1. What Boredom Brings

Disclaimer: Durarara! and all it's associated characters does not belong to me. If it was, it would be a yaoi hentai starring Shizuo and Izaya. Plus this was inspired by a picture I saw somewhere. I don't know if anyone's done this before, but mine's here anyway.

Warning: Rated T for strong language, minor bloodshed and unintentional grammatical errors, wet people and steamy (but not explicit) yaoi scenes (what more could you ask for, I say XD)

Bored bored bored.

Shizuo lay on his bed, staring up at his dingy ceiling. His shades sat quietly on the bedside table, beside a glass of water. The small window by his bed was open and allowed sunlight to stream in onto his face. There was a loud shout, a car horn.

Car accident. Hope the flea was in it.

It was already three in the afternoon, but Shizuo was still in his pyjamas. He hadn't moved from his bed since morning in fact. He was as hungry as hell, but he didn't want to move from this spot.


He fumbled from behind his pillow and found the remote and turned the TV on. He flipped through the channels, yawning as he did.

News, soap opera, bad movie, cartoons, more news…lame lame lame.

Shizuo was going crazy. He didn't feel like ripping anything apart, but he was going crazy from the boredom. Even chasing Izaya was more entertaining than this.

Scratch that thought…I'd rather be driven mad by this than see the flea.

His cell phone buzzed. Perhaps Tom needed him for an errand? Eagerly, Shizuo pulled open his bedside drawer and retrieved the cell phone and flipped it open.

His the face fell.

What the crap? It's just some ad.

He tossed it onto his bed and stretched a bit, yawning.

Bored bored bored.

He wanted to go out. And he decided he would. He'd already wasted like fifteen hours of his day off. He didn't waste anymore. Perhaps he'd be lucky on a Thursday. Maybe Izaya got killed by the yakuza or something and he could live a peaceful life, like he always wanted.

He hummed some enka he'd heard over the radio and dressed, pulling on his white shirt and his waistcoat. He changed into a reasonably unwrinkled pair of trousers and fastened on his bow tie. He pushed on his shades and made a half-hearted attempt to tame his messy locks and swallowed a few mints (he hadn't brushed his teeth) before heading out.

Those thoughts had put him a rather good mood. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he strode down the streets, passing a giant banner with Kasuka on it. Shizuo stopped and looked up at it.

Hitman Grave—starring acclaimed actor, Hanejima Yuuhei

He smiled inwardly.

I'm proud, Kasuka.

He went on walking, passing the Russian sushi restaurant.

Strange, Simon isn't here. Ah well, everyone must have their days off.

He sat at the fountain, watching a scuffle between a few middle schoolers. It was only mildly entertaining. All of them seemed like real sissies. They couldn't even punch right.

Shizuo chuckled. Kids these days. Eating the crap they're eating…

It was already a little past four, according to his watch. Shizuo was getting bored again. He watched a throng of people head towards Sunshine City.

Ah what the heck. I'll go there too.

He broke into a light jog and melted into the crowd. He was a good head taller than most of the people, but other than that, he wasn't very noticeable.

Shizuo enjoyed this anonymity. No one was running away from him. He was the same as them. He was a mere mortal. Nondescript, gray, monotonous, bland. Those were all the things he wanted to be. He knew, given what he could do, he was obviously not entitled to a life like that, but it was nice to be able to feel like this, even for a little while.

He smiled, looking up as he was swept along with the crowd. He was almost completely at peace.

Shizuo sank into a happy daze soon after. He vaguely remembered stepping into the flagship store and even browsing through some mahjong manga. He remembered chuckling at something the main character said.

Akagi, was it?

And he found himself standing in the Sunshine International Aquarium. The calming blue glow of the tanks illuminated his face. He could hear the soft bubbling of the water, and the hushed murmurs of a couple holding hands behind him.

He stood before the largest tank. A sting ray whooshed past, gliding noiselessly. A shoal of silver fish passed his face, shimmering gently. Shizuo watched, entranced. He had never felt like this before. He squatted down.

He placed his finger on the wall of the tank.

A tiny pink fish swam over, bumping the tank wall gently, trying to investigate his finger. Shizuo's eyes widened in wonder. He felt like a little boy. He felt his innocence flood back into him. He recalled his childhood…the time before he discovered his monstrous strength…perhaps today, he'd finally be rid of it.

The little fish backed away slowly and paused for a moment. It seemed to be looking at Shizuo. Shizuo stared back at it. It darted away.

Hm? Cute.

Ha, it's Shizu-chan. Oh? He's playing with a fish. The stupid ass. He should be playing with me.

Izaya stood beside Shizuo, his signature wicked grin plastered over his angular face. His eyes slanted slyly and his fine eyebrows were parallel to them. Izaya wished he had pointed teeth. He'd look even more menacing that way.

He waited quietly, watching Shizuo have an epiphany or something. He didn't want to provoke him prematurely. That being said, yes, he was going to provoke him.

He'd been exceptionally bored today. He had to entertain himself. Namie had excused herself to go out and run some of her own errands. Not wanting to be seen as an oppressive boss (naturally), Izaya let her go.

And without any one at the office to freak out (even if they showed absolutely no sign of it), Izaya decided that he might as well take the day off. So he'd hopped onto the train to Ikebukuro from Shinjuku. He was going to resort to his favourite form of entertainment, incidentally the most dangerous—bothering Shizuo.

Oh? He's making a move.

Thankfully he wasn't going out. He hadn't even talked to him yet. Izaya ducked skillfully out of the way behind him as he turned.

Shizuo had his hands in his pockets, a stupid smile across his face as he made his way for the touch pool. It was one of those tanks where you could put your hand in and touch the fish.

Shizuo stopped, an expression of mild interest on his face as he observed the little fish darting about from the top of the open tank.


This was it. Izaya was in his element. He sidled behind Shizuo and placed a hand behind the blond's head.

A/N: Aha, can you guess what Izaya's gonna do? Find out in the next and final installment! LOL, poor Shizzy. I actually intended this as a one-shot, but it was kinda long so I split it up. Plus I need to brush up the second and final chapter. It gets kinda steamy (but not explicitly so). And if you really really really want to know what happens ASAP, I'd suggest you do what's good for you and REVIEW! Thanks for reading. Also, I have no idea what the Sunshine City aquarium is like. I based this off the picture I saw. Nor do I have any idea about the transport possibilities between Ikebukuro and Shinjuku. This is amateur shit man!