Author's note

Done with college finally life is still hectic but it's one less thing on my plate keeping me away from my stories. I may have rushed parts of this so please let me know if there are any blaring mistakes, inconsistencies and what not, at some later date I will hopefully get everything in one tense and similar style. As always Hope you enjoy this chapter, please Read and Review.

Chapter 7

Trouble Magnet

Perched in a tree looking down on a green skinned ogre demon, Hiei suddenly sneezes, causing the demon below to run knowing that he had been discovered. Hiei silently cursed any who would choose that moment to think fondly of him. Off like a shot he darted without a sound through the canopy easily catching up to the running demon. Hiei dropped out of the trees onto the path in front of the cowardly demon.

'Damn these demons, if they are going to go around breaking the laws set in place to protect humans, they should at least be strong enough to be a challenge for me to take down,' Hiei thought after slicing it into many small pieces in a split second.

When he was first assigned to patrol duty he felt it would put some of his strength to use. The last few months had been trying on his nerves and patience as he was always bored nothing has come close to being a challenge for him. Hiei made up his mind to inform Mukuro of his plans to stop patrolling the border and train in human lands for a while.

Hiei made one more circuit of his patrol area and then went back to base.

"I need to take some time to go train. Work here on the borders is not challenging me enough." Hiei said as he collapsed into a chair in Mukuro's quarters.

"I was wondering how much longer you would last out there before you started looking for more trouble. You will be able to leave us soon, but first I need you on the raid team busting a human slave auction here in demon realm." Mukuro stated without emotion.

Severus felt that Harry should be settled into his new place in the world by now. So having receive word from Genkai that the boy was in desperate need of his clothing particularly underwear after about a week, he couldn't help, but smirk. He went about repacking Harry's trunk with all of his clothing and personal belongings after removing several tracking spells Dumbledore had placed on the trunk. He also left out things which were unnecessary for Harry considering he was not going to Hogwarts as a student ever again. School texts such as Hogwarts: a History, as well as other various dry and inaccurate histories of the wizarding world were amongst them. He had all of Harry's stuff in his home because the other members of the Order expected him to use them to help in the search for Harry. 'Little do they know,' was Severus's quiet thought to himself.

Among the various items in Harry's possessions Snape finds a Qibbler magazine with a story about alien abductions in Japan featuring a drawing of a short 3 eyed humanoid with black spiked hair on the front cover and is reminded of something that was said recently. During the previous few days the Order of the Phoenix had turned up so little in regards to Harry's disappearance that Tonks had asked "Anyone else wondered if he had been abducted by aliens or am I the only one?" To which she got un-amused looks from everyone in the room.

"So it looks like we are going to see Harry today?" Came Remus's inquiry as he came into the room.

"Yes," Severus said simply turning around as he shrunk the trunk and stashed it in a pocket, along with Harry's wand.

"When are we going?" Remus asked slightly impatient because he had been left in the dark for so long.

"Well do you want breakfast here or Dinner there with Harry? If we leave now we might still make it on time for dinner." Smirked Severus

"Dinner there with Harry of course, I'm dying to see him again. Where in the world is he anyway?" cheeked Remus.

"I'll tell you where he is when we get there, but I can tell you he is training with a martial arts master and learning to use life force abilities," Severus said flippantly.

"You say he is training with a martial arts expert and learning to use 'Life Force Abilities' as though it would be the most natural place in the world for him to be. I have to ask you though, How did he get wherever he is now, and why can't anyone else find him?" he eyed Severus suspiciously. "It would take a lot of planning and strong spell work to keep everyone else from finding him. How is it that you know where he is?"

"Thank you for the complement about fooling everyone else in the Order, Severus said with a smirk and a nod, "Of course I know where he is, because I sent him there. Once he was there it was easy to prevent everyone from finding him as Master Genkai has ways of keeping people from spying onto her property magically and people can't apparate within a mile of her house, so, on that note we need to go now, because we still have a little walk ahead of us. You ready?"

Remus nods and reaches out to hold hands with Severus and they disapparate.

After making two short stops along the way to throw off anyone who might be trying to track where they are heading, they apparated into a small clearing in a densely forested area.

"Welcome to Japan"

"Japan? Huh…" Remus sniffs the air Harry's been though here recently I can smell him!" Remus said excitedly.

"We aren't far from him now maybe fifteen minutes walk is all." Severus said.

"So how do you know Master Genkai will be good with our cub?" Remus nose scrunched up when he mentioned Master Genkai.

"I have known Master Genkai for a long time. She is one of the few people in the world that I would trust my life and in extension Harry's life with. He needed toughening up and he needed to be away from his uncle. When I went to his house to check on him because he was overdue on checking in, he was in shock. He found out moments before that his owl had been killed by his uncle and was being beaten by said muggle legal guardian."

"Beaten? He never once mentioned it in any of the check up letters he was sending to the Order." Remus's pupils narrowed as they started to practically glow yellow.

Snape slowed down for a second as he checked out the area for its native supernatural inhabitants. 'Good they remember not to mess with me' Snape thought to himself as the felt the presence of many demonic bats clearing out of their way to the house.

"Yes well perhaps the boy lacked the belief that anything would or could be done to help with his family life. Dumbledore wasn't exactly the most understanding and told him on multiple occasions that no matter what he had to stay with the Dursly's. Dumbledore actually knew about the beatings as did Poppy, but he had made it so that she could only talk to people about Harry's health if they already knew he was mistreated by his family in such an extreme fashion." Severus spat at the word family.

"As if," scoffs Remus "those two whales and the walking stick could be called family. They didn't even act like they were related to him at all."

By now they were exiting the forest and it was just across a field that a large building was coming in to view.

"That my dear Wolf is where Harry is staying."

Harry woke up for a third time that day and it was unquestionably the worst. His head was pounding, and his arms felt like they were going to be pulled out of their sockets. The scents of putrid meat, foul body odor and human excrement wafted to his nose leaving him to wonder, 'what sort of trouble have I gotten myself in to this time.'

As his consciousness returned and he realized he was hanging limply by his numb wrists which were tied above his head. When he finally opened his eyes it took a moment for his surroundings to come into focus. He was surrounded by what could only be demons milling around as though they were waiting for a show to start. The kimono he was wearing was coming loose as he shifted his legs to support his weight relieving his arms of much of the weight.

Hiei with his team of four other demons arrived at the auction shortly after it was getting underway and saw that the majority of the humans were still caged up although there was one tied to a tree. At the distance of one hundred meters Hiei was able to see there was something very strange about the bound one with the use of his Jagen Eye. The person's energy, while very strong, was tangled and without purpose very different from any other human he had ever seen before.

"What's the plan? Do we just go down there and kill all the demons in attendance?"

"Yes, they are all breaking our new king's law, the punishment for a crime of this magnitude is immediate death," Hiei gave a bloodthirsty smirk then indifferently states "then we return the humans to their realm. Do not harm or molest the humans in anyway."

"Do you think we're stupid? We know what would happen to us if we wrongfully treat any of them. King Enki and Mukuro would have our heads on a silver platter."

Hiei thought to himself, 'Yes I really think you are that stupid please prove me wrong.'

"You four secure the caged humans and process them much like any other wondering human would be then return them to the human realm. I will deal with the ones around the human bound to the tree before processing him and returning him to his rightful place." Hiei instructs his team turning his attention back to the auction looking of the right moment to give the signal to move in.

Below them the auctioneer could be heard warming up for the next round of bidding.

"Ah the child prize awakes. This fine piece of virgin human male flesh shall go to the highest bidder. Before we begin, I know you all would like to get a closer look. You should pay special attention to his eyes I have never in all my days seen a human with more brilliant eyes than this one.Also take a good whiff of him there is power and a scent of something almost demonic."

The throng of demons moved in to see what the auctioneer was talking about. The first to reach out to grab Harry's face though quickly learned that the boy was feisty and had a set of teeth. He turned his head around and promptly bit down on the webbing between the demon's thumb and fingers as the demon yanked his hand away Harry spit out the demon's blood in the face of another demon within range. Screams of rage and pain soon filled the air as the demons around Harry tried to move in for a closer look ,but were kicked and bit and spit at whenever they got too close.

Hiei having watched, in amusement, this go on for a few moments decided it was time to move in and dispatch with the demons before any of them tried to do anything besides look and grab. He ran in and was followed by the rest of the team and while a scream of alarm was called out very few of the demons could hear it and of those that did, it didn't save.

Harry felt a brief wind and heard the rustle of fabric as every demon he saw fell silent and the next demon he kicked out at fell to the ground in two bloody pieced and was soon joined by all the other demons near him. He couldn't believe what he saw looking around he finally spotted some fighting going on in the distance near some caged humans he hadn't had the time to notice before.

His attention was soon brought back to himself when someone appeared directly in front of him. Different from the demons who had held him captive this person was barely taller than himself with jet black hair that stood up unnaturally and looked remarkably human were it not for the way his eyes glowed red and a third eye in the middle of his forehead lazily open.

Harry was getting the distinct feeling of being judged about something.

'Why is he just standing there and staring at me?'

Looking down at himself he sees the state of his clothing and comes to the conclusion, 'this demon must be contemplating what he wants to do with me first, I surely look like a dirty slutty male concubine.'

As Hiei slaughtered the demons around the bound boy he had caught the distinct scent of Yukina and underneath that is an extremely alluring scent and now that he had a moment he was able to pinpoint the smells to coming from the boy and his clothing. The kimono that had been tied around him was now only loosely hanging on his lithe frame, dirty and shredded from the demonic mistreatment it had recently received was one of his sister's.

'I'm going to die.' Harry thought as he looked at the Red eyed demon staring at him sword still at the ready.

Before he could even react, the demon's sword sailed at him, Harry shut his eyes not knowing what to expect from the demon who had just massacred dozens of other demons in the blink of an eye. When his full weight returned suddenly, no longer tied to the tree, Harry started to fall forward, but was caught and steadied before being let to stand on his own feet.

The fall had caused his kimono to finish coming open and when he tried to fix it with his wrist still bound the demon did something especially unpredictable he grabbed the tie and fixed it, tying it in the back so that it covered as much as possible in its current tattered state. Looking at the person in front of him in shock he tried to convey his gratitude in his face knowing that his words would likely be lost on ears that didn't understand him at all.

'Why am I treating this human so well? Am I really showing him kindness?' Thinks Hiei as he snorts out loud. 'He smells good. What is he? He isn't entirely human that's for sure. No human could smell as deliciously.' He picks up the boy and unceremoniously drapes him over his shoulder. Hiei is slightly shocked about how light the kid is and kind of pleased to be around somebody smaller than himself who isn't an old wrinkled hag or his sister. 'Being as this was definitely one of Yukina's kimonos the boy is wearing I know exactly where to take him.'

"Hey what are you doing?" Harry exclaimed as he was lifted up, thrown over the demon's shoulder to be carried around like a sack of potatoes.

Hiei dashes back to inform Mukuro that he was done and now leaving with the human.

After a minute or two Harry got used to it and realized they were traveling a lot faster than he would have been able to on his own two feet. He resigned himself to the fact that no matter what he said or did it wouldn't really change the outcome of the current situation so he settled in to being toted around and began thinking of other things, like how he had gotten into this situation in the first place.

Thinking about what happened earlier left Harry pissed off at Genkai. 'This was all Genkai's fault really. If she would just have let me tell her how much of a bad idea it was for her to just leave me beyond her protective wards and expect that I could find my way back safely without my wand…' Harry sighs in resignation, 'she must still believe that I'm not that much of a trouble magnet.'

Harry was sure that if Professor Snape ever found out what happened and why it happened she will be lucky to survive with only a tongue lashing and her skin intact. Harry smiled at, and then shook his head, 'Who would have thought that one day I would actually think of professor Snape and he would cause me to smile? Then again he was the one to save my ass recently.'

"He's not here. What is the meaning of this?" Severus exclaimed, outraged that this could happen and yet not entirely surprised considering who was missing. "I show up here expecting to see Harry running around in some god awful cloths and have dinner with you lot, but instead you tell me you let the Gryffindor run amok in the forest outside your wards and you haven't seen him in five hours."

"He was fine the last time he went into the forest to gather herbs for me." Genkai said.

"That may be true, but he probably wasn't dropped off unconscious deep in the woods that time either now was he." Remus says worried about his wayward pup.

Kuwabara had been in his room sleeping the day away; as up till now he had been feeling quite sick. Woken up by hunger and by an apparent shouting match happening in another part of the house he got dressed then went to check out what was going on.

Kuwabara entered the dining room where everyone has gathered to find out what the commotion was all about.

"Who are they?" Kuwabara asks Yukina, indicating the two strange men in robes.

"They were Hari's teachers before he came here. They are not happy, because Hari is missing Genkai decided to leave him in the woods for a while so he could find his way back by unlocking his spirit power." Yukina says then bites her lip because she remembered Kuwabara still thought Harry is a girl.

"He! What do you mean? His teachers? When was someone going to tell me that the person I was trying to woo was a boy?"

It was at that moment when Yusuke walks back in and Kuwabara immediately attacks him. "You've known Hari was a boy the whole time didn't you. Get over here so I can teach you a lesson"