Disclaimer: I am Kishimoto and this is my own original production... or atleast I'm sure that is true in one of those infinite parallel universes my T.V. is always talking about. :)

And for those who can't take a joke...

Actual Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and all rights are reserved to their respective holders and this is purely a non-profit production... for me. is probably making a killing off advertisements though... sorry, sorry back to the disclaimer... oh ya I also don't own the rights to Dragonball either. Unrelated, but whatever. If you have a problem with it see the instructions on what to do with that lemon in my previous story.

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Ino sat staring out her bedroom window at the twinkling stars that dotted the night sky. The scents of the flowers from her family shop lingered in the air like a fine perfume. Her room was quite and the wind blew softly outside.

A perfect night to sleep snuggly in her bed, under the blankets, and dream about Sasuke, or it would have been. Instead she sat fully awake still wearing the clothes she had put on that morning staring at the stars lost in her thoughts. Staring at the stars and a simple gold band that wrapped around her wrist clasped with the leaf of Konoha.

'It was such a good plan' she thought 'disguise myself as Billboard brow and get close to Sasuke-kun, where did it go wrong?' she sighed remembering the exact moment it went wrong, the exact moment her life, or at least hers as she saw it, was turned upside down, the moment that her lips touched Sasuke's and pulled away to stare into the deep, and extremely confused, blue eyes of Uzumaki Naruto. Yes the exact moment her plan had ended was the same moment as the new turmoil in her heart had began.

~Earlier that Morning~

Naruto's Apartment

Tuesday, 7:24 a.m.

"Oh Ya" Naruto shouted enthusiastically at his reflection in the mirror as he finished pulling on his trade mark orange jacket, and adjusting his shinobi headband.

"Today is going to be a good day I can feel it, believe it!" he shouted at his beaming reflection as he gave it Lee's signature thumbs up. Grabbing his kit from his bed table and fasting it to his leg he began to race out the door nearly tripping over the piles of clothes and dishes he had yet to clean.

He opened the door to his apartment and took a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Now first things first, than to day is the day I finally beat Sasuke!" he stated for all to hear his normal energy and pure optimism in full gear.

Instead of taking the stairs he opted to instead to run straight down the side of his apartment building on his way to Ichiraku Raman shop. He didn't know why but today he just felt like he could do anything. He had just reach the ground when his foot slipped out from under him crashing his head into the wall behind him.

"Owowowow" he said rubbing the growing knot on the back of his head "What the hell did I just trip on?" He asked staring before his eyes grew twice their size and tears began to fall down his face from obvious joy.

"…Gama-chan..?" he asked as he picked up the now very worn, but still recognizable, green frog wallet from the ground before jumping up with it triumphantly like it was a trophy.

"Woohoo" he cried out "I thought I would never find you." He quickly opened up Gama-chan and sure enough all the money and, more importantly, the ramen coupons were still there.

"Yes!" he declared again as he stuck the Frog wallet back into his pocket patting it reassuringly "I knew today was going to be a good day."

And that was how the whole of his morning went. To the point he got to have his breakfast with a very pretty kunoichi, sure he didn't know who she was and she was about five years older, but that hardly mattered.

It was getting about lunch time when he decided to go looking for Sasuke. That was when his luck started to wane. After about nearly an hour of looking he had somehow ended up on one of the many training fields that circled Konoha.

"Whoa watch out" he heard the voice right before his ninja skills and instincts picked up the threat and he dodged… but not enough, as a shuriken found it's way right into his lower backside.

"OOooooowwwww" Naruto yelled as he danced around the field clutching at the steel oni that has bitten into a place a man should never be bitten, before tripping and falling to his face.

"I told you to watch out didn't I?" the voice called again this time Naruto recognized it as defiantly female, and it seemed familiar. Looking behind him from his now laying position he saw the face he had been expecting. Tenten stood behind him smirking trying not to laugh at the position fate had landed on him. She bent over and quickly plucked the shuriken from Naruto's backside…

"OOoooowwww" Naruto yelled again. It hurt almost as bad being removed as it did going in.

"Don't be such a baby that frog thing of yours stopped it from doing any real damage, how did someone like you beat Neji-kun anyways?" Tenten said as she inspected the shuriken and made it disappear in a puff of smoke.

"Frog thing?" Panicking Naruto quickly pulled his favorite wallet from his back pocket and sure enough it now had a bad puncture wound clear through it "Gama-chan" Naruto began as tears welled up in his eyes "you sacrificed yourself for…" the rest of Naruto's eulogy was cut short as Tenten's fist came to rest on his head.

"That's enough" Tenten growled as she began to walk back over to where she had been training "I've got enough male dramatics from my team."

Getting over Gama-chan's sacrifice, mostly due to the fact he was sure he could get him patched, Naruto dusted himself off and began to look around the field.

He had been to distracted when he had first gotten here to notice, but now that he saw the damage it looked like a war zone had exploded. Trees had chunks torn out, the targets had been devastated, and there were shurkien, kuni, and all sorts of other instruments of war, most of them Naruto didn't even know the name of, scattered everywhere. Naruto was certain he had never seen such devastation to a training field.

'Wow' he thought 'Neji and Lee must be going all out today… wait a minute'. It was than that he noticed the fact that Tenten seem to be here by herself.

"Oi, Tenten, where's Neji and bushy brows?" almost immediately Naruto regretted asking as he gulped and stepped back from the glare the female kunoichi was now shooting at him. The glare was short lived as she turned back to her targets and again began to hurtle her many tools of devastations with obviously unnecessary force.

Naruto was just about to leave when Tenten's voice cut him off "Lee is at home because he over did it and pulled some pretty major damage on our last mission" she paused for a second as she threw a kuni with her full strength sinking it deep into the target twenty yards in front of her, needless to say dead on as well "and Neji is off with Guy-sensei on a special mission."

Naruto wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but even he could tell something was really troubling his friend, will kind of his friend, or at least that's what he thought. So there was little more he could do than stand there, and allow the girl to get whatever was obviously bothering her off her chest.

"They said it was a special infiltration or something like that in they needed a smaller team" Tenten continued as her grip tighten on the last Kuni still in her hand "but than they turn around and invite that damn Sasuke!"

"Wait.. Sasuke?" Naruto shouted 'no wonder I couldn't find him'. Naruto was about to turn and head back to the village when he noticed Tenten had turned her back on him and had began shaking.

Suddenly she turned around to face him her eyes glistened like she was holding back tears, but her face only showed anger "It's all that sand witches FAULT" she cried out falling to her knees punching the ground "ever since she beat me, so easily, my team has treated me like I don't deserve this headband and their right" she continued as she shocked Naruto by ripping her forehead protector from it's roost and throwing it at his feet "I wasn't able to help at all in the Chunin Exam. They think I'm weak because I don't have any special Ninjutsu like Neji or powerful Taijutsu like Lee. All I can do is throw these damn knives. I know that is what they think and their right."

Naruto thought for a moment she was going to continue, but she just stayed on her knee's. She had stopped holding back the tears and he could clearly see them running down her face.

'I wonder if this is how Sakura-chan feels?' Naruto said as he bent over and picked up the disregarded headband.

"Than their right" Naruto said almost a whisper as his face took on a more solemn tone.

"What?" Tenten said looking up as she tried to fight back the tears.

"If that is how you feel, than their right!" Naruto said this time louder with a voice that sounded a lot more experienced than Tenten would had expected from the boy.

"Shut the hell up, what do you know about it anyways?" Tenten shouted as her eyes meet his and she almost fell backwards from the severity. She didn't know what she was seeing, but she knew that behind those eyes the same pain she felt right that moment was carried by the young ninja a hundred fold.

She personally had never really known Naruto before the exam, but in that moment she felt as if she was able to see his entire past in those blue eyes. But more than the pain Tenten saw hope, faith, and a raging spirit that seem to defy the pain she now knew he must feel every waking moment.

It was confusing but staring into those serious eyes of Naruto was terrifying, but at the same time comforting like he could carry the pain of the whole village like he could left her own pain.

"If they want to think your weak prove them wrong by becoming stronger than all of them. If they think you can't be a ninja prove them wrong by becoming the greatest ninja they have ever seen." Naruto said as he replaced his solemn expression with his favorite smile. The only expression left in his eyes was pure determination.

Tenten wiped her own eyes as she stood and took the headband from Naruto's out stretched hand.

"Man your such an annoyance" she said the smile on her face proving she didn't mean it.

"Sheesh, why does everyone say that" Naruto complained before laughing.

He was again about to turn and leave before Tenten's voice stopped him for the second time that day.

"Hey Naruto, what do you say to a little sparring?" Tenten asked her voice cheerful. The only sign she had been crying on her knees, not even a minute before, were the streaks left on her face her eyes a little red.

"Will actually I was looking for…" Naruto started before being cut off.

"Sasuke right?" she smirked from the sudden shock on Naruto's face.

"How did you know?" Naruto asked shocked from being so easy to read.

"You really are an idiot" Tenten said, again her smile giving away that she didn't mean it "I done told you that he is off on a mission with my team, didn't I?"

"Oh ya" Naruto said scratching the back of his head.

"And besides a future hokage needs to be able to dodge at least a single shuriken" Tenten continued as she began to twirl her last kuni on her finger, a dangerous glint entering her eye.

"Future hokage?" Naruto was surprised, she was one of the first to acknowledge his dream, even though she had said it offhandedly, and she was someone he barley knew.

"That's your dream isn't it?" Tenten asked "than you have a long way to go if you were that easy to hit."

"Hmpf" Naruto said as he began to take a stance "fine than, but I wont hold back."

"Good" was all she said before she picked up a scroll that had been by her feet.

In all the years of his life to come through many battles and in all the near death experiences he will go through Naruto will never be able to recall a day he was pricked, cut, and stabbed more than in those two hours.

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Wow the first chapter to my second ever fanfic, and it's going to be a romance at that go figure.:P

If I'm not mistaken in this one chapter I already gave Tenten more lines and character development than the entirty of the Naruto manga so far... take that status que.

By the way just pointing out this story takes place in no particular time in the Narutoverse except it is before shippuden and after they collect Tsunade. There's some other major changes, but I'll only point them out when their relevant.:P

Now a bit of news...

As far as my other story goes I am still working on it, but I will admit it will be sometime before I start posting on it again.

As far as this story goes I already sort of got it finish, so I will be uploading it every few days so enjoy. :P

And of course as always Read, Review, and most of all Enjoy!