First crack Hetalia story that I orginally posted on Deviantart but than figured fanfiction needed some of my crap as well so I posting it up here too yeah!

Hope you like it and leave a review!

"What is the last time you would so before you died?"

Canada turned to Prussia with a look of confusion. "Eh?"

"Last thing before you die." Prussia confirmed. "What would you do?"

"I know exactly what I would do." Canada answered confidently. "I could even show you if you want."

Amusement flashed though Prussia's eyes. "Oh really? Please do."

Canada looked at America who was further away talking with another nation. Canada smiled. "…do you have a cigarette?"

It took the clinking of a lighter to bring America's attention to his brother. Canada was standing beside him causally on the rather empty baloney a cigarette between his lips.

"Hey bro," America greeted. "I didn't know you smoked."

Canada lit his cigarette and took a long drag blowing the smoke out of his mouth. He didn't look at America as he spoke. "Make me a sandwich."

America stared. "…wha-"

He was caught off by a swift back hand to the face.

"Did I stutter!" Canada questioned angrily. "Go make me a fucking sandwich bitch!"

"Ow! M-MATT! What the-OW!"

Canada when went slap happy on America's ass. America tried to turn and run back inside to get help from the other nations but only managed to get a step inside the door before Canada tackled him from behind and pinned him down with his large land mass weight.

"I said," Canada slapped America glasses to the ground. The other nations stopped what they were doing and stared in awe. "Make"-Slap-"Me"-slap-"a Goddamn"-slap-"sandwich."

"OK! OK!" America cried tears forming in his eyes, "I'll make you a"-Canada roughly grabbed America's arm and rolled back the sleeve- "What are you"-Canada positioned the lit cigarette above America's arm- "Oh fuck no! Matt do no-AHHHH!" America screamed as Canada's cigarette was put out on his arm.

"BITCH! DID I SAY YOU COULD TALK!" Canada forced America to his feet and kicked him towards the kitchen. "NOW GET ME THAT FUCKING SANDWICH!"

The nations watched America run away crying in shock. There was silence until England slinked up to Canada and highfived him.

Then Prussia kidnapped him and had sex with him for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT 'cause just the sight of Canada GROWING SOME BALLS was a major turn on. Which is impossible in most cases but Prussia was so horny HE FOUND A WAY.

That night America wrote in his dairy cleverly disguised as a journal.

Dear Not Diary,

Canada was so fucking hot today! Like Holy Shit! I was so hard my dick could have pieced diamonds! Like Fuck! I must have gone though 10 hookers and 3 cold showers before it went away but fffffffffppppppppttttt even just thinking of his face as he's putting on that cigarette on my arm. FFFFUUUUCCCKKKKK-

Oh shit I'm hard again 8I

I'm gonna go jerk off to some fanart of us together


- (The hero) Alfred F. Jones