Disclaimer: Star Trek and all original characters are not mine! Please do not sue!

Warnings: Underage sex, inexplicit dubcon, M/M, MPreg, Angst, brief mentions of violence.

Kol-Ut-Shan is the vulcan symbol for 'Infinate diversity in Infinate combinations' which I felt was appropriate for this fic.

Jim realised he had no choice. There was no other option. Jim loved him, he knew it and accepted it but he was still nervous – he had no idea what Pon Farr would hold for him or his... bondmate. He knew it would be a lifelong connection that would be unbreakable, a mental connection that would prevent him from ever having a truly private thought. There was no easy fix, no divorce, no adultery and no choice. Ordinarily, he would have considered refusing and holding out for help but Starfleet still hadn't answered the distress messages from the last month. It didn't really matter he supposed – the ones who sent the message were probably already dead.

Jim was jolted back to reality by a possessive nip on his neck followed by a guttural growl. The Vulcan was not happy with his daydreaming – particularly since they were both naked. As he was kissed ferociously, Jim knew the mating drive was commanding the Vulcan to dominate his every move, he would be better off if he just went along with it. Jim lay there as still as he could as the Vulcan touched him in ways he had never been touched before. He had never been attracted to a male before and knew only the basics of what to expect.

The entry had been rough but Jim refused to cry, the rush of pleasure once movement started was worth the pain. His friend lost his vulcan control as his eyes widened at the feelings coming through the forming bond before he began to thrust harshly. Jim moaned and fisted his lover's dark hair as he moved, building up a rhythm as together they fluttered closer to oblivion.

As they reached the final crescendo, the Vulcan thrust as deep as he could and Jim couldn't help but gasp his name.

"Ahhhhh... Striyon..."

As both lay spent, gasping for air and waiting for the inevitable next round, Jim curled his hands in his bondmate's thick hair. His mother had said that Tarsus IV would be different to what he was used to, but Jim didn't think she'd meant this.

A/N – I really wanted to try a Star Trek fic where Jim isn't bonded to Spock but instead to another Vulcan. I got the name Striyon from a dictionary which translated 'Inner Blaze' as 'S'tri-yon'.

I made the sex in this chapter blurry because Jim is underage and neither had any idea what they were doing – I figured if I made it any more descriptive I'd have Jim crying/bleeding at some point. I'm saving that til later! lol

I've also used creative licence to say Pon Farr begins for full Vulcans at around the equivalent of 16 – 20 (in this case 16)

Please review and tell me what you think!