Kenshin watched Kaoru's twitching eyebrow with growing concern. She had been getting progressively annoyed as the night went on. In his opinion this day had been wonderful.

He had gone to Kaoru's house to pick her up. When she had stepped out of the house Kenshin had nearly swallowed his tongue. Her shirt was a lovely shade of green that made her eyes sparkle, and hugged her tight. Her jeans… her jeans made him think naughty thoughts. Her hair had been swept up, with sexy curls coming down. Kenshin had slowly been undoing the silk strains. He liked her hair down, and slightly messy.

They went to the local park for a light picnic. They cuddled and fed each other strawberries. Kaoru gave him a light kiss when the strawberries had all been eaten. After that they rented a boat and rowed around the lake. That was when Kenshin first spotted Misao and Aoshi.

Misao had been hiding in some bushes, holding up binoculars and… had rope around her neck. She stared intently at them, occasionally saying something into a walkie-talkie. Aoshi leaned against a nearby tree, looking amused. He nodded at Kenshin. Kenshin didn't mind. He had, in fact, expected the shadows. But he knew Kaoru wouldn't like it so he moved her away from their friends.

They held hands as they walked out of the park and into town. He spotted Megumi and Sano seated outside a café. Kaoru spied Aoshi's car when they were driving to the restaurant Kenshin had reservations at. When she saw Megumi's car in the parking lot her eyebrow started to twitch.

Inside they hadn't even tried to hide their presence, seated only four tables away. Kenshin and Kaoru could hear Misao and Megumi whispering. Sano gorged himself on food and Aoshi watched all with a blank expression, but Kenshin knew the other man was highly amused.

"I'm going to kill them," Kaoru threatened again.

"Now, now Kaoru, don't let them spoil our date. Today has been one of the happiest of my life. Please don't be unhappy," Kenshin pleaded.

The anger melted out of her to be replaced with a bashful look. "Oh Kenshin…"

He leaned forward and took both her hands in his. "Kaoru, I'm so glad you sent me that note" he swore he heard Sano mutter 'pansy' "and I know this is the start of a beautiful relationship." He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Now lets get out of here, shall we?"

All Kaoru's tension seemed to melt out of her. "Oh yes. Want to get ice cream? And Kenshin? You're such a sweetheart."

They waited for the check to arrive then they left. Their 'friends' followed them, of course.

"Kenshin! What are you doing!" Misao yelled. "You have to give her a better kiss then just on the hand! What kind of wimp are you?"

"Misao, shut up!" Kaoru glared. "You're already in so much trouble."

"Oh, lay off Misao. They're just too cute right now," Megumi smiled slyly.

"Megumi-" Kenshin cut Kaoru off by spinning her around.

He gave her a hard kiss, a claiming kiss. Kaoru swore she saw stars, and Kenshin saw heaven.

Misao clapped. Megumi looked satisfied. Sano swore and handed Aoshi money. Aoshi looked smug and proud.

"The perfect date," Kenshin whispered when he lifted his head. Putting his arm around a dazed Kaoru he led her to his car.