Okay last chapter and to start off it's a little background. But I added the last part to this chapter at the last second because I couldn't just leave it out there like that. So I hope yall liked this short story and will look forward to my next work. :)


Chapter 7

I run up Mom and she pulls me into her arms. Laughter warms my five year old frame as she carries me inside away from the chilly night air. I'm set down on the kitchen counter as she runs to answer the doorbell chiming consistently. Angrily, I tug at the scrunchy holding my silver hair up on my head all because Kadaj says I look like a girl. A door down the hall shuts and whispered voices near me. Dad pats someone on the back, "I'm glad you've worked this out Brother. But you should lay low for awhile."

Uncle Valentine?

I squirm until I'm able to jump off the edge of the counter and scurry to where Kadaj might be. But I'm stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of so much red around Mom's still body. As I move closer I can see the slit across her throat where the prized diamond necklace, that Dad bought her, usually rests. The second the scream rips from my lungs, Dad has me in his arms as his tears land on my hair. The only time I've seen him cry.


I sit on the couch waiting for Kadaj and Dad to come home. It's past midnight and Dad has work in the morning...even though the parties are always work related. A car pulls up in the driveway and the lights, that beat against the window, go out. When they walk through the door I can tell something's wrong. As Dad walks past me, he pats my head, the most affection he shows these days. Before he can move away, I catch his wrist, "Dad, it's Mom's birthday tomorrow. Do you want to go with me to put flowers out?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

I smile at my accomplishment while he goes to his room. Kadaj strides to me and smacks me upside the head. "What are you doing Riku? I'm the one that goes."

"Too bad. I got tomorrow off just for this. If you even go, why does Dad walk home?" A scowl adorns his countenance and he storms off to his room.

Why does it matter? Does he have that strong a bond with Dad?

I wake up at seven in the morning thanks to my ringing phone. Clicking it on, I'm welcomed by my boss' voice, "Get your ass into work Riku. I need you to stay late as well."

He hangs up before I can blink my eyes open. I sigh and look out the window at the morning outside, Mom's favorite time of day. Dad knocks on my door before entering, "Is everything alright Riku?"

"No...my stupid boss wants me to work today. Saturday. Mom's day. Again!"

"Your Mother would understand. She always did when that would happen to me." Dad turns to walk out and I catch the sad smile lingering on his lips.

Kadaj instantly takes his place, "Sucks for you Brother. But I won't have you interfering with what I need to do today."

I jump to my feet, "You called in and got me booked!"

"I suppose. All I did was call your manager to make sure you really did have today off. Guess not." Kadaj calmly leaves my room and slams the door shut behind him.

My legs give out and I slump back onto the bed and hold my head in my hands. "I hate you...I wish you were dead."


I pry my eyes open and stare up at the ceiling with the dimmed lights. To my left is a single machine monitoring my heart. A large window, with the blinds raised, lets in the warm sunshine that seems to blanket the figure resting in the chair. The rays make his silver hair have all the colors of the rainbow while the pure black attire with the musty white coat is all too familiar. I try to push myself into a sitting position without pulling the IV in my arm. "Dad?"

His green eyes move away from the scene outside and land on me. He's beside me in an instant and his arms carefully wrap around me. I grip his shirt in my fists, as if I'm still a little kid, and breathe him in...my Dad.

"I'm so glad that you're okay Riku. You've been asleep for about a week and a half."

"What happened?"

"When the police showed up, they couldn't get Kadaj to stop firing that thing and they shot him. His funeral was a few days ago. You had been in critical condition but thankfully the aim wasn't that great. It barely missed your heart. The ankle is healed but you need to stay off of it for a little while and your shoulder is fine, your arm just won't be as strong."

"Is everyone else okay?"

"Vincent and that blonde boy remained unharmed. Zexion had a large cut on his thigh but from the times that he's visited you, I'd say that he's fine now." I let go of Dad and my eyes focus on my hands. "Riku...you do understand that he's three years younger, do you not?"

I twist the sheet in my hands, "Then I'll have plenty of time to know him. You don't approve do you?"

When I lift my head I can see the tears threatening to spill, nonetheless his voice is calm. "I love you for whatever you may choose." Dad smooths at my hair. "Just as long as we go together this next spring to see her."

I smile and nod, happy that, even though it's late, the fatherly affection is finally breaking the ice around him. A tiny smirk lifts his lips as he leaves the room. I'm confused at first, but then Axel and Sora hurry into the room. The brunet wraps his arms around me in his famous tight hug. "We're so glad you're okay Riku! They were saying you might not wake up till your Dad walked out! But this guy Vincent...said he was your uncle and told us that he finally was able to get to us and said that we should come see you, that you might wake up if you had more visitors!"

Axel walks to the side next to Sora, as he let's go, and ruffles my hair, "So you're a big hero now. Now that does not mean that you get any special treatment, got it memorized?"

"I didn't ex..pect...it..." My sentence trails as I look between them to see someone at the open door.

My two best friends follow my gaze to the shy blunet idling there just inside the room. The soft curve of his jaw moves to speak but he closes it, out of a loss for words in front of these two. Sora seems to take the hint and latches onto Axel's arm. "I'm hungry! Let's go get something to eat."

"We just got here!"

"Axel. Come on." The red head follows the brunet and he shuts the door behind him.

Zexion slowly makes his way over to me...almost as if he's afraid of me. But I know that can't be the case. He's worried about my feelings. "Zexion...I want to get to know you. Then once you're eighteen if you'll still have me...I'll be you boyfriend for real."

"I think I can live with that."

He seems to tremble as he closes his eyes and leans forward, pressing his lips against mine. After a second, I gently push him away, "But if you do stuff like that, I don't know if I can control myself."

"I want to be all your's Riku...I really like you."

"I want you to, but I love you all the more."

Sliding the thin plastic card between the doors, they open without a sound and with the ease I remember. I gently close them behind me and glance at teh digital clock next to the phone. One in the morning. Perfect, I'm right on time.

Stealthily I move along the shadows towards the couch lighted by teh flashing of the TV and I know for sure that the person watching is wide awake as always. I clasp my hand over their mouth just as the startled yelp dies against my palm. I force the slightly shorter one to stand and push them up the stairs, knowing exactly where I'm going.

I kick the bedroom door shut behind me and shove him toward the bed. Flicking on the dim light, I smirk as his eyes adjust from the darkness we had been in. "Happy eighteenth birthday Zexy." Moving closer, I bury my face in his neck, kissing it as I've wanted to for these past two years...way to long to wait.

"Riku, what are you doing?"

"Your Dad's on a trip remember? So i figured I'd give you your present early. That is, unless you don't want it." I pout down at him and he playfully hits me across the head.

"Of course I want it. I'm not stupid. You just surprised me is all."

I grin at him, "That was the idea." and I capture his lips, cutting off the conversation.

~_~_~_~The End~_~_~_~