"So how bad is it?" Sam asked as Freddie and Spencer came up from the basement.

"Well, it looks like the water got in from a crack in the wall," Spencer explained.

"That doesn't answer my question, how bad is it?" Sam snapped.

"There's about a foot-and-a-half of water," Freddie told her. "Which means we're basically going to have to get new floors and wallpaper. When the storm stops, I'll have to find a hose and vacuum to get all the water out."

"So we have a pool inside the house?" Jason asked excitedly. "Can I go swimming?"

"No," Sam said firmly. She turned back to her husband. "Well do we need to leave? Is this whole place gonna wind up underwater?"

"No, I think this is the worst of it," Freddie told her.

"Well that's a relief," Carly said.

"What did you guys have down in the basement?" Ella asked.

"Um, some old couches, a pool table, maybe a few Christmas decorations," Freddie said. "We had a big T.V. down there too, which thankfully wasn't plugged in. But insurance should be able to-"

"Oh no!" Sam suddenly gasped.

"What?" Ella frowned. "What's wrong?"

"My-My wedding dress was down there," Sam said softly. "And our wedding album…And our wedding DVD…basically everything from our wedding!"

"Oh my God!" Carly gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," Sam moaned miserably. "We had it all stored in our guest room, but we moved it all down to the basement because we were gonna paint in there and we didn't want to risk anything getting ruined."
"Boy, that's ironic," Gibby said, earning him a glare from everybody in the room, including Tasha.

"Sam," Freddie said gently, stepping over to his wife. "Sam, it-it's okay."

"Maybe I can save it," Spencer offered. "I'll go back down and-"

"No, there's no point," Sam said, her voice cracking. "It's all ruined. None of that stuff could last underwater."

"Sam," Freddie said again, putting an arm around his wife. "I-"

"I'm just gonna go upstairs," Sam mumbled.

Freddie watched his wife hurry upstairs, wishing he could do something. He had no idea what he could do, though.

"Is mommy sad?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," Freddie sighed. "She is, Jason."

"This is horrible," Carly said. "I can't believe it…all your wedding stuff was down there?"

"Uh-huh," Freddie said heavily. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe-Maybe some stuff can be salvaged," Spencer said. "I once spilled milk all over one of my law school books and I was able to save it by drying it out with a hairdryer!"

"I think there's a difference between one glass of milk and an actual flood," Freddie said dryly. He turned to Carly. "I'm gonna go check on her. Can you watch the kids for a little bit?"

"Yeah," Carly nodded. "Go ahead."

Freddie started up the stairs to his and Sam's bedroom, where his wife was sitting on their bed.

"Hey," Freddie said softly, taking a seat next to her. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Sam whispered. She shook her head. "It's dumb to get upset about a dress and a couple of pictures getting ruined."

"I dunno, I'm pretty bummed about it," Freddie said. "It all had a lot of meaning behind it. I mean that was our wedding stuff."

Sam rested her head on his shoulder. "Yup…and now we don't have anything to remember that day by. What if when we get super old we don't remember anything that happened and we need the pictures to jog our memories? Only we don't have the pictures! Or what if Emma or Ashton want to wear my dress when they get married? I'm gonna have nothing to give them! Or-"

Freddie wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. "I'm sorry, baby."

"Why?" Sam sniffed. "It's not your fault the stupid basement flooded."

"I know," Freddie said, kissing her again. "But I'm still sorry."

"How's Sam?" Carly asked an hour later when Freddie came back down.

"Still upset," Freddie said, sitting down at the kitchen table with the brunette. "I brought the twins up there with her so maybe they'll cheer her up."

"Hopefully," Carly said. "And how are you doing? All your wedding stuff was destroyed too."

"It sucks," Freddie said truthfully. "That was the most important day of my life and now everything from it is soaked in eighteen inches of dirty flood water in my basement. I mean that stuff's not like a T.V. or a couch; we can't just go out and buy new wedding memories!"

"No, I suppose you can't," Carly said slowly.

"I mean Sam and I are only ever going to have one wedding day," Freddie continued. "And it passed six years ago!"

"It did," Carly agreed. "But…hang on, Freddie, I-I think I have an idea."

"An idea?" Freddie repeated.

"Yeah, I-I think I know how you guys can maybe get back a few of your wedding memories!" Carly nodded excitedly.

"Whoa, that's great!" Freddie grinned. "But…how? Do you have a time machine or something?"

"No," Carly said. "But…okay, don't say anything, because we can surprise Sam with this, but here's what we've got to do…"