Chapter Three

"Hello, Dr. Kusama, Eri Aikawa is speaking." Aikawa announced, talking to the doctor, Nowaki Kusama, on her cell phone with strains of her hair falling over her face.

"Yes, hello, Aikawa from the Makukawa Publishing company. How are you today?" cheerfully asked the doctor from the other line.

Aikawa giggled. "I'm doing fine. Usami-sensei just turned in his manuscript before the deadline. It surprised me." Aikawa was still getting over the shock of both Usagi turning in his manuscript before his deadline and the fact that he hurt Misaki – who was currently resting in her bed – after being together for a while.

The red-haired woman fell and stayed quiet, thinking of reasonable solutions as to why Usagi would hurt Misaki like that. She stayed silent for many minutes and then she turned her attention towards the sleeping Misaki that rested on her bed, lifeless. It scared the woman to see the college student look so helpless and dead, but he was alive and merely sleeping.

Finally, Dr. Kusama disrupted the silent stillness and asked, "Aikawa, it is that time of the month? I already know it's painful to you, but he already know to take pain-killers and you have to reason to call me. And remember; don't hold back the tears and screams. It will only make everything worse," thinking that she was on her period because Aikawa tended to call him every time she was on it.

Aikawa blinked, confused at what the doctor was asking and then she understood. She started to blush and made a mental note to herself, saying; don't call Dr. Kusama anymore unless it's a real emergency, as she laughed in embarrassment. Then, she said, "No, no, no! No, you got it all wrong! I'm just worried about a boy who's sleeping in my bed!"

"Oh? A young lover? My, oh, my, Aikawa, so worried if the boy has HIV or AIDS? Maybe should have asked him before he slept with him." Answered Nowaki, surprised the Aikawa had a lover.

"No, he isn't my lover! He's too young for me! And besides, he's a college student! You know I don't date men younger than me!" Aikawa explained with a red face.

"Then . . . who is he?" curiously asked the doctor.

"His name is Misaki Takahashi. He is 21 and is a junior in the economics department of Mitsuhashi University. He's says he's a "freeloader" and the sorry excuse for a author, Usami-sensei, is his landlord." Aikawa rolled her eyes as she mentioned Usagi.

"Really? By any chance, is this Usami-sensei's lover? You said the Usami-sensei has been living with his lover." It was none of Nowaki's business, but even if he did not say anything, Aikawa would still tell him.

"Yes, he is!" Aikawa squealed and giggled like the true yaoi fan girl she was.

• • •

"Oh, my! Yes, I understand. Aikawa, why didn't you tell me this sooner? This is a real emergency! Just do what I instructed you to do. I'll be there around 15 to 20 minutes." Nowaki said, rushing to the front of his apartment door as he slipped on a coat and slid his shoes on.

Nowaki had everything he need and more. At times like these, when Nowaki was not working, but he got an emergency call from one of his patients who only trusted him, it was his lover who tried to make him stay. And the scary thing about his lover was not the fact that his lover was an older male who was the "female" in the relationship, but it was his temper.

"Wait, Nowaki, you idiot! Are you really going to leave me again? You were finally able to get me into the mood to have fucken sex, but now you're leaving? What kind of bullshit are you pulling on me?" hissed an outraged brunette-haired man with wine-red eyes that went with the blush that was settled on his face.

Nowaki apologetically smiled and said, "I'm so sorry, Hiro-san, but it's important! My patient has a friend of hers in her bed and she told me that the boy was belted by his lover. And from what she told me, this boy can go into shock. I'm really am sorry. I'll make it up," but in truth, Nowaki was also disappointed that he would have to separate from his angry lover.

"I hate the fact that you're a damn doctor! You're always leaving me because of these stupid patients! Weren't you the one who said that you revolved your life around me? My life doesn't include a stupid doctor or hospital single stupid day! I hate it so much that I don't even understand you anymore." Nowaki felt a sharp pain in his chest as his lover insulted the way he lived his live. He was not going to stand for it just because the man was his lover.

"Hiro-san—" Nowaki was deciding to speak to Hiro-san, but he was cut off short.

"Never mind. I'm . . . sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that. It's none of my business what life you want. I'm sorry for everything I said. Just get out here, now. I don't want to see you tonight so I'm locking the door." Hiro-san then walked away, retreating to his bedroom to go to sleep early.

"I'm sorry, Hiro-san." Whispered Nowaki as he walked out the door with that sad puppy face that he knew Hiro-san could never deny.

• • •

Usagi laid on his couch, a cancer stick dangling between his lips as he breathed in the nicotine that was contained inside the cigarettes. As he laid there, the scene that happened earlier this evening replayed in his mind over and over again. Usagi did not understand why he did the one thing he promised himself not to do. Usagi kept on asking himself, "Why did I do that? Why did I hurt Misaki? What caused me to snap so easily? I never wanted to hurt him so why did I?"

Usagi asked so many times and answered them each time, but there was one question he hated, but feared the most; will Misaki forgive me?

The older man dreaded the answer that he made up. Usagi knew that the college student would, of course, forgive him and Misaki would simply say it was his entire fault and none of it was Usagi's fault. Usagi then concluded that Misaki would probably be willing to do anything he was told to do in order not to upset Usagi, even if it meant to be willing to have sex. Just the thought made Usagi disgusted with the type of person he had become and he did not want to be the type of person Misaki would fear.

"I'm the world's biggest dumbass." Usagi declared, finishing his cigarette and magically pulling out another one from nowhere.

There you go!

Third chapter of The Medical Problem.

Please, keep reviewing.

I hope to get at least 70 reviews before this story ends.

And if I do, I might do a sequel!
