Azuma walked through the music building, carrying a folder of flute music. He wanted to run through these new pieces before the class started working on them.

He stepped around a corner and a white blob ran into him. The white blob apologized, but Azuma grabbed his shoulder before he could get away.

The white blob was in fact a boy, decked in white gloves and a white hoodie underneath the uniform jacket. He kept his eyes at his feet and red-faced with embarassment.

Needless to say, Azuma's interest was peaked. "You're one of the Ouran students, aren't you?" he asked politely.

The boy nodded, black hair sweeping forward from the hood.

Who was this boy? If he was from Ouran, he must be from a prestigeous family. He also had traces of a non-Asian race in his features. "I am Azuma Yunoki." He bowed with his head. "Class 3A."

"Pleased," said the boy in a gruff voice. He was shaking slightly, presumably from nervousness. "Umehito Nekozawa. Same class," he said quiet and low.

Azuma let about a pleasant chuckle. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. If you need any help, feel free to ask me."

Azuma expected Nekozawa to say thank you and then rush off, however, he was surprised when a rush of words emitted from him. "Yes, I could use your help. I don't know where the classroom is and I don't know anybody here. I missed the first few days of school and everything has been a complete mess."

Azuma blinked in surprise. What should he do? He had already offered so it would appear rude to turn him down. He had wanted to practice, but he supposed he could do that during lunch instead. He sighed and ran a hand through his long hair. "Right this way, Nekozawa-san. I will introduce to you some of my friends."


Hikaru tapped the sleeping Keiichi in the desk by him. Keiichi raised his head dreamily.

"What is it, Hitachiin-kun?" he asked loftily.

Hikaru could barely keep still in his seat. "She's amazing," he declared. "And you know, I think she might actually be interested in me."

"Who is she?"

"Shoko Fuyumi-chan!" he said. His face was eager and he was gripping his chair tightly, threatening the balance. "She's beautiful and soft and, ah, I bet she would be wonderful to snuggle with."

A sad expression crossed Keiichi's face. "Oh," was all he said.

Hikaru didn't notice and rambled on about how he planned to ask her out.

Keiichi folded his arms and leaned his head on them. How he wanted to escape into dream world where he was with Shoko…

Keiichi walked to lunch alone. Hikaru had abandoned him for Shoko again. There was nothing he could do. He sighed as he grabbed his tray of food. As he turned, he spotted a familiar face. It was the dark-haired boy from the woods…seated at a table with Azuma and a bunch of girls.

Keiichi made his way over there nervously. "Senpai," he said once he reached the group. "Is anyone sitting there?"

"No, no," said Nekozawa, pulling out the empty chair beside him. "Have a seat."

Keiichi sat down nervously.

"Good afternoon, Shimizu-san," Azuma said. "I hope you're doing well."

"Yes, thank you." He glanced from Azuma to Nekozawa beside him. "I see you made some friends."

Nekozawa nodded.

"Awwwww, he's just too cute!" one of the girls chimed in.

"Nekozawa-sama, you can have my cake." A girl placed the plate of cake onto his tray.

"Tell us more about Russia," asked another of the girls.

Nekozawa laughed nervously, but then went into a detailed description of various places in Russia.

Keiichi couldn't help but feel lonely…again. All the new kids were adapting so well. He had been there an entire semester and still hadn't found a place, or real friends. He ate his food in silence and let his mind drift wherever it pleased.

Tamaki waited anxiously for Kahoko to arrive for music class. He was so excited to initiate Phase 1 of the Len x Kahoko plan.

He saw the flash of red hair at the door and jumped to his feet.

"Kahoko-chan!" he exclaimed, bounding towards her.

Kahoko blushed at the sound of her name. "Suoh-kun…how are you?" she said.

"I am good." He was practically bouncing with excitement. "Kahoko-chan, could you come to the big practice room at the end of the hall after school today?"

Kahoko felt her heart accelerate within her chest. Alone in a practice room with Tamaki…? Was he planning to ask her out? "Yes, I'll be there!"


Kahoko couldn't believe it. Tamaki might like her. Actually like her. She took her seat, her mind swirling with happy fantasies of the afternoon in the music room.

The final bell rang and Kahoko rushed to the door, eager to get over to the music building again. Her prince was waiting.

She ran into Keiichi on the way there. "Kaho-senpai," he said when he saw her.

"Shimizu-kun, how are you?"

Keiichi looked at the ground awkwardly. "Not very good, actually."

Kahoko's eyes filled with worry. She hugged him. "Can we talk about it tomorrow?" she asked. "I'll meet you for lunch."

Keiichi nodded and walked off in a daze.

Kahoko looked after him for a moment and then rushed ahead towards the practice rooms. He would be okay until tomorrow. She had her own things to deal with now.

She reached the door and stood in front of it for a few minutes. Her heart was pounding. At last she grasped the cool metal handle and turned it.

She opened the room to beautiful piano music drifting through the air. She stepped forward and closed the door gently behind her.

Tamaki sat at the piano, playing with such concentration and dexterity that he didn't notice her enter. Kahoko stayed silence, embracing the melody and letting it carry her. Tamaki struck the final chord and Kahoko began clapping for him.

Tamaki turned to look at her surprised. "Oh, there she is!"

Kahoko was taken aback by the third person she.

It was then that Len appeared behind her. "Good afternoon, Hino-san."

Kahoko took a nervous step backward. "What's going on?" she asked, glancing from Len to Tamaki.

"Ah, it's nothing," Len started backing away.

Tamaki looked at him appalled. "Come on!"

Len shook his head. "No, it's okay really."

Tamaki stood up and walked over to Len, putting his arm around his shoulder. "Len would like to say that he's got a huge crush on you."

Len turned beet red. "No…"

Tears were forming at the corners of Kahoko's eyes and suddenly they were streaming like tiny waterfalls.

"Hino-san, I'm sorry. I don't—"

The words seemed stuck in Kahoko's throat, but at last she let them out. "I'm sorry, Tsukimori-kun. I like somebody else." She then ran from the room before she could see the reactions on their faces.

Tamaki was such an idiot! He had gotten her hopes up and now…

Rejection. Cold, oblivious rejection. He didn't even realize he'd blatantly turned her down.

Kahoko returned home, eyes still wet from tears. She went immediately to her room and collapsed on her bed. The tears came back even stronger now as she remembered Tamaki's oblivious, happy face. Her heart sunk as she saw the nervous Len too. It really seemed like Tamaki had encouraged the event. Len didn't seem very into it.

Tamaki was so terrible. How would she face him the next day? She could never tell him that she liked him and thought he was going to confess to her before Len showed up. Which meant her dreams of Tamaki had to end.

She still had one more dark prince on her mind. As she drifted into sleep, she let him consume her dreams entirely. "Kyouya…"