The Future Never Dies, Ch. 1

This is a story introducing my OC, Gabrielle and involves one of my favorite wrestlers, Kane. The storyline follows the current arc of the attack of the Undertaker. This is going to be rated T for now, but may be rated M later!

Disclaimer: I only own Gabrielle, all other characters are owned by WWE and Vince McMahon. Now with that out of the way, enjoy the show!

Fire. Heat. Searing pain. He wanted to cry out but Father would think that was weakness showing through. Father always compared him to Brother….always. So he let the fire consume him, melting his flesh away, melting it to the very bone…

He sat up, the scream that he would not allow to be voiced still lodged in his massive chest. His hands went to his face, to the mask that wasn't there anymore. He kept telling himself that the scars had all been psychological, but Father had let him believe he was ugly for so long, he had no choice but to believe it. The room was completely dark; he always put a heavy blanket over the window in any hotel room he stayed in. The darkness helped him to sleep, but nothing would ever get rid of the nightmares he had lived with since he was a boy.

Kane got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. He flipped on the light and forced himself to look at himself in the mirror. Sweat poured down his face, his heavily muscled arms and chest. He made himself touch his face briefly; no scars there, yes he knew that, but still….Ever since the incident with the Undertaker, the nightmares had grown worse. He wished he didn't dream in color.

He walked out of the bathroom and out through the bedroom to the door of his room. He opened it and looked into the hallway. It was deserted, and the muted sounds of other guests' televisions were the only noise. Why had he looked into the hallway in the first place? There was no one out there who could help him, no one who could make the pain stop, no one who could make the nightmares fade…

He turned to go back inside and a slight movement at the end of the hallway caught his eye. Kane turned back to look and his breath caught in his throat.

Standing there was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She was tall, almost 6 feet, and wore a long black coat that came to her knees. Her eyes were bright green, catching the light in the hallway. The most striking feature was her hair; it was long, falling almost to her waist, and it was completely white. Her skin was pale and flawless. She stared back at him and both were caught in that moment.

Then the woman blinked, Kane remembered to breathe, and for no good reason he could think of, he spoke to her. "Can I help you?" The woman slowly walked forward. "I bring you a message," she said quietly in a throaty voice that made him want to shiver. "What message? Do I know you?" Kane found himself frozen in the doorway as she came closer. She stopped a few feet from him and for a moment seemed unable to speak. Then she gave her head a slight shake and resumed. "I bring you a message…from your brother."

Kane looked at her for a moment, anger trying to ignite in his heart. "Look, don't mention my brother, lady. I don't even know you and-" She cut him off smoothly. "-he says to not worry. He says to continue your search for the one who attacked him. He gives you his blessing…"

Kane stopped. He looked into the eyes of the unknown woman and saw the truth. She spoke the truth. Undertaker *had* sent the message. He could feel it.

"Who…who are you?" he asked softly. The woman looked at him steadily, her lips wanting to curve into a smile but not quite making it. "My name is Gabrielle. And I'm here to help you in your search for the one who attacked the Undertaker." They stared at each other in that hallway, and Kane felt something foreign to him. Something he had never dared to allow himself to feel. Something like hope.