Thanks for all of the reveiws everybody! And to Catreana: Hugs back.

Enjoy the chapter.

Wait…What am I doing? I don't want this! But then again…I do, the pain of bleeding out your emotions, the little red dots that come up after you cut, how red it gets, and how much it stings afterwards, before I knew it the razor was in my hand.

'I'll only do it one time' I thought, I stuck out my wrist and brought the blade up as far as my arm would take it and slit.

That's a lot more blood than usual, oh well…is what I thought before ten minuets of pure pressure from a towel and it was still bleeding. I started to feel dizzy and panicked. I quickly called Mello on his cell phone.

"Mello…I need you home…I cut and I'm dizzy…please help" I said before collapsing on his bed, I think I heard hi say something like 'on my way' or close I couldn't tell before I passed out.

I woke up to hear Mello's voice in another room along with one other voice that sounded strangely familiar.

"Mello…" I called out. He then ran into the room followed by, but not as fast, an albino twirling his hair, Near, what was he doing here?

"Matt, we wrapped up your wrist and stopped the bleeding, how do you feel?" Mello asked, his voice dripping with sympathy.

"Fine." I lied.

"Oh." He said as his face turned from worry to anger.

"Mail," he said so dangerously low that Near couldn't hear, Near was still twirling his hair looking away.

He started to speak louder, and louder. "I thought you told the councilor you weren't going to do it anymore."

Near was now looking at me, as if expecting an answer.

"I was only going to do it one time." I gave as an excuse. He looked mad, great he was upset, I hate myself, god I am such a fuck-up!

"Don't cry, Matt." He said in a softer voice while kissing my tears away, Near looked at us and looked to be a mixture of mad and shocked. I looked at Mello and smiled. He smiled a sad smile back.

"Your group is in 20 minuets." He said, "and now you're defiantly going."

Near then got up and left.

"What's he doing here?" I asked.

Mello sighed. "He has the only doctor, with me being in the mafia and all, the cops were already on my ass and yeah."

I blinked. "Oh, I see."

"Why did you do it?" He asked sadly.

"I…really don't know" I said chuckling.

He sighed again. "Well, I guess I'll leave you alone to get ready for group, no cutting or barfing while I'm gone, k'?" He then kissed my forehead and left.

I sighed too and went into the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror, god, I was hideous, so pale, blood red hair, my fat ass stomach…god I bet I was just a huge disappointment to my mom and dad…and Mello.

"Mail, what are you doing?" I jumped.

"Don't sneak up on my like that!"

He smiled, and got behind me where we were both looking into the mirror.

"Damn, you're beautiful." He said.

I snickered, he must be high, I turned around and said "So are you" while kissing his scar. He then cupped my face and kissed me, I was the one who had to pull back and catch my breath .

"I think I'll have a surprise for you after group." He said mysteriously.

"Okay," I said smiling.

Then we got into the car and drove to group.

"Bye, I love you, have a good time."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah right, a good time." He laughed then drove away. Than I walked into the building.

Oh my god, what has Mello done, there were psycho-looking people everywhere/

I went and sat down in the circled chairs where nobody was sitting. Then a girl with blonde, purple, and green hair, facial piercings, a Ke$hs t-shirt, and short blue jeaned shorty-shorts (A.N. Do you really think Matt would say shorty-shorts?) came up and sat next to me.

"Hey sup, man?" She said like a tom boy.

"Uhh…nothing much." I answered awkwardly.

"First time, eh?" She said looking into space, "What ya in for?"

"Uhh…" I was silent.

"Oh…the shy type, I like that type, I'll go first, I did some LSD back in my day, and I tried to kill myself because I thought my girlfriend didn't like me like that." She said smiling, "My names Clair by the way."

Just then the paper that rapped up my wrist came undone, I rolled up my sleeve, and rewrapped it, completely forgetting about Clair.

"Oh," She said not smiling for once. "That's why you're here, yeah Kim does the same thing, plus she's bulimic."

"Wow…" Kind of like me.

"Yeah I know right, she the strawberry blonde over there in the purple and black stripes…stripes…hey, just like you!" She said smiling yet again.

"Okay, everyone," The group leader said, "Take your seats."

Please don't start with me! Please don't start with me! Please don't start with me! I thought as I crossed my fingers.

"Well I see a new face, Matt, let's start with you," She said smiling, as everyone looked at me.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Because my boyfriend sent me." I said smiling, everyone except Kim laughed.

The leader sighed, "Okay, why did he send you?"

I smirked "I really don't know, between you and me I think he does drugs, probably go them from Clair, am I right?" I said looking at Clair. Even Kim cracked a smile when Clair said, "You know it!"

The leader, Katherine, sighed and told us we were moving on.

There were a lot of drugies, anorexics, and just plain psychos, but at the end of the group I just couldn't wait to see Mello.

Next chapter: Yaoi! Any body want to help (I'm only 13 and I can't write hot steamy male sex very good) :)