This is my first ever Gleefic so please review and tell me what you think! The characters might be a little OOC but hopefully I'll get better with time. Hope you enjoy :)

Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Glee and never will (try as I might)

Chapter 1

"You don't want to do this," Finn managed to stutter, arms squeezing a trembling Rachel. Rachel was curled up in a ball, one arm squeezing her legs closer to her chest and another wrapped tightly around Finn's forearm. Finn could hear her heart pound against his body and just hugged her closer, hoping to ease her fear.

Jacob stood there, silent, unmoving, void of emotion. His gun still lay cocked in his hand.

"P-please," Rachel begged desperately, her deep brown tear filled eyes meeting Jacob's cold, empty, dark ones. He remained indifferent, shrugging off his fellow classmates' pleads. Jacob began to move slowly towards them.

"No" came his harsh reply as he lifted his pistol and aimed at the two terrified students.

5 hours earlier

Rachel had invited Finn over to practice for their big duet they were going to perform at regionals. Looking into the giant mirror she had in her room, Rachel fixed her hair, brushing it vigorously so that it looked perfect for Finn. She began straightening her new blouse when she heard the doorbell ring.

Her dads were out for the entire week on a business trip; they were going to be busy attending meetings and giving speeches the whole time. Rachel had the house all to herself, a miracle in itself since her dads rarely let her stay home alone. They were overly protective…you know the parents who make you wear rape whistles. The kind who make you recite the rules every time before you leave the house: no going to the bathroom alone, always carry around your can of pepper spray, never take candy from a stranger. Yep, those were her dads, but she loved them anyway. Rachel ran down the stairs, jumping down them two at a time in order to get there that much faster, and skipped merrily to answer the door.

"C'mon in Finn," Rachel greeted warmly, addressing the tall frankenteen (who was absentmindedly looking at the clouds) standing on her front porch.

"Thanks," Finn answered, awkwardly walking into Rachel's home. Sheepishly looking down at his feet, Finn felt…well uncomfortable to say the least. He didn't exactly remember how he was invited. It just happened.

"Hey Finn, so you remember that duet Mr. Schue assigned us? I was wondering if you could to my house so we could practice."

"That sounds great Rachel but-"

"Maybe you could even come earlier. We could listen to my Streisand collection or watch some movies and eat popcorn. My dads just installed this great sound system. It'll be fun, promise!"

"You know I'm kind of bus-"

"You really need the practice though in order to match my superior vocals. You have got to come. The whole team is depending on us to help. What if that first place trophy at regionals is based on how well we perform out duet? Would you want that guilt riding on your shoulders if we lose? No, I didn't think so. Now you're going to come to my house tonight at 7."


"Okay, I'll see you there!"

Grabbing Finn's hand, Rachel led him up to her room to begin practice. After she opened her gold star studded door (no surprise there), Finn took a moment to observe his surroundings. Posters depicting all sorts of Broadway shows were plastered all over her room. Stuffed animals were strewn across her canopy bed. That's kind of cute…in a weird way, he thought. He could picture Rachel, snuggling with her many furry friends at night, wearing pink silk pajamas. He had always loved girls dressed in Victoria's Secret wear. Finn imagined placing his hand on her leg and slowly gliding it upwards, stroking her body…wait. God Finn, he thought, mentally scolding himself, why do you have to be such a pervert? Oh no, I think Rachel's looking at me weird.

"Are you alright Finn?"

"Um, yeah, of course," he scoffed, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh. You just seemed a bit…distracted."

Finn tried to play it off. "Who me? Nah, I was just…erm…," he chuckled nervously, too embarrassed to look into Rachel's inquisitive (now suspicious) eyes, "Ummm…nothing, nevermind. Why don't we begin practice? After all, that's why I'm here, right?"

"Right. Here, come sit by me," Rachel suggested, patting the seat on her bed right next to her.

Finn sat down quite abruptly; as a result of this sudden change of weight on the bed (since he was the quarterback of the football team and since she was well…petite and tiny), Rachel was rocketed into the air. She landed with a light thump on the ground.

"God, I'm so sorry Rachel!" he clamored, reaching out a hand to help her get up.

"No, it's alright." Rachel answered smiling. She stood up and gently smoothed out her short pink skirt before she began, "Are you ready to actually start practice or are you just going to goof off some more?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm good," Finn chuckled, scratching the back of his head and feeling slightly humiliated.

"Okay, now repeat after me," Rachel ordered, beginning her scales, "Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi."

Finn did as he was told. Practice went quite smoothly. They sang their duet so many times that even Rachel lost count. Finn would get distracted easily leaving Rachel the job of refocusing him somehow; often times she resorted to using her "brute force" (Finn realized early on that despite her size, Rachel sure packed a punch). He even loosened up a bit during practice and found out-to his surprise-that Rachel wasn't as bad as he first thought she would be. She was actually pretty...(dare he say it) cool. After some time though, Finn began to grow weary.

"Hey Rach, do you mind if we take a break? I'm getting a little tired."

"Sure," Rachel replied, taking a seat on her bed. She didn't want to admit it but she was getting pretty worn out too.

Finn inched closer to her and sat—gently this time—right next to her. He could see that Rachel was shivering slightly so he draped an arm around her shoulders, shielding her from the cold.

"Thanks," Rachel said, giving a small chuckle, "Aren't you cold?"

"Nah. My mom always told me how when I was little, I would run outside and rip off my clothes cause I would be too hot…even in the winter time. Guess my blood's got to be boiling or something for me to never get cold," Finn joked.

Rachel giggled to herself at Finn's story. Only Finn…, she sighed and shook her head.

"Hey, no wonder you're cold Rachel. Your window's wide open." Finn marched over to the window that had been letting in all of the ice cold air and made sure it was closed shut. He walked away and reclaimed his spot by Rachel. However, if he had been paying more attention to his surroundings (and less being smitten by Rachel), Finn would have noticed a figure, cloaked in the darkness, sneaking around outside in the bushes.

Sorry about the really, really cliché ending; I really couldn't think of any way to end this chapter so I took the easy way out. :) Forgive me. Trust me the story does get better over the next couple of chapters. I've always hated starting out stories cause I can't write them well :p

Anyway, remember to review because they make me happy and a happy me means a quicker update :D