Right HUGE SORRY for the long time taking in updating. I have managed to use my old laptop a least to do this. I live in a very remote area and its a good few hours to a decent town to do any shoppping, so I still havent replaced my cat mangled laptop. Hope you enjoy the chapter, I will try very very hard to get another chapt up ASAP. Also I should have a new lappy next month...WOOHOO!

Thanks for your support and patience...

Luv ya all to the moon and back...


Oh and please review...I love em.

As I got dressed I kept glancing over at Dimitri. He looked up at me and smiled. Blushing I ducked my face. He walked over to me and placed his hand under my chin tilting my face up so he could look into my eyes.

"Please don't ever hide your face from me Roza." Leaning forward he gave me a quick kiss before heading towards the bedroom door.

"I will go and get the twins." He smiled and walked out the door. Once I heard the front door shut I sighed and sat on the bed. I closed my eyes and found Lissa. She had just answered the door.

"I hope you got everything sorted." She said to Dimitri with a smirk.

"Yes I believe we have." he replied with a smirk of his own.

We are so going to have to have a talk about this Rose. Oh, and I had to postpone the trip to the compound where the trials are. I have Queen stuff to do it seems.

I smirked myself then. It seemed that Lissa didnt quite enjoy being queen as much as she led people to believe.

Though I was a bit pissed that we would have to post pone the trip to the compound. Hearing my phone ring I walked out and scooped it up off the table. Looking at the number I took a deep breath and walked out onto the balcany. I opened the phone and answered.


Rose the time is nearly upon us. What are your plans for the next couple of days?

I took a deep breath. Anna was the leader of the Shadow Kissed Warriors. She was the one who trained me. Taught me the old ways.

"I plan on going with Queen Vasilisa to the royal court and then she is going to take me to the compound where they do these trials."

Good let me know what time you will be at the compound and make sure that you have your swords. Let me know as soon as you do Rose, no exceptions.

She hung up the minute she was finished talking. Anna hated phones, yet she agreed that they were exceptionally handy little devices.

Shaking my head I walked back inside just as Dimitri and the kids walked in the front door. Dimitri looked at me puzzled.

"Everything ok Roza?" He asked me quietly.

I nodded and glanced at the twins quickly, hoping he would get the point. He did and nodded his understanding.

"So where is this bread that my darling children baked for me?" I asked. The twins bounced around in excitement.

"Can we finish making moms breakfast?" Cally asked.

"Yeah she needs to eat or she will get grumpy." Mason piped in.

I scowled at them. Dimitri chuckled.

"Come on then lets have that breakfast then." Dimitri herded the kids to the kitchen.

"Didn't you eat at Aunt Lissa's?" I called after them.

"Yes" they chorused together.

"But we are hungry again." They giggled together as they so often did when they spoke in unison.

"MmmHmm." I walked into the kitchen looking at my phone. "Is there a lawyer on the campus any where?"

Dimitri glanced up at me "I don't believe so. Why do you want a lawyer?"

"Just to sort a few things out. You know since you know about the kids and all."

"Roza there is something you are not telling me."

I glanced up at him to see worry etched in the lines around his eyes. "No there isn't." I answered too quickly. I sighed "I will tell you more when I can." I amended adding under my breath. "If I get the chance."

"Ok I trust you Roza. You are going to the royal court soon, there should be numerous lawyers there."

I smiled at him in thanks.

"I need to go and see Lissa after breakfast. Sort out all the details of going to the court and this other place."

Dimitri's eyes tightened.

"Comrade." I whispered in a question.

"Its hard going to the compounds. I see them and think of how I was. I look into thier eyes and see the horrors they have done, see the release they want from it. Some of them are that haunted by what they have done that they either change back again or comitte suicide. Now its even harder when I see what I have missed out on because I was so stuck in my own self pity. I was only strigoi for a few months some of these poor souls have been that way for years upon years."

I take a deep breath, never did I think of what it must be like for him to see others go through what he did. I pull my chair out from the table with a clumsy hand, and sit heavily.

"Do you go there often?" I ask him with out looking up from the table.

"I go every time Lissa goes. After that first episode I decided that no one could protect her as well as I could."

My head whips up at his comment, I scowl and start to say something but he puts his hand up and speaks before I can.

"You weren't here." He says bluntly.

I feel like I have been slapped across the face as well as punched in the gut.

"Yeah" I force the word out between my clenched teeth. "I wasn't here was I? Wonder why that was Comrade. Oh thats right I had other PERSONAL things to take care of."

"Roza I didn't mean it like that. Its this topic, it hits a nerve with me. I don't blame you for leaving." He sighs "If anything I blame myself. Just one more thing to add to the long list of things I screwed up."

He walks over to me and places a fresh cup of chia on the table in front of me. I reach out to take the cup and my hand brushes his. The familiar spark of electricity passes between us. I smile up at him.

"There is a lot of, um, stuff I have to get used to. Not just me though. The twins, Lissa, You. All of us have to readjust. We will get there though Comrade."

"I know." He smiles his full heart searing smile at me and I just about slide off the chair.

We ate breakfast to the sounds of the twins chattering away and planning thier day. Which seemed to consist of going to the Gym and staying there untill they had to go to bed.

Not likely to happen, but hey I wasn't about to upset the morning any more than my outburst had earlier on.

Once the dishes were done and everything was cleaned I grabbed the twins and headed over to Lissa's.

Andrea opened the door and threw herself into my arms. I hugged her tightly and put her back onto her feet. As I watched the three children run off to play I turned to Lissa.

"I need the number of a good lawyer at court. I have a few things to sort out. You know now that Dimitri knows the kids and all." I blush slightly as she raises and eyebrow.

"I have a card here for a good lawyer. He isnt royal but thats why I like him. He doesn't get caught up with all that crap." She smiled as she handed me the card.

"What do you have to sort out now that Dimitri knows the twins?" Lissa continues to question me.

Staring at the card I answer her in as little words as possible.

"My last will and testament."