Dearest Readers,

FACT: You guys are awesome. ^_^ You're always patient with my ridiculously slow updates and I greatly appreciate it. With that said, Finals are approaching so I'm trying to update as much as possible before that dreaded time comes.

Read on, Cherubs.

Over and out.

Heart Over Head

"He what?" Aura asked incredulously, gripping her phone tightly.

"He voluntarily invited his father to the wedding." House heard Aura shuffle around. "What are you doing?"

"'Voluntary: by choice; of one's own free will; controlled by the will', So Robbie willingly invited his father to the wedding."

More shuffling.

"'Willing: consenting; doing or done gladly'…are you sure Robbie did that or are you just getting back at me for something that I'm unaware of doing?" House chuckled lightly as he twirled his cane behind his desk with his feet propped up.

"No, Aura, you didn't do anything and did you just read the dictionary?" He smiled at Aura's hesitation.


"He mentioned his mother as well; something about how she always had a way with words." He heard Aura put the dictionary down on a table.

"Well, I never saw his mother, so I honestly don't have a clear picture of what she was like other than being a depressed alcoholic and addict. Robbie wouldn't tell you what his mother said?" House shook his head.

"No, he just said that she had a way with words; which is kind of strange considering the way she was and their strained relationship."

Silence fell between them as House and Aura became lost in their own thoughts concerning a certain male Aussie. As House looked out the window to his right, he started to think of all the possible outcomes of the meeting between Chase and his father. He felt his chest tighten at the thought of the troubles between him and his mother…he hasn't spoken to her in about 5 months now.

He sighed heavily, but then felt his body freeze all over.

His mother….

"Aura," He said softly, thinking about his mother's enraged face.

"Yeah?" House hesitated slightly.

"What did Chase's father say to you exactly when you talked to him?" Aura yawned lightly.

"He was basically confirming the fact that Robbie was getting married. All he really tried to do was to get Chase's number from me so he could talk to him about it." House tightened his grip on his phone, noticing that Aura left out a crucial piece of information.

"He doesn't know Chase is marrying me, does he?" House asked quietly, practically feeling Aura's body freezing with the realization.

"No…no he doesn't. I guess Chase never told him about his sexuality because his father asked me who the 'lucky lady' was." House sighed and began to lightly tap his cane against the floor.


"But think of it this way," Aura continued.


"You're a world renowned Diagnostician, right?" House nodded slowly.

"Yeah, and your point is?"

"Maybe that fact will help—"

"Not make his father as pissed off?" House finished.

"Well…basically, yeah."

That didn't work on my mother, so I doubt it'll work on someone like Chase's father.

"Just talked to—oh, sorry." Chase said as he walked into House's office, not realizing he was on the phone.

"It's fine, who did you talk to?" House asked as he quickly pulled the phone away from his ear, feeling like his eardrum just exploded from Aura screaming hello to Chase. They chuckled.

"Aura, there's no need to scream. I'm right here." Chase said, leaning in near House to talk into his phone.

"I just wanted to make sure you heard me."

"Mission accomplished."

"Aye, aye, Captain! Over and out." They laughed as House hung up the phone and Chase sat on the corner of House's desk.

"So who did you talk to?" House asked, poking Chase's leg playfully with his cane.

"My dad." House continued to poke Chase, figuring it was best to not interrupt the blonde.

"He said he'll fly here about a week before the wedding. We need to send out the invitations by the way." He added, realizing that they forgot to put them in the mailbox this morning.

"We left them on the coffee table, didn't we?" House asked, looking up at the ceiling. Chase nodded, biting his lower lip gently. House sensed that Chase wanted to say something. He looked back down at the blonde.

"What is it?" Chase redirected his eyes to the window in front of him, not answering his question.

House eyed his fiancée carefully and gingerly swung his legs off of his desk and stood. Leaning on his desk next to the blonde, he stared out the window with him, waiting for the man next to him to say something.

"We both know you're going to say whatever it is that's on your mind, so you might as well say it now." House said, bumping his shoulder into Chase lightly, making the blonde smile.

"What about your mum?" Chase asked quietly, fiddling with his fingers as he looked down at the carpet.

House sighed and directed his attention back to the window. His mother. He felt his anger simmer just thinking about her and her homophobia. He was still angry at her and he was sure that she was still angry at him as well. But…

Chase was able to willingly invite his verbally abusive father to the wedding. Don't know why or how he did that, but he did. So…

House sighed.

If Chase could willingly invite his father who verbally abused him in the past, then he should be able to willingly invite his homophobic mother.

He sighed again and looked over at Chase out of the corner of his eye, seeing the blonde still fiddling with his fingers as he looked down at the carpet. House reached out and pulled one of Chase's hands towards him, holding it on his leg. He directed his eyes towards Chase's left hand, seeing the engagement ring glisten in the sunlight from the window. He smiled lightly.

"Don't do anything wedding-related this weekend." He said, making Chase look up at him.


"Don't do anything wedding-related this weekend." He repeated, earning a confused look.

"Why? We only have a certain amount of time to get things arranged, House."

"I know, but that's all we've really been doing for the past few months. Go do something fun this weekend." Chase raised an eyebrow at him.

"What will you be doing?" House smiled slightly.

"Delivering an invitation in person."


"Oh, hello there Greg." His father said, surprised. John walked out onto the porch and closed the door behind him.

"Hey Dad." House said awkwardly, not really making eye contact. John smiled lightly and walked to sit down on the side of the porch, indicating for House to join him.

They sat in silence for a few moments, John knowing what his son was here for. But he knew his son well enough to know when he was organizing his thoughts like he was now. House reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the wedding invitation, handing it to his father. John smiled down at the elegant writing on the front of the envelope and turned it over to open it.

"Chase did the writing." House said, making them both chuckle lightly as House remembered Chase pouring over each invitation to get the curve of the letters just right.

"Tell him he did a very nice job." John said, reading. "You two did a good job on these." He turned to look at his son who was also reading the invitation.

"But," House said. "It's takes true talent to get the stamp straight and impeccable endurance to stand the taste of sealing the envelope." John chuckled.

"Of course it does because the stamp was the first thing I noticed." They laughed lightly as silence fell between them again.

"John, who—" Blythe stopped mid-sentence when she saw her son sitting on the porch. House looked behind him and made eye contact with his mother.

The air turned tense as House and Blythe continued to stare evenly at each other. House kept his facial expression passive while Blythe struggled to keep her anger hidden.

"Hello Greg," She said finally in a terse voice.

"Hi Mom," House said, keeping all negativity from his voice.

"Blythe," John said, holding up the invitation. "Look at what Greg brought us." Blythe's eyes burned holes through the invitation and House felt his anger spark.

"If you don't want to go," House said, using a lot of energy to keep his temper in control. "Then don't go. You're not obligated to." His mother stood in the doorway for a few moments before walking back inside, slamming the door behind her.

"That went well." John said, causing House to huff.

"Yeah, she seemed really excited." John placed a hand on House's back carefully, not sure how his son would react to the physical contact. House tensed slightly, surprised at his father's comforting gesture, and then relaxed.

"She just needs time to cope with the idea, Greg."

"She's had 5 months." House shot back, a slight edge in his voice. John paused.

"Do you really want her to be at the wedding?" House looked over at his father, slightly surprised at his question.


"Do you really want her to be at the wedding?" John interrupted, eyeing his son carefully. House raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was going to say yes."

"Think about it, Greg." House huffed slightly in annoyance.

"I am."

"With your head." House narrowed his eyes slightly in confusion at his father's statement.

"You have to think with your head, Dad. That's where—"

"The brain is, I know." John interrupted again, smiling lightly. "Stop thinking with your head and think with that pump in your chest."


"Let me explain." John interrupted once again. "You're thinking with your head, Greg, and you can't do that here." House was about to speak by John silenced him.

"When you started your relationship with Robert, did you think or feel that it would turn out the way it has?" House directed his eyes in front of him, staring out in front of his parents' front lawn.

"You didn't use knowledge to determine whether or not Robert was the one for you." John continued. "You knew he was because you felt it. You can't feel with your head, you feel with your heart right?" There was a brief moment of silence.

"Will your mother's absence at the wedding prevent you from marrying Robert?" House directed his gaze back towards his father.

"No." He said flatly, causing John to smile.

"Exactly, so why does it matter so much?" House bit the inside of his cheek gently.

"Chase's father will be there."

"And?" House hesitated. He didn't want to tell the whole truth of the relationship Chase has with his father.

"Chase and his father never got along when he was growing up and they stopped talking for years." House said, which was true…he just left out that his father was an ass who abused his own son, Chase. John nodded thoughtfully.

"So Robert was able to confront his estranged father and was also able to invite him to the wedding," John started, putting the pieces together. "And you want to be able to confront your homophobic mother and get her to go to the wedding too." House broke eye contact with his father, giving John the indication that he was right.

"Well, you were able to confront her, but does it matter if she goes or not?"

"No, but—"

"Thinking with your head again." John said, making House sigh.


"I don't want her to be at the wedding." House said softly as John patted him lightly on the back.

"I thought not. That's a decision you made with your heart, not your head…which is very different for you and that's probably why you're having such a hard time in doing it." House cased his eyes down to the grass, thinking about everything his father just said.

Since when was he insightful?

"Mind you, you probably get that from me." John said, chuckling lightly; House turned and looked back at him.


"Thinking with your head…you probably get that from me. I didn't help very much in instilling that quality even further into you, but…it seemed to have helped you significantly…except in matters when you should use your heart, not your head." House tapped his cane lightly against the side of the porch, thinking.

"Are you coming?"

"To the wedding?" House nodded.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" They made eye contact, House now realizing how much of himself he actually inherited from his father.

"Mom." John waved his hand around, as though batting House's statement out of the air.

"Don't worry about her. If she can't accept that you're marrying Robert, that's her problem and no one else's."

"She'll make your life miserable if you go." House said, making John laugh openly.

"Greg, I've been married to that woman for longer than you've been alive…I've been miserable." House chuckled lightly. "But it'll probably be a bit different with you and Robert." John said thoughtfully.

"How so?" John laughed.

"Robert won't turn into the Devil for a week when Mother Nature presents her gift."


Alright Gang,

I know this story is taking FOREVER to finish and I apologize profusely for that. However, this story is almost done u_u

I intend on having the next chapter of this story up and ready to go within the next 7-10 days, so be on the look out for that.

Reviews please!
