What if?

A/N- I'm sorry if this seems short, but it's a prologue and I felt like writing it this way. The future chapters will be longer. Please read and review! =D

It all started out that faithful day. Grace Cahill was dead. Her beloved grandchildren Amy and Dan were going to her funeral with their spiteful aunt who had adopted them after the death of their parents. Amy was crying. Dan was eating potato chips.

"Dan, can you please stop eating chips?" asked Amy who was a bit annoyed that Dan seemed so care free.

"I'm sorry," said Dan. "But if I eat now, then I won't get hungry during the funeral."

"Well we don't need you running to get food during the funeral, so I guess you can finish the chips," sighed Amy.

Soon the car arrived at Grace's mansion. Dan and Amy groaned when they saw who was also present at the funeral. It was their pompous, rich, ungrateful relatives, the Kabra (or Cobra as Dan and Amy commonly referred to them as) siblings, Ian and Natalie. They were both dressed in the fanciest outfits that money could buy. These clothes were far superior to the ones that Amy and Dan were wearing.

"Well, look who managed to show up in at least half-decent attire," said Ian in his silky British accent.

"T-th-these are the b-best clothe-,"

"Yes, yes, the best rags that you two own," Natalie interrupted Amy's stuttering.

"You leave us alone!" roared Dan who was furious at being insulted.

"Come, Natalie, let us go," purred Ian as he began to walk away. "They're not worth our time."

"Oohh, I hate those two," said Dan angrily.

"Don't worry about them," replied Amy. "After all we rarely see them at all."

In a short while, the funeral began. Toward the end of it, a surprising announcement was made. There was going to be a race to find thirty-nine clues. Any family group could choose to join the contest with a goal of winning supreme power. If participation was not chosen, the family could walk away with $1,000,000 dollars for each family member. The guests were given a few minutes to think about it, and then they were required to answer.

"What should we do?" Dan asked Amy.

"I think that we should join the hunt," replied Amy. "We have nothing to lose from it. Besides, seeing the world would be nice."

Soon all the family groups that wanted to participate in the hunt were ready to receive instructions on what to do. The families were the Holt bodybuilding family, the older Alistair Oh, the Starling triplets, a lady named Irina Sparsky, Amy and Dan, and unfortunately, the Kabras.

Right after receiving instructions, the various groups headed out to start the hunt. Amy and Dan were at a loss for what to do next. They needed an adult to go with them and their Aunt Beatrice had already stormed off after they turned down the million dollars. Besides, she wouldn't go with them anyway. While they were wondering what to do, a man dressed entirely in black walked out of the woods and handed large brown envelope to Amy.

"Grace wanted you to have this," he said. "It will help you greatly in the race. Do not lose it, for you shall receive no replacement. Do not let your relatives gain possession of it, or else this will be the key to their victory. With this gift and others to come, you can win this hunt." With that the man disappeared into the woods.

"I wonder what it is," pondered Dan.

Amy opened the envelope to discover a book inside. On the cover of the book, it said The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed the prologue. It may seem a bit repetitive as to what has been read in the first of the books, but twists and turns are coming. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can.