Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, and I never will.

Drinking was definitely a bad idea. Her head was pounding as light flooded the small bedroom window. Her mouth was dry; it felt like sandpaper. But wait a second. Where was she? And how did she get here?

"Bugger", Hermione groaned.

She rubbed her face and attempted to tie her hair back. Something was off. She looked about and noticed her clothes were thrown about the room haphazardly. She went to grab her wand. Panic took over as she couldn't find it. Immediately, dark thoughts clouded her mind. Was she in danger?

Images from the previous night's…. activities hit her hard. Blurs of alcohol, dancing that border lined sex, and then…

"Double bugger"

Slowly she opened the bedroom door. She listened closely, but heard nothing. After having full confidence that no one else was in the flat, she gave a sigh of relief. There was nothing more she hated then the awkward morning after. Explaining why you wouldn't be able to see them again, giving one lame excuse after the other. But why? Why was she so incapable of having a normal relationship with another human being? It wasn't so many years ago when she thought she was in love with the one. The man who would sweep her away, be her knight in shining armor, be with her forever. But sadly, at least for now, there was no such happy ending. Not after she had made not one, but two mistakes that would leave her almost completely broken. But that was neither here nor there. She couldn't waste any more time reflecting on her.

As she was leaving Emily's small flat, she noticed a post-it stuck to the door. She read it out load.

"Sorry, had to go to work. Those pints don't pay for themselves. Keep in touch; you were a pretty good shag. –Emily"

She had to smile to herself. As offended as she should've been from Emily's bluntness, she wasn't. In fact she was slightly intrigued by the other woman. Maybe this could be a start of something new in Hermione's life. Despite the fact that it had started out as a one night stand, maybe there was a possibility of something else. Hermione beamed at the prospect. She left her cell number, maybe they could grab a coffee at the local café. And with that, Hermione headed home.

Hermione flicked on the lights in her flat. The place was small, but then again, she was only one person. She looked around her living room, although it was quaint, it was cozy. One wall contained a large bookshelf, which held the hundreds of books she had collected through the years. There was a small couch and comfy chair that enclosed a lovely fireplace. The mantle held a few artifacts collected from random travels, and only one photograph; one of the Golden Trio, taken the summer after the defeat of Voldemort. They had all looked so happy, exhausted and pre-maturely aged, both mentally and physically, but at least alive. The stress of saving the fate of the wizarding world had rested upon their shoulders, on top of school work and relationships. Lightly, she picked up the photo, and observed it.

Six months previous of that photograph being taken, Ron had confessed that he was indeed truly in love with her. Though nothing was official, they had discussed their future plans; buying a home, getting married, even having kids. Talks of the future kept them up late into the night; it distracted them from the looming tasks of collecting Horcruxes. The talks were usually kept silent though, for fear of causing Harry any more pain. He had ended things with Ginny when they had decided to go on their secret mission for Dumbledore; and had remained distant once he had returned to the school. He couldn't bear the pain he knew he'd cause her in his absence. Good riddance. In Hermione's opinion, Harry didn't need Ginny. She was too impulsive and wild for Harry's tame demeanor. Rumors had spread like wild fire about that girl, changing her heart with every change in the wind. Hermione even heard once that she had been caught snogging that Slytherin girl, Pansy Parkinson.

"She snogged a girl!" Hermione had exclaimed, scrunching her nose up in distaste. But what she had really thought was 'She kissed that cow?' Her feigned shock had concealed her curiosity, though she could never admit, even to herself. Ginny's free spirit had fascinated, yet infuriated Hermione. She was inwardly jealous of Ginny's indifference to her reputation through Hogwarts; she'd always been known to have quite a few love interests, but at the same time she couldn't believe how outright disrespectful she was being towards Harry's choice to take a break- flaunting around in front of him and his school mates.

One day, she couldn't take it anymore. When doing research, Hermione snapped at Ginny after she had seen her fawning over some tall Ravenclaw boy with handsome features, hidden amongst the stacks of dusty books in the farthest corner of the library.

"Eh-hem" Hermione tried to clear her voice casually. She was Head-Girl, so dealing with student situations such as the current one, wasn't out of the ordinary.

Looking thoroughly annoyed, Ginny brushed of the boy, who in turn scampered away, clearly mortified at being caught. Without saying a word, Ginny rolled her eyes as Hermione started in on her with her know-it-all tone.

"What do you think you are doing? This is a library, not some dingy hole-in-the-wall dump that you and your flavor of the week can just do whatever you please!"

An amused smirk played on Ginny's lips, she had been expecting this moment for a while now. She had seen the glares the older girl had sent her, though she couldn't fathom why. It wasn't any of her business.

The small smile only fueled Hermione's anger. "You should hear what people whisper about you" she hissed.

"What, that I'm bloody gorgeous?"

"N-No, that you're a…" sputtered Hermione.

"An amazing kisser?" she smiled as her tongue briefly ran against her upper lip.

"W-w-what", Hermione stammered, now completely taken off guard. It was at this point she noticed Ginny closing in the small distance between them. She could smell the younger girl's perfume; feel her warm breath against her neck. She found it hard to swallow; she knew it was going to happen before it even did.

Ginny swooped in on her, and before she could protest, she stole a single kiss from the lips of Hermione and smiled. With one last look, she strode off as though nothing had happened but a polite conversation. The single kiss had left Hermione heated and confused. No one could ever know, especially Ron.

Yes, Ginny was definitely not a good match for Harry.

A/N: Working on making the chapters a bit longer. Thanks for the reviews!