Harley Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

The Girl Who Lived

Chapter Nine

And They Say Adults Are Polite

Diagon Alley was full of sunlight as the bright rays of warmth shinned down on those individuals shopping for supplies for the next school year at Hogwarts. Sounds of loud laughter and giggling schools or talking witches and wizards echoed in the air. It was a beautiful day. One of those days that made everything seem all right. No one had yet to realize or even feel the darkness that was slowly beginning to form. It was something that they would regret. But for now, they all enjoyed the wonderful cloud free afternoon as they shopped and gossiped amongst one another. Young children raced through the alley, playing childish games of tag or running towards the candy store that was calling out to them to buy delicious sweets.

Two figures stood a few feet before the entrance of Diagon Alley. An older man with shoulder length black hair and bright blue eyes with tan skin stood with his hood up and eyes ever watchful of his surroundings. The younger girl, with messy raven black hair and amazing green eyes that were hard to describe, stood beside him. Her keen eyes looked around the alleyway with wariness.

Had she always been so oblivious? The answer, would be no. She was always watchful and distrustful of those around her. She was always aware of her surroundings, incase something would happen. It was how she grew up in the Orphanage. If you weren't aware of your surroundings, you'd end up getting attacked by the bullies or for some obscure reason, get caught by the Head, Mrs. Buckingham or the Orphanage staff. Now that would be a nightmare.

She really did hate the Orphanage and wondered what would happen if she burnt it down? Now that was a great idea. Shaking her thoughts away Harley glanced over at Regulus. "Come on Reggie. Let's head to the bookshop first. Then we can buy everything else." Harley stated. She pulled her black shirt down and adjusted her light blue jeans before making her way through the large mob of witches and wizards. Regulus kept pace with the twelve years old, his hand on her shoulder as they quickly pushed their way through.

The duo stopped before the bookshop and gazed up at Flourish and Blotts with dread. It was packed full with Hogwarts students and their families. Harley could hear the gossiping witches and giggling girls from where she stood outside the open door. Why was it so crowded? She wondered as she gazed over the building she soon found her answer. The reason for this was proclaimed by a large banner stretched across the upper windows: GILDEROY LOCKHART will be signing copies of his autobiography MAGICAL ME today 8 – 30 – 1992. "Do we have to go in?" Harley questioned with dread after reading the banner. Regulus gave her an un-amused stare before sighing.

"Unfortunately…yes." Regulus replied with a purse of his lips. Why did he get dragged into this? Oh yes, now he remembered, it was those damned puppy dog eyes that got him into it. "Come on Harley. Move it." He said, giving the girl a little shove forward. Harley stumbled forward and caught herself from falling. Giving him an evil glare that would have made Severus Snape proud, Harley straightened, dusting her clothes of invisible dust and with a determined look, stepped toward the doorway of Flourish and Blotts. Harley walked into the over crowded bookshop of Flourish and Blotts with a grimace of distaste across her features. Regulus followed behind her with his usual air of, I'm better than you, as they pushed their way through the crowd. His attitude tended to keep people away, thankfully.

The two companions, who had yet go shopping in Knockturn Alley, were making their way to buy her school supplies so she wouldn't have to later. She had promised to meet Hermione and the Weasley's to shop with them. She had not seen them since the beginning of summer and it would be nice to see them again. Harley had been too busy with her sessions as well as self-defense classes, that it had completely slipped her mind. Shoving and pushing her way through the large mob of giggling woman and girls whom spoke eagerly to one another, made Harley rather irritated.

"Harley, it's a pleasure to see you again." A familiar soft voice stated from the crowd to her right. The young raven turned and came face to face with Amethyst Malfoy, the oldest child of the Malfoy family. Her long shoulder length blonde hair was styled in a loose bun, allowing her bangs to fall at the side of her face. She wore a flowing white shirt with short blue shorts and white sandals, giving her an angelic look.

"Amethyst. It's lovely to see you again as well." Harley replied politely, nodding her head in greeting with a small smile. The large crowd continued to speak eagerly to one another, ignoring for once, that Harley Potter was in the store. It wasn't like Harley was complaining, she was glad they hadn't realized she was there yet. The loud voices continued to over lap each other, making it difficult for Harley to hear the soft spoken older girl who gave a kind, but beautiful, smile that showed straight white teeth. Amethyst looked across at the girl and noticed that Harley must be here for only one reason, shopping for her Hogwarts books.

"Here to get your school books?" Amethyst questioned, though assumed she already knew the answer. Harley gave a short nod of her head to the girls question as she gazed around the large flock of people, trying to catch sight of the Weasley's and Hermione. "Yes, are you?" She questioned curiously. Her eyes flickered to Amethyst who was also looking around the room. "I am. I'm with my parents, along with Draco and Felicity." The blonde haired Malfoy stated with a shrug. Harley made no comment at that. She didn't like the girl's family, but she did like Amethyst. Her eyes scanned over the girl again, vaguely wondered how much her outfit must have cost. It looked like it came from Gucci. Knowing the heritage and wealth of the Malfoy's, it would have cost a fortune. After all, the Malfoys had to have the best of the best.

Harley herself wore a pair of cheap light blue torn jeans at the knees and thigh with a black wife beater shirt with a bra, seeing as she came into puberty early and black converse shoes that were covered by her blue jeans. All together, her outfit cost thirty dollars. Not nearly as expensive as anything a Pureblood family would spend. "How has your summer been Harley?" Amethyst questioned with a smile. Harley almost felt like she was speaking with an older sister. It was rather odd. She had never had a family before, and to know Amethyst actually cared to know was different.

"Fine. I've been keeping myself busy with self defense classes and school work." She replied with a careless shrug.

"I hope your summer has been good." Harley stated as her verdant eyes finally landed on a group of red heads. An amused look crossed her face as she noticed the look of absolute disgust and boredom on their boys face, while the females of the group, namely Molly, Ginny and Hermione, where all giggly and smiles.

"It's been good. I've been spending more time with friends than family. I love them, but my father has been a little…easily aggravated for some unknown reason." Amethyst replied with a furrow of her eyebrows and frown on her pink lips.

"That's odd. He's usually not like that?" Harley questioned. Amethyst gave a shake of her head.

"No. He's usually very relaxed and not as cruel as he has been. Something must have gotten him riled up." Harley found that statement curious. What could Mr. Malfoy possibly be worrying over that would make him so easily angered? It would be something she would think about later. For now, she had a family to say hello to.

"If you'll excuse me Amethyst. I found who I was searching for." Harley remarked. Amethyst gave a wave goodbye before disappearing into the crowd of witches. The raven-haired girl pushed through the giggling groups of witches with a roll of her eyes. She noticed from the corner of her eye Regulus standing in the dark aisle in between two book shelves, watching her closely.

"Harley! Glad to see you here!" Ron exclaimed as he took notice of his best friend walking towards him and his family. At the exclamation Fred and George Weasley's head snapped towards the young girl.

"Harley!" The twins chorused, pushing their brother out of their way as they tackled the girl with a breathless hug. Harley gasped for air as she stumbled back from the death hugs that boys must have gotten from their mother. Only the Weasley's could give hugs that made you dread actually receiving said hug.

"Nice…to see you too." She gasped breathlessly. "Can't…breathe…guys." She choked out with an amused smile. Her pale face was flushed a dark pink. Her unruly hair was messier after their hug.

"Sorry Harley." The boys chorused again, pulling away from their younger friend, as they smiled impishly. Harley smiled with a shake of her head, straightening her clothes and hair out as best she could.

"We missed you!" They explained with nods of their heads. "Why didn't you answer our letters?" They pouted, crossing their arms over their chests with frowns on their faces. Harley laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh I don't know. I guess I don't care enough about you two." She stated jokingly, causing the boys to pull fake hurtful looks. Their hands went to their hearts, gasping with over dramatic sniffles. Fred and George looked away with a playful depressed look on their faces.

"I see how it is –" George started.

"We're not important enough –" Fred added.

"For you anymore –" George replied, glancing at the raven-haired girl quickly.

"No, no, it's fine –" Fred added at Harley, turning to look at her as she opened her mouth to speak.

"We'll continue on without you." The boys finished together. Harley laughed and shook her head with amusement. Her face lightened at how the boys could make her feel so amused and cheerful. She did miss them dearly. They were her best friends along with Hermione and Ron. They always knew how to make her laugh and loosen up.

"You know I love you both." Harley stated with a wink. Pulling them into a quick hug she kissed both of their cheeks. George and Fred blushed a light shade of pink before looking away from the young raven-haired girl. "Aww did I make you two blush? Is the world ending?" Harley joked with a chuckle at their embarrassment. She looked towards Ron who was glaring at his older brothers. Smiling at her best friend, she winked one last time to the twins before she walked around them and over to Ron. "How have you been Ron?" Harley questioned, giving him a hug before pulling away from him. Ron shrugged with a laugh and looked to his older brothers who where looking at Harley.

"Oh, I've been fine. I was ready to kill these two over the summer. They wouldn't stop asking me about you Harley. Ginny was acting the same way. They couldn't stop asking questions! It was driving me mental! Fred and George seemed to almost get depressed when you weren't answering any ones owls mail. Why was that?" Ron questioned. As he had spoken, Hermione walked up from behind him with a smile. Having to push herself through the maze of people in the bookshop just to reach them.

"Harley, it's good to see you!" Hermione exclaimed as she pulled her best friend into a hug they pulled away with smiles both on their faces.

"Good to see you too." Harley stated to her female best friend. Looking back to Ron she spoke, not realizing Fred and George where now standing behind her. "To answer your question, I had a house elf, named Dobby, keeping my mail from me, up until a day ago." Harley stated. "He also got me into trouble by causing the fire sprinklers to go off." Harley sighed with a shake of her head.

"A house elf did that to you? Why?" Hermione, Ron, Fred and George chorused at once.

"Let's not have you do that anymore." Harley said with a laugh. "Something about some plot starting up in Hogwarts again." She rolled her eyes. "Not that, that would be the first." She added, remembering the year before. They all nodded in agreement at her statement. Hogwarts seemed to be always having something dangerous happening, ever since Harley started Hogwarts a year ago.

"Ladies and gentleman. I present to you, Gilderoy Lockhart!" Mr. Watson exclaimed loudly. Suddenly the sounds of loud squealing and giggling echoed loudly in the shop. Covering her ears, along with Ron, Fred and George they glanced at each other with raised eyebrows. The girls and women giggled and whispered excitedly between each other, all of them eager to see him. Harley watched with disinterest as the man, Gilderoy Lockhart stepped out from behind a curtain. He had curly blonde hair with bright blue eyes. A sparkling white smile crossed his face as he looked around the large mob filled with mostly woman and teenage girls.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm so pleased to see you here." Lockhart stated with a charming smile. He winked at a few women, causing them to giggle and blush. Harley scoffed and rolled her eyes. Crossing her arms she raised an eyebrow with disgust. This wizard was so full of himself it was making her feel sick. Lockhart gazed around the room, his eyes scanning over Harley once, but realize just who she was. "I'm sure you are all wondering about my latest book?" He questioned allowed, causing yet another cheer and squealing voices.

"Big deal." Ron muttered as he rubbed his sore foot after getting stepped on. Gilderoy Lockhart heard him and looked to Ron and then to Harley. Harley had rolled her eyes with annoyance. Brushing her hair out of her face she didn't realize she had brushed it away from hiding her lightening bolt scar.

"It can't be..." Gilderoy paused as he caught the sight of Harley standing between her friends. He noticed the lightening bolt scar on her forehead. "It can't be Harley Potter?" He exclaimed positively as he jumped up from near the table with a sparkle shinning in his eyes.

"Harley Potter?" An eager reporter from the Daily Prophet questioned. The man reached forehead and grabbed Harley by the arm, causing her to stumble forward.

"Watch it." She snapped as she almost fell into the table. The report of the Daily Prophet pushed her towards Gilderoy Lockhart, who wrapped his arms around her eagerly.

"This is a glorious day today. Not only is Harley Potter coming to get her new school books for the year, but she's also going to get every one of my books for free!" Gilderoy stated with his charming smile. Women and girls clapped and cheered at this generous offer. Harley rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah, real wonderful. Don't know why people waste their money on those crackpot books." Harley muttered under her breath, it went unheard by Gilderoy.

"Smile, Harley. You'll be on the front of every newspaper." Gilderoy stated, pulling Harley into his side making her grimace.

"Oi, watch it you pedophile." She exclaimed angrily as the flashes of cameras went off as she glared uncomfortably at the newspaper reporters. Many gasped at the words that left the girls lips. She kicked Lockhart in the knee, causing the man to grunt and grab his leg with pain. "I'm not for your pleasure!" Harley stated in an 'angry' voice. Fred, George and Ron cracked up laughing as they watched Harley make a fool out of Gilderoy Lockhart. "I have you know I'm an innocent twelve year old and you're all grabby and touchy!" She adjusted her hold on the books that she had been given. "And look! He's already giving me presents!" She called out. Fred and George held onto each other as they laughed hysterically. There sides hurt from laughing so much as tears glistened in their eyes. Ron leaned against his brothers as he laughed loudly. Oh his friend was good. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to leave. You make me sick! Trying to touch a young girl! Am I the first?" She snapped before storming away and over to the Weasley's.

Molly looked shocked and furious while Ginny and Hermione looked stuck between amused, surprised and angry. "Here Mrs. Weasley. You can use these books for Ginny. I can buy my own pair." Harley said as she pushed the books into Molly's arms.

"Why…why thank you dear." Molly stuttered with surprise. She blinked and shook her head. "Now Harley, what was that about?" The older woman demanded.

"That was me defending my honor." Harley replied simply, making the boys laugh. Molly huffed with a shake of her head. "Come along Ginny, we need to sign these books." Molly spoke as she grabbed her eleven-year-old daughters hand.

"That was brilliant Harley!" The twins chorused in amusement.

"That was wicked Harley!" Ron replied with a large smile. "

Harley! Do you know how much drama and gossip you just caused?" Hermione questioned with a disapproving look on her features.

"Enough to cause a problem?" She inquired with a small smirk. Hermione huffed with a shake of her head before storming off to buy her books. "What's with her?" Harley looked to the boys as she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb at the upset brunette.

"She has a little crush on Lockhart." George said with a shake of his head. "

Just like mum and Ginny do." Fred spoke next with a disgusted look.

"Every woman and girl does. Expect for you Harley, of course." Ron quickly said after the glare he received from Harley when he had said everyone woman and girl.

"I didn't know your sister was eleven." Harley stated, changing the subject. She raised her eyebrow in curiosity.

"She's small for her age, that's why everyone thinks she's a nine or ten." Fred explained.

"Ginny gets pretty angry when we tease her about it." George added with a smirk across his lips.

Harley rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You shouldn't tease her like that you know." Harley remarked as they walked towards the entrance/exit of the bookshop, away from the large mob. Fred, George and Ron snorted at her statement. She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, excuse me." She stated as she bumped into a tall slim figure. She looked up to see Draco, Amethyst and Felicity's father.

Lucius Malfoy looked around at the small group, a sneer on his lips before landing on Harley. He held a superior look across his face, making her roll her eyes. He wore a black expensive looking cloak that covered his black outfit. He held a cane in his hand with a silver snake on top of it with green eyes. "Ms. Potter. I should have realized it was you who bumped into me a year ago." Lucius remarked with a cold look in his eyes. Harley looked determinedly back into the long blonde haired man's eyes.

"Not one of my fondest memories, Mr. Malfoy." Harley replied with a politely forced smile. Lucius raised an eyebrow and shrugged carelessly, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Yes, I see that. I see you and your…friends, have acquired all your school books." Lucius stated with a small tilt of his chin to the books in their hand.

"School begins soon, of course you know that. Seeing as your children are here with you." Harley glanced over her shoulder to see Felicity and Draco Malfoy walking down the second floor stairs and towards their father. Lucius looked to his two children and sighed. His eldest always seemed to disobey him.

"Where is your older sister Draco?" Lucius questioned his son with raise of his eyebrow.

"I don't know father. I last saw her talking with Cedric Diggory." Draco replied obediently to his father. He knew not to lie to his father, his father wasn't the most pleasant person to be around when he was angry.

"Go get her then." He ordered. Harley watched this interaction with a raise of her eyebrow. It seemed that even Pureblood families had issues between each other. Draco nodded and rushed swiftly back up the stairs towards the second floor.

"Are you children ready? It's a mad house in here." Arthur Weasley stated as he walked up behind the small group of children.

"Well…well, Weasley senior." Lucius sneered out with a raised eyebrow. "Trying to scavenge money for books?"

Arthur looked to the man with an angry look. "Lucius, how unfortunate to see you here." He replied with a glare.

"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not." Lucius Malfoy reached into Ginny's cauldron and extracted, from amid the glossy Lockhart books, a very old, very battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. "Obviously not, " Mr. Malfoy said. "Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" Mr. Weasley flushed darker than either Ron or Ginny.

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy. " Arthur said.

"Clearly," said Mr. Malfoy, his pale eyes straying to Mr. And Mrs. Granger, who were watching apprehensively. "The company you keep, Weasley... And I thought your family could sink no lower-"There was a thud of metal as Ginny's cauldron went flying; Mr. Weasley had thrown himself at Mr. Malfoy, knocking him backward into a bookshelf. Dozens of heavy spell books came thundering down on all their heads; there was a yell of,

"Get him, Dad!" from Fred or George.

Mrs. Weasley was shrieking, "No, Arthur, No!" The crowd stampeded backward, knocking more shelves over.

"Gentlemen, please! Please!" Cried the assistant, and then, louder than all, "Break it up, there, gents, break it up!" Hagrid waded towards the group through the sea of books. In an instant he had pulled Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy apart. Mr. Weasley had a cut lip while Mr. Malfoy had a black eye from an Encyclopedia of Toadstools hitting him. He was still holding Ginny's old Transfiguration book. Mr. Malfoy thrust it at Ginny, his eyes glittering with malice.

"Here, girl - take your book - it's the best your father can give you." Mr. Malfoy pulled himself out of Hagrid's grip he beckoned to his children. Amethyst, Draco and Felicity quickly rushed through the crowd and after their father, who had swept out from the shop.

"And I thought adults were polite." Harley stated aloud. Many of the occupants looked at the Girl-Who-Lived with raised eyebrows. The Weasley's looked to their friend with a shake of their heads. Harley was always an odd one.

"Yeh should've ignored him, Arthur, " said Hagrid, almost lifting Mr. Weasley off his feet as he straightened his robes. "Rotten ter the core, the whole family, everyone knows that no Malfoy's worth listenin' ter. Bad blood, that's what it is - come on now - let's get outta here. "The assistant looked as though he wanted to stop them leaving, but he barely came up to Hagrid's waist and seemed to think better of it.

They hurried up the street, the Grangers shaking with fright and Mrs. Weasley was beside herself with fury. "A fine example to set for your children... Brawling in public... What Gilderoy Lockhart must have thought?" Molly grumbled aloud to her husband.

Harley stood beside the Weasley's, keeping her opinion to herself. Regulus followed at a safe distant, a large smirk across his lips in amused pleasure at what had happened to Lucius. "He was pleased." Stated Fred. "Didn't you hear him as we were leaving? He was asking that bloke from the Daily Prophet if he'd be able to work the fight into his report -said it was all publicity."

"I'm sorry Molly." Arthur stated softly to his angry wife. "Malfoy has always been able to get under by skin when making comments on my family."

Molly sighed and shook her head, her light red hair, almost an orange, fell into her face as her sky blue eyes looked into her husbands ocean blue eyes. "Oh Arthur. I know he's always being so cruel about the family, but you shouldn't allow him to get to you."

Harley had a frown on her lips as she listened to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talk in soft voices. "Don't worry Mr. Weasley. If I have to, I'll deal with the Dailey Prophet if they do put what happened in their and make you seem like a bad guy." She vowed. These people were her family. They had made her feel protected and loved. It was the least she could do.

"Oh dear, you don't have to." Molly stated as she looked to the young raven-haired girl who she already saw as a daughter.

"Yes, I do. You're all very kind and caring to me. You're my family that I've never had the privilege to have." Harley replied. Molly's eyes glittered in the light. Where those tears? She wondered. "It was nice seeing you Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley. I'll see you guys September 1st." She said. Walking up she quickly gave them all hugs.

The subdued group said their goodbyes, before the Weasley's disappeared through the Floo. Mr. and Mrs. Granger quickly said their goodbyes to Harley and Hermione gave her first friend another hug before her and her parents walked out through the doorway of the Leaky Cauldron. Regulus stepped out from the shadows, stopping at Harley's side. He looked down at the girl to see her eyes furrowed. "Harley?" Regulus questioned slowly, wariness in his voice at the thoughtful look on her face. Harley was a Slytherin no matter if she was in Gryffindor. She was a snake in lion's clothes and that was what made her dangerous and surprising. Harley knew how to be sneaky and cunning.

"I need to go to Gringotts." Harley announced. With no other word, she turned back on her heel and made her way back to Diagon Alley. Her mind raced with many ideas and thoughts. She would do whatever she could to help the Weasley's and other dark creatures from the likes of Mr. Malfoy. Her gut feeling told her that if she did what she could to help them now, that in later years, it would benefit her in some way, she just wasn't sure just what that was.

Well, there you have it, Chapter Nine of Harley Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It's been awhile since I updated, but I had a writer's block and was too tired to actually write since I've been busy with school and job hunting.

I have to say, in the book, one of my favorite parts was when Mr. Weasley jumps Mr. Malfoy. It cracked me up. I hope you like that I added it in. I couldn't help myself adding that part with Harley calling Lockhart a Pedophile for grabbing her and pulling her to him. I was a little hyper when I wrote that. :]

Reviews and criticism would be nice! Just if you don't like the story, then don't bother commenting, it wouldn't do you any good.

Also if there are any errors, than I'm sorry about that. I have to reread the story myself, which is tiring. So, whenever I feel up to it, I'll reread it and edit any grammar mistakes and anything else I find wrong.

Your Writer,
