With Sprinkles

Penelope Garcia was supremely confidant in herself. She was absolutely, positively sure about her next statement.

The team was all out to lunch together, even Hotch for once. As they were debating something to do with Ted Bundy-she did not want to know the details over a very good pizza, she said "I can tell everyone their favorite flavor of ice cream."

Morgan immediately leaned over, all charm. "Garcia's going all profiler on us. Shoot, Baby Girl."

"You," she punctuated with a pizza crust "Will eat butter pecan ice cream. And you like to put butterscotch on top."

"Score one for Garcia," Morgan leaned back, impressed.

She scoped out her next victim. "JJ, you like vanilla. French Vanilla, actually. With nuts."

"Yeah, but you've been to Baskin' Robbins with me," JJ pointed out. Garcia scowled.

"You want me to announce your favorite lip gloss?"

"You're right." JJ quickly conceded.

Rossi gave them both a look. "Lip gloss?"

"Never you mind, Mr. Legendary Profiler. You like coffee-flavored."

"Agreed. I want to know about the lip gloss."

JJ glared at Rossi. "Tough luck for you then."

"Oh, I'll get the answer."

Emily interfered quickly. JJ and Rossi fought like an old married couple. For hours, if possible.

"Chocolate. With fruit topping."

Emily gave her the thumbs-up.

Garcia turned to Reid next. "You're another vanilla, but you like hot fudge on top."

"Wow." was Reid's only comment.

There was only one left. She'd been circling him and saving him for last. Hotch looked at her expectantly, warily.

"Strawberry," he was informed. "With sprinkles."

Hotch hadn't smiled much since he got out of the hospital, but he broke into one that made Garcia understand why women threw themselves at him when he did. He pointed his own pizza crust at her. "If you ever tell anyone-"

"Hey, my secret weapon, remember?" She picked up another slice of pizza. "I'll save it for blackmail."

Morgan leaned over. "How'd you know all that?"

"I'm around profilers all the time. I pick up tricks."

"Several," Rossi agreed. "So JJ, what's this about lip gloss?"

"Girl thing. Now shut up."

Garcia held out her hands for peace. "Not at the table, kids."

JJ immediately stopped. Rossi started to make a hand signal, and Garcia slapped his hands down. "Behave, Rossi, or I'll call your mother."

"You don't even know my mother!"

Morgan was shaking his head. "Man, that's what I said. I just found out Garcia talks to her three times a week. About me."

"I like your mother."

"She likes you. Do you know how often I've been asked when the wedding is? And she's threatened to disown me over you twice."

"I know. You were being an ass both times."

Morgan threw up his hands. "Woman, I give up. You should too, Rossi. She might call your mother anyway."

Rossi shuddered. Garcia, dominance established, took the last piece of pizza, wrapped it in a napkin, and put it in her purse.

Author's Note: I was having writer's block, so my mom took us all the Sonic. Which made me wonder who would eat what kind of ice cream on the team. And that would be something Garcia was interested in. Ergo. Or something in Latin of similar spelling and meaning…something. I took Latin once. About four years ago. Very little of it has actually stuck. Reviews?