So hooray I finally got up the energy and the right amount of following chapters to begin posting this wonderful masterpiece. Yeah so tooting my own horn. lol anyways. Enjoy. I just can't seem to get enough RikuxZexion at the moment. I've also got two more random one-shots coming soon so be on the look out I've got a lot planned now that I'm on summer break! =)


Chapter 1

The persistent ringing of the doorbell forces me awake. I drag my fingers through my hair to drive out the knots as I make my way to the door. A yawn parts my lips as I unlock the many dead-bolts with numb digits. I instantly become alert at the sight of two police officers. One of them flashes me an empty smile, "Sorry to disturb you but we have an arrest warrant for Sephiroth. Is he here?"

"Who's at the door Riku?" I force my anger down to keep my calm facade as Father picks the wrong moment to walk up behind me. My eyes follow the sheet of paper that is handed to Father, "I see. Riku, go wake Kadaj. I will be fine."

Cuffs are snapped onto Father's wrists as they pull his arms behind his back. I slam the door behind them and dart into my brother's room.

He doesn't work often. All he does is go out with Dad or go to parties. I never seem to know the full story of what goes on. Only Dad works steadily and that barely keeps us afloat...especially since I just got fired from mine.

I snatch the blankets off his sleeping frame and he immediately wakes up. "What the hell is wrong with you Riku? Are you insane? I'm sleeping!"

"Dad just got arrested. What is going on Kadaj?"

Kadaj runs his hands over his face and through his short silver locks before looking up at me with malice green eyes. "Dad is accused of something that he didn't do. We'll wait to see what the prosecutor is going to do. Then I'll go see Dad. Relax Riku, its nothing that concerns you."

Fuming, I stomp out of his domain and into my own. Collapsing onto the mattress, I pull my MP3 from the table and place the earbuds in. I glance around my barren room and sigh.

Ever since Mom died by that burglar...Dad's changed. That and he's changed Kadaj as well. We use to be so happy and have what we needed and desired. Now there's nothing...why did Dad let this happen?


I edge the door open with my shoulder. Once over the threshold I kick it shut before trudging into the kitchen. Setting the pile of grocery bags on the counter, I run a free hand through my messed hair, a habit of mine. Kadaj strides in behind me, "It's about time you got back."

I snap around to face him, "Excuse me Brother. But my boss won't let me take so much time off since I don't sleep with him...unlike you."

Kadaj's eyes narrow, "The prosecutor hasn't gotten what he wants. There'll be a further trial to put Father away in prison."

"Do they have evidence?"

"A witness that saw the whole thing. That and a major crim poss that was put away laster year saying that Father works for him. They still have papers and everything."

"What do we do?"

"Well, there's no possible way to get a lawyer to help. So we'll hit that prosecutor's main button. He's adopted this kid and has said publicly that this squirt has become like one of his own kin...whether it's true or not. We'll kidnap him and force that old fool to drop all charges and not pick that case up ever again."

I quirk an eyebrow, "That's a little far fetched." Anger darts into his eyes and I instantly back off. "When do I leave?"

"'ll only be the kid there. Easy as can be."

Things were so much better when Mom was alive...None of this should have happened...and it wouldn't have if she was still here. I just can seem to figure out anything in this life I's all a puzzle and I've lost the pieces.


I pull my hair into a hair-tie and slip the thin mask over my face. More less for the neighbors prying eyes than the runt's. Inhaling as much air as I can before easing the back door open with the key Kadaj had given me. The large house is engulfed in darkness except for the flashing light of the TV.

Approaching slowly, I come to the conclusion that the boy is asleep. The petite frame is curled up on the armrest. A soft gray-blue bundle of tresses drape over half his face while the other parts stay short. Dressed in khaki pants and an ebony tee, he seems peaceful and dead to the world around him.

Carefully I heave him up into my arms. He doesn't so much as stir as I hurry back to Kadaj's waiting car. He opens the door so I can la him in the backseat before I get into my own seat. As Kadaj backs the car out of the driveway and back to our house, I lean against the window.

Once home I take the boy into the back room and leave him to Kadaj's mercy. Which I know won't be lenient. I shuffle my way to my room and strip away the black attire before slipping into bed...all so I can go to work in the morning.

I know this is wrong. But I can't win a fight, verbal or physical, against that brother of mine. It's either save my own ass or save that brat. Personally I'd rather not be listed in the obituaries in the newspaper. I'll just have to work and do as he says...I don't have a choice now that I've done this.