
Toy Story is owned by Disney (Duh)

POV: 3rd...I guess

(Part of Music memes since the title is the name of a song)


It was dark. The only thing that could be seen was a soft glow from a certain space ranger's armor. Glaring softly at the toy guarding her friends, Jessie sighed sadly. "Oh Buzz.." She muttered to herself, "What did they do to you...?"

Her mind sent her back to ten years ago, when she had first met him. The way he would stutter whenever he would try talking to her, blushing madly and turning away whenever she looked his way and caught him staring back...Jessie smiled sadly at the memories. Buzz's first complement ever to her was, "Uh, ma - ma'am? I, uh, um, well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful yarn full of hair. A hair full of yarn." She replied by calling him the sweetest space toy ever, hugging him tightly. They got closer over the years, but Buzz never had the guts to ask her out. Hours before they're terribly misunderstood kidnap, Jessie was pressed up against Buzz, trying to look at a number written in his communicator. All he could do was blush and stutter like an idiot. 'Why do boys have to be so shy?' Jessie thought as she looked over at her old friend, who was now staring at her. Had she said something while in her dazed memory phase?

"What are you muttering about?" The space ranger accused. Jessie frowned, looking away from him.

"Just an old friend." Jessie replied. Buzz scoffed.

"If it's that kid, then don't bother thinking about him." Buzz replied, turning his back and walking away. Jessie pulled her hat down, growling slightly.

"He's your kid too, Buzz!" Jessie cried out. All toys seemed to be watching now. Buzz slowly turned around, anger and confusion clear in his bright blue eyes. "Look under your foot! That's where Andy wrote his name. Where your kid wrote his name...he needs us to be there for him! Snap out of whatever trance your in!" Buzz lifted his foot, and sure enough, written in permanent marker, was the name, Andy.

"Your lying to me!" Buzz accused.

Hamm turned to Rex, whispering, "It's like watching Soap Net!" Rex nodded in agreement, watching as Jessie and Buzz went back and forth, arguing.

"Just listen to me, Buzz!" Jessie tried breaking him, tried to break the trance on him. "Look back into your memories...Lotso did this to you. This isn't the real you. You've been brainwashed...please..." Buzz frowned for a moment, tapping a finger to his chin. He turned around, ignoring any other protests coming from the cowgirl.

"You won't lie to me anymore." Buzz muttered to himself. He slowly walked away. Jessie frowned.

"I still love you though..." Jessie turned away, leaning against the bars. "Too bad your like this now...I just wish I had the chance to tell you..."