The Medical Problem

By: Theressa

Chapter One

"Usagi-san, stop! It's still day time! Can't you wait until after dinner? I'm tired of you forcing me to do it during the day! Is there ever a day when you don't force me into doing it during the day? Please, stop!" Misaki softly cried, but yelled at Usagi.

"Why do you like doing it at night? What's so bad about doing it during the day? During the day, the air is warm, nice and you won't get cold when I strip you naked. During the night, the air is cold, icy and it's too dark to see what's happening." Replied Usagi, smirking at Misaki who was pinned on the couch and half naked.

"That's how I like! I don't want to see what you do to my body." Revealed Misaki, but regretted the second he said that.

"That's a lie." Simply stated Usagi, his face completely serious as he stared at the emerald-eyed boy, but then his expression soften and Misaki gasped. "But if that's how you feel, then I can make you change your mind."

Usagi fondled with Misaki's nipples, noting that they were sensitive now. He bent down and licked one of them nipples. He heard Misaki's breathed hitched and the teen's body trembled lightly.

"Do you want to continue?" purred Usagi, not even bothering to look up at Misaki because he continued to kiss and lick the perked nipples.

"No, let's not do it right now, please. Usagi-san, we can continue after dinner. You can toy with my body as long as you want, just not right now. Please, Usagi-san, wait just until after dinner." Misaki whispered lightly, trying to push the lavender-eyed adult off from him, but it was clear in his voice that he was turned on and he wanted this.

Usagi did not want stop, just yet. Instead, he moved closer to Misaki's face. Misaki's cheeks were a rosy red color. Usagi noticed that, but thought that Misaki's cheeks were red because he was embarrassed. Usagi pulled Misaki into a kiss. Misaki gasped as he felt Usagi's tongue lick the bottom of his lip, asking for entrance to his mouth.

"No!" hissed Misaki, breaking the kiss and looking angry.

The older man smirked at the younger man who was trapped under him. "Yes, now open your mouth." Ordered Usagi.

"Over my dead body, you perverted old man." Replied Misaki, but it something was wrong with him. Usually, Misaki would have given up by now, but he was still going. However, Usagi ignored that fact and told himself that Misaki was just not in the mood and probably had a huge pile of homework to do.

Usagi chuckled and Misaki knew that was not a good sign for him. Misaki needed to get away before he was paralyzed by the man he was in love with, but would not admit it in a thousand years. Alas, it was too late for Usagi's hand slid down the brunette's side, sending small electric shocks to the boy's body.

"Wait, wait, wait! Okay, a deal! A deal! I'll make a deal with you, just stop already!" Usagi paused and looked up at the blushed teenager who was at the moment trying to calm his hormones.

"Well?" asked Usagi, kind of wanting to go back to what he was doing.

"Uhm . . ." Misaki was thinking of a good deal to make with Usagi, but this was going to be tricky.


Crap! What deal? I do not have a deal to make with him. Okay, okay. Think, Misaki, think. Your life is on the line and there is a hungry man on top of you looking at you as if you were an all-you-can-eat buffet. There is no pressure. There is absolutely no pressure. Just a man with lust filled eyes while there is an uncomfortable bulge in your pants . . . What the hell could I be talking about? I am in deep doo-doo! I need to find a way out, but something that will not kill me from humiliation.

'Misaki, I'm waiting." Sang Usagi-san and I felt him playing with one of my nipples with his fingers.

Oh god, that felt so good, but . . . not now. I do not want to become a burden to Usagi-san. Please, just stop, Usagi-san. Just wait until after dinner.

"Mi . . . sa . . . ki, I'm wai . . . ting for that deal of yours." Usagi-san told me and this was putting more pressure on me and I could not think straight with pressure on me. I just know something is going to go wrong and Usagi-san will be mad at me.

"I'm thinking, just shut up." I told him, but honestly I was not thinking. I could not think with him around me. I never was able to think clearly with Usagi-san near me and I think he noticed that.

"Well then, since you are taking quiet a while to think, I think I should resume my assault on you tender body." Shit! I do not have time to think anymore.

"Okay, okay, here's the deal!" I shouted, squirming around on the couch and trying to escape from Usagi-san. Then, I noticed that Usagi-san had my hands tied up in his work tie. That was a sign that he really wanted to have sex.

"Okay, let's here." I glanced down at Usagi-san and saw that he was smirking, his eyes closed, too.

"Okay . . . Uhm . . . Here's what I have to say . . . for a deal . . ." I do not have a deal to make with you! I am so sorry, but I really do not want to be pulled in sex this evening. Please, just wait until the sun has gone down!

I could feel myself on the verge of tears. I really was pathetic and I did not know why Usagi-san loved me. I did not see anything special about me. The only thing that was interesting about me was I was a parentless child who was raised my older brother . . . Wait, maybe the love that Usagi-san was showing me was not that of being in love, but that of a parent's love. Maybe that is why Usagi-san loved me, but that does not explain the sexual interactions I had been through with him. Was he taking advantage of my situation? Was he only using my body for his own enjoyment?

"Misaki, are you okay? Why are you crying?" asked Usagi-san, snapping me out of my trance.

"It's all a lie." I whispered to Usagi-san, my voice choking as the tears spilled from my eyes. "It's all a lie. Everything you told me was a lie."

"What . . .?" Usagi-san looked confused, but I was hurt.

"You've been lying to me this whole time." My voice cracked at the end of the sentence. My head began to throb. I hated crying, especially in front of people. I hated how weak I looked in people's eyes, but the person in front of me was a liar! And I hated liars the most!

"Get off of me! Get off, you liar! Liar! You're a dirty liar!" I could not control the tears anymore. I just let them escape as I yelled at a confused Usagi-san who deserved to be called a liar!

This was a story that I wrote about two years ago.

I found it today and re-read it and . . .

It sucked!

So I improved it, added chapters, added details, edited it and . . .

Here it is!

New and improved!

Enjoy and don't forget to review!