The Eternity Effect

Chapter 23 – A Promise of Eternity


Despite my feelings of ill will and disenchantment toward a certain Fairy Queen, Lurline sure delivered on her promises. Our new home was just as she described. Small and charming, one apple tree, no pets and furnished to my utter approval. Even Elphaba seemed surprised by the modesty of it all.

The home was, without shred of doubt, perfect.

Not one inch of it reflected Lurline's insanity. Not the antique writing desk sitting beside the hearth waiting for Elphaba to put pen to her studies. Nor the small den, center void of furniture, the perfect room for spell casting. Even the smallest of details catered to our distinctly different personalities. Higher shelves were stacked with Elphaba's books while mine rested within reach. Her shoes were in a neat pile by the door, mine I found in even rows along the bedroom closet wall. I was pretty sure by the time I plopped onto the plush bed that Lurline had hired professionals. But then Elphaba handed me a note she had found on the kitchen counter and we were both astounded by what it read.

Momsie had done everything herself.

I started crying immediately. I could not believe the effort my mother had put into our home, a place I would be sharing with Elpbaba… far away from her and my father. The mere thought of my Mother hanging Elphaba's clothes beside my own was enough to send me into hysterics. Elphaba tried consoling me, probably wondering why I was acting so upset. I was anything but upset. I was just so overwhelmed by what my Mother had done for us.

Because that is what we would forever be. Us.

And I realized there was nothing that could ever change that. No endearing Princes with man purses, no tyrannical ex-headmistresses, and certainly not our own insecurities. I suppose I should have thanked Lurline really. If it wasn't for her insistence on blaming someone for her mess then… well… who knows where we'd be now?

And I hoped that Rora was all right back on Oz. The poor girl had lost both her parents while Elphaba had just gained two. Though the later is up for debate. I see her on occasion staring into the fireplace longer than it takes for a simple thought to pass. I understand why she burnt his letter. I get it. But eventually, someday, I think she will seek him out. Her curiosity always gets the better of her. For now I don't mention anything when I catch her eyes lingering on the flames. I won't bring up his name, the pain I know it'll cause her just isn't worth the risk right now.

And when she wakes up in the dead of night, sweat on her brow, a hand clutching her heart I make sure to take her in my arms, whispering her my promise of forever, hoping to soothe her mind of the demons still haunting her soul.

The fall quarter was about to start. Elphaba and I had spent the afternoon in town collecting everything we would need. My book and supply list rivaled that of a paper stack in Lurline's office.

"You didn't have to get everything right now Glin," Elphaba tells me as she rearranges the bags in her arms to open the front door for me. I give her cheek a soft peck in thanks as I step inside and hang my coat. Then I hear the distinct sound of heavy thuds along the porch steps. Turning around I find Elphaba still holding a majority of our things…. the rest lay scattered on the floor around her feet. Her eyes lock on mine, expression not at all amused. "See even they want to escape back to the store." She deadpans.

I sigh and go to pick up the books. "But I need them!"

"Right this minute?" Elphaba asks placing the bags down in the corner of our small (yet cozy!) foyer. When she stands back up to look at me her mouth quirks slightly. It's undeniably the beginnings of a smirk. A smirk I don't appreciate being pointed at me. I place the rescued books on the small end table, busying myself with aligning them so I don't have look at her while she teases me. "Glin, one of those is for a course you aren't even enrolled in yet. It's not till Spring."

"So?" I reply, stealing a glance her way only to find the smirk has grown larger. She's so insufferable sometimes! "You know Elphie, of all people I thought you'd at least appreciate my enthusiasm here."

"Oh, I appreciate it all right," Elphaba chuckles. "My arms though? Not so much."

I pout at her. "Were they really that heavy?" I didn't exactly help much I realize…

Elphaba walks up to me and presses a light kiss to my hairline. "I'd have carried you home as well if you had asked."

I let myself lean into her as her fingers lazily graze my sides. "Because you love me so much?"

Elphaba gives me a tight squeeze and I melt into her. "Well that and you did have the burdensome task of carrying around all that money. How you managed to bear it I'll never know."

At the mention of money I tense for the briefest of moments. Elphaba notices though and her once joking demeanor shifts as she pulls away from me.

"Glinda…." She says slowly. "There is still money left… right?"

"Um," I offer weakly knowing full well just how much money is left. I can't believe I got so carried away! I was sure Elphaba would stop me but I really can't help it. It's a disease. I see something I want, turn it into something I need and before I know it it's mine. Money has never been an issue in my life, not when I was alive and certainly not now that I am dead!

And of course it's all Lurline's fault for introducing a system of money into the afterlife. For introducing an economy at all! According to Elphie it was, at first, a way to help rehabilitate people who lived their lives on the side of wrong. All the terrible people who wanted redemption once they were through processing. The ones who didn't want to start over… well, no one quite knows what happens to those souls.

But for people like the Wizard Lurline had a plan. She made them work for her, which is a special torment all on it's own…. until the number of people with past deeds to amend outgrew her need.

Add to that an entire history of Ozians bored without a purpose anymore.

It was only natural afterlife came to mirror life so much.

Live a life worthy of reward and Lurline sees to it you have just that.

She seems to have forgotten ours though if our empty pockets are any inclination.

When we moved out of my parents home Elphaba had only one request. That we not rely on them to pay our way. And while I knew she was only saying that because her pride was poking its head where it wasn't wanted, I agreed. I didn't actually believe she would turn away help from my parents. That is what parents are for!

But Elphaba never had what she's found now. The part of her from Colwen Grounds, the part of her I try each and everyday to show is loved… that part of her is still there. It will always be there because it's a part of who she is. And I love all that she is so I sided with her. Momsie looked shocked when I told her we didn't need the help.

Popsicle laughed. Apparently he thought we were joking.

But it was not a joke. So here we are now, money a concern I never thought would ever be apart of my life let alone my afterlife.

And I've let Elphaba down…

She sighs as she tucks some hair behind her ear. "Glinda, we're not under your father's roof anymore."

My eyes move away from hers. The disappointment was getting a little too upsetting. "I know, Elphie and I'm sorry." I say quietly. "Maybe we can return some of the books? You said it yourself, I'm not even enrolled in some of those courses yet."

"I'll figure something out Glin, it's all right." Elphaba tells me. "Keep the books."

She wishes I had more self-control. She won't say it but I know that's what she's thinking. I walk up to her and nuzzle my head alongside her shoulder, glad when she wraps her arms back around me once more.

I was still disappointed with myself that night. Our lovemaking was rather lackluster because of it.

The next day I wake up to find Elphaba missing from our bed. A pang of guilt hits me. Obviously my uninspiring performance from the night before is the cause. And even if it was I still hoped I'd wake up in her arms. Perhaps attempt an encore?

But that was obviously not happening.

Was I really that awful?

I let out a loud groan and roll from the covers, not caring to cover myself as I slump my way into the bathroom. One look in the mirror and I want to scream. No wonder Elphaba didn't stay with me. I look like I could pass for Morrible's twin. My hair is an absolute disaster and my eyes could not be puffier.

This is not at all how I pictured life in our new home would be!

Elphaba is upset with me, I look like death, and the sex was boring!

Geez! At least back on Oz things were exciting. Life now is just pathetic. I really have no one to blame but myself.

So I take a stupid shower, put on some silly clothes and sit in the living room reading a tediously expensive textbook. When Elphaba gets home she is in for a surprise. I am not going to sit idly by while our afterlife drones on in a monotonous cycle. She will step through the door and I will take her right then and there. In the foyer just as I wished we could have before Lurline sent us to Oz.

And if that doesn't bring a spark back I really don't know what I will do.

I can't believe she didn't even leave a note.

An hour, some pacing and one dented textbook later and I'm officially worried. At first I was angry. Elphaba is never one to just up and go without saying something. She always tells me where she is! But then, I figured, that was when we were living with my parents, and every time she was telling me where she was it was so that Momsie and Popsicle would know as well.

I worry just as much if not more than them!

This is ridiculous!

After I have my way with her in the foyer I am so telling her this sort of behavior needs to stop.

Oz, now I sound like my Mother!


It's official, I am my Mother.

I might as well start tidying up just to make the transformation official.

My eyes instantly land on Elphaba's desk. It is alarmingly sparse for someone who's been spending countless evenings perched in its chair. There's not a single scrap of paper lying atop the worn surface. Yet her inkwell is half full.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I wander over to appease it.

Nothing is out of place but everything is too neat. Elphaba has a sort of organized chaos to her. Books are arranged not by subject or author but by ease of access and use. Her shoes are in much the same pattern, Oz most of her things are. Her mind is still a fascinating mystery to me. I can find a pile of her notes sprawled on the ottoman and try and shuffle them neatly for her only to have her shooing me away a second later, explaining everything is exactly where she can find it. I've long given up trying to explain her minds quirks. For the most part it's because I find them so absolutely endearing. She says I'm mad for calling her organized chaos cute. But it is, I can't help it! Yet I am not finding the sight of her desk cute. There is no chaos reflected from it's clean surface. It looks barely used... Now I'm just confused. Between the money argument and last night everything just seems… off. I plop into her desk chair and turn to look out the window. It's another gorgeous day outside. It's always gorgeous outside.

Sometimes unsettling so.

I lean back in the chair and my foot knocks against Elphaba's trash bin. A couple crumbled pieces of paper fall from the surprisingly large pile. I reach down to pick a couple up, intent on placing them right back where I found them… but then I catch a glimpse of one of the crumbled papers.

Specifically whom it's addressed to.

Melena Thropp.

I leave the other papers on the floor and I sit back up and unfold the letter. But there's nothing to read aside from her mothers name and a date from over a week ago. My hand reaches for another crumbled ball. The same letter reads back to me, except the date is changed. This one was from a few nights previous. Another letter, the same results. With each letter I pull out I grow more and more concerned. All this time Elphaba has spent staring into the fire, distracted during our lovemaking… it was never about me….

I feel my breath catching as I realize how inattentive I've been. I should have known. Why didn't I ever ask her if she was all right? Why did I never stop to think that something could be making her hold back?

The front door opens and Elphaba walks in. She takes one look at me sitting on the floor, unfinished letters to her mother scattered in piles all around me. My breath catches for the second time today as her eyes betray to me the hurt she's feeling. I realize this isn't what it looks like.

I haven't betrayed her trust!

"Elphie," I say, voice strained with the threat of unshed tears. She shakes her head at me, hair falling to cover her face as she walks off toward our bedroom. I scramble to my feet and hurry after her, she tries to close the door but I beat her to it, sticking my foot out just in time.

My bare, and now very much in pain, foot.

I yelp and bounce to my other leg. Elphaba lets out a small gasp as she opens the door wide and helps me to stand.

"I'm so sorry, Glinda," She whispers while steadying me against her. I feel her lips trailing apologetic kisses along the side of my face. She has nothing to apologize for. The pain has already gone.

"No Elphie, I'm sorry. I've been such a horrible fiancé!" I cry.

Elphaba guides me to the bed where she settles me down into the pillows as only she ever could. Ever so gentle. She lifts my legs up a little so she can sit and then places them down in her lap with utmost care. I let my eyes fall close as she rubs my once throbbing foot.

"Better?" She asks and I can even hear the smile in her voice. She must know the pain has long since passed.

"Mmhmm," I mumble back with a slow nod.

She continues to massage my foot anyway and I realize this is more than just a simple apology. I feel myself sinking further into the covers waiting for her to speak first.

"About the letters…" Elphaba begins to say and I open my eyes , encouraging her to continue. "I'm sorry I never mentioned them. I just… I still don't know what to say."

I sit up on my elbows and reach forward to cover her free hand with one of my own. I rub the top of her hand, pleased to see her eyes softening at my touch. "It's ok, Elphie," I tell her. "I can only imagine all the things you want to say to her, let alone how to fit that all in one letter."

Elphaba looks so grateful to hear this. "Yes, exactly."

"Then don't say everything."

She looks confused. I sit up and lean toward her, taking her hands and placing them both in my lap. "There's too much to say Elphie. At least in a letter anyway. I think you should ask her to meet you instead."

Elphaba noticeably tenses. I reach up and brush the back of my hand along her cheek. She lets her eyes close as she takes a deep breath and turns her head into my touch. "What if she declines? What if she wants nothing to do with me?" She whispers, voice timid.

I lean forward once more, the gap between us nonexistent as I bring my other hand up to her face and will her to look at me. When her eyes open I feel saddened at the lack of hope I was expecting to see. But I know there is a chance she is right. And if that chance turns out to be true it would crush her. I can't have someone hurting Elphaba. But if there's a chance otherwise, if Elphaba can find happiness with her Mother… is the risk worth it?

"Glin?" Elphie whispers, eyes so unsure. I lean forward and calm her with a kiss. She inhales sharply at my touch before relaxing once more against me.

I pull away slowly, nuzzling our noses, wanting her to feel just how much I am here with her. Because what I have to say will hurt and I need her to know I am not going anywhere.

"I don't know," I tell her and it kills me to see her looking so afraid. I hold her steady, willing her eyes to stay with mine. "I can't lie to you, Elphie, you know that. But what I do know is that if she declines then she's not worth your love. You have such a big heart. My parents love you so much. I love you so much. And if she can't see what an amazing, incredible, gifted daughter she has… then she's the one losing in the end."

Elphaba rests her forehead against mine, letting my words wash over her. "I love you," she whispers after a long moment.

My heart melts.

"Whatever you decide, I'll still be right here." I say.

I feel her nod. "I know."

I smile. "Even when you don't leave me notes to tell me you're going out."

She chuckles. "I did leave you a note."

I pull away and quirk an eyebrow at her. "Invisible notes do not count."

Elphaba laughs as she reaches across me to my nightstand where she picks up a note and reads aloud. "Glin, please don't worry, I'll be back before lunch. Just had to go return a few things. Love you, Elphaba."

I'm sure I'm furiously blushing. I can't believe I didn't think to check my nightstand. I was just so depressed!

"Aw, it's ok, my sweet." Elphaba coos at me as she pulls my head to rest against her chest. "I know sometimes your brain doesn't fully turn on until noon."

"I am not Lurline!" I huff and she only holds me tighter as she laughs.

"Thank Oz for that!"

"You're so insufferable." I grumble.

"Thankfully you already agreed to marry me." She says while wiggling her empty ring finger in the air. "Actually that reminds me…" Elphaba trails off as she maneuvers me from her lap. I wonder what she is reminded of as she jumps up from the bed to go digging through her shoulder bag. Because I was about to forgive her teasing if she would just let me have my way with her.

Just as I imagine what that scenario would entail Elphaba jogs back over to the bed where she crouches down to her knees on the floor and beckons me closer.

This is more like it!

I flop down onto my stomach and rest my chin on my folded arms. I wiggle my eyebrows at her, which just has Elphaba chuckling as she presses a wet kiss to my nose. Obviously I am not very sexy at the moment. Ok, that is fine, let's see how this works then. I slide around some and undo the belt of my dress in the most seductive manner I can manage while lying down.

Elphaba looks enticed.


Then she reaches over and stills my hands, her eyes serious as she locks them with mine. I pull myself forward, worried.

"Glinda," She says tucking a stray section of curls behind my ear. "I know you already demanded this of me but after speaking with your parents I realize this is something you've always dreamed about."

What in Oz name is she talking about? Surely Elphaba does not go around having conversations about our sex life with my parents. Oh my Oz, what if she does?

I blush even more and throw a distressed look back at Elphaba. Who just appears confused by my reaction.

"I am just going to take this," Elphaba motions to my face, "As a good sign for now." She chuckles nervously. Then she clears her throat and the serious eyes are back. "Glin, I love you. You know this. I tell you everyday. I tell you as you succumb to narcolepsy every night and even when you're fast asleep the next morning. And I'll tell you forever if you'll still have me for your wife."

I gasp as her last question registers in my mind. She's just asked me to be her wife! She's just asked me to marry her! I already asked her but I don't even care! And she talked about this with Momsie and Popsicle? I'm just sitting here like an idiot while she's waiting for an answer she already knows is coming.

But I'm a little stunned at the moment.

Elphaba is still smiling beautifully at me as she slides a little ring box along the covers to me. Then she lets her chin rest on the edge of the bed as she takes the most gorgeous silver ring out. A ring I promised I would buy for her when we returned. It's simple and elegant and mine. I love that she's surprised me with this. I love that she asked my parents what kind of engagement ring I wanted.

I love that she wants me. Always.

"Yes," I tell her as she slides the ring onto my finger and laces our hands together. I feel my eyes getting teary.

"I just wanted you to be sure," Elphaba chuckles.

"Very, without a doubt, one hundred percent sure." I confirm unable to stop the smile that forms over my face. And I can't help but tease, "I hope it didn't bankrupt us. I know how you are with money now, Miss Thropp."

Her eyes laugh for her. "You are always worth it." She says as she leans forward and captures my lips with her own. As our lips move together and my skin prickles with the spark she's just ignited within me, I take her hands and pull her up onto the bed. She hovers above me, our kiss growing more heated. Then her hands unwrap from mine to give her leverage as she begins to undo the rest of my belt.


We separate for air, Elphaba trailing her lips down my jaw as I try filling my lungs so this amazing start to my afternoon can continue on uninterrupted. I tug at her blouse, pleased when she stops showing my neck attention so I can take a second to slip it over her head. Elphaba straddles me once more, shirt now thrown somewhere to the floor, lips still searing a path down my throat.

I feel her laughing some as she sits on my thighs to unbutton the front of my dress.

"What's so amusing, Miss Thropp?" I demand, letting my own hands work at her belt.

Elphaba looks down at me, grinning. "Your face when I mentioned your parents. What did you think I was going to ask you?"

My whole body blushes as she slips the top of my dress down over my shoulders to settle around my belly.

"Cute, Glin," She says poking my pink stomach. "It must have been really absurd for you to be this color."

"Ugh!" I groan throwing an arm over my eyes. "You'll just laugh at me!"

I groan again, this time more aroused as she kisses that same spot on my stomach.

"No, I won't." She purrs, placing feather light touches up my torso. I squirm below her, needing more contact as she finally reaches my breasts and works to undo my bra. I know I never should have worn one today!

"You will to," I squeak, the bra now being tossed aside. One second later her tongue is showing me some very much needed attention. And sweet fucking Oz she's gotten so unbelievably good at this! "Elphie!"

"Mmhmm?" She mummers sliding her mouth to show equal attention to my other very deserving nipple. I let my hands tangle in her hair, my back arching from the bed to meet her mouth.

Then her mouth leaves my skin and I miss the heat and I miss her. I open my eyes to beg of her to continue. But she's waiting for my reply.

One of her long eyebrows arches up to question me.

"Fine!" I groan. Anything to get her to keep going. "I thought you had told them about us."

"Us? They already know about us. Please elaborate." She smirks.

"Sex!" I shout as she slowly pulls my dress down further. "I thought you'd asked them what I wanted in the bedroom!"

Elphaba laughs just as I knew she would. I am breathing too heavily to care though, especially when my dress is pulled down and off along with my obstructing underwear.

"That's just silly, Glin," Elphaba says, smile still firmly in place as she allows me to rip off her bra before she lowers to spread my legs. "Why would I ever ask them something I already know?"

Sweet Oz does she ever!

"My… mind… was… elsewhere…." I manage to say between giant gulps of air. Elphaba's mouth presses further against my center and I about die of pleasure.

"That's obvious," she chuckles, the vibrations sending a wave of shivers to ripple up my spine. Again my back arches from the bed, hips push forward to meet her rhythm. I feel her slip a finger inside me, and then another, mouth still working wonders. I love it.

"More," I breathe and Elphaba looks at me, surprised before her eyes grow instantly dark and she gives in to my demand. Her pace grows quicker as she does. I need her!

I'll always need her.

"I love you," I moan, matching her motions., heart beating uncontrollably. Elphaba brings her head up for air, keeping pace as she moves up my body, mouth trailing brilliantly over my skin as she does so.

I hook a leg behind hers, her fingers moving deeper inside. I can't control my body anymore! My head digs into the pillow below me as Elphaba's mouth finally connects with my own. I want her with me.

My hand finds it's way from her hair, down her body and quickly beneath her underwear. She gasps against my mouth as I quickly fill her, amazed by how ready she is for me. She bites down on my bottom lip as I work slowly against her. It's that small brush of her teeth along my lip that causes my body to finally explode, mind following shortly after.

"Oz, Glin!" She's soon to follow.

Elphaba holds me while I fall, kissing my chest gently, letting my body melt into the bed. How she can remain so in control of herself after shouting my name so… so thickly, I don't know.

"I love you, too," She whispers to me once I go completely still. I feel her chin come to rest over my heart as I continue climbing down from somewhere above. Oz, I missed this feeling. Missed being with her. "I apologize for last night." Elphaba tells me once I turn my head to look at her. She kisses the top of my breasts before resting her chin once more over my heart.

I reach up and brush some hair from her face. "Me, too. We definitely needed this." I giggle.

Elphaba grows quiet for a minute, expression thoughtful "Do you think other couples are like us?"

I match her expression. "Like us how?"

"I can't explain it," She says letting her head turn so her cheek rests over my chest. "I don't know what 'normal' would entail in a relationship… I've never had anyone before you. Half the time I'm so sure things are as they should be but then last night I just… I felt as though I was letting you down somehow. You've had this grand idea in your head of marriage since you were little, Glin… and here I am ruining it for you. I thought for sure you would change your mind."

I hold her close to me, upset to hear her thoughts. There's so much we're still learning about each other. So much I still can't believe goes through her mind. Of course I had a grand idea of marriage in my head as a child. What child doesn't? My reality now far surpasses anything I could have ever imagined. She needs to hear this. "You're better than anything I could have ever imagined for myself." I tell her earnestly.

Elphaba picks her head up and gives me look of doubt.

"You are," I assure her, giving her a slow kiss. And when we part, a lazy smile pulling at her lips, I tell her, "all I ever imagined were Princes and Oz knows what I think of those idiots now."

When I see her lips curling more I know she believes me.

I smile right back at her. "Besides, only extremely attractive green ladies will do for me now and thankfully there's only one of those running around."

Elphaba's smile quirks into playful mode. "So in the event that some other green lady pops up you'll go running off to her?"

"Hardly, I do believe one of the qualifying factors was her need to be gorgeous."

"So then let's pretend some other marginally attractive green lady shows up. What then?"

I lift up my hand to show her my ring. "Sorry, taken by the gorgeous one."

"Even if the sex is bad?"

I giggle. "Elphie one night of bad sex is hardly cause for worry. I can pretty much assure you there will be more." I have to laugh when I see her looking so sure of herself. I poke her in the ribs. "I was not aware I was engaged to such an egotist."

She groans. "I could hardly survive one night of it and here you are telling me there will be more. Not exactly the best of news."

"And here I thought I was the insatiable one." I smirk.

Elphaba rolls off of me and pulls me into her arms. I squeal as she nuzzles her nose against my neck.

"You'll always be the insatiable one, my sweet." She assures me placing a lingering kiss to a spot below my ear. I feel her tongue sneak out to glide along my neck. A moan escapes me as I push further against her. "I love you for it." She breathes.

We spend lunch making up for future nights of bad sex.

I wake up before her the next day, sheets in a tangle around my body, Elphaba's hand lying comfortably over my stomach. I snuggle further into the bed, closer to her. While 'lunch' may have been great, 'dinner' was even more spectacular.

Almost as spectacular as the sight before me now. Elphaba is sleeping beside me, expression calm, content even; no nightmares plaguing her conscious. And endless green skin is in plain view. I congratulate myself on stealing all the bedding during the night. I don't even recall it happening but it makes for the most delicious start to my morning.

I lean over, wanting to press a soft kiss that exposed skin but I stop mid-way at the sound of muted knocks against our front door.

Elphaba shifts in her sleep, brow furrowing slightly before she relaxes once more.

The knock is heard again.

I sigh, upset that the morning I had envisioned for us is now interrupted. But I untangle myself carefully from the bed so as to not wake her. I catch a glimpse of my ring as I tuck some of the sheets over her body. A goofy grin works across my face at the sight. It really is perfect.

We're really going to be married.

I start walking toward the front door, blissfully unaware until I pass myself in a mirror and realize I was just about to greet someone nude. Blushing furiously and apologizing once I hear more impatient knocks, I rush back into the bedroom and hurry into my robe.

By now the knocking is incessant and I close the bedroom door behind me as I run over to the door as quietly as I can.

When I open it I am surprised to find Lurline standing on the other side.

Actually given the way she was knocking I am not surprised in retrospect.

I roll my eyes as she smiles widely down at me. "What do you want?" I ask.

She frowns though it never quite translates to her eyes so I know she is merely being her usual dramatic self again. "Is that any way to greet a guest?"

"You are far from a guest, a pest perhaps, and definitely not welcome." I reply crossing my arms over my chest. She looks down my body slowly, a wry grin replacing her frown.

"I see I am interrupting, perhaps I should come back later? Or are you two having some sort of endurance marathon in there?" Lurline says that insufferable smirk still on her face as she tries to look over my shoulder into the house.

I try quelling the burning in my cheeks but it's useless. She smirks more seeing my blush. "What do you want?" I demand, bringing her her focus back to me.

Lurline softens, smirk disappearing as she steps aside and reveals the reason for her visit. I can't help but let in a sharp breath at the woman standing before me. Standing.

"Hello," Nessa says, eyes averted, hands clasped to the bag slung over her shoulder. She shuffles forward awkwardly on her feet. Lurline gives her a few words of encouragement that are met with a sneer.

Lurline rolls her eyes, "Hate me all you want, Glitter Toes," she says as she casually leans against the doorway. "But I am still your God now."

Nessa looks up at me, ignoring Lurline who seems a little too pleased with herself at the moment. "I've come to see my sister." She says as she finally comes to stand in front of me. I'm surprised by her height, a little shorter than Elphaba but not by much. It seems the only part of them that's the same though. While Elphaba is all sharp curves and dark eyes, Nessa is softer, more traditionally pretty. But her eyes, while lighter than her sisters, are full of far more darkness than I've ever seen cross Elphaba's. It's jarring, especially given that they are now directed solely at me.

"Um," I clear my throat realizing she's waiting for a response. "Of course," I say quickly, moving aside to allow her in. "Make yourself at home. I'll go get her." Nessa takes a few hesitant steps into our foyer, eyes moving over her sister's shoes lined against the wall, to our coats hanging together above. I see her squint, expression unreadable before she moves further into our home.

"Glinda," Lurline whispers, tugging at my sleeve. I turn around with a small groan. But once I face the Fairy Queen I realize she's no longer in a joking mood. "Look, I had to pull a lot of strings to get her here."

My brow furrows. "What do you mean?"

Lurline looks back into my home, watching as Nessa sits down on our sofa. Then she tugs on my arm and pulls me outside, out of earshot I realize.

"She's supposed to be with me," Lurline explains and at my suddenly confused expression she elaborates. "Work for me. Work off her past deeds."

I nod, understanding, but what could Nessa have ever done in her life to warrant that penalty?

"I can't tell you exactly but let's just say she's not like Elphaba." Lurline says her tone somewhat somber. "I was supposed to keep her, get her to realize her mistakes yadda yadda but she's absolutely head strong. She doesn't understand what she's done to deserve her fate. In fact she thinks this is all some kind of test to get her to where she truly belongs."

I stare at Lurline, still unsure exactly where Elphaba and I play into her little setup here. "And this concerns us how?"

"She loves her sister and I figure if Elphaba spoke with her then maybe… maybe she will be all right." Lurline says.

And I can't help but ask, "Why do you care if she's all right? Since when do you care about anyone beside yourself?"

Lurline sighs, but not dramatically so. In fact she looks a bit upset with herself and when her eyes find mine I realize she's absolutely serious. "I may not act like I do but trust me Glinda, I do care about what happens to everyone who passes. I want you all to he happy here." She pauses, eyes still locked on my own and then she lets a small smile start at the corner of her lips. "You are happy here, aren't you?"

I nod, "Yes, we both are."

And her smile grows. "With Elphaba, of course. And I know I am not considered in any of your regards, or prayers— by the way I noticed a significant drop off in those since we've met. Actually more like a significant spike in wishes for my utter demise. Some of them are rather creative I must admit and-"

"Will you just spit it out already?" I say, interrupting her. "What do you want from us?"

She smirks, "I already told you Glinda. I would like Elphaba to speak with her sister and hopefully get some reason back into her thick Unnamed God filled head."

I snort. "That's about as likely as me declaring unbridled love for you."

Lurline laughs. "Hey, it may seem crazy but anythings possible. And you must admit, I am quite the vision. Flawless even."

I look up at Lurline, exasperated. "You're so full of yourself, you know that right?"

Lurline once again allows that infuriating smirk to cross her lips. "I am quite the narcissist, I'm aware. You'd be too if you were me. And don't bother rolling your eyes, it will only mean they will be forsaking this glorious sight before you."

I scoff. "I'd rather my eyes were pecked out by vultures than to have to bear the sight of you for even a moment longer."

"I can have that arranged you know," Lurline says, snapping her fingers once and, with no surprise to me, a book appears. She plucks the pen from within its pages, licks the tip and then begins to write. "Let it be known that one Glinda Upland hereby requests that her vision be stripped by vult-"

"Stop!" I hiss quickly, wrenching the pen from her grasp. I hear the flutter of wings in the distance and cringe, moving away.

Right into Lurline.

She wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly to her bosom in a hug. "You're so much fun Blondie, please don't change."

"Get off me!" I grumble, trying to pry her arms off.

"Say please," Lurline whispers and I try wriggling away from her chilling breath.

Finally after a second I stop struggling and relent, grumbling a quick "Please."

"Never forget who holds your happiness." She tells me.

"Elphaba does." I say.

And Lurline smiles kindly, showing the side of her she rarely ever let's out. She's so infuriatingly bipolar it's ridiculous.

"You need help," I tell her earnestly. "The medical kind."

"So says all of humanity."

"Well, we're right you know, you do."


"Why are you still here?"

"I like making you incensed. It's the most fun I've had in a while."

I stare at her, disenchanted. "You really need to get a life."

She waves her hand dismissively. "Had plenty, thanks. But actually there is a good reason for my prolonged stay. I wanted to give you something. My way of saying thank you for all you've done for me."

I'm skeptical of any gifts given by a woman who just admitted she enjoys seeing me upset. I can only imagine what she would consider a thank you.

She pulls out a small, simple box and hands it to me. I quirk an eyebrow and look back up at her.

"Just open it Glinda," Lurline sighs. "I promise it won't piss you off."

So I do as my so-called God instructs and open the small box. Inside, nestled between some scraps of paper, is a dull silver ring. I pluck it from the box and hold it up in the sunlight. There's an inscription along the band but I cannot read it… the text seems to be forever shifting. Almost like the spells in the Grimmerie…

"What…" I breathe as it glints in the light. "Is this?"

"Well, I heard you were in the market for an engagement ring, so I figured I'd show my gratitude by giving you the best one available." Lurline explains.

I squint up at her. "This wasn't yours by chance was it?"

Lurline laughs. "As if I could ever be tied down. No, it's not mine and if it were it'd be about ten times the size and with a diamond sparkly enough to blind. This is something else, something far more meaningful."

"What makes you think I am going to give Elphaba a ring you gifted to me?" I ask.

"It may not be what you were looking for Glinda, and it certainly isn't pretty but it's the oldest ring still surviving today. You see the inscriptions? I can't read them, honestly no one I've ever shown it to can and you know why?"

"Because you are surrounded by morons?" I quip.

Lurline rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I'm not even going to comment on that, because technically, you just called yourself one. Anyway, no, it is not because you are lacking in intelligence. It's because it's not meant for their eyes. It's only meant for a soul entirely devoted to another. It's the engagement ring of engagement rings because it's the first."

I hold the ring a little more gently upon hearing Lurline's reasoning. This isn't just a piece of metal to decorate Elphaba's finger… this is something more….

"Why are you giving this to me if it's so important?" I ask her quietly.

And she smiles and tells me, "Because I have enough things to worry about keeping track of and I figure letting you watch it for all eternity saves me the trouble."

But her response is not enough. This isn't something to be taken lightly. And she believes Elphaba and I will be together forever. Oz… now I am crying in front of her again.

"Why us?" I manage to sniffle out as she looks down at me, slightly uncomfortable with my reaction.

"Because I've never met two people more destined to be together than you and Elphaba." She answers, closing my fingers around the ring. "And trust me," Lurline smiles, and for once I am not irritated by the humor I see in her eyes. "I've met everyone."

I can't help it as I launch myself over toward her, wrapping her in my arms and hugging her tight. It's only the second time I've ever let myself hug this woman and yet it doesn't even begin to describe the thanks I wish I could give her. Her gift is far better than anything I could have ever bought for Elphaba. She may tell me she doesn't need a ring but this one I more than want her to have. I want her to always be reminded that I will love her.

It's perfect.

"Awkward moment growing more awkward with you getting all wheezy on me again, Blondie." Lurline chuckles.

I pull away from her, holding the ring to my heart. We stare at one another for a moment and in that time I wonder what could have ever possessed her to give me something so absolutely precious.

"You deserve to always be happy," Lurline tells me softly, almost as though she's read my very mind. "And I know you will be with her."

"Thank you," I say with a wobbly grin. "Really, thank you. If there's anything I can-"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Lurline interrupts with one of her hands raised to shush me. She smiles down at me once I look up at her. "Wouldn't want to get yourself in any more of my entanglements would you? Just make sure Glitter Toes comes to her senses and I swear you won't be seeing anymore of me. Unless you miss me of course and then you're more than welcome to stop by my office for an exchange of insults. Like I said Glinda, you're the most fun I've had in centuries." She says with a wink.

"And like I said," I smirk. "You really need to get a life."

"And that would be my exit cue." Lurline says with a laugh as she backs away from me and walks down our front path. "Tootles Blondie, and say hi to the future misses for me!"

"I won't!" I shout back hardly repressing my urge to smile as I watch her go.

Maybe Elphie was right, maybe Lurline isn't half bad.

"Oh really?" Lurline says loudly from the sidewalk just outside our yard. I see her smirk and then that same book appears before her. I gulp. "Let it be known that one Glinda Upland hereby suffers bad sex for all eternity with one Elphaba Th-"

"Stop!" I shriek.

A few people passing on the street halt in their tracks, staring over at me. I blush hard. Here I am in nothing but my robe shouting at a woman who was about to ruin my afterlife.


She's so awful! I absolutely despise her! I am going to wring her neck and set her on fire!

"Love you too, Blondie! See you soon hopefully!" Lurline chuckles and before I can even blink she disappears into the ground where I now realize a circle of chalk is drawn.

As I stand there, gaping at the spot I wonder if there is some way I can magically ward the neighborhood from egotistic Fairy Queen's. Or at least set up some kind of warning signal.

I hear a door closing from somewhere inside the house.

Oh my Oz! I'd completely forgotten I'd left Nessa inside!

I quickly stuff the ring into my pocket and hurry back inside the house. Nessa is, thankfully, still sitting on the sofa, eyeing me with disbelief. I don't have time to question her look though, as Elphaba chooses that moment to walk into the living room, stretching her arms up as she smiles over at me.

"I heard you shouting at Lurline," She says. Her eyes are still clouded with sleep as she walks up to me, robe lazily tied around her waist. I stiffen, eyes still locked with Nessa's as Elphaba pulls me into her arms for a hug. "She must have really upset you if you can't even hug me back." She chuckles.

"Elphie," I squeak, poking at her arm. Nessa is absolutely stunned.

This will not end well.

"Elphaba Thropp!" Nessa shouts, standing to her feet suddenly. This time it's Elphaba who stiffens against me. I feel goosebumps rising along her arms as she registers the voice.

Registers the horrified tone.

Elphaba slowly lowers her arms from around me, turning to face her sister. I watch, not quite knowing how to react, as Elphaba looks across the living room and meets her sisters unrelenting gaze. I see Elphaba's body shift, her entire demeanor flinching under the intensity.

"Nessa," she begins to say but her sister cuts her off.

"No." Nessa growls. "There is no apologizing for what is obviously happening under this roof. Have you no sense, Elphaba! What would Father say if he knew?"

I see Elphaba turn her head away, jaw clenching. I step up beside her and take her hand with my own, lacing our fingers together tightly, letting her know I am here. I am not going anywhere. No misguided sisters will ever keep her from me.

"Lurline sent you here for a reason," I say to the fuming woman. "Either you act accordingly in our home or I will have you sent from here."

"I am not going to stand by and allow some… some dead harlot to seduce my sister!" Nessa exclaims.

"Enough!" Elphaba shouts, silencing any retort that may have been about to spew forth from my mouth. Her strength also startles Nessa, who immediately sits back down. Elphaba glares down at her sister. "I will not have you speaking to Glinda with such disdain. Your fault is with me, not with her. And if you came here just to condemn our relationship then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Elphaba is absolutely serious and for a moment I think Nessa will do just that. I see her twitching, wanting to leave… but the part of her that cares for Elphaba… the part of her that loves her sister, that part is keeping her in place. Her eyes soften as she looks down to her lap.

"I'm sorry, Elphaba," Nessa whispers. "I've just… I don't know what's happened to me and then there was that horrid Lurline woman telling me there is no Unnamed God, can you believe such utter lies? She said you were here and I demanded she take me to you so you could tell me that what she says isn't true. Tell me this isn't it. Tell me there's more… tell me I haven't lived in vain all these years."

I feel Elphaba's hand loosen with my own. I let her go but not before giving her shoulder a quick kiss. And she nods as she moves to be with her sister. Nessa is crying silently by now, trying desperately to hide her tears as Elphaba squats to the ground in front of her and places her hands atop her sister's knees.

"Nessa, look at me," Elphaba tells her softly, reaching up to touch one of her sister's hand. Nessa stills and looks back down to Elphaba. "The Unnamed God may not exist here but that doesn't mean your life was lived in vain. You always told me to carry him within my heart and while I may have scoffed and told you such things were foolish I did it only because I never believed I'd find happiness beyond."

"And have you?" Nessa asks quietly. "Have you found happiness now?"

Elphaba smiles up at her sister who looks surprised at seeing her so easily show how she feels. Here. With me. "I have Nessa, and you will as well. Trust me."

"Do I have to live in sin as you are to find it?" Nessa asks, a sly smile playing across her lips.

And Elphaba laughs as she stands up from the floor, pulling Nessa along with her. Her sister stumbles some before regaining her balance and for probably the first time ever, reaches forward and hugs Elphaba. I watch as Elphaba looks surprised by the sudden affection her sister is showing her. But then I see her smile and close her eyes as she hugs Nessa back.

They part a moment later, Nessa suddenly uncomfortable.

"Do you think," She begins to say before clearing her throat and trying a different approach. "Um perhaps you should get dressed and then we can talk some more?"

I see Elphaba's cheeks tinge darker green. "Of course," she says and then looks to me before smiling and turning back to her sister. "But first, I don't know if you've quite been introduced to my Intended. Nessa this is Glinda, I think you'll remember a certain demon you seemed to think was possessing my very soul."

Nessa's eyes widen as she stares back toward me. "That was you?" She asks, astonished before her expression turns confused. "But how did you… I mean if you were dead how come Elphaba could… and that time in my room… and you're getting married?… Huh?"

I giggle as I take a step toward Nessa and nod, "It's finally nice to meet you."

Nessa turns to Elphaba, "Am I going crazy? Is this just another test?"

"No," Elphaba chuckles. "And I promise to explain everything as soon as we get changed."

"You're sure I'm not crazy?"

"Have you meet Lurline?" Elphaba asks.

"Yes," Nessa says then adds, "unfortunately."

"Definitely not crazy then." I giggle.

We dressed quickly so as to not keep Nessa waiting. Or as Elphaba pointed out, to stop her from imagining the pleasures of the flesh we could be partaking in. Once back in the living room Nessa asked if it was all right if she could speak with Elphaba, alone.

At first Elphaba was adamant I stay but I knew Nessa needed her sister so with a quick kiss I grabbed my purse and left the house.

Now I find myself sitting on the grass just outside the gates to the University, twirling Elphaba's engagement ring between my fingers. The more I look at it, the more beautiful it seems. Almost as if it were made for Elphaba.

I cannot wait to give it to her.

I hope her talk with Nessa is going well.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear a voice kindly ask from beside me. When I look up I'm surprised to find an old man looking down at me, a smile beneath his trimmed white beard.

He looks familiar but I can't quite place him. I scoot over a little, allowing him space. He sits down next to me, eyes taking in the sight of the gate before us.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He says.

"Yes," I say, not able to keep the excitement from my tone.

"I meant the ring," He chuckles.

"Oh!" I say looking down to my palm. I smile. "Yes, yes it is."

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asks, an amused glint to his eyes.

I shake my head.

"That's all right," He says. "All I ever told you was to go home. It wasn't very nice of me."

This time I look over to him with recognition. I remember him! He used to follow me around Shiz telling me I didn't belong. And now he's here… is he some sort of stalker?

I hear him laughing as he stands back up to his feet. "I mean you no harm, Miss Glinda. I am merely pleased that you've finally found where you belong."

"Who are you?" I ask as he begins to dust off his pants.

"I've found my name hardly matters." He answers with a smile. Then he looks thoughtful for a moment. "Though sometimes I wish it were used for better purposes, but alas, can't win them all can you?"

I squint up at him, confused. "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand."

"That's plenty fine with me. I prefer a bit of mystification actually." He chuckles before bowing his head slightly and turning to go. "Have a good day, Miss Glinda."

"Wait!" I say, scrambling to my feet. "Who are—"

But he's already gone.

When I come back home Elphaba is sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, her back leaning against the seat cushions, legs spread out in front of her. She's staring at the fire ahead and I can see the remains of her unfinished letters burning.

I'm about to question her when she speaks up before me.

"Nessa went back to Lurline's," She says quietly as I close the door behind me. When she looks up at me she gives me a small smile, beckoning me to join her. I walk over, slipping my heels from my feet as I move toward her. Her hand pats the floor between her legs and I settle down in front of her. I feel her forehead instantly resting along the side of my neck as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her.

She lets out a long breath and I can't help but worry.

"What happened?" I ask her softly.

"Too much," I hear her sigh. "At first it was all right, when I was telling her about our time at Shiz. But then she became so upset with me when I told her about what happened at Kiamo Ko. She called me selfish for choosing to be with you, for leaving her behind. Everything I was always worried she would feel. And she had no qualms yelling them into my face."

"I'm sorry, Elphie," I whisper, lifting one of her hands to press a kiss against her palm. She lets her lips leave one against my shoulder and I snuggle further into her.

"No, it's better she let everything all out at once."

"It doesn't make it true."

"Hurts all the same," She confesses in a soft voice. "She left after I told her about what we'd done on Oz. I don't know what she thinks of me anymore."

"She's just upset, she'll come around." I tell her.

"This isn't at all how I imagined our reunion would be."

I giggle as she presses another kiss to my ear. "I know. I seem to recall you hoping it to be more… amusing."

"She hates Lurline perhaps more than you, if that's imaginable." Elphaba chuckles.

"About that," I say, instantly reminded of the gift in my skirt pocket.

"What?" Elphaba says as she pulls away slightly to give me a smirk. "Has she somehow infuriated you more?"

"Quite the opposite," I say pulling her back around so I can rest against her once more. When her arms find their way back around my stomach I take her left hand and slip the ring on. "I promised I'd get you one, didn't I?"

"Glin…" Elphaba begins to speak but I lace our hands together, admiring the rings sitting beside one another. "She gave this to you, didn't she?"

I nod. The inscription on hers continues swirling, words never truly forming. But I feel Elphaba breathe deeper, the inscription clear to her.

"What did you have to promise her in exchange?" She asks. I watch as the fire flickers for the briefest of moments. The letters long forgotten now.

I wrap Elphaba's arms around me securely and I feel her relax behind me. And I smile as I say, "I promised to love you forever."

"That's what it says." Elphaba tells me. "And I promise you the same."

The afternoon before classes were to start Elphaba finally sat down at her desk and wrote more than just her Mother's name. She penned an entire, heartfelt letter consisting of just a few sentences. When she asked if I wanted to read it I told her it was all right. This was meant for her Mother's eyes and I'm sure she'd respond in kind.

Elphaba had invited her to lunch after much consideration and thought. The consideration and thought she processed out loud to me went much like this…

"Dinner is too formal, don't you think? I don't want her to think I'm some clone of my father… my other still alive one."

"Tea seems too… I don't know. What is it you called those ladies who do tea with your mother? Oh right yes, 'old biddy' of me."

"And breakfast is too early! But is lunch all right? Or does that sound too pompous?"

"Maybe I'll just ask her to meet me here?... No… even if we clean she'll see something. Oz, do you remember when your mother found your bra on the dish rack? I was mortified!"

"How about a stroll through campus? Show her around? Is that too weird for a Mother/Daughter first date? What if she's crippled like Nessa though? She'd be so insulted! I can't insult my own mother! I've not even met her yet!"

"What am I thinking? There's no crippled in the afterlife! There's no disease here! Oz, if she doesn't think me pompous she'll think me incompetent!"

"Glinda, stop telling me to calm down, I am perfectly calm!"

In the end an offer of lunch on campus was put forth. I asked her if she wanted me to join her and Elphaba declined. She said this was something she had to do alone and I agreed. I had only offered because she seemed so nervous. I would have held her hand the entire time if she needed me to.

I think I will reserve a table in the far corner and drag Fiyero with me to spy. On second thought Fiyero is the last person I would drag with me. I could spot him a mile away with his silly disguises whenever he used to spy on Elphaba and I.

No, I won't spy. I won't stoop to silly Prince tactics. I will wish Elphaba a good lunch and let her meet with her mother while I go chew my nails in the library. Oz, I'm so nervous for her! I can only imagine how nervous she is for herself!

Momsie came up with a perfect distraction for me while we waited for Elphaba's mother to reply.

Wedding planning.

Elphaba and I had decided we wanted to wait until our studies were finished. There was no rush after all. Of course that still doesn't stop me from looking at the magazines though. So many gorgeous gowns!

Sometimes while I sit in class flipping through new copies instead of my textbook light catches on my ring and I can't help but smile as I look down at it. I wondered if the same happens to Elphaba and if she thinks as fondly of hers as I do of mine. I caught her once looking at it while trying to study. I just felt so absolutely adored in that moment and had to sneak up behind her to steal a kiss. She didn't seem to mind.

A letter did arrive during our third week of classes. Elphaba's hands were shaking so much she handed the envelope to me to open. But it was merely word from Fiyero. His first date with Pfannee had gone well ('Looking forward to our next!') and he was hoping we all could meet up soon ('You two still owe me a bonfire night!'). Elphaba was glad to hear from him but I could tell it wasn't the letter she was hoping to receive.

Again I think to the Wizard. I can't help but imagine him waiting as Elphaba does for her letter. His only daughter doesn't even think of him. I wish she could read his letter once more, especially now as she waits so anxiously for her mothers. Doesn't she know she's causing him to suffer as well? But I keep silent because I don't want to upset her. Not yet. When enough time has passed I'll bring him up. At the very least he deserves a letter.

Even if it's a refusal at least it's something. Even he deserves at least that much.

I put thoughts of him aside when the letter she'd been waiting for finally did arrive. Elphaba's heart was about to leap from her chest I could hear the beats so loudly. I took out the letter, uneasy at first when I saw how short it was. But the words were warm and grateful.

Melena was planning to visit within the month, excited to see her daughter.

For once things were going our way.

And I will be pissed beyond measure if anything pops up to derail it once again.

I'm looking at you Lurline. Just try me. I dare you.