Dear Uncle Emmett,

I just don't know what to do anymore.. I dated this guy.. And I fell for him... I loved him (though I hadn't gotten to the point that I told him) And I still love him.. He told me he loved me one day and then less then 24 hours later broke up with me and told me I had to young of a mindset and that I need to live life, and that he's to mature for me and that he needs to slow down.. I love him,,, And I feel used.. I know I'm better off without him.. But I cant get over him.. I wonder if he feels the same way... What should i do Uncle Emmett?

BTW: Your like my favorite cullen. And Rosalie If flipping Beautiful! Tell her I said Hi and she's Gorgeous :)

Love, Dazed in love

Dear Dazed in love,

Is this guy older than you? Because seriously in what world is a male more mature than a female! I'm assuming you're quite young and this may seem like the end of the world, but never fear Emmett is here! You're young, heartbreak happens and will happen but it's totally worth it when you find someone worth suffering for.

If you really, really, really, really, REALLY want him back, just talk to him and tell him exactly how you feel and if he still doesn't want you then he's stupid, and most guys are.

So just move on, or try to anyways. You'll find someone better (: (Someone like me! :D)

Rosalie says "THIS GIRL RECOGNISES TRUE BEAUTY. I'M SO HOT BLAHBLAH." Or something like that, I'm paraphrasing.

Good luck, message me is you need me!

Uncle Emmett.

Dear Uncle Emmett,

Do you think I'm insane? My friends all think I'm insane, but I'm really not... well I am but not as much as they think I am.


Dear duckvader23

Everyone is insane to some degree, the more insane you are the better! :D But yaknow, not like murdering insane… because that's just… insane.

Don't turn to a life of crime,

Uncle Emmett.

Dear uncle Emmett

my mom has been acting weird lately, she's actually been nice! how weird is that? has she been taken over by edward? if so how can i stop him from making her so crazy!

also, can you trick seth into coming to my house so i can play COD with him please! (yes i'm a girl who can play it! HOTWHEELS, BEAT THAT!) can you bring jacob too! and you can come! we'll have a rave!

and crazy people will eventually take over the world with magical turlte sheep! and cat cows! are you with me?

lots of rainbows and bunnies and hUggles! (with a u, haggle is something completely different!)

iggy-is-my-imprint oxo

Dear Iggy

Edward has a power to make people nice -.- Once he made me say sorry to Jasper. ME. SAY SORRY. WHAT THE HELL. Put some chillaxing drugs in her drinks (; NO DON'T. That's probably illegal.

I can't trick Seth into anything, he's smarter than me :l COME TO MY HOUSE AND PLAY WITH ME AND HIM, KAY? DONE. Brb, getting my broombroom cars out.

I'm so with you. Those magical turtle sheep have been to Hogwarts… or… turtwarts! SHEEPWARTS! GET IT? Ohhhhh, I'm so funny. I'm crazy.. does that mean I'LL take over the world?

You the bomb Iggstar,

Uncle Emmett.

Dear Uncle Emmett,

I'm adopted and my bio mom is harassing me. She left the states in order to get away from prison, but now her mom is lurking around my house and its scaring me to go outside or even to school. What should I do?


Dear Alimor-Chan

Oh my god? Seriously?

Call the popo! (Police)

I hope you're okay D:

Uncle Emmett.

Dear Uncle Emmett,

so i was wondering if bella couldn't have edward what do you think would happen to her?
lots of love,
the pixie-like vampire

Dear the pixie-like vampire

She'd be all zombie like she was when we left. PUHLEASE, get some friends woman. (Bella, not you)

Uncle Emmett.