DISCLAIMER: I am not Jo and I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean, or Jack Sparrow, no matter how much I wish I did.

So here we go.

The needle of the compass spun around wildly for a few moments before coming to rest in a roughly Northeast direction. Jack scratched his head. The last time he checked, Davy Jones was West. Jack always knew what he wanted, like rum. Which he wanted now so he pulled the flask out of his belt and took a big swig of it. Jack looked back down at the compass. What did he want that was Northeast?

Well, he could always find out when he got there right? Of course he could. So Jack set his course for the Northeast and leaned back to enjoy a nice bit of rum while he watched the waves.

"Did you see Cho staring at you at lunch today?" Ron playfully punched Harry on the arm. "She is so not over you."

"I guess." Harry said. Turning away from Ron. Harry didn't like talking about Cho. Fifth year was a weird year for him, first off there was their evil teacher Dolores Umbridge who caused Harry, Ron and Hermione to have to create Dumbledore's Army and then there was the fight at the ministry where Harry's godfather... Sirius... No. Harry wasn't going to think about Sirius now. It was too sad.

Luckily Hermione interuppted his melancholy thoughts. "I found it!"

"Found what?" Ron grunted.

Hermione came scampering back to the table carrying an armful of extremely huge books. She set them down on the table with a smack.

"Don't you have enough books, already" Harry asked, as Hermione sat down next to him.

"These are different!" Hermione insisted. "This one is about advanced transfiguration theories, focusing on spells designed to configure the spellcaster. Oh! And this one is about the effects of common household spells on the users and how the spells will change over the years when used with a regularity that-"

"Oh, be quiet!" Ron said, waving his arm.

"Come on, don't be an idiot." Harry said. "She's just, um, enthusiastic."

"Thanks, Harry. And sorry for boring you. But these books do have lots of really valuable information in them! If you plan on passing your NEWTS, you should really read them. Some of us," she glared pointedly at Ron, "actually care about school."

"I care!" Ron said. Both Harry and Hermione looked at him, sternly. "Well, not much, but I care. Besides, if I fail my mom won't feed me for a month."

Harry smiled at his two best friends. They always cheered him up whenever he started to think about anything too serious. Like Sirius. Or the fact that as the Chosen One he would eventually have to take on Voldemort. Oh great, now he was thinking about.

"Harry?" Hermione tapped him on the shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking..."

"About Sirius?" Hermione finished for him.

Harry didn't need to reply, Ron and Hermione knew how hard Sirius's death had been on him.

"Come on, mate, cheer up." Ron said.

"Sirius wouldn't want you to dwell on his death. You know that." Hermione added.

"It's just, hard. He was all I had."

"Well you have us. And my mum, she's bonkers for you, you know. And I know that Fred and George like you plenty, and Dad does, and Ginny, too, right?"

Harry grinned. He loved the Weasleys, they were all great and whenever he visited Ron in the Burrow, Harry always felt welcome, like it was home.

"Anyway, have you two even started on your scroll for Potions, yet? It's due Thursday!" Hermione exclaimed, worrying, as always, even though she was already almost done.

"Can't you just do it for me?" Ron asked.

"No, Ronald, I cannot!"

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it. Later." Harry said. He gathered up his books and stuck them in his bag.

The trio left the library together walking towards the common room and greatly looking forward to tonight's wonderful dinner, as the Hogwarts house elves were the best cooks they'd ever known.

Okay, so that's just the beginning, but don't worry it's going to get more interesting. Give me your suggestions for who you think Jack's love interest should be.

It's so much easier to write for the trio than it is to write for Jack, but he's one of my all-time favorite characters so we'll see how that goes. :)

Please review!