Here is the final chapter EVER of Blackmail! *tear* Enjoy, and prepare for the sap!

DISCLAIMER: If Ryan Murphy joined fanfiction under the name Aleeshaone, I think we'd all be a BIT worried.

In other words, I'm not Ryan Murphy.

Will was released from the hospital a week later, unscathed except for a small scar on his left shoulder. He had had to wear a brace for a few months, but everything healed up just fine. He hadn't even minded it; not with Rachel fussing over him all the time (which he enjoyed very much, though would never admit it).

The story going around Lima was that Jesse had followed Rachel on her walk in the park in a jealous rage, threatening to kill her unless she'd say she loved him. Then Will, who had seen Jesse following her on his drive home, trailed after them and attempted to protect Rachel, getting him shot. Someone in a nearby home heard the gunfire and called the police, who killed Jesse when he shot at them. The story fit perfectly with their plans to stay together, as no one suspected a thing. Lucky for them, that included her dads. And the Glee club didn't tell a soul, not even Santana, who grew to be friends with Rachel (though not the closest). Quinn and Rachel became best friends, to the shock of the school, and they were almost inseparable.

Rachel and Will continued their relationship all the way through senior year until, finally, it was Graduation Day. She was going to a college in NYC with a promising theatre program; she was already cast as the lead in their production of Spring Awakening. She still remembered the day she had told Will, a few months earlier.


"Congratulations, Rach! I'm so proud of you." Will pulled her into a tight embrace and she hid her face in his chest.

"Will?" She said quietly.

"Yeah, baby?"

"What's going to happen to us?" He looked at her, confused and she continued. "I mean, I'm going to New York and you'll be at McKinley and…will we still be together?"

Her chin trembled, so he kissed her chastely.

"Of course we will. I've been meaning to tell you, Rach, I found a public school right outside the city to teach in. There's an apartment building that would be good for both our commutes and it's not too expensive…Why are you staring at me like that?"

Rachel breathed in deeply, straightening herself up and looking incredulous. "You can't just give up your life for me, Will! If you do, you'll just be unhappy and grow to hate me and-"

"Rachel!" She froze, her lips parted. "Shut. Up. I'm not giving up anything, I want to be with you and so I'm going. I'm sorry, but you don't have a say in this."

For the first time, she was speechless.

Will just smiled and touched her cheek.


The ceremony and party had ended hours earlier, and Rachel had said goodbye to all of her friends with lots of tears and hugging. Who could have known that Rachel Berry would have so many good friends by the end of high school?

Quinn was the last one she embraced, hugging the blonde tightly. "You better call me as soon as you get to the apartment!" Quinn demanded. Then she winked. "And tell me all about how you and Mr. Shue are getting along,"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. You're coming to visit for Thanksgiving, right?"

"Of course!"

They said a final goodbye, and as Rachel turned to go to Will's car a voice called out.

"Hey, dwarf!"

She looked over her shoulder at Santana, who smiled a little.

"Good luck,"

Rachel grinned at her, knowing that was the closest she'd get to a heartfelt goodbye. She really was going to miss everyone, even Santana and Puck and…well, not Karofsky or Azimo.

At the moment, however— sitting in between Will's legs on the hood of his car, watching the sunset—she wasn't thinking about her friends. All she was thinking about were his lips, which tended to be very distracting when they were attached to hers.

He broke away suddenly. "Let's elope,"

Rachel laughed. "Yeah, right."

"No, really," He tightened his arms around her waist. "You're eighteen, I'm technically not your teacher anymore, and I love you. Let's go to Vegas. Tonight."

She looked up at him in bewilderment. "You just want to drop everything and get married?"


"You're crazy! How would we get there, where would we stay, we can't just leave without planning."

"I've got tickets my parents gave me last Christmas," he explained calmly. "There's a billion hotels we can stay at, and I have some money saved up. We both have rings- the promise ring I gave you and the one you gave me for our anniversary. Please, Rach."

She stared at him. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Of course!" he cried. There was nothing more in the world he wanted than to be with Rachel; he'd known that since they'd fallen in love.

"You are 100% insane." Rachel informed him. "But, that's one of the many things I love about you."

"Is that a yes?" he probed.

She shrugged playfully. "I don't recall you asking me anything."

He let his lips trail down her neck as he murmured against the skin. "Rachel Berry, would you…please…be my wife?"

"I suppose." Rachel smiled at him.

"I'll take it!"

She laughed hysterically as Will carried her back into the car over his shoulder, grinning like an idiot.


Dear Dad and Daddy,

First of all, just let me say that I am coming back. For the summer at least, before I go to college. I'll only be gone for a few days because I'm eloping (and don't worry, I'm not pregnant). Can you believe it? I'm guessing you aren't as I excited as I am, though. I assure you, the man I'm marrying more than meets your standards. He's kind, gentle, mature, and he loves me, Dad and Daddy. He really does. His name is Will Shuester. Yes, the same one who was my teacher. We have been dating for years; I couldn't tell for fear of what you'd say or what you'd do. I'm sorry for lying, but I'm not sorry for being with him. You two of all people should understand loving someone the world says you shouldn't. I hope you understand- I want us to stay close. Will wants me to tell you that he'll always take good care of me and that he loves me more than anything in the world. I believe him, and you should, too. I love you both, so much. I'll see you soon.

Love your daughter,

Rachel Berry*

(soon to be Rachel Shuester)


Rachel and Will stood next to each other, smiling so wide their cheeks hurt. Rachel was wearing a simple white, knee-length dress and a veil they had picked up on the drive over. Will was wearing his only tux, thankfully it still fit. They were at a place called Cupid's Chapel and though obviously not a real church, it legally married people and that's all that mattered. The priest, or whatever he was there, was not Elvis or anything like that. Rachel had insisted on an as normal ceremony as possible, which happened to be here with this Spanish guy. Will was completely okay with this, he didn't really want Elvis officiating the ceremony either (well, unless it was the real one).

"The couple has chosen to say their own vows," the man announced to the other waiting couples watching. He lowered his voice. "And remember, I don't do annulments."

"We aren't drunk." Rachel whispered back.

He just shrugged. "William, you may speak first."

Will turned to Rachel, holding both her hands tightly. "I'm not the best with words but here goes," He paused, terrified and ecstatic all at the same time. "I remember the first time I saw you. You were wearing a pink argyle sweater with a really short black skirt, and I thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And starting on that day, I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with you. I guess that's why it's called 'falling in love'. It was as easy as falling, and I couldn't stop it even when I tried. But I'm so happy," he added quickly, seeing her uncertainty. "That I didn't stop it! Rachel, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I was married once before, to a maniac who lied about carrying my child. It terrified me to love you, because I didn't want to have something like that happen again. Then, I realized that I felt stronger about you than I had about anyone before, and I knew we would be okay. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much. Rachel Berry, I love you, and I don't care that I was your teacher or about the age difference. I promise to love you, always be faithful to you, and to take care of you no matter what for the rest of our lives. After our lives! I want to keep you…forever."

Rachel was crying by now, the tears of happiness freely falling down her cheeks. She wanted to just throw her arms around him and kiss him senseless, but she was pretty sure she had to wait until they were officially married. She smiled, wiping away the moisture on her cheeks and giggling at herself. Will smiled back, practically glowing with happiness.

"Rachel, your turn."

"How can I top that?" She squeezed his hands. "Will, I never thought I'd end up with you. It was an impossible crush. That's probably why I didn't recognize it at first. I liked Finn throughout freshmen year, and the beginning of my sophomore. I knew he was with Quinn, but I thought we had a chance. When I joined Glee, I saw how kind and funny and amazing you are, and suddenly Finn didn't look so good. I thought I was going crazy, so I tried to keep liking Finn. Then we sang Endless Love, and I went a bit overboard," He raised an eyebrow. "Okay, a lot! I didn't know how to act around you and after that embarrassing week, I tried to go back to Finn. And he dumped me, and somehow I ended up in your office, confessing that I cared about you much more than I should. At that moment, I thought I had made the worst decision in my life, but it turned out to be the best. When we first met, I was an annoying, controlling, insane but talented high school girl. You helped me be a better person, though parts of that girl is still here. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have someone like you. I promise I will comfort you, and love you, and always be there for you, even if you just need someone to vent to. I promise I will never be like Terri was, and I will never lie to you. I love you with every single part of me, and I always will."

Will had tears in his face now, too, and he stared at the rings on their fingers with complete joy.

"William, do you take Rachel Berry to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He refrained from yelling Hell yes! for her sake. "I do."

"Rachel, do you take William Shuester to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes! I mean, I do." She blushed a deep red and Will chuckled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

She gasped a little as Will roughly grabbed her, dipped her, and kissed her so passionately she felt like she was just going to melt into a Rachel Berry-shaped puddle on the floor.


"You know what this means," He whispered in her ear as he carried her back down the aisle to the parking lot.

Rachel stroked his cheek. "What?"

"It means you're stuck with me forever." He grinned down at her.

"Good." And she pulled him down for one more kiss before they got into his car to start the rest of their lives; together.


C'est finis! (It's finished!)

We're all sad, but if you wanna read some other great stories check out The Little Swan and Quinn in Wonderland by MissEllie! They're amazing

I enjoyed writing this so much; it was my first fanfic I ever published! Thank you SOOOOO much to everyone who reviewed:






















And to my beta MissEllie!

If you read this but didn't review, thank you, but please review!

And to one of my best friends, Manasa, for helping me with this and putting up with me droning on about this story during class...You rock!

You all rule in the best way and I love each and every one of you! VIRTUAL HUGS ALL AROUND


