A/N: Hiya everybody! I'm back from hiatus! (finally!) haha so I decided to write a fanfiction about the host club since i love them SO freaking much haha. I've had this idea for a while now, but I want to know what you guys think of this first chapter; is it a go or no? Remember- everyone who reviews gets a free virtual cookie! (and not the kind that give your computer a virus!) haha.

One day in the third music room...

"Oh Mother," Tamaki sighed dramatically as he sank into a velvet- cushioned chair, "It seems that I have completely run out of ideas- I have no idea what the next theme could possibly be! How much longer can we entertain our clients with only the simple set up we have here?" he gestured flamboyantly around the room at the elegant wooden tables, complete with chairs with red velvet cushions and a vase of roses within five feet of each other. "Please tell me you have an idea!"

Kyoya pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with one hand, diligently writing on a notepad with the other. "It might be a wise idea to confer with the other members of the club; they may have some ideas."

"Ah! Kyoya- san, your brilliant mind has done it again! I now call a family meeting!"

"A meeting?" Kaoru and Hikaru opened the door to the music room and poked their heads in cautiously. "A meeting for what?"

"All in good time! All in good time!" the prince insisted, "we must wait, for there are several members who have yet to arrive!"

"Mori-chaaaaaaaaan! Wait! Usa-chan fell!" Honey-chan's childlike voice echoed throughout the hallway before making its way into the music room. "Ohayo everybody!" he shouted happily from atop Mori's shoulders, stuffed bunny in hand.

"What's going on? Why is everyone shouting?" Haruhi walked into the room, schoolbag slung over her shoulder.

"Excellent! Everybody's here!" Tamaki's enthusiasm was infectious as he called everyone to attention. "Now that we are all here," Tamaki began, gazing around at his fellow hosts, "I must call you all to attention; we need an idea for a new theme! Now, whoever has an idea, please feel free to say it!" The hosts sat quietly for a few moments, trying to figure out a good idea for a theme. Suddenly, a loud, gurggly growl echoed from Haruhi's seat. The club stared at her.

"Gomen," she said, a little pink in the cheeks, "I didn't have time to eat lunch today," as she said this, she pulled out a bag of mini pretzels and began munching before her hungry stomach could complain again. All of a sudden, Tamaki gasped.

"My daughter- your commoner's food has just bestowed upon me the most brilliant of ideas!"

"What is it, Dono?" the twins asked as Honey blinked in amusement and Mori and Kyoya stared at him curiously.

"We shall make tiny foods!" Tamaki suggested enthusiastically, frantically trying to explain as he was met with confused stares. "I have noticed these days that many girls," he gestured to Haruhi "find the 'mini' snacks very cute and delicate! I propose that for our next theme, everything will beā€¦MINI!"

A/N: So... for a starter chapter, how was that? Good? Bad? Yes? No? Maybe? Lobster? I really hope I haven't lost my touch with writing fanfiction; I've missed it so much! anyways, THANK YOU FOR READING AND THANK YOU EVEN MUCH IF YOU REVIEW OR FAVORITE THE STORY!