The Turtles Watch TMNT Mini Episodes

If I owned the turtles, would I really be writing fan fiction? Well, maybe, but I still don't own them.



Master Splinter only had a few seconds warning before a stampede of green blurs rushed in front of the television, nearly upending the coffee table and causing a breeze that slightly ruffled his robes. Normally, Splinter would have been curious as to what his sons had been up to, but truthfully, he had rather been enjoying the rare silence that came from raising four teenagers. He couldn't help but wonder if they were old enough to move out on their own.



Maybe he should stay over at April's apartment for a while. He doubted his sons would notice if he disappeared for a few hours. A loud crash resonated from the kitchen, followed by the sound of breaking glass and yelps of pain. Make that a few days.

While Splinter was fleeing the lair, Leo had finally managed to corner Mikey in the dojo. Mikey backed away warily from his fuming older brother, fruitlessly looking for an opening as his shell bumped the wall.

"Michelangelo," Leo said, in a tone that was as sharp and deadly as his swords, "Put it down now."

Mikey clutched his prize against his plastron, nervously glancing around him before giving a resigned sigh. "Okay, Leo," he said, holding out the stuffed bear, " You can have it- CATCH, DON!"

Mikey yanked the bear out of Leo's reach at the last moment and quickly tossed it over his shoulder to his purple-clad brother. Don grinned as Leo rounded on him, only to pause as he took another look at what he was holding.

"Mikey, this is your bear," He said, recognizing the ragged bear from their childhood.

"Oh, yeah," Mikey stepped around Leo and took the bear from Don, gazing down at it fondly, "Leo gave it to me years ago when I was sick."

The middle of one arm was completely limp, the stuffing having been pushed out of place from all the times he had dragged it around as a turtle tot and one ear was missing as a result of Raphael shoving its head in a fan. Even though most of the faded brown fur was worn down, it still carried the faint stench of dust and mothballs.

"Wait a minute," Raphael said irritably, "Ya mean we've been runnin' around the last ten minutes fer nothin'?"

"Maybe I would have noticed it was mine if Leo wasn't chasing me like a raving lunatic."

"I wasn't acting like a-"

"Let's just watch some more videos," Don said, "I'm sure we'll find some more blackmail material eventually."

"Too bad," Raphael muttered regretfully, with the air of a disgruntled child who had received socks for Christmas, "I was hopin' to finally get somethin' on Fearless."

Raphael left the room, still sulking, making sure to give Mikey a hard smack as he passed him. Leo kept his face impassive as Mikey turned to him, rubbing his sore head.

"You won this round, big brother, but I will find major dirt on you and you will rue the day you humiliated me!" Mikey stated boldly, attempting to look heroic and imposing.

"This whole thing was your idea to begin with," Leo said with a roll of his eyes.

Not being able to come up with a good come-back, Mikey blew a raspberry at Leo before stomping off in a dramatic fashion. Only when he was alone, did Leo finally let out a relieved sigh, chuckling to himself. Luckily for him, Michelangelo hadn't thought to check under his mattress. Still, maybe it was time to find Mr. Snuggleworth a better hiding spot.

Don, Mikey and Raphael were already gathered around the computer by the time Leo arrived a few minutes later.

"Where've you been?" Raphael questioned.

"Bathroom," Leo said casually, stepping behind Don, "Which one are we going to watch?"

"How 'bout this one?" Mikey said, pointing at the screen, "Whatchamacallit."

"Huh? What?"

"Yeah, Whatchamacallit."

"That's what I'm asking."

"Whatchamacallit, Raph,"

"I don't know, Mikey, that's why I'm askin' you!"

"It's Whachatmacallit."

"Quit askin' me that! I'm asking you...WHAT IS IT CALLED?"

"I just told you, Raph-"

"As amusing as this is, let's save the skit for the video," Don said, clicking on the play button.

A flickering blue light reflects faintly off the various cars, pipes, and miscellaneous piles of junk in the lab accompanied by a light buzzing. The camera pans to the side where Don and Raph are standing at a workstation. Raph looks on as Don finishes welding a slab of metal lying on the table.

"Okay, Raph," Don said, lifting up his welder's mask with the same hand holding the blowtorch, "Hand me the wherrzit." He held out his free hand, not looking up from his work. Raph blinked and turned to the toolbox, rubbing the crease between his eyes with a finger as he stared at the assortment of tools scattered haphazardly around the table.

"Aw, you look so cute when you're confused, Raphie," Mikey gushed teasingly, "And when I say 'cute' I mean in a non-gay brotherly love kind of way." He added, noting the look on his brothers' faces.

"Great, now two of my bros are sexual predators." Raphael stated dryly.

"Guys, please." Don cut in as Leo and Mikey sputtered and huffed in outrage.

"Where is it?" Raphael asked.

"Yep, the wherrzit," Don repeated.

"That's what I said. Where is it?"

"Why can't 'cha get it yerself," Raphael asked, "Yer sittin' right there not doin' anything."

"Please, wherrzit stat." Don said impatiently, making a gesture with his fingers for emphasis.

"I'm askin' you, Donnie...WHERE IS IT?!" Raph yelled, raising his fists in frustration.

"Is it just me or have we seen this before?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, less than five minutes ago," Leo replied indifferently.

"The wherrzit is a tool, Raph," Don said, finally turning to his brother, "Next to the thingamajig."

"Are you just makin' this stuff up as you go?" Raphael asked.

"Actually, I might have a thingamajig somewhere in the lab," Don stated thoughtfully.

"Oh, of course, how dumb of me," Raphael said sarcastically, covering his eyes and carelessly rummaging through the toolbox. "Next to the thingamabob." He handed Don a strange-looking gadget with uncertainty.

"No, not the thingamabob," Don said, tossing the gadget over his shoulder, ignoring the resulting crash behind him. "The thingamajig." Don picked up another tool in front of him.

"Once again, why didn't you jus' get it yerself; It's right there in front of ya."

"I just did get it myself, didn't I? Maybe if you would listen better. I clearly said 'thingamajig'.

"Better get out the first aid kit, cause you just got burned, Raph!" Mikey shouted.

"The thingamabob is for adding watts to the doohickey," Don added, lowering his welder's mask as he started the blowtorch.


"Watts." Don confirmed, once again absorbed in his work.


"That's right; watts."

"Say what?!" Raphael raised a fist threateningly towards Don, finally losing all patience.

"Watts," Don said cheekily.

"Don't you start," Raph warned his brother, looking just as irate as his counterpart in the video.

"Exactly," Don exclaimed, pointing a finger dramatically in the air.

Raph grabbed his face in aggravation, a feral growl escaping his mouth.

"Hey, that's the same face you make with me, and Leo, and the Foot, and pretty much everybody else." Mikey observed.

"Donny," Raphael said, picking up an object covered in a mucous, green ooze, "if you don't start makin' sense, I'm gonna smash all your whatchamacallits with this whooseywhatsits!"

"Looks like a plunger to me."

"Shut up, Mikey."

Don held up a hand to his mouth, his body shaking slightly as he let out a creepy, little giggle.

"Dude, that laugh is freaky," Mikey said, "Like a serial killer or something."

"Well, it's always the quiet ones," Leo remarked.

"What's so funny?" Raphael asked suspiciously, not noticing a glob of muck landing on his shoulder.

"Raph, that's not a whooseywhatsits." Don answered, a grin spreading across his face, "That's the new industrial-strength plunger I invented to unclog the Ancient One's toilet."

"You just got owned, Raph! Actually, the Raph in the mini episode did. Hey, that would make him your mini-me!" Mikey exclaimed.

Raphael merely frowned, as he watched his 'mini-me' drop the plunger with revulsion, a sickly gurgle expanding his cheeks as he covered his mouth. Don, Leo, and Mikey laughed as 'Mini-Raph' hopped up and down, making sounds of disgust, yelling "Nasty!" as the end music played and the turtle emblem filled the screen.

"If it makes you feel any better, you squirm the same way when you see a bug," Mikey grinned.

"First, how does that make me feel better?" Raphael snarled, "Second, I don't squirm."

"Actually, you do," Don said.

"Don't make me beat you with your whooseywhatsits, Donny."

"Oh, why don't you kiss a plunger."

Luckily, Master Splinter had already reached the quiet sanctuary of April's apartment as chaos once again descended upon the lair.

So, should I keep going back and forth between stories, or just update this one until I'm done and then focus solely on "Who are You? Wait, Who am I?"