A/N: Revised.


Night of the Ball

Pretentious, worthless bastards. she thought, still quite upset and rather grumpy.

There was a fair amount of people that came, all obviously wealthy. She recognized a handful which included some political heads, judges, heads of prestigious law firms, a couple CEOs of companies overseas, and government officials. The rest she didn't have a clue who they were. They all laughed and mingled merrily, seeming to enjoy the event. But she could see right through them. Them and their snide remarks disguised in seemingly polite repartee.

She didn't trust anyone there as far as she can throw them—tilting her head, she vaguely wondered how far she was able to throw someone in that room, but quickly shook the silly thought away.

Kaoru stood by her father on one of the balconies of the ballroom, obscured behind the shadows the heavy drapes provided as he talked to a Senator. The round man outwardly exuded a superior, confident persona boasting loudly about his election triumph and pricy possessions, but his energy read otherwise. He was so terrified standing next to her father Kaoru could swear he'd just about crap his pants.

Her father was probably feeling the same thing from the chubby man's aura for he was amusedly grinning from ear to ear.

It was a common and normal reaction. Her father's appearance is a rather intimidating if not frightening, and that's excluding his mummified appearance. Because of such reasons her father hid in the private upper-quarters preferring to not draw attention as well as having a birds-eye view of the event.

She looked down at the round ballroom, taking in the golden display below. The place was so grand and lavish with massive pillars surrounding the area and beautiful chandeliers hanging over head. The music flowed pleasantly, the string instruments and piano harmonizing smoothly as the musicians played classical symphonies. A few guest danced to the ballads at the middle of the room, turning hand in hand. It seemed like it was taken right out of a picture book fairy-tale.

Blue eyes wandered and spotted her father's entourage; Yumi was sipping champagne as she talked to the females accompanying the men present, Hoji was busy with what seemed like small-talk with a man he seemed to know, and Sojiro was conversing with a much older blonde female.

Her eyebrows came up at the sight. It seemed her brother figure liked his women how he liked his wine. She watched as he interacted somewhat amused with the way he handled himself with the ladies.

Her attention was abruptly caught elsewhere as she sensed a familiar ki. She felt his presence from outside the balcony making his way toward them. There was so mistaking who that erratic and twisted aura belongs to. Like many other fighters he usually suppressed his emotions to hide his warrior's energy, but at the moment right before he reached the door she could sense the dark vortex of fury he always concealed. It made her uneasy. But the rare show of his true ki was fleeting as he re-hid his inner energy.

She huffed silently to herself. She did not by any means want to see that man.

The door to the private terrace opened, revealing the dreaded white-haired man. He grinned at her making her scowl at him as he came to stand by her side, "Senator, Lord Shishio, Cream Puff, I hope you're all enjoying yourselves this evening." Enishi charmingly said as he entered the conversation.

Kaoru frowned all the more, Cream Puff? she could almost gag.

She wasn't in the mood for any teasing and she was not about to put up with his patronizing. As politely as possible, she excused herself and made her way toward the exit wanting to get as far away from him.

Once she was out of the room and had closed the door behind her she walked as quickly as possible toward the stairs she knew was located further down the hall. She heard the light creaking of a door being opened and closed behind her and knew that Enishi had excused himself as well. She picked up her pace, hoping to reach the ballroom downstairs before he could catch up but the three-inch strappy heels she wore and the gun-holster strapped around her thigh weren't aiding her in the least.

Right when Kaoru was about to take the first step down his hand came down to grasp her arm, roughly pulling her back up, "Where do you think you're going?"

She yanked her arm back as she looked up at him, "None of your business."

His eyes looked over her form, slowly and noticeably taking in every inch of her figure from head to toe and right back up.

Once again, she was very much aware of how much cleavage the dress revealed, how high up the slit on the side was, and how with one pull of the thin, silver halter tie the top of her gown would fall undone.

Nonetheless, she stood astutely and formidable before Enishi, "My eyes are up here."

He grinned, "You look good. Who knew that under all that dirt, sweat, and blood I met you in lay a worthy, stunning woman."

"Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you." she mockingly smiled.

His eyes angrily narrowed, "Don't run off. I have a surprise for you later." With that, he turned around to leave.

Her sight followed Enishi as he headed back. She didn't take her eyes off him till she was sure he indeed re-entered the room. She knew she was being a bit cowardly what with trying to flee from Enishi's presence but she just couldn't brush off the instinctive feeling to get away from him. Especially after feeling the malice she sensed deep within his soul. She shook her head, inwardly disappointed in herself.

Now that he wasn't at her heels she took her time walking down the marble stairs carefully putting one foot in front of the other.

Kaoru walked around the ballroom for a while, weaving around the guests before finding a fairly secluded area. She stopped and leaned on an ivory pillar. She stood watching and observing the scene before her. She still didn't understand why she was required to be there or why her father was holding such an event. It all didn't make sense and it seemed so unnatural.

As a waiter passed by, holding a tray of Champaign flutes, she took one glass for herself. She sniffed the contents before she took a sip of the bubbly drink.

"Are you still in a bad mood?"

Recognizing the voice, she looked behind seeing Sojiro. He came to stand by her side as he too leaned on the giant column.

"I'm not in bad mood… I'm in an off mood."

He chuckled, "Same difference."

"Yeah. Well, I'm trying my hardest not to seem like I am."

"You're failing miserably."

She smiled, "Yes, I know."

They both took a drink from their glass.

"So, who are all these people?" she asked.

"Most are Enishi's associates."

"Enishi?" dark brows came down discombobulated.


"Why are Enishi's people here?"

"Why wouldn't they be? This is after all his ball."

"Is it now?" well the Ball itself actually made a bit more sense, "What's the event for?"

"Something about celebrating a new business merger. I'm not too sure about all the details."

"Well, if that's the case then why did Yumi say it was dad's ball and what the hell are we doing here?"

"Yumi said this is Mr. Shishio's party?" Sojiro let out a chuckle, "She does get her information crossed at times doesn't she?"

She shrugged, "Yeah I suppose she does."

"And as for why we're here… isn't it obvious?" he turned to look at her, observing her as she continued to gaze at the event before her obviously oblivious to the reasons behind the affair. Shaking his head he leaned in close as he whispered into her ear, "There will be a meeting later tonight among a few hand-picked individuals here and Mr. Shishio wants us to attend alongside him."

"A meeting regarding what?" she whispered back.

Sojiro casually leaned back, "You'll see." he answered smiling.

Kaoru huffed, feeling very much out of the loop, "Why do I get the feeling you know something I don't and you don't wanna tell me about it."

"I'm not. It's still the same plan it's always been."

She took a moment to consider his words, thinking carefully about what he was referring to. Once realization struck her eyes briefly widened in alarm and she slowly turned to face him, "He's still going through with that?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's changed."

The blonde Sojiro had been talking to earlier passed in front of them, shooting the brunette a mischievous look. Both pairs of blue eyes followed the older woman as she sashayed her way through the small, mingling crowd.

"Well, gotta go." he said before Kaoru was able to question him any further.

She shook her head as she watched him pursue the fair-haired female.

Still, she hoped she misunderstood what Sojiro had been referring to.

Her gaze traveled up searching for her father. She spotted him, barely making out his silhouette as he remained hidden in the balcony's shadows. He shifted, slightly moving into the light so she could see him. It was then that she realized that her father had been watching her from where he stood. His eyes locked on to hers. He held his red-eyed glare at her for a good while then he slowly shook his head in displeasure, illustrating he disapproved of her behavior.

Tightening her lips she broke the gaze as she looked away.

He couldn't possibly… could he? It's not as if she didn't have enough to worry about.

Breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly she headed toward the crowd, choosing to make better use of her time there. Maybe the night wouldn't be a total waste of time; after all there were successful lawyers in the vicinity she wouldn't the least bit mind mingling with.

As the night went on, she found that she was gradually starting to enjoy herself. She shared a few compelling conversations with what she hoped were future colleagues, listened to the gossip among the women, which she had to admit was rather humorous, and flirted with a couple of waiters. All in all, it wasn't as bad as what she thought. But the night wasn't over yet.

She was standing next to the piano talking to Melissa, a barracuda of an attorney and charitable alumni to her university. Kaoru was busy listening to her as they discussed the convoluted loop-holes of the law when, once again, her attention was caught with his foreboding presence. She tried to look like she was paying attention but it was difficult as she felt him come nearer and nearer very much zeroing in on her. She clenched her jaw, her teeth practically grinding as she sensed him close, hearing but not quite listening to whatever Melissa was saying.

"There you are." Enishi said right as he came to stand right next to her flashing both ladies a smile, "I've been looking for you, Cream Puff."

She tilted her head to look up at him, her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

He bend over brining his mouth over her ear, "You're father's watching." he murmured as his hand came to rest on the small of her back.

Her eyes quickly glanced up to see that he was indeed still watching from above.

"Mr. Yukishiro." Melissa said a she extended her hand, "Melissa Kujo from 'Yamazawa, Okamoto, Aoki, and Kujo', it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Kaoru observed calmly as Enishi took her hand, shaking it as his eyes roamed her form in one deliberately slow once-over and gave her a toothy grin most women seemed to swoon over, "Mrs. Kujo, the pleasure is all mine."

Melissa blushed and Kaoru had to hold back an eye-roll.

"So, how is it that you know Ms. Makoto?"

Another smirk, "She's my significant other."

"You don't say. Well, you make quite the lovely couple."

"Thank you. Now I don't mean to come off as rude but I simply must take my darling girlfriend away. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, not at all."

He took her hand and looped it under his arm, guiding her away from Melissa. "Enjoy the party." Enishi said over his shoulder.

She waited till they were well an ear-shot away from her new acquaintance before saying anything. "I'm not your significant other. Why the hell did you tell her that?" Kaoru asked once she had the opportunity.

He grinned, "Did that upset you, darling?"

She frowned crossly at him, "Don't play games with me, Enishi."

He laughed, evidently amused.

She huffed under her breath, "And where the hell are you taking me?"

"Remember the surprised I mentioned? Well, its time."

He stopped before the small orchestra, giving them a hand signal. As instructed the musicians stopped playing, ending the music. He picked up a glass of Champaign and bread knife from a nearby table and gracefully hit the silverware against the glass making a smooth clinking noise. It caught the attention of the entire room as the conversing murmur slowly died down and dozens of pairs of eyes turned to look at them.

Kaoru immediately felt uncomfortable. She fought hard to suppress the need to cross her arms before her but she couldn't show her evident displeasure, not with all the watchful eyes on her and especially not with her father seeing everything from above. So she kept her hands by her sides trying not to fidget and to remain standing straight as she held her gaze at Enishi. She, as well as everyone, watched as he went over to the microphone taking it from its stand. Her brows creased in puzzlement, very much unaware of his intentions.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention." he spoke into the microphone, his voice booming from the speakers as he came to stand by her side. She felt his hand rest on the small of her back again and she fought the urge to slap it aside.

"As you all very well know…" he continued, "… well, those of you who've I've had the delight of knowing and doing business with know how… private of a person I can be. I've never believed in mentioning or involving my love life…"

Kaoru snickered at his mentioning of the word 'love' earning her a side-glance glare from him making her quickly compose herself.

"… in the work place or further more anywhere public. Hell, I'd even come say that I'd make fun at the men who did. I'd stand back and watch as they'd tell the whole world how they found the woman of their dreams and how head-over-heels they were. 'Poor saps' I'd used to think."

The room lightly laughed.

"I never understood that…" he went on, "… that is until now. As you all might not know, I've been together with a pretty little lady." Enishi squeezed her toward him.

Kaoru hoped he was not implying that she was the 'pretty little lady'. Last she checked he was not the man she was dating. However, she didn't interrupt although the whole spectacle taking place seemed ridiculous and unrealistic. She felt as if it was all some elaborate prank.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you my girl-friend, Kaoru Makoto."

The crowd applauded as Enishi lightly pushed her forward in introduction. She didn't have any other choice but to smile sweetly at the guests. Kaoru took a step back toward Enishi a moment after hoping that whatever was going on it would soon stop.

Enishi waited till the room was once more quite before he spoke, "She has made a very happy man…. and I wanted you all here so I can share the next step I want to take with her."

She unconsciously tilted her head to one side in question. Nothing about the whole night made any sense to her. But she continued to stay quiet, carefully watching as his actions started to unfold.

His hand went into his pocket digging around for something and he started to get down on one knee. From his pocket he took out a small, black velvet box. He opened it as he held it before her, revealing a dazzling, sparkling circle diamonded gold ring.

There was an almost simultaneous gasp from the crowd. Murmurs and silent comments shared amongst the guests as they watched in fascination, the whole room buzzing in excitement and suspense.

"Kaoru Makoto…" his voice coming from the speakers seemed to make the whole ballroom vibrate, "...will you marry me?"

Everything seemed to have gone into slow motion. Her air hitched with the realization of his intensions. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at the man on his knee before her. All noise drowned out and the only thing she could hear was the sound of her uneven breathing. Kaoru wasn't even sure how fast or slow her heart was beating at that moment. She attempted to gulp but her mouth was suddenly and inexplicably dry, leaving her unable to utter a single word let alone a complete sentence.

This can't be happening.

She had to say something, anything. But she couldn't react. She just stood there looking down at him, completely and utterly taken off guard. Time expanded, she wasn't at all sure whether she was standing there for minutes upon hours with a look of puzzlement on her face in absolute silence before dozens of people or if she was simply imagining it that way.

Kaoru took one forceful gulp back and she parted her lips ever so slightly to give the man before her, her honest answer. However, right as she was about to utter the 'no' she was dying to let out, she dared to gaze up. Up to the dark balcony where she could feel his unwavering presence. There he stood, his bandaged hand resting on the ledge as he keenly stared down on her. She could see the tenseness of his muscles as he, as well as every person in that ballroom, waited for her.

His eyes narrowed, his features contorting to a boarder-line sneer.

You will conduct yourself accordingly. His earlier words echoed in her mind.

She looked back down at Enishi, meeting the distinguishable knowing look on his face.

"I…. I…." she vaguely heard herself say but her own voice seemed so foreign to her, just as watered down as all the muffled sounds around her and her own heartbeat seeming all the more audible.

Don't embarrass me.

Kaoru wasn't sure exactly what she said but before she knew it Enishi had suddenly stood up. He took her left hand and placed the ring on her finger. He wrapped one arm around her, pulling her toward him as his other hand went behind her neck. His lips overlapped hers and she just stood there, still in complete disbelief.

You will do what is expected of you.

There was flashing, so much flashing. Cameras?

He parted from her and she couldn't bear to look at his face at the moment. She glued her eyed to his white shirt, watching the bright, blinding glow of that flashing briefly illuminate before again dying down—like the ever loud palpating of her heart that seemed to be going a million beats per minute and like that ever present words of her father repeating themselves over and over in her head.

Don't disappoint me.

She was being pulled. Her hand was in his as he lead her away, going between the crowd. Everyone parted, allowing them route to the middle of the ballroom.

She looked ahead. Her sight darting from left to right seeing each person clap for them. There was still no sound, everything was mute.

All the more eerie, she tried to focus on the faces of all the people they passed but she couldn't make out any features. Her beating heart elevated when she took in all the scratchy black eyes and scratchy black smiles she saw. Everyone was faceless, dark eyes and dark mouths mocking her as she passed by. She shook her head, knowing that the ghastly images were all in her mind.

They came to a stop. She felt him maneuver her into position taking her hand in his as his other hand was placed on her back. Then a back a forth motion of their feet… they were dancing.

She let him guide her. She didn't have any other choice. But it gave her time; time to control her heart, time to handle her breathing, time to organize her thoughts.

It took a while but she finally managed to put herself back together and once she did she went over what exactly just happened. Her mind skimmed through every little thing, every little detail of the whole night and a few things prior, putting pieces together.

This is all just for show. she thought to herself right as another light of a camera flashed. This whole ball, the proposal… it's all just a show.

Kaoru felt the hand that was on the middle of her back make it was down, following the curve of her waist and coming too close to her back side to her liking. It immediately brought her back to reality.

"Move your fucking hand down any further and I'll fucking cut your cock off in your sleep." she threatened, her tone serious and full of venom.

His hand stayed, but his grip tightened almost painfully, "Bite your tongue." he seethed through clenched teeth, his eyes appearing demented as he glared disapprovingly at her, "I will not allow my future wife to speak so vulgarly."

She angrily glared daggers at him watching him as he closed his eyes and took in a few breaths, calming his temperament before he spoke again, "Besides… I don't think that's very wise, Cream Puff. After all, we want to give your dear old dad some grandchildren, don't we?"

Her nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought of sharing a bed with him and even more at the thought of bearing his children, but didn't voice out such thoughts instead saying, "Stop calling me Cream Puff."

"What other endearing pastry would you rather go by? Muffin, cupcake, Twinkie?"

She shot him another annoyed look and ignored his comments, "Whose idea was this anyways? Yours or my 'dear old dad's'?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes. It couldn't possibly be your brilliant scheme. You despise me as much as I despise you."

"Perhaps that's exactly why I would propose such an idea. So I can personally see to that you're miserable for the rest of your life. Till death do us part."

"Charming." she sarcastically replied. "But I doubt that's the real reason."

Enishi grinned, "You're right."


"Like I said before, this is all just business. Another checkpoint in the plan."

Plan? she thought, Everything revolves around that stupid plan.

They remained quiet for a while, without losing the beat of the classical song. Her mind was racing, going a million miles a minute as she thought of her father and his plan, and how it was now coming together. She thought that he had forgotten all about it. After all he was living a rather plush life as the uncrowned crime-lord of the city, why would he want to give that up? It had been so long since she'd heard him speak a word of his plan. Yet, there it was.

She felt Enishi's hand travel up from where it was placed, following the line of her spine and right back down. His hand was warm, but a cold, loathing shiver ran through her body when she felt him caress her skin. Kaoru couldn't stand the feeling so she lightly pushed away so as to have more space between them.

But he tightened his hold, pulling her to him till her chest was right up against his, "Don't be so coy, Kaoru. Remember, everyone is watching."

"Since when do you care about appearances?"

"When you're running a large company and getting involved with… people like you're father, it's all about keeping up appearances. Speaking of which… are you still seeing you're little boy-toy?"

"Are you still chasing every tail you see?" she countered.

He gave a short chuckle, "Don't tell me my sweet, little fiancée is jealous."

A dark eye-brow rose, "Far from it. I don't care what or who you do on your spare time just as you shouldn't care what I do on mine."

"You know, there was a time not too long ago when you concerned yourself about my whereabouts. Remember?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I wasn't concerning myself with you. The way I remember it, you were after me. Trying to get another notch on your belt were you?"

"And I would have got you if you wouldn't have walked in o-"

"Don't!" she firmly said, "Don't you fucking dare finish that."

Amused at getting a rise out of her, he continued, "What's wrong, Cream Puff? Did I hit a sensitive button?"

Her features hardened with a look of utter repulsion and hatred, "You disgusting, insufferable, shameless pig-" she all but snarled at him, rage simmering behind sapphire orbs.

His grin broadened as he brought his mouth over her the shell of her ear, "Don't worry, darling…" he softly whispered, "… I can do to you what I was about to do to her."

Her jaw involuntarily clenched at the memory.

"It'll be like role play. Wouldn't you like that?" he carried on his menacing murmur. "I can grab your wrists and pin them over your head while you act like you're trying to escape. You can struggle all you want but the fact is you won't be able to get away from me. You'll cry out for me to stop, cry out for someone to rescue you-"

"Do you think rape is funny? Do you think forcing yourself on a woman is amusing?"

"Or course not. It's all just fun and games. I think your friend would agree."

"I said DON'T."

"She wanted it just as bad as me, Kaoru."

"She said no." she seethed through clenched teeth.

He dipped his head low, his mouth threateningly close to her ear, "I wasn't about to deny any pleasure. You women say no but what you really want is for it not to stop. What you really want is a real man that takes what he wants without question."

She was repulsed by his words. The indelible memory of that rainy night was burned into her mind. Her frantic screams, his hands on her, her torn clothing, his sadistic smile, her bruises…

Her fury felt red-hot inside of her. Kaoru wanted to sock one to him so bad. The feeling of her fist making contact with his face, hearing the crack and crunch of his bones along her knuckles indicating a broken nose or jaw would be entirely so satisfying she was actually tempted to do so. Hell, she'd even settle for a bloody nose, a black eye, lost teeth, or a good knee to his groin, which wouldn't come close to what a man like him deserved.

You ought to rot in hell. she thought, wanting nothing more than to condemn him herself.

She exhaled loudly as she looked to her side, spotting her father with Hoji as his piercing red eyes oversaw her making sure she didn't do anything rash.

Breathing in slowly, she momentarily placated her simmering emotions.

Trapped. She's never felt that trapped before.

Her sight traveled to look before her. She was able to see over his shoulder but didn't focus on anything in particular. She squared her shoulders and straightened her back all the more in stubborn determination—she was going to find a way out of this, even if it kills her.


Strappy heels clapped along the cement sidewalk. The sound was rhythmical, one step at a time. She wasn't in any particular hurry.

It was the slightest bit chilly outside and she hugged her black trench closer to her just as a gust of wind blew. She knew she seemed like a helpless damsel, walking in the dark streets of the city dressed in the elegant, silver gown. She knew that she was a perfect target for petty thieves and criminals in search for someone to wreak havoc on. Let them try—they didn't know what was in store for them if they dared harass her.

All she had wanted throughout most of the night was to get away, and get away she did.

Still… she couldn't quite escape the reality could she?

And still… she couldn't believe it! Just couldn't believe what had happened! She felt as if she had been ambushed. Her father had it planned all along. He knew she wouldn't be able to say no, wouldn't be able to reject Enishi's proposal while he breathed down her neck, bearing down on her with his presence.

What's more, that hadn't been the most disturbing part of the night. There was the meeting Sojiro had briefly mentioned.

Sojiro, Hoji, and she followed Enishi to a neat, dim lighted room where they met the 'selected few'. They sat around a large round table, their faces hard to see with the small amount of lighting, her father sitting at the head. Most were in some kind of business with Enishi and most were foreigners, not of the city.

She didn't like the feeling of the room and it didn't take long for her to concentrate and go into her state of lacking emotion. Kaoru didn't want anyone knowing what she was feeling or if anything said affected her. She wasn't even sure who in that room, other than the men she was familiar with, was capable of reading kis. But she preferred to remain indecipherable.

Hiding in a casted shadow upon a wall with Sojiro next to her, acting as her father and Enishi's body-guards, they listened in to everything that was said.

Plans. Destruction. Annihilation. Death. War. Her back against the wall and hands crossed over her chest throughout the whole congregation, nothing got a raise out of her. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed the few discreet glances Sojiro shot her way.

When it was over her father pulled Sojiro and her aside. He had an assignment for them. With a hard glare at her and an affirmative nod at him, he handed them each a folded piece of paper and an envelope filled with money.

Her gloved hand dug into her trench pocket and took out the sheet. She unfolded it and looked at Hoji's neat writing in black ink, reading down the list. No, it wasn't like any assignment Sojiro and she had in the past. This was a recruiting. And there in plain print were the names of the fighters her father wanted to gather for his key army. The army he had been preparing to establish in order carry-out his long-time plan. The Juppongatana—the Ten Swords.

She read and re-read the list: Usui Uonuma the blind swordsman, Anji Yukyusan the fighting ex-monk, Cho Sawagejo the sword hunter, Kamatari Honjo the scythe wielder, Henya Kariwa the flying bomb-master, Iwnabo the large smiling oaf, Elder Saizuchi the puppet master to Fuji, Fuji the giant, Senkaku the wielder of the knuckle blades, Sanosuke Sagara the promising fighter for hire, and… Himura the Battousai.

She had by then memorized the list, but she couldn't help going over it again. She's heard of all the warriors and had even bumped into a few in the past. They will, with little doubt, join her father but there were a couple names she kept coming back to. Sano and Kenshin.

Her brow creased in evident concern. Kenshin. He is strong and incredibly talented with a sword. She was aware of what he did for a living. It is no wonder why her father would want him. But he hasn't been involved with anything since after The Rebellion. She has already decided that Kenshin was off limits to them. If he didn't want to be involved she'll make damn sure he won't be. She wasn't entirely sure if they knew that Kenshin and she were together.

And Sano. Why Sano? The easy-going bartender she had come to consider a friend. She wasn't sure if she wanted Sano to be one her father's subordinates. A million thoughts ran through her head; he shouldn't be put in harm's way, he isn't the type to join such a group, he shouldn't be a part of that black world…

Is she willing to have them put in danger?


But, will she able to intervene this time?

She wasn't sure.

Due to her hampering with her father's schemes in the past, she wasn't given the slightest chance to change anything in the matter. Shishio's daughter or not, if she didn't follow the course of action this time, he would have her friends' heads for sure—the thought alone made her blood run cold in fear. All she knew is that she needed to get to Kenshin and Sano before Sojiro did.

Kaoru entered the tall building, folding and pocketing the list back in her trench. As she neared the elevator, her hand went to press the button and was pleasantly surprised when it immediately opened. She entered and pressed another button to the desired floor. As soon the doors closed, she leaned her head back in weariness.

If it weren't for Sojiro suggesting for her to leave and get some rest she would've stayed till the ball ended. She would have left with her father's group which included Enishi. Sojiro didn't have to tell twice, she was out of there the first chance she got. Kaoru would thank him later for helping her out. She was sure he had taken care of anyone's queries about her whereabouts.

The elevator door opened. She stepped into the small hallway and made her way to his door. The path to him was so familiar that her feet practically moved on their own accord.

However, as she stood in front of the door, she was literally frozen on the spot. Why did she think this was a good idea? True she wanted to leave to a place where she felt more comfortable and secure, but she could've just gone to the apartment she shared with Megumi. She didn't even call to see if it was alright to come over and it was so late at night.

But she was there already …

Breathing in deeply and slowly letting the air out she fought down the tingling nervous feeling in her stomach. She brought her white-gloved hand up and knocked on the door.

There was silence on the other side as she waited. Maybe he couldn't hear the knock or maybe he wasn't there.

With that in mind, she started to turn to leave but the sudden noise of the door unlocking had her stop and wait a little longer.

The door opened, revealing a grumpy looking Kenshin. His prominent fiery hair was left undone in a messy mane. He was barefoot and wore lose fitting grey sweatpants; evident signs that he had just woke him up.

Kaoru instantaneously felt awful for disturbing his slumber, "Oh, damn. I should have called first. Or actually, I shouldn't have come by at all." she quickly rambled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I'll just be going now."

At first, his brows came up in bemusement, but a smile soon replaced it as he watched her hasty and awkward reaction. He chuckled, "I didn't expect to see you for a while." he teased.

"Well… you see… I…" she let out a panicky laugh, "I just wanted… well… to see you."

His smile broadened making her feel all the more embarrassed.

"So…" she sheepishly put her hands behind her, "…now that I…" her eyes traveled over his appearance from head to toe, "… see you…" she felt her face getting warmer and tried to focus on keeping eye contact, "…I think I'll go now."

"Well, you're here already aren't you? Come in."

She bit her bottom lip, hesitant to his invitation.

"I couldn't sleep anyways." he assured her, taking a step back from the door.

Uncertain, she entered.

Kenshin closed the door behind her. As he went to turn the kitchen lights on, she took of her heels and followed him, stopping by the kitchen table. Her hands came up to untie her coat's belt but paused as she noticed the diamond ring on her left hand. She quickly took it off and put it inside a pocket, hoping Kenshin didn't see neither the ring nor her hiding it. The unwanted engagement was something she wasn't ready to share with him yet.

She continued taking off her coat, letting it slide down her shoulders before carefully placing over the back of a chair.

"Wow." he said as he noticed what she wore.

She turned to look at him, "What?"

Grinning he sauntered over to her, "Turn around, let me look at you." he gingerly took her hand and had her slowly twirl around.

He whistled in admiration, making her blush profusely. "Have you had your fill yet?"

He chuckled, "I can't ever have my fill of you, koishii. You always leave me wanting more."

Kaoru stopped her twirling as she faced him again, her face still a shade of rose.

"You look beautiful tonight, Kaoru. That's not to say you don't any other time."

Her cheeks flushed a deeper hue. He seemed to be the only person able to make her redden so easily and so frequently, which she found infuriating and knew he found appealing. "Knock it off." she coolly said as she lightly hit his chest.

Observing her flustered reaction, Kenshin leaned in to tentatively kiss her forehead, "Just take the compliment." he whispered loud enough for her to hear.

Kaoru softly pushed him away and looked up to meet his gaze, a corner of her mouth curving up, "Thank you. Better?"

He smiled back. "Much. So…" he parted from her, "…do you want anything to drink?"

"Coffee." she pinched the fingertips of her long gloves, pulling each one off.

He arched an eyebrow at her, "It's three o'clock in the morning… are you sure you want coffee?"

Her eyes traveled over to him as she finally took the satin gloves off. Taking a moment to decide, she responded with a grin, "I'll take a beer."

"That's my girl."

Opening his fridge, he took out two bottles and with a good twist of his hand, opened both.

Taking the chilly green bottle she took a swig, feeling the smooth liquid go down, "Mmm. Tastes good." she said as she took a seat by the table.

Kenshin took a seat next to her, taking a drink himself. "How'd your night go?"

She scoffed, "It was one of the best nights of my life." Kaoru sarcastically replied as she took another gulp.

"That terrible?"

"You don't even know the half of it."

"So tell me about it."

She sighed, thinking about the assignment. Should she go for it now? "It was just… a stupid Ball I had to go to."

"Did your father have you go?" he worriedly inquired.

"Yup." her hands went to her hair and started pulling the pins out.


"Why what?"

"Why did he have you go?"

"I'm not at liberty to say." she let loose one thick, midnight lock.

Amethyst eyes observed her carefully, taking a long drink. "Anything worth, or rather, allowed mentioning?"

She shot him a brief glare before answering, "Well, let's see… the place was spectacular, the music was enchanting, the waiters were adorable..."

An objectionable flash shone across his eyes.

Kaoru cleverly grinned at her visibly protective boyfriend as she unfastening another tress, "…but the vibe was totally off-putting and boring."

"I see." he thoughtfully responded, contemplating Shishio's motives. But, he shouldn't get caught up with such things—he unwaveringly held his ground and declined any involvement. "A Ball, huh? I take it you danced?"

"Not particularly."

"How come? You love to dance."

"I know." Kaoru finally undid her entire hairdo. She liberally ran her fingers through her dark mane, messing her once neat hair, "But it didn't feel comfortable enough to dance there. And the idiot I did dance with didn't make it any better."

His eyes narrowed, "Who?"

She exhaled loudly as she placed an elbow on the table, resting her chin on her palm, "It's not important."

He kept his gaze on her, watching as she took another drink. She seemed disheartened and melancholy as she stirred the bottle, swirling the liquid contents and staring at the emerald container a little too intensely, her mind elsewhere. He couldn't help but wonder exactly happened with her father to have Kaoru in such a down mood.

Standing, he languidly walked toward the living room, briefly stopping by the trash as he downed the rest his beer and dropped the empty bottle in the can.

She followed his movement, seeing him head to his stereo, hearing him press a few buttons. "What are you doing?" Kaoru asked just as a slow song started to play.

He didn't say anything till he stood in front of her, holding out a hand, "Asking you for a dance."

She shot him a disbelieving look, "I thought you didn't know how to dance."

His lips curved into a grin, "I never said that." he nudged his head toward the next room, "Come on, you deserve a decent dance."

She eyed him for a second longer before she took his hand, letting him lead her to the middle of his living room.

He smoothly steered her toward him but stopped right before he bought her into his arms. Kenshin's brows came down in a frown. He parted from her to inspect her form, his eyes traveling down and then right back up. His gaze momentarily locked on to hers before he got squat down and got on one knee. Using the slit along her gown, he parted and moved the lower part of the dress to one side as his hands went up to her thigh.

"Hey, what are you-" she started, but stopped as she heard the sound of Velcro un-fastening.

Kenshin came back up, in hand with a black holster pocketing a few throwing daggers and a hand-gun. He shot her a look, an eye-brow arching.

Kaoru gave him a sheepish smile as she shrugged her shoulders.

He shook his head and proceeded where he left off, making his way to her as he threw the holster on a sofa.

He placed one hand on her back, along her waistline. His touch was warm on her skin and she briefly closed her eyes at the sensation that traveled through her body with just that one innocent touch.

Bringing her hand to rest on his bare shoulder, she looked up to meet his eyes just as he took her other hand in his, resting both their hands on his chest. She stood tense for a while, their closeness making her heart start to race. Although, Kaoru as unsure why the harmless nearness would make her feel that way—they've been seeing each other for a while now and it seems that he still had that effect on her.

Perhaps it was the way he held her close to him, his hand firmly pressed on her back as his thumb stroked her skin, or the heat of his firm, exposed chest she was tightly pulled onto, or the way his ever violet, wayward eyes were looking at her. As if he saw right through her and approved of everything she is.

He set the pace and she followed his guiding. They swayed to and fro to the beat of the music and slowly, she started to relax in his embrace, her body melting to his.

Sighing, she liberally placed her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, feeling him rest his cheek on the top of her hair. Kaoru inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. He smelled woodsy, clean, and with a hint of… ginger? Nonetheless, she could tell that he showered not too long ago.

Earlier that night she had danced with Enishi in much the same manner but the experience was so different. Kenshin was warm and inviting whereas with the Enishi, she wanted nothing more than to shove him away from her.

Feeling safe and soothed in his embrace, she wished there were more times like these. Times where she could forget the person she was molded, trained, and raised to be. Her life had always been about the next training session, the next mission, the next fight, to always be alert, to be the fastest, the strongest, the most cunning, the most ruthless—to avenge her mother's death, to bring fear to their enemies, and to bring suffering to those who opposed. Her life had been about bringing and taking in the physical pain, day in and day out. Always follow his orders, always follow the plan, always do what he wanted her to do… but why? And… what about what she wanted?

I won't tell him. Not yet.

Selfish. She was being selfish and she didn't care whether it was wrong or not. She wanted this. She wanted him. And the self-satisfaction didn't come about with hours upon hours of training to be stronger the way he had implied. No, her father was wrong.

Yet, feeling that calm and peaceful in his arms seemed too good to be true. A nagging feeling at the back of her mind seemed unshakeable, indelible. Could she really pursue what she truly wanted or is her life too filthy, too twisted for any redemption. Was she damned?

"Kenshin?" she softly said.

"Yes, koishii?"

"Why did…" she took in a deep breath, "How did you end up here?"

He was silent for a moment. "I don't think I understand what you're asking."

"This life." she looked up at him. "Is this what you wanted for yourself? Is this what your parents wanted for you? How did you end up doing what we do?"

Her bright eyes sparkled curiously at him. They appeared oddly so innocent and naïve that if he didn't know better, he could swear that this girl was incapable of being a warrior. He sighed, unsure of how to respond her questions, or whether he should at all.

As if reading his mind, she said, "You don't have to answer that. I was mostly thinking out loud anyways."

She nestled her head back into his neck. He felt her soft breathing on his skin and he knew his woman was still pondering over her voiced inquires. Kenshin didn't like the flash of disappointment that shone across her ocean eyes. He knew it was unwise to share, especially with a fellow hit-man, but throughout the eternal battle of mind vs. heart… the heart once more prevails.

"I was an orphan."

Her head shot up to meet his gaze again, giving him her undivided attention as she waited for him to continue.

"My Sensei found me burying the people that took me in…"

He noticed her brow come down in concern as she listened.

"He took me in and brought me up. He taught me everything I know. But, as I grew, we would argue about our differences in opinion. I left to join the war, to use my sword to bring about a better world. I fought, and throughout the first few battles my sword-skill was noticed. They hired me and I became what I am. I thought I was doing good, destroying the bad in the world…"

He paused, stopping the back and forth rocking of their dance, as if he were getting lost in the past. His eyes were downcast with a look of abandon. Kaoru had never, till then, seen him look so… sad.

"Were you not?" she inquired.

He snapped out of his thoughts, fixing his eyes on her again. "Was I not what?"

"Destroying the bad? You said you thought you were doing good…were you?"

His feet moved again, continuing their slow dancing, "As far as I know."

"And now? Are you still trying to get rid of the bad?"

"Not exactly."

"Then… why are you still killing?"

He was mildly shocked at her query, mostly because it was so simply asked. But how can he answer that without sounding so compassionless, cold, or heartless? To be honest, he didn't know how to stop. Tightening his lips, he said, "It pays the bills."

However, the flicker of disillusionment he expected didn't cross her features, didn't flash across her eyes.

Instead she slightly tilted her head to the side as she closely observed him. A smile crept up, a corner of her lips going upward with a knowing look. "Kenshin, I'm not judging. I'm the last person in this world who should judge anyone and I'm not about to preach my morals onto you. You live by what you believe in. You just do what you have to do."

An unexpected wave of relief washed over him from her simple acceptance. He didn't think he could be attracted or care about her more than what he already did. The arm around her gently tightened in a possessive embrace, pulling her up till she stood on her tippy-toes as he dipped down to capture her lips. She belongs to him. She is his woman… his and only his.

She let out a surprised whimper to his hungry kiss; feeling his lips on hers, his teeth graze her bottom lip till he was permitted to plunge her mouth, his hand cup her neck to slant her head up and allow him better access. She let lose a throaty moan that he deliciously felt vibrate.

They gradually parted. He watched as she ran her pink tongue over her bottom lip, followed by her teeth softly bite into the plump flesh as if tasting the flavor of what his mouth left behind. She was flushed and breathy, and utterly beguiling in his eyes.

"Wow. What was that for?" she asked, her eyes searching his.

Kenshin grinned, "Just because." He leaned his forehead on hers, enjoying having her so close to him. "What about you?"


"What are your reasons to-"

"The thing is…" she quickly interrupted, not letting him finish the question, "… I don't anymore."

"Oh?" he thought of the other night and how she had snapped when the subject was brought up. "Why's that?"

"I promised myself I wouldn't." she stood quiet for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "I want to believe that… a sword is made to protect people, not kill them."

He frowned, contemplating her words carefully. Her simple words are sweet, the ideal is good natured, but… is that truly the purpose of a sword? Of any weapon? It would be nice to believe so.

"It's been almost four years in counting, since I've last… done that." she continued, "It's a bit bizarre, isn't it?"

"No, not at all." And the truth was… it really wasn't. There were times when he thought about doing the same thing… but bad habits die hard and he wasn't sure he was able to go through with such a vow.

His eyes were down and the shining of the silver caught his eye—her necklace with the little key-charm.

Two fingers lightly traced the jewelry, "You always wear this." he commented.

"Yeah. It's the last thing my mother gave me before she was…" she took in a breath and slowly let it out, "Well, before she… passed away."

Amethyst shot up to look at her, his brows furrowed deep in worry.

She giggled at his reaction, "It's ok. It was a long time ago. I've come to terms with it."

Kenshin eyed her warily—he wasn't convinced.

Noticing, she continued, "I was just a small kid when it happened so I don't remember much." she sighed, thinking about how hard her father had taken it. "She was a lawyer."

"Is that why you're perusing that career?"

"Yes. Mostly."

He held the small key for a while longer, as if holding it would bring answers to why her father was the kind of man he is. "Does it open anything?"

"No. It's just a charm."

Releasing it, his hand momentarily rested on her chest before tracing the line of her clavicle, her skin entirely soft under his calloused hand. He focused on her right side, under her gowns halter strings, where he had wounded her a little over a week ago and where there should have been an unsightly scar.

His features screwed up into a puzzled scowl as his thumb grazed the area.

Her hand came up to take his, "It's Megumi..." she said, seeming to read his mind again, "…she looks after my wounds. She has this family ointment passed down from her father that just about gets rid of any scar and helps the wound heal faster. So, thanks to the fox, there's minimal scar-age."

"That's handy."

"And very convenient." she let go of his hand and reached forward to touch his left cheek. "If we would have met you earlier… before this…" she traced the 'X', softly back and forth, with the front and back of her fingers. She involuntarily smiled as she noticed the very light, charming blanked of freckles over his nose; a fitting characteristic that went hand-in-hand with most red-heads. "Actually, you know what?"


"It suits you."

He chuckled, "You think so?"


The music stopped. They stood unmoving as they looked at one another.

Kaoru watched as the expression in his eyes changed from calm, to pensive, to scheming, and finally the illuminating shine of mischief.

"Oh no. I know that look."

He smirked wolfishly, his eyes flickering playfully with something in mind, "I swear you've learned to read my like a book, koishii." he said, suddenly swooping low and coming up with a giggling Kaoru effortlessly thrown over his shoulder.

"You're a barbarian." she joked, letting him carry her away.

Grinning, he made his way to the bedroom, "I'll show you barbarian."


A/N: Wow, I can't believe I actually finished this chapter. Well, the story is coming together… I think. I'm kinda following the Anime's plot line. Hopefully it keeps everyone entertained and interested. I have a hard time writing Enishi, idk why either. It's why it took me so long to write this. I hope I don't disappoint.