Surprise. No honestly I have been trying to write this chapter for the last six months and it's been a pain in the ass. Also just letting you all know I am finally writing OUAV the novel. It's called Blood in the Veins and it's taking up a fair bit of my time.

Oh and I don't own, I just play


It had only been twenty four hours but I was already wishing that it was still just Peter, Jasper and me. I loved my family I really did but being locked up with so many vampires in such a small space was driving me nuts. Okay so a twelve car train wasn't that small but when all but three people could hear every little sound it gets a bit claustrophobic.

I managed to sneak away for a few minutes, to the last cabin, and out the door. I closed my eyes and sank onto the metal floor, listen to the sound of the train rocking back and forwards as it went through the country side to its final destination. I heard the door opening before I felt her sink to the floor next to me, placing her head on my shoulder. I didn't even need to open my eyes to know who it was.

"Hey Angela. How did you know where I was?"

"Something told me you would need fresh air. I can't say I blame you. Ben of course is having a field day learning everything there is to know about what the future holds."

I nodded my head before leaning it against hers. Angela was my own personal angel and rock. She kept me grounded with all the madness of the last few days.

"Alice doesn't like Benjamin or me by the way. She's got it in her mind that we have taken you away from her."

I couldn't stop the snort that left my mouth even though it wasn't lady like. Alice was once my best friend, but now Angela and Benjamin had taken that spot. They were there when I needed them the most and didn't push me to be someone I wasn't.

"Yeah, well you know that isn't true. I still haven't thanked you for everything you have done for me, then and now. You're the only one who stood by me when they left me even though you didn't know the whole story. Then you did it again when he left for the second time, then her. You have been my rock, my best friend and now sister. I really can't thank you enough."

I hadn't realised I had started to cry until Angela, pulled me into her arms and cried right along with me telling me she felt the same way. I had no idea how long we sat there wrapped up in each other's arms before we were carefully pulled apart. I found myself wrapped up in between my two mates as Angela, was wrapped up in Ben's and much to my surprise Benjamin's arms. It was Peter, that broke the almost silence

"You two really are close aren't you?"

I nodded my head as Angela, held her hand out for me to take. I wiggled mine out of Peter's so I could take it in one of mine. It was nice to have another human who was going through this with me and understood the whole story. For a few moments the only sound was the train before Jasper's soft voice filled the air

"Will you tell us what happened during that period, Angela? Isabella won't tell us."

I stared up at Jasper, who stared right back as his eyes slowly turned black. He let out a small growl as I let out a small whimper and I felt Peter tighten his hold on me as Angela nodded her head. We made our way back inside and into the cabin Jasper, Peter and I shared. Jasper pulled me into his lap in one of the large chairs as Peter, leaned against the door with his arms crossed. I watched as Benjamin, lifted Angela onto the high bed before doing the same to Ben, before hoping up so Angela was in the middle.

Angela POV

I made myself at home in between Ben and Benjamin. I couldn't help but giggle at that before I stopped, remembering why we were here. I looked up at Bella, who gave me a weak smile before hiding her face into Jasper's shoulder. I knew this was going to painful for her to have to relive, but they had a right to know how broken she was and in a way still is. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes hoping to get it over and done with quickly so Bella could grieve in private.

"I can't tell you what the trigger was but I guess you already know that bit. All I could tell is what happened the next day. It was like her very soul had been sucked from her body. The sparkle that I had come to know in her eyes was gone. Her skin was sallow; her hair didn't shine any more. She was there in person but not in spirit. Her body was there but that was it. As time went on it didn't get any better. I once overheard Charlie, talking to my father about her having nightmares and her screaming the house down and how lost he felt."

I was suddenly pulled behind Benjamin and into Ben's arms just as the walls shook from a feral roar. I noticed that Bella was hidden behind both the Major and the Captain causing me to wonder who it was that made the noise. I jumped as the door was suddenly ripped off its hinges and a furious Carlisle, stormed into the room before pulling Bella away from Jasper and Peter and into his arms. I could tell that they both wanted to pull her away from him but something deep down told me that as her new father he needed to do this.

"I hate knowing we hurt you that much. I hate the very thought that your spirit was destroyed by what we did. As much as I want to blame Edward for the pain I know that we caused part of it. No, I caused part of it. I am the leader of this family, I could, no should have fought for you. I was blinded by my own weakness and allowed him to talk me into agreeing with him. I thought you were his true mate, after so much time alone I was certain of it. Even Alice, agreed saying that you were."

A part of me felt sorry for Carlisle, I could see it in his eyes how much he blamed himself for not only what happened when they all left the first time, but what Edward was doing now to those poor girls. I couldn't help but say something.

"This isn't your fault Dr. Cullen, it's Edward's. He is the one out their killing all those girls; he is the one who left Bella, yet again. He is the one that has fucked this family over so many times it's not funny."

I hadn't realised I was yelling until Benjamin, put his hand over my mouth and told me to take a deep breath and calm down. I looked up at Bella, who had buried her face in to Carlisle's chest and was laughing so hard I could tell she was having a hard time breathing.


I couldn't believe my ears. Angela, not only yelled at Carlisle, but she actually swore yet again. I had never heard her ever swear before she joined this family and it was funny as all hell that it was always when she was yelling at one of the males of the family.

I soon found myself unable to breathe and sandwiched between Jasper and the man I had come to see as my father as Jasper filled me with his gift and my father told me to take deep, shallow breaths.

I soon calmed down enough that Jasper withdrew his gift, but didn't move from his spot behind me so I was still pressed against Carlisle's chest. A large part of me wanted to move but I felt somewhat safe knowing that I was somewhat in my father's arms. Before I could stop myself I wrapped my arms around Carlisle and started to cry. I faintly heard Jasper, suggest that everyone should leave us in peace as I mourned my past.

I never truly experienced this type of love from either of my maternal parents. Renee treated me more like a friend and Charlie well he never knew what to do with me. I felt a second pair of smaller arms wrap around me that I knew belonged to Esme. Being here in their arms started to heal a part of me I never thought was actually broken.

I couldn't help but let out a watery laugh as Carlisle pulled back so he could wipe my face with a white hankie that he always carried in his pocket.

"It wasn't Edward leaving that hurt the most, it was the fact I lost the only family I had ever known. Even Rose who I thought hated me. I don't blame either of you for what happened, you two were being parents. I do, however, blame Edward."

I suddenly felt a lot lighter saying those words to the two people who are now my parents. I was suddenly pulled out of my parents' arms and into those of my two mates. Looking up into Jasper's eyes I remembered what he said back that day in the kitchen.

"I am breakable, both physically and mentally. Edward broke me that much a part of me died. He changed who I was as a person. When he left, it was just another part of his plan. What he didn't plan on was the wolves and Angela. They brought me back out of my funk and helped me find myself again. When you all came back I got my family back, but there was a part of me that I didn't realise was broken still until now."

He looked down at me frowning as I placed his hand over my still beating heart.

"Renee drove it into my head as a child that there was no such thing as true love and don't get me started on the whole marriage thing. Charlie wasn't much better. Neither of them ever treated me as their child. I didn't know what parents were supposed to do until Carlisle and Esme entered my life. They showed me what love truly felt like."

I closed my eyes and sank further into his embrace as everything I had been worried about spilled from my lips. The more I talked the more relaxed and free I felt.


I felt the moment my mate fell asleep in my arms half way through a sentence. For the first time since I held her in my arms I felt that she was truly free of her burden.

"We are going to have to take things slow with her Major."

I glared at Peter before nodding my head as I saw the pain in his eyes. Our mate had never known what true love actually was, not from her parents and certainly not from Edward. It was going to be a long journey for all of us. I lifted her up into my arms before laying her in the bed as Esme flapped over her making sure she was going to be warm and safe enough.

Carlisle nodded towards the door indicating that he wanted to speak to us away from our sleeping mate. I didn't want to leave her after such a big break through

"Go speak to Carlisle, Jasper. I will watch over my daughter until you return."

I nodded towards her before bending over and placing a gentle kiss on both her forehead as well as my mates causing Esme to give me a shy smile.

The moment the door closed behind us I turned round and leaned against Peter trying not to full apart. I shivered as I felt his arms wrap around me and he started to purr, trying to bring me comfort. A large part of me wanted to crawl inside of him and stay there.

"Later Jasper. Let's go and deal with your family and then I promise you I will let you have your way with me. If we're lucky maybe Isabella will watch."

I let out a snarl before yanking his mouth to mine in a searing kiss. I licked his bottom lip causing him to let out a small moan. I slipped my tongue into his mouth savouring his taste as our tongues started to battle with one another. Just as I was losing control I was brought back to the situation at hand by someone clearing their throat. I turned around ready to kill whomever it was that had interrupted me from my mate only to stop as Angela stood there with her hands on her hips, shaking her head.

"As hot as watching you two make out is your family is waiting for you."

As she turned round I heard her mutter how lucky our mate was causing me to smile as Peter cracked up laughing before taking my hand in his and pulling me after her.

The moment we entered what was the dining car I was hit with a mixture of pain and self loathing from my family. I wasn't surprised that Benjamin had made himself at home and was looking slightly pissed off.

"I swear there are some humans in this world that shouldn't be allowed to have children. I love Isabella like a sister but her parents need to be shot."

I was a little surprised when Rose actually spoke up

"It was mainly Renee's fault. Charlie never really got to spend time with her while she was growing up so when she finally moved in with him, he didn't really know her. Add the fact she is his teenage daughter and his whole anti dating thing is kind of easy to understand. I am sure Carlisle feels the same way even though he knows both Jasper and Peter are her mates."

I could help but smile as Carlisle choose that moment to look at the ceiling like he didn't know what she was going on about. What pushed us all over the edge was Emmett's comment

"Hell it's not just Isabella any more. I have two human sisters that need to be locked up and kept away from boys. If I had my way neither of them would be allowed near any male unless he was a eunuch."

A pillow suddenly went flying through the air hitting him right in the face as Angela muttered something about him not touching Ben and having plans for him. This of course started the whole being put in separate rooms argument and how if that was the case Emmett and Rose had to be in separate rooms as well then. I had no idea how long they fought for before Carlisle stepped in and told them to shut up, causing Angela to crack up laughing.

"Okay enough children. I am going to make this quick because you are giving me a headache. The next few days are going to be hard for Bella. Even though she has started to heal she has a long way to go. I know some of you are going to want to look after her but as much as I am going to hate saying this you must leave it up to Jasper and Peter. As her mates this is part of their bonding time."

As he said this he keep his eyes on Emmett who rolled his eyes before interrupting him

"Okay I get it. Don't interfere with mating bonding time. How much longer until we get to home base?"

I knew the reason he was asking because I felt it to. Being locked up in a train was almost suffocating and I wanted to stretch my legs as it were.

"We have another day. I know you are all feeling a little cramped as it where and we plan on stopping the train in an hour so those of you that need to, can hunt. Angela, Ben and Bella will be staying on board. Esme and I will be staying close until Peter, Jasper and Benjamin return. We will stay here tonight."

I nodded my head before getting a wave of lust from Peter causing me to let out a small growl in response.

"Right as no one seems to be able to actually focus I will call this meeting to an end. Just remember give her time and space."

We all nodded our heads before I pulled Peter out of the room without a second thought. I was finding it hard not to just jump Peter in the passageway as I watched the muscle in his ass clench with every step he made. He pulled us into our room before nodding to Esme.

"We can look after our mate from here Esme."

I could tell that my gift was getting out of control by the way Esme's eyes turned from a light amber colour to black within a second before running out of the cabin slamming the door behind her as she went. Before I could stop myself I shoved Peter, against the wall not bothering to be quiet. If our mate woke up then she would get a free show. If she wanted to join us even better.

I wrapped my hand through his hair pulling his head back so I could lick and nibble my way across his jaw causing him to let out a sensual growl in response. I kissed my way up to his ear before pulling it into my mouth and biting down on it enough to draw a small amount of venom.

"You have no idea how much I want to fuck you right here and now but I have a better idea..."

Before I could actually tell him what I had planed the brakes of the train squealed against the track before the train suddenly stopped throwing our mate out of her bed. I managed to catch her before she hit the floor just as Peter let out a growl and the door to our cabin was thrown open. A worried looking Benjamin stormed in before slamming the door behind him.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you Major but you need to snap out of it right now. Carlisle almost ran us off the track because Esme jumped him, Emmett didn't even wait for the train to actually stop before he pulled his mate off the train and don't get me started on Angela and Ben."


I stood there grinning as Benjamin continued to ramble at the Major. I looked down and straight into the sparkling eyes of our now awake mate. I couldn't help but let out a low growl as her tongue poked out from between her lips. As I watched she licked her lips in the most sexual way before she winked at me.

Without thinking about what I was doing I knelt on the floor so I was level with her head, hanging over the Major's arm and covered her mouth with my own. At first I was gentle, but then she nipped my top lip and caused me to lose control. It reminded me of the scene from the Spiderman movies but it was a lot hotter and my mate was allowing me to take control of the kiss. I had no idea how long she laid within the Major's arms and allowed me to kiss her before I could tell that she was no longer breathing as she should be. Pulling back I couldn't stop the purr that left my mouth as I noticed that at some point Benjamin had left and the Major had joined the party.

Our mates top had been torn open and the Major had been playing with her breast through her bra. One of these days I must convince her not to wear one or any underwear at that, really she didn't need to. I sat up some more so I could lean over her before running my tongue between her perky breasts causing her to let out a meowing sound as the Major smirked down at me.

"Before we were so rudely interrupted I was going to tell you that there is going to be a change of plans. We are taking our beautiful mate here hunting with us again. Then we are going to give her a little show."

I found myself smiling up at my male mate and couldn't help but let out a low whimper as he filled me with lust as his eyes told me he wanted to be the one in charge this time. It had been a long time since he had pulled this card and I was looking forward to playing along.

I slowly stood up keeping my head bowed in submission as the Major changed the hold he had on our mate. I followed him out of the door keeping behind him with my head bent. I have no idea how long we walked before Jasper suddenly put our mate down.

"You will stay here and not move a muscle unless it's necessary, Peter will staying with you."

I suddenly found my pants tighten across my groin area as I worked out what he was planning on doing. It had been a while since the Major had caught my meal for me and feed me. It was all ways a prelude to some of the hottest sex I had ever had.

I stood there and watched as the Major brutally kissed our mate before doing the same to me. I couldn't stop the growl that left my mouth as the mixed scent of both my mates touched my senses, causing the Major to pull away from me before he snarled in my face.

"Don't push your luck my mate. Now watch Isabella like a hawk or before I fuck the living day lights out of you I will take you across my knee and spank the living daylights out of you."

I let out a whimper before nodding my head. I pulled Isabella into my arms before I moved us so we where off the ground.

"Please stay as still as possible, I don't want you getting hurt in anyway. Plus darling you will love watching the Major take control of me. I know that you have wanted to watch us since that very first day and what happened in the kitchen the other day turned you on more than you wish to admit even to yourself."

I nuzzled my nose in her neck as her arousal filled the air around us. I had to stay quiet or else the Major would punish me if I distracted him for his hunt. I lost track of time once again as I sat there holding my mate and playing with her hair, it wasn't a loud crashing sound filled the air did I pay attention to what was happening below us. I watched as large cat suddenly appeared in the clearing below us sniffing the air. I watched in horror as it raised its head and looked straight up at my mate. Before I could so much as blink the Major suddenly appeared and jumped on its back before snapping it's neck.

"It's safe to bring her down Peter. I want her to watch how well I look after my mates. Isabella, I want you to come here and watch."

I jumped down carefully before moving her so she was standing directly where the Major had point before bowing my head once again. I suddenly found myself being pulled down so I was knelt beside the Major as he bite into cat before pulling away and grabbing the back of head. I tilted my head back as I let him feed me; soon the smell of blood was drowned out by the mixture of all three of our arousals. The moment the cat was drained I found myself being pushed to the ground as the Major straddled my waist, as he ripped my shirt from my chest.

"Isn't our mate breath taking Isabella? Now I want you to watch everything I do to him, and how he behaves because very soon you will be in this exact potion however you will be submissive to both of us. If you are a good girl I just might let Peter, solve your little problem."

I let out a growl at the very thought about having Isabella in anyway causing the Major to slap me across the face bring me back to him.

"None of this is about you Peter remember that. Yes I will allow you pleasure but in the long run this about our young mate and showing her the pleasure we can bring her, even when we are not touching her."

I nodded my head before lowing my eyes. I was a little shocked when a second later the Major lightly kissed my lips before kissing his way across my face so he could nuzzled my ear.

"Don't be upset my beloved mate. I love you now as much as I did when we fought together in the wars. Our other mate needs to see this. She needs to see the pecking order."

I turned my head before capturing his lips with my own. What had started as an act of dominance has now turned into something different. I still let the Major take control but things where a lot more sedate. By the time we were both naked my whole body was tingling waiting for him. He turned me over so I was bent over our meal before he pushed his way into me slowly. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my back causing my muscles to relax. The moment the Major was fully inside of me I tilted my head back and came face to face with my Isabella.

"You have no idea how beautiful you two look joined like that. The way you two are so gentle with each other and yet at the same time there is all ways that consent fight between the two of you to dominate each other."

I let out a low moan as the Major started to move in and out of me as Isabella kept talking to me. Tell me how much she wished she could be in the middle of us, how sorry she was for not trusting us with the truth before today and how she understood what the Major was doing to both of us.

Before I knew what she was doing she moved so she could capture my lips as the Major started to move faster, I soon myself unable to control myself any longer and for I knew what I was doing I had pulled Isabella across our meal and tore her clothes from her body before lowing my head so I could suckle on her breast as the Major let out a loud growl as he suddenly pulled my hips flushed with his as he emptied himself into me.

As he pulled out I move so I was hovering over our mate as I suddenly had the need to mark her. I let out a growl as I felt her warm hand reach down to my throbbing member and lightly run her fingers over it in fascination. Before I could stop myself I lost what little control I had and marked our mate. What surprised me the most however was when the Major pulled me aside and suddenly started to lick her clean.


I was a little worried for my younger sister. The Major and his Captain had taken her for all most four hours now. I understood the need to mate having gone through it with my Emmy but Bells was still human. What happens if they hurt her by accident or worse they got her pregnant. I all ways wanted children sure but I had seen what could happen to a human who had been carried a vampire child. It was horrible and in the end both landed up dying anyway.

I felt my Emmy's strong arms wrap round my waist as he lowered his head to rest on my shoulder.

"She will be fine Rosie. You know that neither Jasper nor Peter will ever hurt her. Today has been hard on all of them; they need this time to bond together properly even if I don't like it. It's bad enough walking in on Angela and Ben."

I couldn't stop myself from letting a smile cross my face at look of horror on my mates face as we walked in on Ben going down on Angela. My Emmy went into full big brother mode before he grabbed Ben and pulled him out of the room. I told Angela, that Ben was getting the talk from both Carlisle and Emmy.

I was brought back to my surroundings by Esme and Carlisle who appeared next to us both with looks of concern on their faces. Benjamin, Angela and a still blushing Ben joined us soon after.

"Do you think we should go and look for them? I mean it's getting dark and with Edward being out and about still, as well as Victoria."

I turned and took Angela's hand in mine and lightly squeezed it. I was happy to have another sister in this girl. Alice and I neither got along. I didn't trust her gift in the slightest. After all the future was subjective and it often involved more than one person. Shaking my head I suddenly turned to the east and smiled as I heard a strong heart beat followed by the voice I wanted to hear the most.

"What is it with you two and destroying my clothing? I know you two don't seem to mind walking around with no clothes on but I am still human and I am still subjected to the elements."

I couldn't stop the smile that crossed my face as Esme rushed back into the train and returned with a handful of warm clothing for Bella. I went to take them from her only to be stopped by Angela who grabbed them before marching off in the direction we were all looking. A few moment later I heard two growls followed by Angela telling them to both shut up as Bella's giggle filled the air.

Yes Angela was different becoming a part of our ever increasing family. I didn't know what the future held for us but for now we were at peace.