Disclaimer: I do not own Angel. If I did Connor would be the star!

Tell Me the Truth

Angel sat in a hard, wooden-backed chair next to his sleeping son, laying on his bed. Angel sighed, his son looked so peaceful in his sleep. In his sleep, he seemed years younger than sixteen. He wondered why Darla had had to come back and ruin the perfect relationship he was so close to having with his son.

Connor began to stir. Angel looked nervously at his son, who was waking up, wonder how he going to react to Darla's return.

Connor lifted his head groggily and looked around the room trying to remember what had happened and how he had got there. He saw Angel and immediately remembered what had gone down the night before with his mother and the strange man named Wesley. He was momentarily confused. He didn't remember his father being there. But then he tensed, he remembered what his mother said about him.

"Connor," Angel said softly to his awakened son, "You're awake."

Connor just looked at him for a second, "What happened? Who was that man? Why am I back here? Was she telling the truth? Did you do what she said you did?" Connor said all of this quickly, wanting the answers to his questions as quickly as possible.

Angel almost smiled. It was so like Connor to be so impatient. "Connor," he started, "Let me answer one question at a time. But I promise I will answer all of them. What do you want to know first?"

Connor thought for a second. "Who was the man who came to get me?" he asked, still wondering who the mysterious man was and how he knew Angel.

Angel froze for a second, wondering how to tell his son that Wesley was the reason Connor spent the first sixteen years of his life in hell. "That was Wesley."

"Surprisingly enough, I got that much, Dad. A little more detail would be nice," Connor complained impatiently.

Angel sighed, "Wesley is an old friend of mine. He fought by my side many times and I've known him for many years. He's human, but a great warrior."

Connor was confused, "How come I've never met him then?"

"Because," Angel hesitated for a second before continuing, "He kidnapped you and gave you to Holtz when you were a baby."

Connor was shocked, to say the least, "But..But..But why? Why did he? I mean, why did he take me away and give me to him? And if he kidnapped me why did he come back again?"

"Connor. You never heard the whole story of how you were kidnapped. A few weeks after you were born, Wesley finished decoding an old scroll he had been trying to decode since before you were born. It was about you. When he did he discovered something shocking. The scroll said the father will kill the son. He thought I was going to kill you."

Angel saw the shocked and appalled look on his son face and hurried on, "It was a lie. A demon named Sahjhan messed with the, so Wesley would come to that exact conclusion. However, Wes didn't know that. He truly believed I would kill you, so he did the only thing he thought he could do to save your life. He took you away from me in the middle of the night."

"And how did giving me to Holtz and sending me to Quor-Toth working into the Save My Life Plan?" Connor asked bitterly.

"He never meant to give you to him, Connor. He got ambushed by Justine and she slit his throat and took you. She met up with Holtz and they planned to escape with you. However, Sahjhan has other plans and and opened up a portal. He said either kill the baby or the whole world would be sucked in. Holtz chose neither and took you and jumped through the portal. The portal closed up immediately and I couldn't get through. The next time I saw Wesley, I tried to kill him, but Fred and Gunn stopped me."

A tear ran down Connor's pale cheek and he started shaking. He had never heard the story of how he was kidnapped. He knew it had happened, but to hear it out loud and to have met the man responsible. Angel saw his son shaking and pulled Connor into his arms and began to rock him gently.

"Why...why didn't you come to get me?" Connor choked out.

Angel began stroking Connor's hair, "I tried, Connor. I couldn't get to you. I did everything I could but I finally had to give up."

Connor jumped up from his father's arms, "Give up! Give up! Sure YOU could give up! I was trapped there all by myself, with no one to talk to, but could I give up? NO! It was dark and cold and scary! And there were things everywhere that wanted to hurt me! That DID hurt me! I wished every day and every night that you'd come save me! But you never did! You abandoned me! Fred told me how you "tried" to save me. You tried one thing, then it was oh well I guess he's gone! You told me you loved me! But I guess it was a lie cause you left me to die!"

Angel was shocked, he had not expected this conversation to go like this. "Connor, I never wanted to let you go, but there were important things happening here. You don't understand"

Connor was furious, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I UNDERSTAND FINE! Apparently whatever was going on there was more important than you son who needed you! Who you left to die!"

"Connor, I didn't mean it like that! I love you and I never wanted to let you go! I'm so sorry!"

"DO NOT SAY YOUR SORRY! I doesn't change anything. You still let me go. You let him hurt me. O my god, you let him hurt me!" Connor was breathing in and out, and his face was red with anger and hurt.

Angel was amazed at the way his son was finally opening up to him, "How did he hurt you Connor? What happened?"

Connor turned to face him, livid with anger, "Here's what happened Dad, you let a maniac kidnap me and take me to a HELL DEMENSION! She was right about you!"

"Who?" Angel asked, "Darla? What did she tell you?"

"The truth," Connor spat. With that Connor stormed out to go rejoin his mother. Angel tried to grab him, but Connor elbowed him in the stomach causing him to let go, howling in pain. Connor, in perfect likeness of his mother, turned and jumped out the window, landing as harmlessly and Darla always had.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been very busy. And I did take a little of the argument form the show, but I just loved that father/son moment in the show! REVIEW!