How is it that every time I say a story will come out "soon-ish" it ends up being put off for months. Oh, well. It took a while, but I said I'd give you guys a Scotty/Chekov story, and dammit, I'm gonna keep that promise!

Anyway, I got the title from a slash icon from another fandom (Static Shock, my guilty pleasure. Virgil/Richie FTW! Someone please revive this fandom!). It said: "Love is like pi: natural, irrational, and very important." I thought it fit pretty well, and I didn't want to go through every physics equation I know to find something equally nerdy.

So everyone who has been waiting for this story has obviously read my Kirk/Spock story Dream Encounters, but if you just happened to stumble upon this humble little fanfic, go read my other story. They go together, so go read it and review, God damn you!

There must be something else I forgot to say... let's see...

Oh yeah. I don't own the Star Trek franchise, only the DVD and my Enterprise keychain. If I did, Spirk would have been in the forefront of the movie and would have to be acknowledged as canon by everyone, because it really is. I know I never look at my friends like Kirk looked at Spock. Just sayin'.

Warnings: Slash, duh! And there is a 17 year age difference, but Chekov is the age of consent where I live, so it's not creepy pedo or anything. There will also be some explicit language and content once I get around to it, and trust me, I will. If any of this bothers you, go away and leave me in peace. Flames are not okay, and I'll probably make you look like a fool for sending them, so don't do it. I have freedom of speech, and you have the freedom to choose not to read what I write; seriously!

Pairing(s): Scotty/Chekov (main), Kirk/Spock (later, as a side dish)

OK... time to stop stalling. To the story, warp factor 4!

Love is Like Pi...

Chapter One: Beginnings

There was a loud commotion as two men were forcibly brought onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise. The first was the recently disposed-of James Kirk and the other—Pavel nearly passed out upon recognizing him—was Montgomery Scott. Scott looked like a drowned rat, but none the less, Pavel was in awe of him. He knew all of Scott's theories by heart, and had read all of his papers on transporters and quantum physics (several times each).

In the moments that followed the stow-aways' arrival, all Hell broke loose. However, the most memorable part of those few moments for Pavel was not the Human-Vulcan wrestling match on the navigation panel (though the scene would forever be a part of his memories and that day's security tapes) or Kirk becoming the third captain of the starship within a period of fewer than twenty-four hours; no, the most prominent moment for Pavel was making eye contact with the man whose work he had admired for years while trying to dodge the fighting pair.


Pavel thought that Scott's arrival would be the only good thing that happened to him ever again (Earth was about to be destroyed by a rampaging Romulan, after all.), but for some reason, God was smiling on him and giving him one last moment of satisfaction before the Enterprise warped off to make a rescue attempt with only a slim chance of success. When he presented his idea to hide in Saturn's rings so they could ambush the Romulan vessel to the crew members on the bridge, he was met with several looks that clearly showed that his plan was going to be ignored because of his young age. However, Scott came to his "rescue," confirming that his plan and calculations were solid. If the idiotic smile that took over his entire face did not abate for quite a while, no one seemed to notice, too caught up in executing the plan they had been about to reject.

Pavel had become used to being treated like he was inferior because of his age at the Starfleet Academy; only Hikaru Sulu, who had become his closest friend after years of sharing a dorm, seemed to accept his theories without question, though he still treated Pavel like a child on occasion, despite only a few years separating them in age. Having Hikaru believe in him was one thing, but having someone who had just met him believe in the validity of his ideas was something else entirely. And to top that off, it was Montgomery Scott, a man who he practically idolized, who had just given him a vote of confidence and treated him like the adult he nearly was. Now, it might have just been the overwhelming jumble of emotions that came with dealing with a catastrophe of epic proportions, or maybe the fact that he was young, hormonal, and unfamiliar with the feeling, but Pavel Chekov could swear that he was in love.


Montgomery Scott did not know whether to be flattered or disturbed by the blinding smile the kid was sending his way. He had only confirmed his calculations, but the kid looked at Scotty like he had just given him the moon. As far as he knew, that did not warrant much more than a "thank you," and Scotty could not remember the last time someone had smiled at him like that.

And what was a kid doing on the bridge of a starship, anyway? Smiling the way he was, with big shining eyes, flushed cheeks, and little dimples next to his mouth, he looked like he could not be over fourteen years old. But Scotty just let those thoughts slip away in favor of concentrating on saving the whole Goddamn Federation.

It was going to be a long day, and he was definitely going to need a drink later on.

There ya go! I don't know how good it is... I'm finding this story a lot harder to write than previous ones.

Anyway, I have much love for a self-conscious Chekov with a huge case of hero worship.

I have some ideas for this... but now I have to fill in the spaces between those plot points, and that is causing me a lot of problems. Being done with high school has made me so lazy... I can't even think for too long without becoming tired.

I hope somebody out there liked this. Please review and give me some motivation to crank out another chapter.

Much love to the readers! Peace out!