WARNING: The rating of this story is M because chapters later

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own Hellsing or it's characters

Note : This is my first story and so I hope it works out well. If it does I may have to post more stories on here ^^

Chapter 1 - Blood and Desire

Clouds rolled past a window on another night which had gone by in a matter of moments. It seemed that for a vampire, the nights were just not long enough. Daytime would drag by with a painful slowness, trying to tease the wits away from a vampire such as Alucard. There was nothing to do. Everything which could be done to pass the time had already been done twice over. Books were no longer interesting, hobbies were a remainder of the time which had to pass before the freedom of the night came.

However, there was something which was starting to draw the attention of the Hellsing Warrior away from watching the clock slowly tick by. Her name was Seras. Alucard's new fledgling was causing a storm because of her attitude. It seemed she was unwilling to accept her gift as a vampire, and drink the one thing which would give her strength. Blood. Her human way of thinking had not faded with the gift she had been given. And by demand from Integra, Alucard was the one to put her in line.

The vampire couldn't say he regretted his actions. That night as he held the police girl in his arms, he watched as her body started to give up the fight for it's life. And yet her eyes told a different story. They blazed with the desire to live, crying out for Alucard to do something. And he had to give in. Her scent was overpowering, the blood pumping within her veins were driving him crazy. He tried to tell himself that it was blood-lust which had controlled his actions, but at the back of his mind something kept saying otherwise.

And so as he stood staring out of the window, Alucard thought of the young woman who would be returning to her room after a night out on a mission. It has been one of those missions which would drain a normal person of their energy, and it was likely that Seras had come home to the one thing she didn't want to see. A medical bag of blood waiting, dinner served.

"Arggghhhhhh!" Her voice bounced around the stone room as the bag of blood was thrown down onto the floor. A rage was snaking it's way through the body of Seras, shaking at her hands and arms as she stood looking down at the blood. She could feel her fangs press into her lips, begging to be let out in order to take what she needed. But Seras would not let her vampire side win out against what she thought was right.

Seras saw her pride as being more important then the strength that her meal could give her. And she refused to give into something as primal as the desire to feed. But this resistance didn't come without a price, the police girl was growing weak and her performance in missions was starting to fall. Soon something would have to be done, but until then, Seras was determined to stick to her human attitudes.

Turning away from the blood, Seras' vision blurred and she reached out a hand to steady herself. But instead of her hand pressing to the wall which she knew was close by, her fingers closed around fabric. Taking a moment to try and work out what was going on, Seras lifted her head up from the ground to search for the source of cloth.

Alucard stared at the shaking form which was holding onto his coat. She looked so weak and hopeless, and yet an anger boiled up in the vampire over the way Seras was acting. He watched carefully as her eyes was raised to meet his face, and a confused look soon turned to horror. He knew that she could read the anger in his crimson eyes and understood why she took a step away from Alucard.

"Are you trying to disrespect me or is this how the world is today?" Alucard voice was cold. He spat the words out at Seras and waited for a reaction. When she didn't give one, he carried on. "I give you a gift and this is how you repay me? Maybe you think that this is a game. Is that the case?"

He registered a slight shake to the head and saw this to be Seras' reply to his question. A growl formed in his throat as the anger boiled up. Pulling himself fully from the shadows, Alucard moved away from the girl in order to stop himself from lashing out. He felt like his patience was being tested by someone other then Seras. His body wanted to react towards the police girl and yet it was not a reaction of anger which was trying to force Alucard back towards Seras.

"Master...I..." The soft voice of Seras floated towards Alucard and caught him off guard. She was closer to him then he thought, her eyes fixed upon him. She was weak, more then Alucard had thought and her body looked like it was about to stop being able to support her weight. But her eyes held the same desire as night that he had saved her. She wanted to live, she wanted blood. Her animal instincts had gone into overdrive and she now looked wild.

"Master?" Her voice was sweet and innocent, but the look she held on her face was anything but and Alucard knew this. Did he risk getting in the path of girl filled with blood-lust? Sense told him not to, and to disappear into the shadows before she went for him, but the words of Integra rang through his mind

You wanted her. She is your problem now. Deal with it Alucard. Pride comes before a fall.

Alucard knew what this meant, Seras would lose her pride and now seemed as good a time as ever.

The movement of her master took place so quickly that Seras did not have time to react. Before she knew it, his cold hand was wrapped around her throat and pushing her back into the stone slabs of wall. The contact with the wall caused the breath to be forced from Seras but she keep her eyes locked onto the man in front of her. His smell was delicious. She wanted to taste his blood.

"Master!" Seras knew she was begging, but the pain of her fangs cutting into her lips and the desire which was building within her was enough to justify her begs. With her ever failing strength, the police girl tried to wrestle free of the grip around her neck, but it was no good. Alucard was holding her fast against the wall, with no plan of letting her go.

She could only watch as he brought his face close to hers. His eyes pierced into hers, flaming with a desire which she felt radiate from him. It was only then that she noticed the smell in the room, the mixture of her own scent with his was intoxicating. She saw the lips of Alucard curl back to reveal the set of fangs which had been hidden behind them. A growl was let loose from the throat of her master, which caused Seras to create her own. It felt like a natural response to give in the situation.

"Do you even know what your doing?" It seemed like a rhetorical question from Alucard and so Seras kept her mouth held firmly shut. "Do you know what your getting into?"

OOC: To be continued