"Houses of red, blue, and green work together,

To solve a mystery in the land of heather.

With such house unity, what shall they face?

A dark lord risen will be the case.

As times grow troublesome, so will the weather."

Rosetta Weasley stood frozen staring at the door in front of her. It was partly open, the light from inside spilling out on her face. Professor Trelawney? She was sure it had been her third year Divination teacher's voice, she heard. With essay clutched in one hand, Rose tried to even her breathing as she stood still as stone. She wasn't sure what she heard, what is some sort of prophesy? It was odd, Trelawney wasn't using the voice she used normally; no, it was as if she was in a deep trance. Could this be why the Headmistress still kept her around? So she would always know what's going on before it actually happened? Perhaps the old coot was worth more that she seemed at first.

"This is the second prophesy this week, Minerva." Professor Flitwick said, concern wrapping itself in his voice. "Only before, she was talking about some sort of jewelry, maybe a necklace I believe." Rose closed her eyes, puzzlement written all over her face. A necklace tied to a dark lord. Well this wasn't something new but is it really so important that it was said in a prophesy.

"Miss Weasley? Please stop eavesdropping and come in." Headmistress McGonagall spoke, the door opening the rest of the way slowly to reveal her standing behind it. Heat flooded her check and she was sure that it not only made her ears red but also started to crawl down her neck. The Weasley blush, she had begun to call this curse of her heritage.

"Oh, yes, hello dear. Is that your extra credit essay we had talked about Monday?" Looking down at the floor while Rose shuffled forward to set the parchment on Professor Flitwick's desk. "Yes Professor." Rose couldn't lift her gaze to meet any of the professors' gazes. It might be the reason she hadn't been put in Gryffindor... She didn't have courage, bravery. Well, if she had courage it was buried way deep down in there.

The tension in the room was beginning to get quite thick, enough that Rose felt a lump deep in her chest. "Is that all, Miss Weasley, or don't you have some school work that needs done?" The new Transfiguration professor, Professor Miles Bletchley said, disdain etched in his voice. The former Slytherin had the select few he liked; and Rosetta wasn't one of them.

Rose turned and walked to the door, only stopping when she heard the Headmistress' voice speak up. "Miss Weasley, please try and forget what you might have just heard. No one else really needs to know.." Rose nodded, finally able to look back and give Professor McGonagall a timid smile before turning back and heading to her next destination. The library.

As Head Girl, Rosetta had certain privileges, like free access to the Restricted Section. Where else would someone have to look for some sort of dark necklace that a dark lord might be using? It seemed the only reasonable place to start.. This sort of information wouldn't be allowed to first years' access. Smiling at the librarian, she went passed many of the students that were looking through the regular parts of the library. She had been one of the many sitting there before. Past the several bookcases, Rose stopped at the gate that would stop visitors without permission from entering. It was a later edition to the castle, the gate replacing the flimsy rope that had been there when her parents were at Hogwarts. Headmaster McGonagall had made a few changes when she started her duty as the Head of Hogwarts.

Rose stared at the Restricted Section and she felt a chill go down her spine, her hand holding the gate open as she looked at the several bookcases. She had never liked this section. Who would have known that this was only the very brink of how much dark magic there was in the world. You wanted to stop people from becoming a dark lord? Well lock up all the information on dark arts. Wouldn't be too hard for a minister of magic to do, but it seemed all he did was sit on his fat arse. At least that's what her dad said about him.

"Get moving, Weasel, don't block the way all day. Some of us have work to do." Rose gritted her teeth at the sneering voice of Scorpius' Malfoy. Taking her own sweet time moving out of his way, she felt Scorpius' grow impatient and when chance arose, push past her.

"Malfoy." Rose said, toning her voice so it seem cold and distant. In truth, she was outraged that he kept on about the weasel bit. Having him as a co-head was simply infuriating. She had to deal with him day after day and in truth, she didn't understand the Headmistress' reason for giving him the title of Head Boy. Her cousin was just as good, no better candidate for the spot. "Should have known I'd run into you in the restricted section." Rose shook her head and started on her way to the dark objects section.

"I'm working on a essay, Weasel. I do not have to explain myself to you." Scorpius said, his tone full of authority. The only reason the Malfoys still had power was on the claim that they had been doing what they had to, to save their family from death and didn't completely excuse them, in fact it had taken years of charity work just to get them half way as powerful as they had been before. It was a good claim, better than the many that had claimed to be under the spell of an unforgivable curse. "Why is Ravenclaw's little princess in the Restricted Section? Your YOU not really up to keeping that good girl image, but have a dark side that your try to keep hidden?" Scorpius smirked at her and Rose cursed him.

"No, Malfoy…. I'm working on an essay about a debate in Defense Against the Dark Arts.." Rose lied, hoping she sounded much cooler than she felt. She felt on edge, wondering if he believed her. Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed a good excuse if there was any. Maybe, Malfoy just turned on his heel and went in the opposite direction as Rose was planning on going. At least that was a relief. Taking her own direction, Rose let her fingers graze over the dusty titles of the books. She looked over a few before pulling one out and sitting at the one of the tables set up at the restricted section.

Surfing through the pages, she looked over each object that was a necklace then loosened her description to anything that could be jewelry. Sighing, Rose figured that it really wouldn't be that easy. It wasn't like stories where they find the answer in the first book they find. Placing the book back where it belonged, Rose grabbed a few other books and set them on the table before getting comfortable.

It might have taken an hour, but Rose knew that she had searched many of the books that were located in the restricted section. She had long past figured out the reason that many people run their hands through their hair. It relieves stress without hurting anyone or anything. Too bad her red hair was too thick and too curly to run her hand through. "Still here, weasel?" Rose sighed and did her best to control herself..

"Yes, I haven't found what I'm looking for yet." Rose said, slowly rising and doing her best to slowly walk to the bookcase. She pulled out two more books before returning to her seat to find Malfoy' sitting on the table watching her. Rose met his eyes and couldn't wouldn't look away, not even to check how far the table was. Without saying too much, there was a thud and Rose quickly shut her eyes as she connected with the table. Her hands gripped on the edge of the table as she sat down. She knew Malfoy was enjoying this, in fact she heard his chuckles. Letting her hair fall to shield her face, Rose opened the book and pulled it under the shield of her hair.

"Smooth moves, Weasel." She could still hear the laughter in his voice, and it irked her. In fact, she was barely reading the words in front of her as she turned each page. She only stopped when she noticed a ink smudge next to a paragraph. She also thought she might see something else there. Forgetting Malfoy, Rose pulled out her wand and mumbled a spell of discovery. It uncovered anything that might be hidden at the thing you touched with your wand. Several circles were around the paragraph, so Rose quickly read through it.

Another magical object that is a myth would be the Archimedes Amulet. A necklace fashioned by the first dragon's scale with the Agrippa's Charoite in the middle. It is said that not only will it enhance your magical abilities but it will also allow you the power to be a metamorphmagus. It's said to have been lost somewhere in the moors of Scotland somewhere. Many have looked for this legendary necklace, but it has never been so it has been regarded as just a myth.