Challenge from PyroChilde on P.L. Wynter's Discussion Board Forum Thing. Basically 'IMToD' setting and Sam is the one with the out of body experience.

Sam's Time of Dying

Chapter One

Sam bolted up out of the bed. He took a few breaths and looked around the room. Obviously he was in the hospital. The clothes he was wearing, a white v-neck and blue pants, a bracelet with his real name, age, and birthday, the plain white walls, the scratchy bed sheets, the many beeping sounds all pointed to hospital. The youngest Winchester shivered, he hated hospitals.

Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, Sam stood up and felt his feet hit the cold tile floor. He walked out of the open door and into a hallway. Looking both ways, he tried to see if his family was around.

"Dean? Dad?" Sam shouted, ignoring the fact he'd get in trouble for being loud in the building-his family was more important than a bunch of rules right now.

When no one called back, he looked into a few rooms. Only a couple were occupied, but not with the people he wanted to see. "Dean! Dad! Anybody!" he shouted louder. Going to the end of the hall, he made a left down two flights of stairs. There was a 'Visitors Desk' with a blond lady looking at a pile of papers. Sam hurried down over to her, "Excuse me miss, I was in accident and I just wanted to check on my dad and brother."

She was ignoring him, looking towards the computer.

"Hello?" Sam said impatiently. How could this woman work in a hospital and be so rude? "Are you even listening to me?" he waved his hand in front of her face and was shocked to find that she didn't respond. Acted as if he wasn't there.

A bit freaked, Sam hurried back up the sets of stairs and down the hall he was originally in. Whatever was going on here, he didn't like it. Sam figured he'd just wait for Dean and his dad-

Sam had entered the room to find himself...still in bed. He looked at himself on the hospital bed. A white tube was in his mouth, his arms had cuts and bruises, and multiple wires and machines were hooked up to his body. The youngest Winchester reached out to touch his arm and jumped backwards when he felt warm skin. This was insane. After poking himself a couple more times, he took a few steps backwards and propped himself up against the wall. Crossing his arms, he tried to figure out how this could have happened.

The car accident. Sam thought, Well, that wasn't really an accident. Stupid demons-

His thoughts were cut off when he saw his brother rush into the room. Dean was also wearing the hospital outfit like Sam was, but the older brother had a long cut down his forehead. One gash was on his forearm too, but that seemed to be the worst of it. "Damn it, Sam." Dean shook his head before running a hand through his short hair.

"Dean!" Sam shouted with joy. He'd never been so happy to see his brother. Maybe Dean could tell him what was going on. The smile slid right off Sam's face when Dean didn't respond, "Please tell me you can hear me. Dean!"

"I swear if you don't get better..." Dean muttered to his little brother, reaching forward with a shaky hand to move the hair out of his eyes.

There was a knock on the door and a man said, "Mr. Winchester? Your father's awake now. If you want you can go see him."

"What about my brother?" Dean questioned.

"He sustained serious injury. Bloodloss, some contusions to his liver, but I'm mainly worried about the head trauma. We won't know his full condition until he wakes up...if he wakes up."

"Don't say that." Dean automatically said, glaring at the doctor, "Sam will wake up."

"Dude, you'd probably kick my ass if I didn't." Sam rolled his eyes.

"He knows I'll kick his ass if he doesn't."

"Listen, Mr. Winchester, you need to have realistic expectations. Your brother is fighting very hard, but there is a chance he won't resurface from his coma. There's nothing we can do to help him that we aren't already doing. Now, do you want me to show you to your father's room?"

Dean nodded, his jaw clenched, and followed the doctor to a different hall, Sam right behind them. The youngest Winchester was pretty scared at this point. Head trauma? That's serious. He was walking around without his body-also serious. Sam swallowed, he was going to be okay. He had to be.

The oldest Winchester was lying in bed, his arm in a sling up on his chest, and looking extremely irritated. "Finally!" he muttered when his two sons came in, well he could only see one.

"Hey Dad." Dean greeted with a small smile.

"They're letting you out of bed?" John asked, a bit concerned.

"I'm fine, I just haven't signed out yet. I wanted to check on you and Sammy as soon as I could so I'll just get discharged later."

John nodded before his face went serious, "How is he?"

Dean ran a shaky hand over his face and replied, "In a coma. He's got some serious head trauma apparently. Doc doesn't have high hopes. Says we should have 'realistic expectations'. What a douche. He doesn't know Sammy and how stubborn the kid is, right Dad?"

"Right." John said without missing a beat, "Can they do anything?"

"He said there's nothing they can do that they aren't doing now. Maybe we'll have to do something...get a Hoodoo Priest and lay some mojo on him?"

"We'll look for someone, Dean." John promised quietly. Sam stood back and watched the exchange. With a sigh he tried to talk again.

"Can you guys hear me yet?"

The two older Winchesters remained in silence.

"Guess that's a no..." Sam mumbled, looking at the ceiling.

"Dean," John said after a few more minutes of silence, "I'm not sure we're gonna find anyone, son."

Dean looked at his dad, "Sammy found that faith healer before."

"That was one in a million-"

"So what? We just sit here with our thumbs up our asses?" Dean shouted, causing a few people out in the hall to turn towards their room.

"No, I said we'd look." John said calmly, "Where's the Colt?"

With a deep, calming breath Dean replied, "Bobby towed the Impala to a nearby junkyard. He's already got everything illegal out of there."

"Good. Call Bobby, tell him to have the car towed back to his place." John ordered.

"Yes sir." Dean nodded instantly, after a second of hesitation Dean asked, "Dad...the demon...he said it had plans for Sam...what exactly does that mean?"

"I don't have a clue, son."

"Dad...tell me." Dean said impatiently. It always amazed Sam how his brother could pick out a lie from their dad. Sam had never been able to tell when the older man was lying to him, but Dean could tell in a heartbeat.

"Dean, you're not gonna like the answer."

"I don't care. If it involves Sammy, I need to know."

If the situation wasn't so serious, Sam would have rolled his eyes at how overprotective Dean could be. Of course, it was usually a welcome to have his big brother hanging around all of the time.

John must have heard the tone with his oldest because he took a deep breath and said, "Son, there's a reason your brother has those visions..."

So...should I continue or trash it?
