drive. He rode up here with Gil from another scene earlier at the Tangiers after that suspect ran into Rick's truck. PD had it towed to the garage." She started the truck as she reached for her seatbelt, "And I know she's single."

I smiled to myself at the revelation Anna was single but didn't tell Catherine. I'd never hear the end of it if I let on that I liked her, "Who's single?"

"Nicky." Catherine rolled her eyes, "You can't fool me. I'm taking you to get an x-ray. Then you can stop by and see her."

"And what am I supposed to say to her, Cath? 'Hi, thought I'd stop by because I want to know if you'll have dinner with me?' I don't want to scare her off." I put my seatbelt on and looked at Catherine again, "And I can also say, 'Oh, by the way, I didn't murder any more flower pots.' She'll enjoy hearing that."

Catherine gave me a blank look, "Flower pots?"

I shook my head as I realized she didn't get my in joke with Anna, "Never mind." I watched as the houses in the neighborhood went by one by one as we drove out of the cul-de-sac and made our way to the hospital. "I do want to see if she'd go to dinner with me, but isn't that kind of forward?"

"No. It's not." Catherine reached in her vest pocket and handed me a slip of paper, "Here. Anna gave this to me earlier. She said you might need this."

I opened the paper and looked at the handwriting on it. Anna had written her name and phone number down and signed the note with a smiley face. "Her phone number?"

"Yep. She gave it to me while you were filling out that form. She asked if you were single. I said you were and she asked me to give this to you." We came to a stop at an intersection and Catherine looked at me with a somewhat serious expression, "So gonna call her, or do I need to call her for you?"

The light turned green and we drove through the intersection and turned into the parking lot of the hospital emergency department, "No, I can make my own calls. I'm a big boy. When we get done, I'll call her."

Catherine found a parking spot and got out. I followed her as we made our way to the entrance to the ED, "The station she's as it is right over there." She pointed to a brick building about four blocks away. "We'll stop by when you're done if you want."

The doors opened to the ED and we stepped in. I checked myself in at the desk and sat down in the hard, plastic chairs of the ED waiting to be called back to see the doctor, "Thanks, Cath."

A/N: I've been to Vegas once about eight years ago. I don't know much about Las Vegas maps and where stuff is since I've slept since then. I know a lot of the locations on CSI are made up, so if there really is a Desert Palms and it's not over by Tropicana Boulevard, remember one thing – this is Fiction!

Reviews always welcome! Anonymous reviews are allowed, so review for me. Please…Or Nick will murder another flower pot!