Chapter 1


Disclaime"Me no own nobody.

"Yes I did it Sor! I got us the best apartment in New York, isn't that awesome!" Sora looked up to see a red headed girl coming down the stairs almost tripping with her laptop in her hand trying to get to him.

"Wow a New York penthouse, Kairi, this might be fun." Sora smiled at Kairi's laptop as she clicked through all the sceneries they would see just from that penthouse.

"I know, you think Leon will like it?" She asked running her fingers through her long red-brownish hair and winking.

"Will Leon like what?"Both teenagers turned to find a brunette similar to Sora except with a scar running across his face walking in the door.

"A penthouse up in New York." Kairi said innocently, while Leon's eyes begin to narrow.

"A penthouse? In New York? How much will that cost?" Leon asked closing the door behind him, the teens didn't relize that he was that he was still standing in the doorway when he was talking to them. "12,000 dollars."

"Oh, that great too bad you're not getting it." Leon told Kairi when her face dropped and so did Sora's.

"Squall, why! You're a mean cousin, you don't love me!" Kari wailed.

"That's not true, I love you to death, I'm just not paying for that and FYI sweetie it's Leon." Sora burst out laughing at how casual he sounded telling her. Kari sent both of them glares and ran past Leon up the stairs. "And to think I had special jobs for you up there! Modeling jobs!" She yelled from up stairs, just in time for Sora's favorite person to come in.

"What's up with the yelling? And what ya got to eat?" The red head asked casually walking in and plopping straight on the couch, legs propped on the coffee table.

"Axel, do me a favor."


"Get out." Axel's face looked sad when Leon knocked his feet off the table and hit him upside the head.

"That hurt, Squall." Leon made a face that said Stop-calling-me-by-my-real-name look, which meant if your not out of the house in a minute (He's Serious) then welcome to hell.

"Get over it, life's a bitch, people can be you for instance" He said as took Kairi's pink laptop and clamped it shut it taking upstairs to the now mad red head. Axel turned to see what Sora was writing since he was obviously bored and had nothing to do.

"Whatcha writing?" Sora held up to show Axel a long paragraph that even Leon wouldn't want to read. And he likes reading!

"It's a story I'm writing wanna read it?" Sora asked as he got up to get two sodas from the fridgerator one root bear (Sora) the other red fanta (Axel) and handed it to him.

"Thank you, and no I don't. Sora you know me better than that, I don't even freakin read the labels on any grocery store product I buy; now that's sad." Axel said as he took a swig of his drink.

"It's you. Ax, you need someone to keep you under control a girlfriend or… boyfriend." Axel's face instantly dropped at the last word.

"Yeah about that I might have to stay with you guys this summer. Mom and dad weren't exactly happy to find out their son was gay." Axel told him as if trying to keep a look of hurt from crossing his face, Sora felt terrible about Axel's situation. His parent were strict and believed in no relationship with boy and boy or girl and girl, they expected him to be successful and famous. But it was asking too much of him, Axel was the type you needed to be patient and calm with even if he went into one of his "Pyro tantrums" everyone referred to it as. Still he was sweet and loyal, so why couldn't his parents accept that?

"Maybe, Leon won't mind. Leon!" Sora yelled up the stairs.

"What? I'm kind of busy here picking Kairi's door without breaking it down with my foot." Leon told both of them through gritted teeth.

"You're not getting in until you buy my apartment!" Kari yelled through the door.

"I don't have time for this, little brat!" Leon banged on the door and left to go back downstairs. "Now what was it you wanted again baby brother?" Leon sounded sweet. Again. The way he was acting, you would've never guessed two minutes ago he was arguing with Kairi.

"Can Axel, stay with us this summer? His parents learned he was gay this year and aren't really comfortable around him." Sora gave him the innocent look, which usually worked depending on the days. Today was Saturday, making it even better.

"Sora …" Sora kept doing the "look" making Leon at least feel some guilt. "Maybe mom won't mind three gay boys in her house, so I guess he can stay this summer." Sora and Axel started jumping around too much. To the point where they ended up hugged Leon. "Don't hug me or he can't stay!" He said it fast making both let go.

"Sorry." Both said, when Kairi returned downstairs happy once again. (Yup this family's related)

"You guys I got us a modeling manager internship up in New York and they agreed to buy us an even better apartment and pay for the stuff to go in it! Isn't that great?" Leon looked like he was going to go crazy if he heard another word from her.

"Kairi, you did what?" Axel, Sora, and Leon yelled.

"Well, I pulled some strings with a certain friend you used to be buddies with, Leon." Leon look dumbfounded and out of big words or sentences at that. Kairi made a smack sound as if he should know who it was. "Demyx did it. He got us the internship and right now he sending us tickets that we should get in aunties office through fax."

"He's smarter than, I gave him credit for."Leon mumbled under his breath. Demyx and Leon were buddies when they were younger, until Demyx's dad got moved up in New York City. Demyx was gay also and his parents still loved, they found it more interesting about people like that. Making them very weird, but cool because they didn't care what you did. "Well mom won't let you all roam around New York by yourselves.

"We know that why you and Demyx are going to watch us." Kairi pointed at Leon, who just looked around pretending he was oblivious to what she said.

" I hope you plan on making a clone of me, because I not going anywhere." Kairi huffed and crossed her arms and Leon in return did it to. "You can do that but I'm not going anywhere."

"That's funny I got five tickets, allowing Axel to come and Yuffie. So we all know Yuffie would need parental vision even if she's Leon's age." Kairi knew she got him now, Yuffie did need supervision. Leon let out a sigh and walked upstairs to get the keys.

"Whatever." He mumbled one last time before disappearing up the stairs.

"Yes! Sora take a tally one for me, zero for Leon!" Sora took a sheet of paper and immediately wrote it down.

"You wonder why I love your family so much. It's because their freaking hilarious!" Axel gave a Sora a hard pat on the back.

"Ow, Ax, some of us aren't strong like that." Sora rubbed his back side while Axel told him sorry. "Its fine, to be quite honest I'm glad Demyx did this, guess he misses Leon and Yuffie a lot he would do something like this." Leon came back downstairs with his jacket on and shoes.

"Sora, are you coming?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Sora went through the door with Leon in front. "New York city, New York City, new Yo—." Sora started cheering when Leon stopped him with a death glare.

"Keep it up and you can say goodbye to your vocals." Sora's mouth stayed shut for the rest of the ride when they stopped at Yuffie's house in the east part of town. She was sitting outside on the front steps Indian style with an annoyed look until she saw them.

"What wrong with Yuffie?" Sora asked when the brown haired girl ran up to the black car.

"She got locked out." Leon said flatly when she came up to the window.

"Again, Yuffie?" Sora said in a scolding voice. Yuffie just made a light chuckling sound as if Leon didn't get on to her enough.

"Uh huh, hey, Leon told me about the great new we get too see DemDem again! So I'm gonna stick with you all until we leave." She jumped up and down at the thought of New York.

"Great." Leon sounded enthusiastic. "What about your clothes and personals?"

Yuffie raised an eyebrow as if confused then smirked. "It covered by Daddy's platinum card, which means were all covered." She held up the card to show it to both brunettes and laughed at Sora's face. "I may be locked out but I never leave my wallet."

"But you leave your keys." Yuffie glared at Leon immediately. "Hurry up and get in, Yuffie."

"Yes, I love you!" She made Sora get out of the front seat so she could take her rightful spot in the front. "So, where are we off to next?"

"Mom's office." Sora answered for her.

RikusChika778: Tell me you like it, love it, hate it? Oh my gosh i got a brain freeze!