
"I feel so old," Draco complained, staring morosely at his reflection.

"You're a grandfather," his wife replied, amused. "You're allowed to feel old."

"Yes, but look at me!" he exclaimed, pointing a dramatic finger at his face. "Look at these wrinkles! I'm hideous!"

Ginny's eyes crinkled into a smile. "To me, Draco, you are still as handsome as you were the day I first married you. Besides, I like your wrinkles."

"Like them? How can you possibly like wrinkles? My face looks like it could stand in for the map of London."

She laughed and took his face in her hands. "My vain, nonsensical darling. There is more to beauty than having smooth skin." Her eyes softened as she caressed his cheek. "I find your wrinkles beautiful because they tell a story."

"A story about what?"

"Your life, of course." She traced the lines at the corner of his eyes. "These lines have been carved with laughter, telling me that you have enjoyed many happy moments. And these—" she touched the creases on his forehead. "These are your frowning lines – most of which, I expect, were caused by Orion."

He chuckled, creating new wrinkles on his face. "Go on."

She ran her finger along the lines near his mouth. "These were shaped by your different expressions. At one point I thought that horrid smirk of yours would win, but the upward inflection of the lines tells me that you have smiled an equal number of times." She grinned mischievously. "I'll claim those smiles for myself."

"Oh, really?"

"Of course. I made it my mission that I would get you to smile for me at least once every day, and you see I have succeeded beautifully."

"I think you're making this all up."

"Not at all," Ginny replied. "The beauty of wrinkles is that they always tell the truth." Her eyes twinkled. "Your wrinkles tell me that however much you may like to pretend you're a grumpy old man with no patience for anyone, you're really a softie at heart."

Draco blanched at the thought. "I think your eyesight is failing, my dear."

"Probably," Ginny admitted with a laugh, "but that doesn't change what your wrinkles say."

He lifted an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, you know what you're wrinkles are telling me?"


"That I love you," he murmured, and leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Prompt 100: Old

Words: 399

*takes deep breath* I feel old after writing all of these.

In any case, I would like to thank everyone who supported me during this challenge, particularly those people who were kind enough to review every drabble. You are amazing, and I consider myself lucky to have such dedicated readers. ^_^

Finally, I would like to dedicate all 100 of these drabbles to the wonderful Sarah (Imadoodlenoodle), who not only is a dear friend, but just so happens to be the mastermind behind this challenge. There are times when I really hated writing these drabbles – even to the point where I wanted to cry and throw my laptop across the room – but now it's over and I'm very pleased that I decided to participate. Though, I have to admit, it will probably be a very long time before I write anything even remotely resembling a drabble. *laughs*

For the curious: while I will not be working on drabbles anymore, I do plan to continue working on The Different Shades of Grey. I've already sent the next chapter off to my beta, so it shouldn't be too long before you see another update for that story. For now, however, I am going to take a much needed break from writing and celebrate my achievement with a good, long nap.

Until next time,
