Greetings Dearest Readers,

This is the sequel to "Dear Body," which you need to read if you want to understand aspects in this story.

**Like with "Come Find Me," this story is going under a lot of editing b/c I either don't like the idea and/or how it's written. So if you come across something that doesn't make sense, I changed it or took it out in a previous chapter.

Read on, Cherubs.

Over and out.

Surprise From the Down Under

"Robbie! Robbie! Robbie!" House shouted, causing Chase to jump and fall out of bed. He sat up, rubbing his head, and glared at House who was smiling childishly from the doorway.

"What?" Chase asked irritably, glancing at the alarm clock. "Greg," he groaned, "It's 6:00 in the morning, we don't have to be up for another hour!" House's smile widened.

"I know, but you do know what day it is right?" Chase thought a moment, then it dawned on him:

Wednesday…weigh-in Wednesday.

Chase sighed and stood up, walked over to House and wrapped his arms around his middle. House chuckled.

"Nice try. Go weight yourself."

"Damnit." Chase mumbled as he stalked off to the bathroom while House went to the kitchen.

Chase stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. Ever since he moved in with House 7 months ago, he's put on some weight. His shoulders were no longer as bony and as he turned to his side, he noticed that his stomach was in-line with his ribs. His collarbone still protruded more than it should, but not to the point that it was really unhealthy.

He sighed and glanced to a piece of paper taped to the side of the mirror. It was his "weigh-in chart"; it kept track of how much weight he gained in a period of 2 weeks. He frowned as he saw that the numbers were getting bigger as the chart got longer. He shook his head; bigger numbers was a good thing.

He took a deep breath and stepped on the scale, watching the numbers flash before settling on his weight: 136 lbs. He hung his head and stepped into the bathtub, sitting down with his legs dangling over the edge. He wasn't necessarily upset about his new weight; it was just unfamiliar to him. The entire process of gaining weight was something he's never done, so he's still tentative about it. He closed his eyes and tilted his head up slightly, breathing deeply.

He chuckled lightly as he heard House curse from the living room, most likely just dropping something that he didn't feel like bending down and picking up. House has been his greatest support since they started dating almost two years ago. He remembered all the bad moments they've had together, mainly from him resisting House's help. But they've also had good moments that counter-acted the bad moments.

He let out a soft chuckle as he opened his eyes. Who would've thought that he would end up with someone like House? And would've thought that House would allow himself happiness?


They arrived at the hospital, Chase heading to the conference room and House going to bother Wilson. They decided that they wouldn't tell anyone about their relationship; they agreed that if it came up, they wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

Chase chewed on the tip of his pen aimlessly as he thought about his puzzle; Cameron and Foreman talking about their frustrations of House being late…again. They have been very good to him ever since he spoke at the Eating Disorders and Outreach Program Summit. They never asked him questions or gave him sympathetic looks, which he greatly appreciated. The door opened and House walked in, Wilson following behind him reluctantly. House walked to the board and began to write the symptoms of their newest patient, Wilson sitting in a seat between Chase and Cameron.

"What are you doing here, Wilson?" Cameron asked curiously, earning a shrug from Wilson.

"I have no idea. He told me to be here."

"Maybe I just wanted your company?" House asked, sweet sarcasm dripping from his voice as he turned to look at them.

"Seriously, why do you want me here? I do have other things to do."

"Like the blonde thingy in accounting?" House shot back, earning a sigh from Wilson.


"Wilson," Chase butted in, still chewing on the tip of his pen. "You of all people should know that at this point…it's just better to not argue with him." He released a light chuckle and smile. Wilson sighed in defeat and slumped back in his seat.

"Seriously House, why do you want me here?"

"Do I really need a reason?"

"For anyone else, no. For you, yes." House was about to retort, a woman burst through the door, looking frazzled. They turned to look at her.

"WHY does this hospital have to be so big? It took me 2 hours to find the hospital and 30 minutes to find this room. Good God, move your tiny ass, Robbie, and let the lady sit." The woman said in a thick Australian accent as Chase smiled at her and stood, offering her his seat which she slumped in dramatically. Chase rolled his eyes.

"Uh-oh, we have a Drama Queen in here." Chase said teasingly as he placed his hands on his hips. She flipped her blonde hair off her shoulder and looked around the room, seeming impressed. The woman had bright green eyes and blonde hair that graced the middle of her back. Her torn jeans, combat boots, and green tank top gave everyone else in the room the impression that she kind of leaned towards being a Tomboy.

"Hey now, I have every reason to be dramatic, Blondie. Like I said, it took me a long time to find this damn place and—"

"It's the biggest and most popular hospital in Princeton, Aura."

"Uh-oh, we have a smartass in here." Aura said, holding her hands up and widening her eyes dramatically.

"I thought your flight wasn't supposed to get in until tomorrow night?" Aura let out a small laugh and looked up at him.

"I lied." Chase sighed and gave her a pointed look. House pushed back his playful smile that was about to show because of Chase and Aura's conversation.

They must be best friends, but he's never mentioned someone named 'Aura'…at least I don't think so.

"It's an incredibly nice place." Aura looked down at the others and smiled kindly.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Aura, which is short for Aurora. And Robbie and I have known each other since…" A thoughtful look came across her face and she looked back up at Chase, who sighed.

"God, how long have we been stuck with each other?" Chase asked.

"Too long." Aura teased. "But really, we've been friends for…20 years?" House and the other doctors looked shocked as Chase thought about this as well.

"Probably a little longer because I remember that I would hit you on the head with a Sippy Cup every time you said that Batman sucked." They laughed as childhood memories began to surface.

"So we've known each other since we were toddlers?"


"So about 24 years?"

"We'll go with that." House furrowed his brows slightly at this.

They've known each other for 24 years…basically their entire lives, and Chase has never mentioned her? Why?

"Oh wow," Cameron said, surprise evident in her voice. "You two have known each other for basically your entire lives." Aura smiled at her.

"We don't really consider ourselves friends because we basically grew up together. It's more of a sibling thing."

"Right, she's the older one though." Chase said, poking Aura on the back of the head.

"Only by 3 months!" Aura shook her head. "Anyway, it's been a while since I've visited Robbie, so I figured that I'd visit."

"I rarely go back to Australia." Chase added quickly, knowing that their next question would be why he didn't go back.

"Why?" Wilson asked curiously.

"Work." Chase said simply, which made perfect sense to all of them. The life of a doctor doesn't usually allow for a lot of international trips.

"But you guys have better been treating my Robbie right, otherwise I'll kick all your asses." Chase flicked the back of her head.


"So Aura," Cameron asked, getting the blonde to look at her. "How long are you here for?"

"Hypothetically, for however long Robbie can put up with me; but realistically, about 4 weeks. I just had to get away from Australia; it hasn't been the same since you left by the way." She added, looking up at Chase. He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, really not wanting to talk about home.

"So when did you get here?" Wilson asked politely, making Aura sigh dramatically, which earned her another flick on the back on the head from Chase.

"About 11:30 last night, so I haven't looked around the city or anything. I'm doing a little bit better with the jetlag and time change though."

"What's the time difference between here and Australia?"

"About 12 hours." Chase and Aura said simultaneously.

"Wow, I'm surprised you're not still sleeping." Wilson said jokingly.

"She has more energy than what's humanly necessary." Chase said, earning a playful glare from Aura.

"Oh very funny. But," She looked down at the other doctors. "I know you guys have a pretty crazy schedule, but I'm going to check out a bar near Robbie's apartment, anyone want to go with me? Robbie won't because he doesn't drink."

"I'll go, I just won't drink…it's not my thing." Chase said, poking her on the back of her head.

"That sounds good. Count me in." Cameron said as Wilson nodded and smiled kindly. Chase casually stretched and made eye contact with House, silently asking him if he wanted to come along. House nodded slightly with a secret smile that only Chase could see. House turned back towards the board and erased the symptoms and picked up the case folder.

"What are you doing?" Foreman asked, finally saying something.

"Going out drinking sounds much better than this case." Chase chuckled quietly as Aura laughed loudly.

"I like him! He's your boss?" She asked, looking up at Chase.

"Yep, lucky me, huh?" Aura carefully raised an eyebrow, thinking that Chase's statement had a double meaning. Chase widened his eyes slightly and briefly, silently telling her that they'll talk about it later.

"Wish I had a boss like him."

"You don't." Cameron and Foreman said simultaneously; Aura shook her head and smiled.

"So are you in for tonight?" She asked, looking at Foreman who shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Awesome! Robbie, you're the Designated Driver, so don't drink."

"Oh darn."


Alright Gang,

Like I said, this story is going under a lot of editing. I know I haven't posted a chapter in a really long time, but I felt like this story needed to be edited so to make my readers happy, I'm doing just that ^_^

And again, if you come across something that doesn't make sense, then that means that I've changed it somehow.

Reviews would be appreciated!
