
So this was it. Derek and Casey were over. She could not wrap her head around it. This time she had screwed up big time and there was nothing she could do about it, or was it that she didn't want to do anything about it. She washed those thoughts away and decided not to wallow on herself. Derek and her weren't meant to be anyway. She decided to go take a shower.

Derek and Sam were now ending their fiftieth game of Xbox and they had had enough. Derek proposed to watch a movie. ''Yes sure, it's ok with you if I ask Casey to join us?'' Derek didn't know what to answer, no it wasn't ok with it but he couldn't tell him that so he said yes. Sam went upstairs to what he believe was Casey's room since her name was written on it. he knocked on the door. Casey answered quickly. He stood there frozen at what his eyes were seeing. Casey was wearing only a towel wrapped around her body, her hair were falling on her shoulder, all wet. She looked hot.

Casey was looking at a visibly aroused Sam, she immediately regretted not putting clothes on before opening the door. She decided to break the silence: ''Sam! How can I help you?'' ''I was just wondering if you wanted to come watch a movie, but now that I see you, I'm not so sure that I want to go back down there.'' with that he kissed her, it was a different kiss then the ones they had already shared. It was full of desire from Sam. It startled Casey long enough for Sam to lead her to her bed.

All Casey could think about as Sam kissed her was Derek, even if Sam looked hot or even with how good his kisses felt, she knew she wanted Derek more than anything. She had to stop him, but then again Sam was pretty good at the kissing thing. He was now trailing kisses down her neck and his hand was going up his leg really close to her naked but under her towel. She pushed him away when she still had the strength to do it: ''I can't do this''

Her words hit him. ''I'm going to fast, I'm so sorry...

-No that's not it, us I can't do it, I'm so sorry

-Why, did I do something, you don't like me?

-No Sam, I really do like you it's just that there someone else that I like more. I can't do this to you you're too much of a nice guy, I should have told you earlier...

-Yes, you should have.''

Sam stormed out of her room. Casey never thought he could look so mad, and hurt at the same time. Way to go Case, you broke to guy's heart in one day, high five, she thought to herself as tears filled her eyes once more. She dressed up quickly in her favourite comfy clothes and crawled up on her bed to cry.

Sam ran down the stairs without saying a word to Derek and left the house. Derek really didn't understand what just happened. He sat there without moving for a while and decided to go up and check on Casey. He cracked her door opened and he saw her on her bed, she was sobbing and he hated that view. He wanted to beat the crap out of Sam for making her cry.

He went to her slowing, not to scare her. ''Case, what happened? Did Sam do something? Do I need to brake his nose?'' ''No he didn't do anything, I'm the one who was mean to him, I'm the horrible person here!'' Casey almost screamed at him, good thing they were still alone in the house. ''No you're not, you're not an horrible person Case, tell me what happened.'' Derek was almost whispering, trying to calm her down. ''I told him I couldn't do it anymore, that there was someone else that I liked more. I like you more Derek and I'm so sorry I didn't do anything about it sooner. I no it's too late but I hope you'll forgive me'' He never thought that he could be that happy, those words were the sweetest he had ever heard. ''It's not too late Case, there's nothing to forgive, I love you Case, from the moment I first saw you I did, now you have to stop crying cause it's ruining the mood.'' Case let out a small laugh, she couldn't believe what he just said, Derek Venturi, the supposed to be biggest player of the planet loved her, her thought were cut by Derek: ''Say something Case''. She jumped un him and kissed him: ''I love you too''.